2019年 夏季训练


« 第六篇 »

Message Six Christ as Typified by the Bronze Serpent


Scripture Reading: Num. 21:4-9; John 3:14, 29-30; Rom. 8:3; 2 Cor. 5:21

壹 当以色列人得罪神,为蛇所咬之后(民二一4~9),神吩咐摩西举起铜蛇,挂在杆上,替他们受神的审判,凡望那铜蛇的就活了:
  When the children of Israel sinned against God, they were bitten by serpents (Num. 21:4-9); God told Moses to lift up a bronze serpent on a pole on their behalf for God’s judgment so that by looking upon that serpent all might live:

一 铜蛇预表基督(约三14),杆预表十字架(彼前二24);在预表里,铜表征审判;铜蛇有蛇的形状,但没有蛇的毒性。
  The bronze serpent typifies Christ (John 3:14), and the pole typifies the cross (1 Pet. 2:24); in typology, bronze signifies judgment; the bronze serpent had the form of a serpent but not the poisonous nature of a serpent.

二 同样的,基督在罪之肉体的样式里(罗八3),在十字架上被举起来(约八28),与肉体有毒的罪无分无关(林后五21,来四15)。
  In the same way, Christ was lifted up on the cross (John 8:28) in the likeness of the flesh of sin (Rom. 8:3), without participating in any way in the poisonous sin of the flesh (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 4:15).

三 在创世记三章,撒但化身为蛇,将他的性情注射到人的肉体里;我们这些亚当的后裔,都被魔鬼这条古蛇“咬”过;因此,在神看来,整个堕落的人类都是由有蛇性的人组成,在他们的堕落性情里有古蛇的毒素:
  In Genesis 3 Satan, the serpent, injected his nature into man’s flesh; as descendants of Adam, we all have been “bitten” by the old serpent, the devil; therefore, in the sight of God, the entire fallen human race consists of serpentine beings with the poison of the old serpent in their fallen nature:

1 在约翰八章四十四节,主耶稣启示魔鬼是罪人的父;因此,在我们堕落的性情里,我们是古蛇魔鬼的儿女——约壹三10。
  In John 8:44 the Lord Jesus revealed that the devil is the father of sinners; thus, in our fallen nature we are children of the old serpent, the devil—1 John 3:10.

2 在马太十二章三十四节,主耶稣称法利赛人是“毒蛇之种”;在二十三章三十三节,祂称他们为“蛇类,毒蛇之种”。
  In Matthew 12:34 the Lord Jesus called the Pharisees the “offspring of vipers”; in 23:33 He called them “Serpents! Brood of vipers!”

3 魔鬼是古蛇(启十二9,二十2),罪人是蛇类,毒蛇之种;在我们堕落的性情里面,我们不仅仅是罪恶的,也是蛇性的。
  The devil is the ancient serpent (Rev. 12:9; 20:2), and sinners are serpents, the offspring of vipers; in our fallen nature we are not merely sinful—we are serpentine.

4 罗马七章告诉我们,撒但这人位化的罪是在我们的肉体里;罪能诱骗并杀害人(11),能住在人里面,叫人作违反他们意愿的事(17、20);罪相当活跃(9),也极其主动;因此罪必定是撒但那恶者的邪恶性情,在堕落的人类里面居住、活动并作工。
  Romans 7 says that Satan as personified sin is in our flesh; sin can deceive and kill people (v. 11), and it can dwell in people and cause them to do things against their will (vv. 17, 20); it is quite alive (v. 9) and exceedingly active, so it must be the evil nature of Satan, the evil one, dwelling, acting, and working in fallen mankind.

四 主这位人子在蛇的形状里,在十字架上被举起来,替蛇所毒害的人担受审判;祂在十字架上被举起来,为将古蛇撒但,世界的王,赶出去——约十二31~34。
  The Lord as the Son of Man was lifted up in the form of the serpent on the cross to bear the judgment for the serpent-poisoned people; He was lifted up on the cross for the casting out of the old serpent, Satan, the ruler of the world—John 12:31-34.

五 因此,主这位被举起来的人子,能将蛇所毒害的人从罪,蛇的毒素里,拯救出来;祂被举起,也是要废除撒但并吸引万人来归祂——来二14,约十二32~33。
  Hence, the Lord, as the Son of Man lifted up, can deliver the serpent-poisoned people from sin, the serpent’s poison; also, by His being lifted up, He would destroy Satan and draw all men to Himself—Heb. 2:14; John 12:32-33.

