2019年 夏季训练


« 第七篇 »

Message Seven The All-inclusive Christ Being the Allotted Portion of the Saints, according to God’s Choice, as Their Divine Inheritance for Their Enjoyment


Scripture Reading: Num. 32:1-6, 12, 16-22, 33; Deut. 8:9; Col. 1:12; 2:6-7; Phil. 3:7-11, 14

壹 包罗万有的基督是由美地所预表;在这美地里我们一无所缺——申八9:
  The all-inclusive Christ is typified by the good land, a land in which we will not lack anything—Deut. 8:9:

一 基督作为众圣徒所分得的分(西一12)指业分,如以色列人分得迦南美地之分,作他们的产业(书十四1):
  Christ as the allotted portion of the saints (Col. 1:12) refers to the lot of the inheritance, as illustrated by the allotment of the good land of Canaan given to the children of Israel for their inheritance (Josh. 14:1):

1 新约信徒的基业,不是物质的土地,乃是包罗万有的基督;祂是我们基业的凭质——弗一14。
  The New Testament believers’ inheritance is not a physical land; it is the all-inclusive Christ; He is the pledge of our inheritance—Eph. 1:14.

2 祂是众圣徒所分得的分,作了我们神圣的基业,给我们享受——徒二六18下。
  He is the allotted portion of the saints as our divine inheritance for our enjoyment—Acts 26:18b.

二 神的心意是要把祂所有的子民带到预表基督作为目标的美地;在旧约里,神的百姓行走路程,然后达到目标,但在新约中,我们浸入了基督的信徒已经在目标里——罗六3,加三27,林前一30,西二6~7与注。
  God’s intention is to bring all His people into the good land, which typifies Christ as the goal; in the Old Testament God’s people journeyed and then arrived at the goal, but in the New Testament we, the believers, having been baptized into Christ, are already in the goal—Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27; 1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 2:6 and footnotes.

三 今天的美地就是基督那包罗万有的灵(6,加三14),祂住在我们的灵里(提后四22,罗八16),作我们的享受;照着这灵而行(4,加五16),乃是新约的中心和关键:
  The good land today is Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit (v. 6; Gal. 3:14), who dwells in our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:16) to be our enjoyment; to walk according to this Spirit (v. 4; Gal. 5:16) is the central and crucial point in the New Testament:

1 歌罗西二章六至七节启示,基督这美地是丰富的士壤,我们已在其中生了根,好使我们从这土壤吸收元素而长大——参林前三6、9,西二19。
  Colossians 2:6-7 reveals that Christ as the good land is the rich soil in which we have been rooted so that we may grow with the elements that we absorb from the soil—cf. 1 Cor. 3:6, 9; Col. 2:19.

2 我们若在基督里生根,自然而然就在基督里行事为人——在基督里生活、行事、行动、为人。
  If we have been rooted in Christ, we shall spontaneously walk in Christ—living, acting, moving, and having our being in Christ.

3 要在基督里深深地扎根,唯一的路乃是接触主,并且花时间用许多祷告读主的话;我们首先往下长,然后向上结果——弗五26,六17~18,赛三七31。
  The only way to become deeply rooted in Christ is to contact the Lord and spend time with Him in the Word with much prayer; we first grow downward and then bear fruit upward—Eph. 5:26; 6:17-18; Isa. 37:31.

4 当我们在基督里行事为人时,我们就会在基督里被建造起来以活出基督;这样活出基督就产生基督团体的彰显,就是召会生活——西二6~7。
  While we walk in Christ, we will be built up in Christ to live out Christ; this living out of Christ will produce the corporate expression of Christ, the church life—Col. 2:6-7.

5 我们每天早晨需要花足够的时间吸取主;十分钟虽然好,但在一天的起头,最好花半小时享受主;我们早晨花时间接触主,并且一天当中在灵里,自然而然就吸取基督这土壤的丰富进到我们里面。
  Every morning we need to take adequate time to absorb the Lord; although even ten minutes is good, it is best to spend thirty minutes to enjoy Him at the start of each new day; as we spend time contacting the Lord in the morning and throughout the day in our spirit, we will spontaneously absorb into us the riches of Christ as the soil.

