2019年 夏季训练


« 第九篇 »

Message Nine Moses Desiring That All Jehovah’s People Would Be Prophets


Scripture Reading: Num. 11:29; Deut. 18:15-19; Acts 3:21-22; 1 Cor. 14:1, 3, 5, 24, 31

壹 我们的神乃是说话的神——来一1~2上:
  Our God is a speaking God—Heb. 1:1-2a:

一 神是个奥秘,但这奥秘借着神的说话,已经启示出来了——1~2节上:
  God is a mystery, but this mystery has been revealed by God’s speaking—vv. 1-2a:

1 若非神说话,就永远没有人能认识祂——路一70,徒三21。
  Without the divine speaking, God would remain forever unknowable—Luke 1:70; Acts 3:21.

2 我们的神是启示出来的神,因为祂已经在祂的说话中,将自己启示出来——来一1~2上。
  Our God is the revealed God because He has revealed Himself in His speaking—Heb. 1:1-2a.

二 凡受造之物都是出自神的话——创一3,约一3:
  Every created thing came out of the word of God—Gen. 1:3; John 1:3:

1 旧造——整个宇宙——是凭神的说话而有的——创一3、6~7,诗三三9,罗四17,来十一3。
  The old creation—the whole universe—came into being by God’s speaking—Gen. 1:3, 6-7; Psa. 33:9; Rom. 4:17; Heb. 11:3.

2 新造是借着整个作为话的神说话所产生的——约一1、3、五24。
  The new creation was brought into being by the entire God speaking as the Word—John 1:1, 3; 5:24.

3 说话的神继续借着祂的说话行作万事——罗四17。
  The speaking God continues to do all things through His speaking—Rom. 4:17.

三 活神借着说话,将祂自己分赐并注入到我们里面——提后三16~17:
  The living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by speaking—2 Tim. 3:16-17:

1 神一说话,光就照亮,带给我们领悟、异象、智慧和口才——诗一一九105、130。
  When God speaks, the light shines, bringing us understanding, vision, wisdom, and utterance—Psa. 119:105, 130.

2 神一说话,生命就分赐出来,而这生命包含基督一切神圣的属性和人性的美德——约六63,一1,4。
  When God speaks, life is imparted, and this life includes all the divine attributes and human virtues of Christ—John 6:63; 1:1, 4.

3 神一说话,能力就传输出来,而这是生命生长并生产的能力——可四14、26。
  When God speaks, power is transmitted, and this is the growing and producing power of life—Mark 4:14, 26.

四 在旧约,神是借着众申言者,就是借着被神的灵推动的人,多分多方向列祖说话——来一1,彼后一21。
  In the Old Testament, God spoke in many portions and in many ways to the fathers in the prophets, in men borne by the Spirit—Heb. 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:21.

五 在新约,神在子里,就是在子的人位里说话——来一2上:
  In the New Testament, God speaks in the Son, in the person of the Son—Heb. 1:2a:

1 这个人位先是个人的,然后成了团体的——太十七5,徒九4,林前十二12。
  This person was first an individual and then became corporate—Matt. 17:5; Acts 9:4; 1 Cor. 12:12.

2 神今天是在一个人位里说话,而这人位已经扩增为一个团体的人,包括众使徒和这人位之身体的众肢体——十四4下、31。
  God today speaks in a person, and this person has increased to be a corporate person, including all the apostles and all the members of this person’s Body—14:4b, 31.

3 信徒都是团体的子的一部分;神仍然在子里说话——来一2上。
  The believers are all a part of the corporate Son; God is still speaking in the Son—Heb. 1:2a.

六 说话的神渴望得着说话的子民——徒四31,六7,十二24,十九20,西四3,提后四2,启一2、9。
  The speaking God desires to have a speaking people—Acts 4:31; 6:7; 12:24; 19:20; Col. 4:3; 2 Tim. 4:2; Rev. 1:2, 9.

贰 在民数记十一章二十九节摩西喊说,“唯愿耶和华的百姓都是申言者,愿耶和华把祂的灵放在他们身上!”:
  In Numbers 11:29 Moses exclaimed, “Oh that all Jehovah’s people were prophets, that Jehovah would put His Spirit upon them!”:

一 申言者主要不是预言未来的人,乃是为别人说话的人,就如亚伦为摩西说话——出七1~2,四16。
  A prophet is not mainly one who predicts the future but one who speaks for another, as Aaron spoke for Moses—Exo. 7:1-2; 4:16.