六 如今凡信入基督是被举起来代替我们被定罪的一位,都有永远的生命;我们需要“铜蛇”作我们的代替,为我们担当神的审判,来救赎我们,并将祂拯救人的神圣生命释放到我们这人里面——三14~16,十二24。
  Now whoever believes into Christ as the One who was lifted up to be condemned in our place has eternal life; we need a “bronze serpent” to be our Substitute to bear God’s judgment for us, to redeem us, and to release His saving, divine life into our being—3:14-16; 12:24.

七 我们一悔改并承认自己是蛇性的,就有资格经历基督作永远的生命,并享受祂:
  When we repent and admit that we are serpentine, we are qualified to experience Christ as the eternal life and enjoy Him:

1 “悔改”原文意,心思改变,生出懊悔而转移目标;人的悔改也是从神之外的事物,转向神自己——徒二六20,十四15下,帖前一9下。
  The Greek word for repentance means to have a change of mind, issuing in regret, to have a turn in purpose; also, man’s repentance is his turning from all things to God Himself—Acts 26:20; 14:15b; 1 Thes. 1:9b.

2 在我们的经历里,这不是一劳永逸的事,乃该是每天的经历;施浸者约翰传讲悔改(太三2,可一4),而在启示录二至三章写给七个召会的七封书信里,主耶稣一再地吩咐我们要悔改(二5、16、21~22,三3、19)。
  In our experience, this is not a once-for-all matter but a daily experience; John the Baptist preached repentance (Matt. 3:2; Mark 1:4), and in the seven epistles to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, the Lord Jesus tells us again and again to repent (2:5, 16, 21-22; 3:3, 19).

八 我们若知道基督是铜蛇这预表的应验,在罪之肉体的样式里而来,在十字架上受死,顶替并代替我们,好使我们蒙重生,得着永远的生命,这对我们乃是极大的祝福。
  It is a great blessing for us to know that, as the fulfillment of the type of the bronze serpent, Christ came in the likeness of the flesh of sin to die on the cross as our Replacement and Substitute in order for us to be regenerated and have eternal life.

贰 约翰三章说到蛇和新妇——14、20~30节:
  John 3 speaks of the serpent and the bride—vv. 14, 29-30:

一 约翰三章十六节是十四和十五节的结果,也就是说,接受神圣的永远生命,乃是基督这铜蛇作为真正赎罪祭被举在十字架上的结果:
  John 3:16 is the issue of verses 14 and 15; that is, the receiving of the divine, eternal life is the issue of the uplifting of Christ on the cross as the bronze serpent, the real sin offering:

1 主耶稣作了我们的代替被举起来,为我们担当神的审判,叫我们一望祂(信入祂)就得着永远的生命。
  The Lord Jesus was lifted up as our Substitute to bear God’s judgment for us so that we may look at Him (believe into Him) and have eternal life.

2 因着在亚当里我们被古蛇所咬,我们就死了(弗二1、5),但如今借着基督这铜蛇在十字架上被举起来,我们就能够得着永远的生命,就是神的生命;这是神爱世人真正的显明。
  Because in Adam we were bitten by the old serpent, we were dead (Eph. 2:1, 5), but now through Christ as the bronze serpent lifted up on the cross, we may receive eternal life, the life of God; this is the real manifestation of God’s love to the world.

二 蛇“咬”我们,意思是说,蛇把他性情中的毒素注入我们里面,使我们成为他的扩增;因着堕落,整个人类都成了撒但的扩增。
  For the serpent to “bite” us means that he imparts the poison of his nature into us to make us his increase; through the fall the entire human race has become the increase of Satan.

三 约翰三章启示,重生不仅是把神圣的生命带进信徒里面,更是为着基督的扩增,使他们成为团体的新妇;亚当怎样在夏娃里面得以扩增,基督也照样在祂的新妇里面得以扩增——29~30节,创二21~22。
  John 3 reveals that regeneration is not only to bring the divine life into the believers but also to make them the corporate bride for Christ’s increase; as Adam was increased in Eve, so Christ is increased in His bride—vv. 29-30; Gen. 2:21-22.

四 借着基督作为铜蛇被举在十字架上,撒但的扩增就成了基督的扩增,也就是基督的新妇;我们曾经是撒但扩增的人,就成了基督的扩增。
  By Christ being lifted up on the cross as the bronze serpent, Satan’s increase has become Christ’s increase, His bride; we who were once the increase of Satan have become the increase of Christ.