6 我们必须花时间享受主这包罗一切的土地,使基督这丰富土壤里的一切元素,都能被吸收到我们里面,好叫我们在经历中,在祂里面得丰满——10节上,四2:
  We must take time to enjoy the Lord as the all-inclusive land so that all the elements of Christ as the rich soil may be absorbed into us for us to be made full in Him in our experience—v. 10a; 4:2:

a 我们若要吸取作为土壤之基督的丰富,就需要有细嫩的新根;不要让自己老化,乃要天天新鲜而更新——林后四16,参申三四7,路十一34~36,徒三19~20,诗十六11。
  If we would absorb the riches of Christ as the soil, we need to have tender, new roots; we should not let ourselves get old but be fresh and renewed every day—2 Cor. 4:16; cf. Deut. 34:7; Luke 11:34-36; Acts 3:19-20; Psa. 16:11.

b 我们需要忘掉我们的环境、我们的光景、我们的失败以及我们的软弱,单单花时间吸取主,使我们在祂里面被建造,为着建造基督的身体,就是祂团体的彰显——路八13,太十四22~23,六6。
  We need to forget our situation, our condition, our failures, and our weaknesses and simply take time to absorb the Lord so that we may be built up in Him for the building up of His Body, His corporate expression—Luke 8:13; Matt. 14:22-23; 6:6.

贰 民数记启示预先安排美地的分配,预表按照神的选择对丰富之基督的分享——三二1~42,三三50~三六13:
  The book of Numbers reveals the prearrangement of the distribution of the good land, typifying the sharing of the enjoyment of the rich Christ according to God’s choice—32:1-42; 33:50—36:13:

一 美地被二海(地中海与死海)一河(约但河)所环绕;这二海一河都表征基督的死——三四2~3、6、12。
  The good land is surrounded by two seas (the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea) and one river (the Jordan River); these two seas and this river all signify the death of Christ—34:2-3, 6, 12.

二 这指明对基督的享受与祂的死极有关系;我们对基督的享受必须是在祂死的范围、境界里——腓三7~11。
  This indicates that the enjoyment of Christ is closely related to His death; the enjoyment of Christ must be in the sphere, the territory, of His death—Phil. 3:7-11.

三 美地从两边毗邻的水中升起,指明美地是上升、高举之地;这表征复活并升天的基督,属天的基督,已经在祂的复活里进到我们里面(约二十22),并且我们在祂的升天里享受祂的丰富(弗二6,西三1~4)。
  That the good land rose up from the waters that bordered it on either side indicates that it is an elevated, uplifted land; this signifies the resurrected and ascended Christ, the heavenly Christ, who has entered into us in His resurrection (John 20:22) and whose riches we enjoy in His ascension (Eph. 2:6; Col. 3:1-4).

四 流便和迦得二支派请求领受神所应许的地(民三二1~5、33),这并没有错;然而,他们想要照着自己所选择为上好的来领受这应许,却是不对的:
  The request by Reuben and Gad to receive the land that God had promised (Num. 32:1-5, 33) was not wrong; however, they were not right in wanting to receive this according to their choice as to what was best:

1 至终,他们的地是以色列土地中,头一块被东方来的外邦侵略者夺取之地(代上五25~26);凡留在半路,满足于神一点祝福的人,很容易被仇敌掳去。
  Eventually, their land was the first part of the land of Israel to be taken over by the Gentile invaders from the east (1 Chron. 5:25-26); those who remain halfway and are satisfied with only a little blessing from God will be easily captured by the enemy.

2 在属灵的事上,我们最好不照着自己的选择行事,乃要把事情交在主手中,让主照着祂的选择来作——诗歌六五〇首,参创十三5~18。
  In spiritual matters it is much better to not act according to our choice but to leave matters in the hand of the Lord and let Him do according to His choice—Hymns, #907; cf. Gen. 13:5-18.

3 流便和迦得所要的地,不必过约但河就可以到达;没有过约但河,表征没有对付并埋葬旧人(见书三16~四12注);唯有在我们的旧人被对付并埋葬之后(罗六3~6),我们才有地位得着包罗万有的基督这美地作我们的享受。
  The land requested by Reuben and Gad could be reached without crossing the river Jordan, which signifies the old man not being dealt with and buried (see footnotes on Joshua 3:16—4:12); only after our old man has been dealt with and buried (Rom. 6:3-6) are we in a position to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good land for our enjoyment.

4 流便支派、迦得支派、玛拿西半支派所得的地(民三二33),是按着他们自己的选择,不必过约但河就可以到达,因此实际上不是美地的一部分(参三四14~15,三五14);这指明就预表说,那是在基督的死之外。
  The land given to Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh (Num. 32:33), the land that was according to their choice, could be reached without crossing the Jordan and thus was not actually a part of the good land of Canaan (cf. 34:14-15; 35:14); this indicates that, in type, it was outside the death of Christ.