二 申言者是神的发言人;他们为神说话并说出神——赛一1~2上,六8~9,耶一1~4,结一3,二1~7:
  Prophets are God’s spokesmen; they speak for God and speak forth God—Isa. 1:1-2a; 6:8-9; Jer. 1:1-4; Ezek. 1:3; 2:1-7:

1 神是隐藏的,但借着申言者的说话,就将神的自己和神的心意说明出来——赛四五15,弗一9,三3~5。
  God is hidden, but through the speaking of the prophets, God Himself and His intention are explained—Isa. 45:15; Eph. 1:9; 3:3-5.

2 申言者直接得着神的启示,被神的灵推动,为神说话并将神说出来——彼后一21。
  Prophets receive God’s revelation directly and are borne by the Spirit of God to speak for God and to speak forth God—2 Pet. 1:21.

三 摩西愿意所有的以色列人都作申言者,就是为神说话的人——民十一29:
  Moses desired that all the people of Israel would be prophets, those who spoke for God—Num. 11:29:

1 民数记十一章二十九节的话,是摩西所发出一个极大的预言。
  The word in Numbers 11:29 was a great prophecy uttered by Moses.

2 关于神所有的子民都该作申言者的这件事,新约里的保罗与旧约里的摩西是一致的——29节,林前十四31:
  Concerning the matter that all of God’s people should be prophets, Paul in the New Testament and Moses in the Old Testament are in agreement—v. 29; 1 Cor. 14:31:

a 摩西所说的话,为保罗在林前十四章所推动,并且在神新约的经纶里,借着召会聚会中众信徒的申言而得应验——24、31节。
  The word that Moses spoke was promoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14, and it is fulfilled in God’s New Testament economy by the prophesying of the believers in the church meetings—vv. 24, 31.

b 保罗的观念可能是从摩西来的,因为保罗最懂旧约,他必定熟悉摩西在民数记十一章二十九节所说的。
  It is likely that Paul’s concept came from Moses, because Paul, as one who understood the Old Testament, must have been familiar with what Moses had said in Numbers 11:29.

c 在旧约和新约里,神都要祂的子民为祂说话。
  In both the Old and New Testaments God wants His people to speak for Him.

四 申言者预表基督是将我们带进神的光和启示之中的一位——约一1、14,六63,八12,太十一27,可四11。
  A prophet typifies Christ as the One who brings us into God’s light and revelation—John 1:1, 14; 6:63; 8:12; Matt. 11:27; Mark 4:11.

叁 “耶和华你的神要从你们弟兄们中间,给你兴起一位申言者像我,你们要听从祂”——申十八15:
  “A Prophet will Jehovah your God raise up for you from your midst, from among your brothers, like me; you shall listen to Him”—Deut. 18:15:

一 在十五至十九节,摩西说到耶和华神为以色列人兴起一位像摩西的申言者(要来的基督)。
  In verses 15 through 19 Moses spoke concerning Jehovah God’s raising up of a Prophet (the coming Christ) like Moses for the children of Israel.

二 行传三章二十二节把申命记十八章十五至十九节应用到基督这位神成为肉体来作人者的身上,指明基督就是神应许给祂子民以色列人的申言者。
  Acts 3:22 applies Deuteronomy 18:15-19 to Christ, who is God incarnated to be a man, indicating that Christ is the Prophet promised by God to His people, the children of Israel.

三 申言者要从他们的弟兄们中间兴起(15上),指明基督这位要来的申言者既是神圣的,又是属人的——约一1、14:
  That the Prophet was to be from among their brothers (v. 15a) indicates that Christ as the coming Prophet would be human as well as divine—John 1:1, 14:

1 基督若仅仅是神,就不能从犹太人中间作一位弟兄而被兴起;但基督是成为肉体的一位,穿上了人的性情,作了犹太人,就从祂的弟兄们中间被兴起——罗一3~4,八3,腓二5~8。
  As God, Christ could not be from among the Jews as a brother, but as the incarnated One, the One who has put on human nature and was a Jew, Christ was from among His brothers—Rom. 1:3-4; 8:3; Phil. 2:5-8.

