2019年 夏季训练


« 第八篇 »

Message Eight Authority, Rebellion, the Vindication of Delegated Authority, and a Proper Representative of God


Scripture Reading: Num. 12:1-15; 16:1—17:13; 20:2-13, 24; 27:12-14; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10

壹 神是最高的权柄;祂有一切的权柄——罗九21~22:
  God is the supreme authority; He has all authority—Rom. 9:21-22:

一 神的权柄代表神自己,神的能力仅代表神的作为——徒十七24。
  God’s authority represents God Himself; God’s power only represents God’s works—Acts 17:24.

二 神的权柄实际上就是神自己;权柄是出于神自己的所是——启二二1。
  God’s authority is actually God Himself; authority issues out from God’s own being—Rev. 22:1.

三 无论什么权柄——属灵的、地位的、行政的——都是出于神——林后十8,十三10,约十九10~11,创九6。
  All authority—spiritual, positional, and governmental—derives from God—2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10; John 19:10-11; Gen. 9:6.

四 我们摸到神的权柄,就是摸到神自己——赛六1~5:
  When we touch God’s authority, we touch God Himself—Isa. 6:1-5:

1 碰见神权柄的,就是遇见了神——摩四12。
  Meeting God’s authority is the same as meeting God—Amos 4:12.

2 得罪神的权柄,就是得罪神自己。
  Offending God’s authority is the same as offending God Himself.

五 在我们与神的关系中,没有什么比碰着权柄更重要——徒九5,太十一25。
  In our relationship with God, nothing is more important than touching authority—Acts 9:5; Matt. 11:25.

六 认识权柄是里面的开启,不是外面的教导——徒二二6~16。
  Knowing authority is an inward revelation rather than an outward teaching—Acts 22:6-16.

七 只有神是人直接的权柄;其他一切的权柄都是间接的权柄——神设立的代表权柄——但四32、34~37:
  Only God is the direct authority to man; all other authorities are indirect authorities—delegated authorities, deputy authorities, appointed by God—Dan. 4:32, 34-37:

1 唯有我们碰着神的权柄,我们才能顺服神所设立的代表权柄——太二八18,来十三17,彼前五5。
  Only when we meet God’s authority can we submit to the delegated authority whom God appoints—Matt. 28:18; Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:5.

2 神不只要我们顺服祂自己,神也要我们顺服祂一切的代表权柄——罗十三1~7,林后十8,十三10,来十三17。
  God requires that we submit not only to Him but to all delegated authorities—Rom. 13:1-7; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10; Heb. 13:17.

3 一切不顺服神间接权柄的人,都是不服神直接的权柄。
  Those who do not submit to God’s indirect authority cannot submit to God’s direct authority.

4 神要我们顺服间接的权柄(即代表权柄),而得到属灵的供应。
  God wants us to submit to indirect authority—delegated authorities—so that we may receive spiritual supply.

八 我们总得碰着权柄,受神约束,也受代表权柄的引领——赛三七16,腓二12,来十三17。
  We all must meet authority, be restricted by God, and be led by His delegated authority—Isa. 37:16; Phil. 2:12; Heb. 13:17.

贰 宇宙中有两个大原则——神的权柄和撒但的背叛;神和撤但之间所争执的唯一问题,与权柄和背叛有关——徒二六18,西一13:
  There are two great principles in the universe—God’s authority and Satan’s rebellion; the unique controversy between God and Satan concerns authority and rebellion—Acts 26:18; Col. 1:13:

一 背叛乃是否认神的权柄,也是拒绝神的管治:
  Rebellion is the denial of God’s authority and the rejection of God’s rule:

1 撒但原是神所造的天使长,但由于他的骄傲,他高举自己、干犯神的主宰、背叛神,就成了神的对头,建立他自己的国——赛十四12~14,结二八2~19,太十二26。
  Satan was originally an archangel created by God, but due to his pride he uplifted himself, violated God’s sovereignty, rebelled against God, became God’s adversary, and established his own kingdom—Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:2-19; Matt. 12:26.

