2019年 夏季训练


« 第三篇 »

Message Three The Change of Our Diet to the Heavenly Christ as the Reality of the Heavenly Manna So That We May Be Reconstituted with Christ to Become God’s Dwelling Place


Scripture Reading: Num. 11:4-9; 21:5; Exo. 16:1-36; John 6:31-35, 48-51, 57-58, 63

壹 属天的基督是属天吗哪的实际,为神所差,作神选民日常生命的供应——约六31~35、48~51、57~58、63:
  The heavenly Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people—John 6:31-35, 48-51, 57-58, 63:

一 祂是属天的粮,是从天上降下来的粮——31~32、41~42、49~50节。
  He is the heavenly bread as the bread that came down out of heaven—vv. 31-32, 41-42, 49-50.

二 祂是神的粮,是属于神的,是神所差来,且有神同在的——33节。
  He is the bread of God as the One who is of God, who was sent by God, and who was with God—v. 33.

三 基督是生命的粮,带着永远的生命(奏厄);生命的粮,指粮的性质是生命;生命的粮就像生命树一样“好作食物”,作人生命的供应——35、48节,创二9。
  He is the bread of life as the bread with eternal life, with zoe; the bread of life refers to the nature of the bread, which is life; it is like the tree of life, which also is the life supply “good for food”—vv. 35, 48; Gen. 2:9.

四 祂是活粮;这是指粮的情形是活的——约六51。
  He is the living bread; this refers to the condition of the bread, which is living—John 6:51.

五 祂是真粮,是真实的食物,其他各种食物不过是祂这真食物的影儿;我们每日所吃之食物的实际,乃是耶稣基督——32节。
  He is the true bread; He is the true food, and all other foods are merely shadows of Him as the real food; the reality of the food that we eat daily is Jesus Christ—v. 32.

贰 “活的父怎样差我来,我又因父活着,照样,那吃我的人,也要因我活着。……赐人生命的乃是灵,肉是无益的;我对你们所说的话,就是灵,就是生命”——57、63节:
  “As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me… It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life”—vv. 57, 63:

一 吃就是把食物接受到我们里面,并生机地吸收到我们体内;因此,吃主耶稣就是将祂接受到我们里面,为重生的新人以生命的方式所吸收。
  To eat is to take food into us that it may be assimilated organically into our body; hence, to eat the Lord Jesus is to receive Him into us that He may be assimilated by the regenerated new man in the way of life.

二 我们不是仅仅凭基督活着,乃是因基督活着,以基督为我们加力的元素和供应的因素;我们在基督的复活里活基督,我们也因着吃基督而活基督——加二20,腓一19~21上。
  We live not merely by Christ but because of Christ as our energizing element and supplying factor; we live Christ in His resurrection, and we live Christ by eating Him—Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21a.

三 我们吃主耶稣作我们属灵的食物,接受祂这赐人生命的灵,是借着吃祂是灵和生命的话,借着各样的祷告接受祂的话——耶十五16与注1,弗六17~18:
  We eat the Lord Jesus as our spiritual food, receiving Him as the Spirit who gives life, by eating His words of spirit and life, receiving His words by means of all prayer—Jer. 15:16 and footnote 1; Eph. 6:17-18:

1 祂所说的话,乃是生命之灵的具体化;现今祂在复活里是赐生命的灵,而这灵又具体化于祂的话。
  His spoken words are the embodiment of the Spirit of life; He is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words.

2 我们运用灵接受祂的话,就得着那赐人生命的灵——参诗歌四五一首。
  When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we get the Spirit who gives life—cf. Hymns, #612.

叁 神要更换我们的饮食,要我们吃基督作为父神所差来的真吗哪,使神所拣选的人得以由基督重新构成,并因基督活着,成为神的居所——出十六1~36:
  God wants to change our diet to a diet of Christ as the real manna sent by God the Father for God’s chosen people to be reconstituted with Christ and to live because of Christ to become God’s dwelling place—Exo. 16:1-36:

一 尽管神的百姓已从埃及被领到分别的旷野里,但他们仍然是由表征世界之埃及的成分所构成;神的心意是要借着更换他们的饮食来改变他们的成分,好改变祂子民的性质;祂要改变他们的所是,他们的构成,用属天的基督将他们构成并变化,使他们成为属天的子民。
  Although God’s people had been brought out of Egypt into the wilderness of separation, they were still constituted with the element of Egypt, signifying the world; God’s intention was to change their element by changing their diet in order to change the nature of His people; He wanted to change their being, their very constitution, to make them a heavenly people constituted and transformed with the heavenly Christ.