2 要来的基督乃是神成肉体来作神人——路一31~33。
  The coming Christ would be God incarnated to be a Godman—Luke 1:31-33.

四 申命记十八章十八节指明,神要借着基督的成为肉体,兴起这位申言者讲说神的话——约一14,三34,七16~17,八18,来一2上:
  Deuteronomy 18:18 indicates that God would raise up this Prophet through the incarnation of Christ to speak the word of God—John 1:14; 3:34; 7:16-17; 8:18; Heb. 1:2a:

1 讲说神的话,即申言,乃是分赐神,把神说到人里面——林前十四1、3、5、24~25、31。
  To speak God’s word—to prophesy—is to dispense God, to speak God forth into others—1 Cor. 14:1, 3, 5, 24-25, 31.

2 这就是神所兴起的申言者主耶稣所作的——徒三21~22。
  This is what the Lord Jesus did as the Prophet raised up by God—Acts 3:21-22.

肆 旧约的申言者预表新约圣灵这涂抹的膏油——林后一21,约壹二20、27:
  The prophets in the Old Testament typify the Holy Spirit as the anointing ointment in the New Testament—2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20, 27:

一 在新约里,圣灵顶替了申言者的工作——路一41~42、46~55、67~79。
  In the New Testament the Holy Spirit has replaced the work of the prophets—Luke 1:41-42, 46-55, 67-79.

二 圣灵膏油的涂抹,顶替了旧约的申言者——徒三21~22,林前十五45下,林后三17,徒一2,二4。
  The anointing of the Holy Spirit has replaced the prophets of the Old Testament—Acts 3:21-22; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17; Acts 1:2; 2:4.

三 圣灵这膏油涂抹的元素,已经进到我们里面,作我们的申言者——罗八11、16,林前六17,加四4、6:
  The Holy Spirit, the anointing element, has entered into us to be our Prophet—Rom. 8:11, 16; 1 Cor. 6:17; Gal. 4:4, 6:

1 在旧约里,圣灵借以向人启示的代表乃是申言者——彼后一21。
  In the Old Testament the representatives through whom the Holy Spirit gave revelations were the prophets—2 Pet. 1:21.

2 今天申言者所预表之启示的灵是在我们里面,那灵给我们启示——弗一17~18,林前十四29~30。
  Today the Spirit of revelation, typified by the prophets, is in us, and the Spirit gives us revelation—Eph. 1:17-18; 1 Cor. 14:29-30.

四 在我们里面施膏的灵就是申言者——林后一21,约壹二20、27:
  The anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet—2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20, 27:

1 施膏的灵已经进到我们里面,作了我们活的申言者——20、27节。
  The anointing Spirit has entered into us to be our living Prophet—vv. 20, 27.

2 在旧约里,神的灵临到一些人,只感动他们;现今那灵已经进到我们众人里面,作我们的申言者——民十一25~26、29。
  In the Old Testament the Spirit of God came upon certain people and moved only them; now the Spirit has entered into all of us to be our Prophet—Num. 11:25-26, 29.

3 感动人作申言者的那灵,已作为膏油涂抹进到我们里面,作我们的申言者——约壹二20、27。
  The Spirit who inspired people to be prophets has entered into us as the anointing to be our Prophet—1 John 2:20, 27.

伍 新约给我们看见,神要我们得救并重生的人都作申言者说话——林前十四1、3、5、24、31:
  The New Testament shows that God wants us, the saved and regenerated ones, to prophesy as prophets—1 Cor. 14:1, 3, 5, 24, 31:

一 申言是超越的恩赐,乃是借着享受基督,在生命的长大里所产生,为着建造召会——12节,太十六18,林前十四4下。
  Prophesying is the excelling gift produced in the growth in life through the enjoyment of Christ for the building up of the church—v. 12; Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 14:4b.