2 当人犯罪时,就背叛神,否认神的权柄,并拒绝神的管治;在巴别那里,人集体背叛神,要从地上废除神的权柄——创三1~6,十一1~9。
  When man sinned, he rebelled against God, denied God’s authority, and rejected God’s rule; at Babel men rebelled collectively against God to abolish God’s authority from the earth—Gen. 3:1-6; 11:1-9.

二 撒但虽然干犯神的权柄,人也干犯神的权柄,背叛神,神却不让这个背叛继续下去,祂要在地上建立祂的国——启十一15。
  Although Satan rebelled against God’s authority and although man violates His authority by rebelling against Him, God will not let this rebellion continue; He will establish His kingdom on the earth—Rev. 11:15.

三 宇宙中争执的中心,乃是谁该得着权柄——四2~3:
  The center of dispute in the universe relates to who has authority—4:2-3:

1 我们要和撒但争执,肯定权柄是属于神的——徒十七24、30。
  We must contend with Satan by asserting that authority is with God—Acts 17:24, 30.

2 我们要存心顺服神的权柄,维持神的权柄——太十一25。
  We need to set ourselves to submit to God’s authority and uphold God’s authority—Matt. 11:25.

四 背叛的罪比什么罪都厉害——撒上十五23。
  The sin of rebellion is more serious than any other kind of sin—1 Sam. 15:23.

叁 民数记十二和十六章说到背叛神的代表权柄:
  Chapters 12 and 16 of Numbers speak of rebellion against God’s delegated authority:

一 米利暗和亚伦毁谤摩西,乃是毁谤神的代表权柄——十二1~15:
  In speaking against Moses, Miriam and Aaron were speaking against the deputy authority of God—12:1-15:

1 神指派摩西作祂在地上代理、代表的权柄;摩西所代表的乃是神的权柄——出三10~18上,七1。
  God had appointed Moses to be His deputy authority, His representative authority on earth; the authority that Moses represented was the authority of God—Exo. 3:10-18a; 7:1.

2 按照神行政的管理,米利暗和亚伦都该服从摩西;他们却背叛了——民十二1~2。
  According to God’s governmental administration, Miriam and Aaron should have submitted themselves to Moses, but they rebelled—Num. 12:1-2.

3 亚伦和米利暗不认识权柄,反而起了背叛的心——1~2节。
  Neither Aaron nor Miriam knew authority; instead, they fostered a rebellious heart—vv. 1-2.

4 背叛的话往上升,被神听见了——2节下:
  The words of rebellion ascended upward and were heard by God—v. 2b:

a 亚伦、米利暗得罪摩西时,就是得罪摩西身上的神,所以神发怒了。
  When Miriam and Aaron offended Moses, they offended God in Moses; therefore, God became angry.

b 人一碰着代表的权柄,就是碰着那代表权柄身上的神。
  Once a person touches delegated authority, he touches God in that delegated authority.

c 得罪代表权柄,就是得罪神——4~10节。
  To offend the delegated authority is to offend God—vv. 4-10.

5 米利暗患了麻风,这是神行政的对付——10节。
  Miriam’s becoming leprous was God’s governmental dealing—v. 10.

二 十六章所记载的背叛是团体的背叛:
  The rebellion recorded in chapter 16 was a corporate rebellion:

1 本章的背叛,是神百姓中间广泛、普遍的背叛——19节上。
  The rebellion in this chapter was a widespread, universal rebellion among God’s people—v. 19a.

2 民数记十六章三节、九至十节的话,表明这次背叛的根乃是野心,要争夺权力和更高的地位:
  Numbers 16:3, 9, and 10 show that the root of this rebellion was ambition, the struggle for power and for a higher position:

a 野心暗中破坏神的计划,并败坏神的子民。
  Ambition undermines God’s plan and damages His people.

b 历世纪以来,基督徒中间的许多难处都是由野心引起的——参太二十20~28,约叁9~11。
  Throughout the centuries many problems among Christians have been caused by ambition—cf. Matt. 20:20-28; 3 John 9-11.