五 所有重生的人就是构成新妇的人,他们要和新郎主耶稣成为婚配;重生的意思是说,我们蛇性的人要被废去,并且我们得着神圣的生命,为要成为一个新人,使我们成为新妇的一部分;由此我们看见,重生是为着产生基督的新妇——约三29~30。
  All regenerated persons are components of the bride, who will be married to the Lord Jesus as the Bridegroom; regeneration means that our serpentine being is annulled and that we receive the divine life in order to become a new being so that we may be a part of the bride; by this we can see that regeneration is for producing the bride of Christ—John 3:29-30.

六 约翰三章的用意是要给我们看见,无限无量的基督必须有一个宇宙性的扩增,今天祂就在得着这个扩增的过程中;没有限量的灵,为着无限的基督产生了宇宙性的扩增——29~36节。
  The intention of John 3 is to show that the unlimited Christ must have a universal increase and that He is in the process of gaining this increase today; the immeasurable Spirit produces a universal increase for the unlimited Christ—vv. 29-36.

七 整体看来,圣经乃是将蛇与新妇这件事向我们揭示出来:
  We may say that, considered as a whole, the Bible unveils the matter of the serpent and the bride:

1 神用亚当的肋骨产生了夏娃,就是亚当的扩增,但在创世记三章一至六节,蛇窥访新妇,顺利地掳掠了她,然而神比蛇更大、更高、更有智慧。
  God used Adam’s rib to bring forth Eve, the increase of Adam, but in Genesis 3:1-6 the serpent visited the bride and succeeded in capturing her; however, God is greater, higher, and wiser than the serpent.

2 神审判蛇的时候,指明女人要产生一个后裔(基督)来伤蛇的头(15);不仅如此,女人的后裔更要成为中了蛇毒之人的义(21)。
  In His judgment upon the serpent, God indicated that the woman would bring forth a seed (Christ) to bruise the serpent’s head (v. 15); furthermore, the seed of the woman would also become righteousness to the very ones who were poisoned by the serpent (v. 21).

3 保罗担忧那来咬夏娃的蛇,会来咬哥林多的信徒;这又是蛇与新妇的故事——林后十一2~3,参启十二9,帖前三5,提前二14,四1,彼后三17。
  Paul was concerned that the serpent who had come to bite Eve would come to bite the believers at Corinth; once again, this is the story of the serpent and the bride—2 Cor. 11:2-3; cf. Rev. 12:9; 1 Thes. 3:5; 1 Tim. 2:14; 4:1; 2 Pet. 3:17.

4 启示录有论到蛇与新妇末了的话:
  The book of Revelation provides the final word on the serpent and the bride:

a 十九章启示新妇为着羔羊的婚娶预备好了——7节。
  Chapter 19 reveals that the bride is ready for the wedding of the Lamb—v. 7.

b 婚娶以后,这对宇宙的夫妇要立刻与撒但和他的跟从者、兽、假申言者争战;然后撒但要被捆绑,扔在元底坑里,拘禁一千年——11~16、19~21节,二十1~3。
  Immediately after the wedding, this universal couple will fight against Satan and his followers, the beast and the false prophet; then Satan will be bound and cast into the abyss, where he will be imprisoned for a thousand years—vv. 11-16, 19-21; 20:1-3.

c 接着,撒但要再一次背叛,最终被扔在火湖里——7~10节。
  Following that, Satan will rebel once more and will ultimately be cast into the lake of fire—vv. 7-10.

d 然后宇宙要彻底被清理,就有新天新地,那里要有一对宇宙的夫妇,直到永远:基督是丈夫,召会是祂的新妇——二一1~2、9~10。
  Then the universe will be thoroughly cleared up, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth; for eternity there will be a universal couple: Christ as the Husband and the church as the bride—21:1-2, 9-10.

叁 蛇性的人借着没有限量的灵和永远的生命,成为无限基督的宇宙扩增:
  The serpentine people are becoming the universal increase of the unlimited Christ by the immeasurable Spirit with the eternal life:

一 在我们的经历里,我们需要领悟,离了基督这赐生命的灵,我们就是争闹的蛇;在召会生活中,我们可能是争闹的蛇,也可能是饮于赐生命之灵的人——约四14,七37~39。
  In our experience we need to realize that we can be contending serpents who are apart from Christ as the life-giving Spirit; in the church life we can either be contending serpents or life-giving-Spirit drinkers—John 3:14; 7:37-39.

二 约翰三章三十节说到基督的扩增,就是在二十九节里基督的新妇:
  John 3:30 refers to the increase of Christ, which is the bride of Christ in verse 29:

1 照着我们天然的出生,我们都是习惯凭着我们蛇性的人而活;这就是照着善恶知识树的原则而活。
  According to our natural birth, all of us automatically live by our serpentine being; this is to live according to the principle of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

2 我们天然的生命和生活不是基督扩增的一部分;唯有我们这人重生的部分,我们重生的灵,才是基督的扩增——6节。
  Our natural life and living are not part of the increase of Christ; only the regenerated part of our being, our regenerated spirit, is Christ’s increase—v. 6.