二 新约信徒蒙神拯救,作君王、作祭司,并作申言者为神申言——启一5~6,二十4下,林前十四31:
  The New Testament believers are saved by God to be kings, priests, and prophets who prophesy for God—Rev. 1:5-6; 20:4b; 1 Cor. 14:31:

1 重生并得救的人都能为神申言——约三3、5~6,林前十四31~32。
  Regenerated and saved persons are able to prophesy for God—John 3:3, 5-6; 1 Cor. 14:31-32.

2 神愿意每一位信徒都申言,就是为祂说话,并说出祂——1、3、5、24、31节。
  God desires that each of the believers prophesy, that is, speak for Him and speak Him forth—vv. 1, 3, 5, 24, 31.

3 按照成为肉体的原则,神要在我们里面并借着我们说话——六17,七25、40。
  God wants to speak within us and through us according to the principle of incarnation—6:17; 7:25, 40.

三 为神说话并说出神,乃是凭神的灵说话;那灵总是预备好,要同着并借着我们说话——十二3,十四32。
  Speaking for God and speaking forth God are speaking by the Spirit of God; the Spirit is always ready to speak with us and through us—12:3; 14:32.

四 就着“为……说话”,并“说出……”的意义而言——为神说话,并说出神——申言需要生命多有长大——弗四15:
  To prophesy in the sense of telling for and telling forth—speaking for God and speaking forth God—requires much growth in life—Eph. 4:15:

1 为这缘故,我们需要认识神,也需要经历基督——来八10~11,腓三7~15。
  For this, we need to know God and experience Christ—Heb. 8:10-11; Phil. 3:7-15.

2 我们对神若没有足够的认识,对基督若没有足够的经历,就没有什么可为祂说的,也不能说出祂。
  If we do not have the adequate knowledge of God and experience of Christ, we do not have anything to say for Him, and we cannot speak Him forth.

五 新约申言者主要的工作是为着建造、勉励并安慰人——林前十四3。
  The main work of the New Testament prophets is for building up, encouraging, and consoling others—1 Cor. 14:3.

六 在召会聚会申言的目标,乃是建造召会作基督的身体——12节。
  The goal of prophesying in the church meetings is the building up of the church as the Body of Christ—v. 12.

七 申言需要三种构成的元素:
  Prophesying requires the three constituting elements of prophesying:

1 对神的话有认识——属人学习的元素——提后三16~17,结三1~4。
  A knowledge of the Word of God—the human element of learning—2 Tim. 3:16-17; Ezek. 3:1-4.

2 有圣灵即时的感动——神圣感动的元素——林前十四32、37上,约壹一6~7,罗八4。
  The instant inspiration of the Holy Spirit—the divine element of inspiration—1 Cor. 14:32, 37a; 1 John 1:6-7; Rom. 8:4.

3 有异象,看见神的权益和经纶,看见召会是基督的身体,看见地方召会,看见世界,看见个别的圣徒,甚至看见自己——借着神圣之光的光照而有所看见——弗一17,林前二11~12。
  A vision concerning God’s interest and economy, concerning the church as the Body of Christ, concerning the local churches, concerning the world, concerning the individual saints, and even concerning ourselves—the view through the enlightening of the divine light—Eph. 1:17; 1 Cor. 2:11-12.

八 我们若要申言,就需要过申言的生活:
  If we are going to prophesy, we need to live a prophesying life:

1 我们需要晨晨复兴——箴四18,哀三22~24,诗一一九147~148:
  We need to be revived every morning—Prov. 4:18; Lam. 3:22-24; Psa. 119:147-148:

a 义人的途径好像黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午;这是照着神创造里的自然律,我们必须照着这自然的律。
  The path of the righteous is like the dawn that becomes brighter and brighter until noontime; this is according to the natural law in God’s creation, and we have to go along with it.

b 在哀歌三章二十二至二十四节耶利米说,主的怜恤每早晨都是新鲜的,崭新的。
  In Lamentations 3:22-24 Jeremiah says that the Lord’s compassions are fresh and new every morning.

2 我们也需要时时与主交通,照着灵而行,无论得时不得时都传道(讲说主),借此过日日得胜的生活——约壹一6,罗八4,提后四2上。
  We also need to live an overcoming life every day by fellowshipping with the Lord moment by moment, by walking according to the spirit, and by speaking the word (the Lord) in season and out of season—1 John 1:6; Rom. 8:4; 2 Tim. 4:2a.

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