5 流便和迦得向耶和华和以色列的责任(三二22)是由于他们对所得美地的分有自己的选择(1~5);我们事奉主,需要学习放下自己的选择,免得在神和祂的子民面前受责任的束缚。
  The obligation of Reuben and Gad toward Jehovah and toward Israel (32:22) was due to the fact that they had their own choice regarding their portion of the land (vv. 1-5); in serving the Lord, we need to learn to give up our own choice in order to avoid obligating ourselves to God and to His people.

6 照样,我们自己的选择也是在基督的死之外,所以与对丰富的基督真正的享受无关;我们若不经过基督的死,就不能进入祂的复活与升天的范围里,享受祂作属天、被高举的一位——参加二20,腓三10~11,西三1~4。
  Our self-choice is likewise outside the death of Christ and therefore has nothing to do with the real enjoyment of the rich Christ; if we do not pass through the death of Christ, we cannot enter into the realm of His resurrection and ascension to enjoy Him as the heavenly, elevated One—cf. Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10-11; Col. 3:1-4.

五 得到“约但河东之地”,只够得上神属灵的目标,却不是神荣耀的目标——在祂升天的地位上,承受在基督里丰盛的基业,就是基督丰盛的荣耀。
  Obtaining “the land east of the Jordan” reaches God’s spiritual goal but not His glorious goal—receiving the rich inheritance in Christ, the glory of the riches of Christ, in the position of His ascension.

六 流便支派、迦得支派和玛拿西半支派只想到自己,太顾自己的享受,而不顾神的旨意、计划、目标、国度或见证。
  The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh thought only about themselves, cared too much for their own enjoyment, and did not care for God’s will, plan, goal, kingdom, or testimony.

七 这指明我们若只顾自己的得救、平安、福分或财物,而留恋不前,就无法成就神的旨意、计划,或达到神的目标、国度和见证;我们不该以次好的取代上好的。
  This indicates that if we care only for our own salvation, peace, blessing, or material things and are unwilling to go forward, we will not be able to fulfill God’s will and plan or reach His goal, kingdom, and testimony; we should not substitute the second best for the best.

八 摩西允许流便和迦得二支派的许诺(民三二16~19、33),对他们说,他们若是与弟兄们同去打仗,制伏那地,卸下他们的责任,就能得约但河东之地(20~22):
  Moses permitted the promise of Reuben and Gad (Num. 32:16-19, 33), telling them that if they went to battle with their brothers, subdued the land, and freed themselves from their obligation, they could have the land east of the Jordan (vv. 20-22):

1 摩西在此是代表神;许多时候神允许这样的许诺,祂并不勉强我们。
  Here Moses represented God; many times God permits such promises as this; He does not force us.

2 今天在召会中,许多爱主、追求主的人留在“约但河东”;他们只想留在神的祝福和眷顾之下。
  Today in the church many of the Lord’s lovers and pursuers remain on the east of the Jordan; they only want to be under God’s blessing and care.

九 流便、迦得和玛拿西半支派的拣选使他们的子孙失去承受迦南地的权利(18~19、33):
  The choice of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh caused their descendants to lose the right to inherit the land of Canaan (vv. 18-19, 33):

1 这预表我们今天若贪求安逸,只为自己着想,在追求神的事上停在半路,放弃了权利,我们就不能恢复这些权利,也无法得到补偿;这是永远的损失。
  This typifies that if we lust for ease and comfort today—caring only for ourselves, stopping halfway, and giving up our rights in the matter of pursuing the Lord—we will not be able to recover those rights, and there will not be any compensation for them; this is an eternal loss.

2 反之,我们今天若肯出代价,一直往前进入神荣耀的目标,以致享受神的丰满,将来必有极为丰盛且特别的享受——腓三14。
  In contrast, if we are willing to pay the price today to go forward continually into God’s glorious goal so as to enjoy His fullness, we will have an extremely rich and special enjoyment in the future—Phil. 3:14.

十 神己命定基督作我们的分,给我们享受,但我们必须与神所命定的合作,把神和基督之外的一切东西,从我们里面赶出去;我们必须毁坏我们里面所有的偶像,不给拜偶像留任何地位(民三三50~53,约壹五21);唯有那样,我们才能对基督有真正的享受,好为着召会作祂的建造和祂的国。
  God has ordained Christ to be our portion for our enjoyment, but we must cooperate with God’s ordination by driving out everything within us that is other than God and Christ; we must destroy all the idols within us and not leave any ground within us for the worship of idols (Num. 33:50-53; 1 John 5:21); only then can we have the genuine enjoyment of Christ for the church as His building and His kingdom.

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