• 33:1 But now, Job, hear my speaking, And give ear to all my words.
  • 然而约伯阿,请听我的话,侧耳听我一切的言语。
  • 33:2 Indeed now, I have opened my mouth; My tongue has spoken in my mouth.
  • 请看,我已经开口,我的舌头已经在我口中发言。
  • 33:3 My words manifest the uprightness of my heart, And what my lips know they speak sincerely.
  • 我的言语显明我心中的正直;我嘴唇所知道的,就清洁无伪的说出。
  • 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty has enlivened me.
  • 神的灵造了我,全能者的气使我得生。
  • 33:5 If you can, respond to me; Arrange your words before me; take your stand.
  • 你若能,就回答我;请站起来,在我面前陈明。
  • 33:6 Indeed, I am before God as you are; I too was cut out of clay.
  • 看哪,我在神面前与你一样,也是由泥土中捏出来的。
  • 33:7 So no fear of me can terrify you, Nor can my pressure be heavy upon you.
  • 我的威吓不能使你惊惶,我的压力在你身上也不会沉重。
  • 33:8 You have surely spoken in my hearing, And I have heard the voice of your words, saying,
  • 你所说的我听见了,我听见你言语的声音,说,
  • 33:9 I am clean and without transgression; I am pure, and there is no iniquity in me.
  • 我是清洁无过的;我是纯洁的,在我里面也没有罪孽。
  • 33:10 See, He finds occasions for hostility against me; He considers me as His enemy.
  • 看哪,神找机会攻击我,以我为仇敌,
  • 33:11 He puts my feet in stocks; He watches all my paths.
  • 把我的脚上了木狗,察看我一切的行径。
  • 33:12 However, in this you are not right, I will answer you, For God is greater than man.
  • 我要回答你说,你这话不对,因神比人更大。
  • 33:13 Why do you contend with Him, Saying that He does not answer for any of His affairs?
  • 你为何与祂争论说,祂的事祂都不回答呢?
  • 33:14 For God speaks in one way, Indeed in two ways, without any perceiving it -
  • 原来神用一种方式,甚至用两种方式说话,人却不理会;
  • 33:15 In a dream, a night vision, When deep sleep falls upon men In the slumberings upon their beds -
  • (人在床上打盹沉睡的时候,神在梦中,在夜间的异象里说话;)
  • 33:16 Then He opens the ears of men And seals up their instruction,
  • 神就开通人的耳朵,将他们当受的教训印在他们心上,
  • 33:17 That He may turn man aside from his doing And hide pride from man.
  • 好叫人转离自己所行的,又将骄傲从人除掉。
  • 33:18 He keeps his soul from the pit, And his life from perishing by the sword.
  • 祂使人的魂不陷在坑里,使人的生命不灭在刀下。
  • 33:19 He is also chastened with pain upon his bed And with continual strife in his bones,
  • 人在床上被神用痛苦惩治,骨头不住的挣扎;
  • 33:20 So that his life abhors bread, And his soul, fancy food.
  • 以致他的生命厌弃食物,他的魂厌恶美味。
  • 33:21 His flesh is so consumed that it cannot be seen, And his bones that had not been seen stick out.
  • 他的肉消瘦,以致看不见,先前不见的骨头,都凸出来。
  • 33:22 And his soul draws near to the pit, And his life, to the destroyers.
  • 他的魂临近深坑,他的生命接近灭命者。
  • 33:23 If there is with him an angel, An interpreter, one of a thousand, To declare to man what is right for him,
  • 一千天使中,若有一个在他身旁作传话的,指示人所当行的事,
  • 33:24 Then He will be gracious to him and will say, Redeem him from going down into the pit; I have found a ransom.
  • 神就向他开恩,说,救赎他免下深坑;我已经得了赎价。
  • 33:25 His flesh will be fresher than in childhood; He will return to the days of his youth.
  • 他的肉要比孩童的肉更嫩;他就反老还童。
  • 33:26 He will pray to God, and He will accept him, So that he sees His face with joyous shouting; And God restores to man his righteousness.
  • 他祷告神,神就悦纳他,使他欢呼朝见神的面;神又使人复得他的义。
  • 33:27 He will sing to men and say, I sinned and perverted what was right, But it was not paid back to me.
  • 他要向人歌唱说,我犯了罪,屈枉正直,却未受报应。
  • 33:28 He has redeemed my soul from perishing in the pit, And my life will see the light.
  • 神救赎了我的魂免入深坑;我的生命也必见光。
  • 33:29 Indeed, all these things God accomplishes for a man, Twice, even three times,
  • 看哪,神两次、三次向人行这一切的事,
  • 33:30 To bring his soul back from the pit, To enlighten him with the light of the living.
  • 为要从深坑救回人的魂,以活人之地的光照耀他。
  • 33:31 Take heed, Job; hear me. Be silent, and I will speak.
  • 约伯阿,你当侧耳听我的话;不要作声,我要说话。
  • 33:32 If you have anything to say, answer me; Speak, for I desire to justify you.
  • 你若有话说,就可以回答我;你只管说,因我愿以你为是。
  • 33:33 If not, you listen to me; Be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.
  • 若不然,你就听我说;你不要作声,我便将智慧教训你。