二 四十年之久,神只给以色列人吗哪吃(35,民十一6);这表明神在祂救恩里的心意,乃是要将祂自己作到基督的信徒里面,并借着以基督作他们唯一的属天食物喂养他们,改变他们的构成,因而使他们够资格建造召会作神的居所;事实上,信徒由基督重新构成之后,他们自己就成了神的居所——参林前三16~17,六19,林后六16,提前三15,来三6,启二一2~3。
  For forty years God gave the children of Israel nothing to eat but manna (v. 35; Num. 11:6); this shows that God’s intention in His salvation is to work Himself into the believers in Christ and to change their constitution by feeding them with Christ as their unique heavenly food, thereby qualifying them to build up the church as God’s dwelling place; in fact, after being reconstituted with Christ, the believers themselves become the dwelling place of God—cf. 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16; 1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:6; Rev. 21:2-3.

三 神对付祂子民肉体的路乃是弃绝肉体,不喂养它;因这缘故,神改变祂百姓的饮食,并赐给他们肉体所不喜欢的食物;闲杂人与以色列人都厌恶并厌烦吗哪属天的口味,对埃及食物属世的味道起了贪欲——民十一4~9,二一5。
  God’s way to deal with the flesh of His people is to put it aside and not to feed it; for this reason He changes the diet of His people and sends them food that their flesh does not like; the mixed multitude and the people of Israel both abhorred and were bored of the heavenly taste of manna and lusted for the worldly taste of the Egyptian food—Num. 11:4-9; 21:5.

四 埃及的饮食指我们为得满足所渴望获取的一切事物;就着埃及的饮食(即属世的娱乐)而言,美国是领头的国家;凡我们所爱好、巴望、渴求的事物,就是我们全人据以构成的饮食。
  The Egyptian diet denotes all the things that we desire to feed on in order to find satisfaction; America is the leading country with respect to the Egyptian diet, the worldly entertainment; whatever we desire, hunger, and thirst after is the diet according to which our being has been constituted.

五 一面,属天的吗哪滋养并医治我们;另一面,属天的吗哪除去我们里面消极的东西。
  On the one hand, the heavenly manna nourishes us and heals us; on the other hand, it eliminates the negative things in us.

六 何等希奇!除了吗哪以外,神什么也没有给百姓;这指明除了基督以外,神什么也没有给他们;愿主除去我们对基督以外之事物的爱好与渴望!
  How marvelous it was that God gave the people nothing except manna; this indicates that He gave them nothing except Christ; may the Lord take away the desire and hunger for anything other than Christ!

七 借着吃吗哪,至终神的百姓成了吗哪;我们的构成必须借着吃基督而重新整理,才能建造召会作神的居所;愿主改变我们的饮食,使我们由基督重新构成,而成为神的居所——太十六18。
  By feeding on manna, God’s people eventually became manna; our constitution must be rearranged through the eating of Christ so that the church as the dwelling place of God may be built up; may the Lord change our diet so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and become God’s dwelling place—Matt. 16:18.

八 随着饮食的改变,我们需要改变胃口;主耶稣说,“不要为那必坏的食物劳力,要为那存到永远生命的食物劳力”——约六27:
  Along with the change of diet, we need a change of appetite; the Lord Jesus said, “Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto eternal life”—John 6:27:

1 食物的意思是我们接受进来作我们满足的任何事物;基督自己是那独一不朽坏的食物;这食物存到永远的生命。
  By food, we mean anything that we take into us for our satisfaction; Christ Himself is the only food that does not perish; this food abides unto eternal life.

2 凡是能满足、加强并支持我们的,就是我们的食物;我们所接受作我们支持、力量和满足的独一食物,必须单单是基督。
  Whatever satisfies, strengthens, and sustains us is our food; the unique food that we take for our sustenance, strength, and satisfaction must be Christ alone.

3 所有重生的人都需要改变他们的饮食,好改变他们的胃口;神的心意是要断绝属世的饮食,并限制我们只吃属天的食物,就是基督。
  All those who have been regenerated need to change their diet for a change of appetite; God’s intention is to cut off the worldly diet and to limit us to a diet of heavenly food, which is Christ.