3 基督实实在在该是我们的生命和我们的人位;我们活祂,并与祂成为一灵;我们住在祂里面,祂也住在我们里面;因此,祂与我们有同一的生命,同一的生活(加二20,四19,约十五5)——这就是蛇性的人成了基督的新妇。
  In a real and practical way, Christ should be our life and our person; we live Him and are one spirit with Him; we abide in Him, and He abides in us; therefore, He and we have one life and one living (Gal. 2:20; 4:19; John 15:5)—this is the serpentine people becoming the bride of Christ.

4 我们有这样的生活,实际上就是经历蛇性的人变化成为基督的新妇,基督的扩增之过程;这新妇的终极完成乃是作为神的帐幕和羔羊之妻的新耶路撒冷——启二一3、9~10。
  When we have this kind of living, then in reality we are serpentine beings in the process of transformation into the bride of Christ, the increase of Christ; the ultimate consummation of this bride will be the New Jerusalem as the tabernacle of God and the wife of the Lamb—Rev. 21:3, 9-10.

5 愿主怜悯我们,使我们学习凭着重生的人而活——罗八4,腓四11~13。
  May the Lord have mercy on us that we may learn to live by our regenerated being—Rom. 8:4; Phil. 4:11-13.

三 在约翰三章,我们至少能看见无限基督的九方面:
  In John 3 we can see at least nine aspects of the unlimited Christ:

1 无限的基督是从上面来的,就是从天上来的——31节。
  The unlimited Christ is from above, that is, from the heavens—v. 31.

2 无限的基督是在万有之上的(31);因为基督是包罗万有的、无限的、宇宙的,所以祂在地上的时候,仍旧是在天上(13)。
  The unlimited Christ is above all (v. 31); because Christ is all-inclusive, unlimited, and universal, while He was on earth, He was still in the heavens (v. 13).

3 无限的基督是父所爱的;唯有在基督里,我们才能享受到父神的爱——35节。
  The unlimited Christ is loved by the Father; only in Christ can we enjoy the love of God the Father—v. 35.

4 无限的基督已得着万有;父已将万有,其中包括我们,交在子的手中——35节,林前三21~23。
  The unlimited Christ has been given all things; the Father has given all things, including us, into the Son’s hand—v. 35; 1 Cor. 3:21-23.

5 无限的基督是神所差来的——约三34,六46。
  The unlimited Christ was sent by God—John 3:34; 6:46.

6 无限的基督说神的话——三34,六63。
  The unlimited Christ speaks the words of God—3:34; 6:63.

7 无限的基督赐那灵是没有限量的——三34。
  The unlimited Christ gives the Spirit not by measure—3:34.

8 无限的基督赐永远的生命给信祂的人——15~16、36节,六63。
  The unlimited Christ gives eternal life to His believers—vv. 15-16, 36; 6:63.

9 无限的基督得着新妇作祂宇宙的扩增——三29~30。
  The unlimited Christ has the bride as His universal increase—3:29-30.

四 没有限量的灵是由复合的膏油所预表之包罗万有复合的灵——出三十23~25,腓一19:
  The immeasurable Spirit is the all-inclusive compound Spirit typified by the compound ointment—Exo. 30:23-25; Phil. 1:19:

1 没有限量的灵就是赐生命的灵——林前十五45下,林后三6。
  The immeasurable Spirit is the life-giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:6.

2 没有限量的灵也是那是灵的基督;“是灵的基督”这辞是指基督就是那灵——6、17~18节,罗八9~11。
  The immeasurable Spirit is also the pneumatic Christ; the term pneumatic Christ refers to Christ as the Spirit—vv. 6, 17-18; Rom. 8:9-11.

五 约翰三章三次提到永远的生命——15~16、36节:
  The eternal life is mentioned three times in John 3—vv. 15-16, 36:

1 永远的生命就是神圣的生命,永远之神的生命;这生命在时间、空间、本质、功用、能力上都是永远的。
  Eternal life is the divine life, the life of the eternal God; this life is eternal in time, space, essence, function, and power.

2 永远的生命乃是三一神的素质,成了召会,就是新妇的元素,而新妇乃是基督宇宙的扩增,作三一神团体的彰显。
  Eternal life is the essence of the Triune God becoming the element of the church, the bride; and the bride is the universal increase of Christ for the corporate expression of the Triune God.

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