- 13:1 The burden concerning Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw:
- 13:2 Upon a bare mountain raise up a standard; Lift up your voice to them. Wave your hand that they may enter The gates of the nobles.
- 13:3 I Myself have commanded My sanctified ones; I have also called My mighty ones to My wrath, Those who exult in My majesty.
- 13:4 The sound of a tumult in the mountains, Like that of many peoples! The sound of an uproar of the kingdoms, Of nations gathered together! Jehovah of hosts is mustering An army for battle.
- 13:5 They are coming from a distant land, From the ends of heaven-Jehovah and the instruments of His indignation-To ruin all the land.
- 13:6 Howl, for the day of Jehovah has drawn near! As destruction from the Almighty, it will come.
- 13:7 Because of this all the hands will drop, And every human heart will melt;
- 13:8 And people will be dismayed. Pangs and anguish will seize them; Like a woman giving birth, they will writhe. Each man will look toward his neighbor dumbfounded; Their faces are inflamed.
- 13:9 Now the day of Jehovah is coming-Cruel and with overflowing wrath and burning anger-To make the land a desolation; And He will destroy its sinners off of it.
- 13:10 For the stars of heaven and their constellations Will not shine forth their light; The sun will be dark at its rising, And the moon will not let its light shine.
- 13:11 And I will punish the world for its evil, And the wicked for their iniquity; I will stop the arrogance of the proud, And the haughtiness of the terrible I will abase.
- 13:12 I will make mortal man rarer than pure gold, And mankind rarer than the gold of Ophir.
- 13:13 Hence, I will make the heavens shake, And the earth will quake out of its place, At the overflowing wrath of Jehovah of hosts, In the day of His burning anger.
- 13:14 And like the hunted gazelle And sheep without someone to gather them, Each man will turn to his own people, And each will flee to his own land.
- 13:15 Everyone found will be pierced through, And everyone caught will fall by the sword.
- 13:16 And their little ones will be dashed to pieces Before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered, And their wives will be attacked.
- 13:17 Now I rouse up the Medes against them, Who will not esteem silver highly, Nor take delight in gold.
- 13:18 Their bows will shatter the young men; And they will not have compassion on the fruit of the womb: Their eyes will have no pity on children.
- 13:19 And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, The glory of the Chaldeans' majesty, Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah:
- 13:20 It will not be inhabited forever; It will not be dwelt in from generation to generation. And the Arab will not set up his tent there, Nor will the shepherds make their flocks lie down there.
- 13:21 But desert animals will lie down there, And their houses will be full of wild dogs; There ostriches will dwell, And wild goats will prance there;
- 13:22 Hyenas will respond in their citadels, And jackals in their exquisite palaces. Her time is about to come, And her days will not be prolonged.