4 我们都应当能说,“主是唯一能满足我的那一位。除祂以外,我没有满足。我每日靠基督得着加强和支持。祂是我所倚靠的唯一食物。”
  We all should be able to say, “The Lord is the only One who satisfies me. Apart from Him, I have no satisfaction. I am daily strengthened and sustained by Christ. He is the only food on which I rely.”

九 我们所接受作我们支持、力量和满足的独一食物,必须是基督;新约里独一无二的职事只输送基督作神子民独一的食物——民十一5~6,参徒一17、25,林后四1,提前一12,林后三6。
  The unique food that we take for our sustenance, strength, and satisfaction must be Christ, and the one unique ministry in the New Testament conveys Christ as the unique food for God’s people—Num. 11:5-6; cf. Acts 1:17, 25; 2 Cor. 4:1; 1 Tim. 1:12; 2 Cor. 3:6.

肆 基督是我们独一的食物,我们每日的吗哪,使我们新陈代谢地变化;我们需要看见并经历这样一位基督的特征:
  We need to see and experience the characteristics of Christ as our unique food, our daily manna, for our metabolic transformation:

一 吗哪是一个奥秘——出十六15,西二2,赛九6,弗三4,约三8:
  Manna is a mystery—Exo. 16:15; Col. 2:2; Isa. 9:6; Eph. 3:4; John 3:8:

1 希伯来文,manhu,曼胡(吗哪一辞由此而来),意思是“这是什么?”——出十六15。
  The Hebrew expression man hu, from which the word manna derives, means “What is it?”—Exo. 16:15.

2 正如我们无法分析或解释吗哪,我们也无法分析或解释主耶稣;对世界的人而言,基督是真正的吗哪,是真正的“这是什么?”
  Just as we cannot analyze or explain manna, we cannot analyze or explain the Lord Jesus; to the people of the world, Christ is the real manna, the real “What is it?”

二 吗哪是一个长期的神迹;吗哪每早晨降下,必须每早晨收取;这指明我们不能贮存基督的供应;经历基督作我们生命的供应,必须是每日的、每早晨的;基督作我们的食物,要持续直到永远——4、21节,参太六34。
  Manna is a long-term miracle; manna was sent every morning, and it had to be gathered every morning; this indicates that we cannot store up the supply of Christ but that the experience of Christ as our life supply must be daily, morning by morning; as our food, Christ will last for eternity—vv. 4, 21; cf. Matt. 6:34.

三 吗哪从天而降;一面,主耶稣是“从天上来的粮”;另一面,祂是“神的粮”,就是那从天上降下来作我们食物的一位——出十六4,约六32~33、51。
  Manna is from heaven; on the one hand, the Lord Jesus is “the bread out of heaven”; on the other hand, He is “the bread of God,” the One who came down out of heaven to be our food—Exo. 16:4; John 6:32-33, 51.

四 吗哪随露水而降,露水表征主新鲜的怜恤所带来主复苏并滋润的恩典;恩典乃是神临及我们,使我们复苏,并滋润我们——出十六13~14,民十一9,诗一三三3,哀三22~23,来四16,诗一一〇3。
  Manna comes with the dew, which signifies the Lord’s refreshing and watering grace brought in by His fresh compassions; grace is God reaching us to refresh us and water us—Exo. 16:13-14; Num. 11:9; Psa. 133:3; Lam. 3:22-23; Heb. 4:16; Psa. 110:3.

五 吗哪在早晨降下,指明借着我们与主有活的接触,给我们新的开始——出十六21,参歌一6下,七12,约五39~40,罗六4,七6。
  Manna comes in the morning, indicating that it gives us a new beginning through our living contact with the Lord—Exo. 16:21; cf. S. S. 1:6b; 7:12; John 5:39-40; Rom. 6:4; 7:6.

六 吗哪是细小的;基督生在马槽里,长在微小、受人藐视的城里一位木匠的家中;这指明主没有显扬祂的伟大,反而宁愿在人眼中显为微小——出十六14下,路二12,约六35,参士九9、11、13,太十三31~32。
  Manna is small; Christ was born in a manger, and He was raised in the home of a carpenter in a small, despised town; this indicates that the Lord did not make a display of His greatness but preferred to be small in the eyes of man—Exo. 16:14b; Luke 2:12; John 6:35; cf. Judg. 9:9, 11, 13; Matt. 13:31-32.

七 吗哪是细致的,指明基督是均匀、平衡的,并且成为微小,能让我们吃——出十六14,约六12。
  Manna is fine, indicating that Christ is even and balanced and that He became small enough for us to eat—Exo. 16:14; John 6:12.