3 摩西虽然谦卑地面伏于地(民十六4),却没有放弃他蒙神所赐,作神代表权柄的地位(3~11、16~18):
  Although Moses was humble in falling on his face (Num. 16:4), he did not give up his God-given position as God’s deputy authority (vv. 5-11, 16-18):

a 摩西没有反击,反倒将背叛者和他们所背叛的人带到神面前——5节。
  Moses did not fight back; rather, he brought the rebels and the ones against whom they rebelled to God—v. 5.

b 摩西是神代表的权柄,是神所委派的权柄,他将这案件交给神这最高的权柄,让神说话、暴露并审判——6~35节。
  As God’s deputy, or delegated, authority, Moses referred this case to God as the highest authority, for His speaking, exposing, and judging—vv. 6-35.

c 在争夺权力的事上,唯一能审判并暴露真实光景的,乃是神自己——30~33节。
  In a struggle for power, the only One who can judge and expose the real situation is God Himself—vv. 30-33.

4 百姓向摩西、亚伦发怨言,证明他们背叛的天性还没有被征服——41节。
  The murmuring of the people against Moses and Aaron proves that their rebellious nature had not been subdued—v. 41.

肆 民数记十六章说到人背叛神的代表权柄,以及人如何抵挡神的代表权柄;十七章说到神表白祂所设立的权柄:
  Numbers 16 speaks of man’s rebellion against God’s deputy authority and how man opposed God’s deputy authority; chapter 17 speaks of God’s vindication of His appointed authority:

一 神向每个人表白:祂的代表权柄是出乎祂的设立——5节。
  God vindicated to everyone that deputy authority is according to His appointment—v. 5.

二 可拉和他一党的背叛,与祭司职分有关(十六3、8~10),所以亚伦的杖发芽乃是个表白,指明亚伦蒙神悦纳,在神所赐的祭司职分上有权柄(十七2~10)。
  Since the rebellion of Korah and his company was related to the priesthood (16:3, 8-10), the budding of Aaron’s rod was a vindication indicating that Aaron was the one accepted by God as having authority in the God-given ministry of the priesthood (17:2-10).

三 亚伦发芽的杖预表复活的基督,就是发芽、开花、结果的基督,把生命分赐给人——8节:
  The budding rod of Aaron typifies the resurrected Christ—the budding, blossoming, and fruit-bearing Christ—who imparts life to others—v. 8:

1 基督是宇宙中最大的发芽的杖,将生命分赐给人;祂总是流出生命来点活人——约十二24,彼前一3。
  Christ, the greatest budding rod in the universe, imparts life to others; He always flows out life to enliven others—John 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:3.

2 今天基督仍在发芽,我们就是祂发芽所产生的果子——熟杏。
  Today Christ is still budding, and we are the fruit, the almonds, of His budding.

四 在预表里,杖表征权柄——参林前四21:
  In typology a rod signifies authority—cf. 1 Cor. 4:21:

1 在民数记十七章,杖代表十二支派的首领(2),亚伦的杖代表利未支派(3)。
  In Numbers 17 the rods represented the leaders of the twelve tribes (v. 2), and Aaron’s rod represented the tribe of Levi (v. 3).

2 神的心意是要借这根枯杖的发芽,使百姓的怨言止息。
  It was God’s intention that the budding of a dead rod would cause the murmurings of the people to cease.

3 神借着杖的发芽向以色列人和亚伦说话——8节。
  Through the budding of the rod, God spoke to the Israelites and also to Aaron—v. 8.

五 发芽的杖表征我们经历复活的基督,使我们在神所赐的职事上有权柄——来九4,民十七1~10:
  The budding rod signifies our experience of Christ in His resurrection as our authority in the God-given ministry—Heb. 9:4; Num. 17:1-10:

1 发芽、开花、结果的杖表征基督复活的生命及其权柄——8节,约十一25。
  The budding, blossoming, fruit-yielding rod signifies the resurrection life of Christ with its authority—v. 8; John 11:25.

2 复活乃是权柄的根据——林后一8~9,十8,十三4、10:
  Resurrection is the basis of authority—2 Cor. 1:8-9; 10:8; 13:4, 10:

a 发芽的杖指明权柄是根据复活——民十七8。
  The budding rod indicates that authority is based on resurrection—Num. 17:8.

b 神设立权柄的根据是复活——林后一8~9,十8,十三10。
  The basis of God’s appointment of authority is resurrection—2 Cor. 1:8-9; 10:8; 13:10.

c 神对祂所设立之权柄的表白,乃是根据复活——民十七5、8。
  The basis of God’s vindication of His appointed authority is resurrection—Num. 17:5, 8.

伍 被神设立为代表权柄的人,必须是神正确的代表——十二3~8,十六1~5、28,林后五20:
  One who has been appointed by God to be a deputy authority must be a proper representative of God—12:3-8; 16:1-5, 28; 2 Cor. 5:20:

一 在出埃及记和民数记十二与十六章,摩西正确地代表神。
  In Exodus and in Numbers 12 and 16, Moses represented God in a proper way.

二 我们需要从摩西在代表神的事上一次的失败学习严肃的功课——二十2~13:
  We need to learn a serious lesson from the one time that Moses failed to represent God—20:2-13:

1 摩西击打磐石两下并称百姓为背叛的人,没有在以色列人眼前尊神为圣——10~12节:
  In striking the rock twice and in calling the people rebels, Moses did not sanctify God in the sight of the people of Israel—vv. 10-12:

a 尊神为圣,就是使祂成为圣别的,也就是使祂从一切假神分别出来;没有尊神为圣,就是使祂成为凡俗的——12节。
  To sanctify God is to make Him holy, that is, separate from all the false gods; to fail to sanctify God is to make Him common—v. 12.

b 摩西向百姓动怒,又错误地击打磐石两下,就是没有尊神为圣——10~11节。
  In being angry with the people and in wrongly striking the rock twice, Moses failed to sanctify God—vv. 10-11.

c 神没有动怒,摩西却动怒,没有在神圣别的性情上正确代表神;他击打磐石两下,没有遵守神在祂经纶里的话——10~12节。
  In being angry when God was not angry, Moses failed to represent God rightly in His holy nature, and in striking the rock twice, he did not keep God’s word in His economy—vv. 10-12.

d 摩西违犯了神的圣别性情和祂神圣的经纶;他定罪百姓是背叛的人,其实他才是违背了神的话的人——10、24节,二七12~14。
  Moses offended both God’s holy nature and His divine economy; he condemned the people as rebels, but he was the one who rebelled against God’s word—vv. 10, 24; 27:12-14.

2 在我们所说并所作一切关于神子民的事上,我们的态度必须按照神圣别的性情,我们的行动必须按照祂神圣的经纶。
  In all that we say and do concerning God’s people, our attitude must be according to God’s holy nature, and our actions must be according to His divine economy.

三 使徒保罗是基督的大使,代表神——林后五20:
  The apostle Paul was an ambassador of Christ, representing God—2 Cor. 5:20:

1 新约的执事是经授权得着属天权柄的人,代表最高的权柄——三6,五20。
  A new covenant minister is one who has been authorized with the heavenly authority to represent the highest authority—3:6; 5:20.

2 保罗运用他使徒的权柄,不是为辖管信徒,乃是为建造信徒——十8,十三10,一24。
  Paul exercised his apostolic authority not for ruling over the believers but for building them up—10:8; 13:10; 1:24.

3 保罗在教导上,在从事属灵争战上,在神度量之尺度内的行动上,并在他为基督对信徒的妒忌上,运用他使徒职分所含的权柄——林前四17,林后十3~4、13,十一2。
  Paul exercised the authority inherent in his apostleship by teaching, by engaging in spiritual warfare, by moving within the measure of God’s rule, and by his jealousy for Christ over the believers—1 Cor. 4:17; 2 Cor. 10:3-4, 13; 11:2.

四 正确代表神的人必须顺服权柄(太八8~9),领悟他在自己里面没有权柄(二八18,林后十8,十三10),并且是在复活里,活在基督复活生命里的人(一9,四14,民十七1~10)。
  A person who represents God rightly must submit to authority (Matt. 8:8-9), realize that in himself he has no authority (28:18; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10), and be a person in resurrection, living in the resurrection life of Christ (1:9; 4:14; Num. 17:1-10).

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