八 吗哪是圆的,指明作我们食物的基督是永远、完全、完满的,没有不足或残缺——出十六14,约八58。
  Manna is round, indicating that as our food, Christ is eternal, perfect, and full, without shortage or defect—Exo. 16:14; John 8:58.

九 吗哪是白色的,表明基督清净又纯洁,没有任何搀杂——出十六31,诗十二6,一一九140,林后十一3中。
  Manna is white, showing that Christ is clean and pure, without any mixture—Exo. 16:31; Psa. 12:6; 119:140; 2 Cor. 11:3b.

十 吗哪如霜,表征基督不仅使我们清凉复苏,也杀死我们里面消极的东西——出十六14,箴十七27。
  Manna is like frost, signifying that Christ not only cools and refreshes us but also kills the negative things within us—Exo. 16:14; Prov. 17:27.

十一 吗哪像芫荽子,指明基督满了生命,在我们里面长大并繁增——民十一7,路八11。十二吗哪是坚实的(含示于百姓“或用磨碾,或用臼捣,在锅里煮”——民十一8),表征我们收取作吗哪的基督之后,必须在日常生活的景况和环境中,“碾、捣并煮”祂,将祂作成可吃的——参林后一4,弗六18。
  Manna is like coriander seed, indicating that Christ is full of life that grows in us and multiplies—Num. 11:7; Luke 8:11.

十三 吗哪的样子好像珍珠,指明基督的光亮透明——民十一7,启四6、8,结一18。
  Manna is solid (implied in the fact that the people “ground it between two millstones or beat it in a mortar, then they boiled it in pots”—Num. 11:8), signifying that after gathering Christ as manna, we must prepare Him for our eating by “grinding, beating, and boiling” Him in the situations and circumstances of our daily living—cf. 2 Cor. 1:4; Eph. 6:18.

十四 吗哪的滋味好像烤的油饼,表征基督的味道有圣灵的馨香——民十一8,诗九二10。
  Manna’s appearance is like that of bdellium, indicating the brightness and transparency of Christ—Num. 11:7; Rev. 4:6, 8; Ezek. 1:18.

十五 吗哪的滋味如同搀蜜的薄饼,表征基督甘甜的味道——出十六31,诗一一九103。
  Manna’s taste is like that of cakes baked in oil, signifying the fragrance of the Holy Spirit in the taste of Christ—Num. 11:8; Psa. 92:10.

十六 吗哪适于作成饼,指明基督像细致的饼,富有营养——民十一8,提前四6。
  Manna’s taste is like that of wafers made with honey, signifying the sweetness of the taste of Christ—Exo. 16:31; Psa. 119:103.

伍 公开的吗哪是我们没有吃过的吗哪,而隐藏的吗哪是指我们所吃、所消化并吸收的吗哪——启二17:
  Manna is good for making cakes, indicating that Christ is like fine cakes good for nourishment—Num. 11:8; 1 Tim. 4:6.

一 “不要认为你不可能成为得胜者。借着享受基督作吗哪,你能成为得胜者。要吃公开的吗哪,基督就成为隐藏的吗哪。这隐藏的吗哪要把你构成得胜者”——出埃及记生命读经,第三十九篇。
  The open manna is manna that we have not eaten, whereas the hidden manna refers to manna that we have eaten, digested, and assimilated—Rev. 2:17:

二 我们所吃、所消化并吸收的基督,要成为永远的记念;我们在永世里将要回想关于基督的两方面:享受基督作为将我们重新构成的成分,以及基督作为使我们成为神在宇宙中居所的供应——出十六16、32。
  “Do not think that it is impossible for you to be an overcomer. You can become an overcomer by enjoying Christ as manna. Eat the open manna, and Christ will become the hidden manna. This hidden manna will constitute you into an overcomer”—Life-study of Exodus, pp. 459-460.

三 正如金罐里的吗哪是神居所的中心点,照样,基督作为我们所吃的吗哪,乃是今天神建造的中心点——来九3~4,弗四16,西二19。
  Whatever we eat, digest, and assimilate of Christ will be an eternal memorial; what we shall recall concerning Christ in eternity will have two aspects: the aspect of the enjoyment of Christ as our reconstituting element and the aspect of Christ as the supply to make us God’s dwelling place in the universe—Exo. 16:16, 32.

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