2019年 夏季训练


« 第四篇 »

Message Four Speaking to the Rock to Drink of the Spirit as the Water of Life and Digging the Well to Allow the Spirit as the Water of Life to Flow Freely within Us


Scripture Reading: Exo. 17:6; Num. 20:8; 21:16-18; 1 Cor. 12:13; John 4:10, 14; 7:37-39; 19:34; 1 Cor. 10:4; Rev. 22:1-2

壹 击打磐石是基督钉十字架清楚、完整且完全的图画——出十七6:
  The striking of the rock is a clear, complete, and full picture of Christ’s crucifixion—Exo. 17:6:

一 在这预表里,摩西表征律法,杖代表律法的权能和权柄。
  In this type, Moses signifies the law, and the staff represents the power and authority of the law.

二 因此,磐石被摩西的杖击打,表征基督在十字架上被神律法的权柄治死——参加二19~20上,三13。
  Hence, the striking of the rock by Moses’ staff signifies that Christ was put to death on the cross by the authority of God’s law—cf. Gal. 2:19-20a; 3:13.

三 基督作为活的灵磐石被神律法的权柄击打,为使生命的水能在复活里从祂流出来,流进祂所救赎的子民里面给他们喝——出十七6,林前十4:
  Christ as the living, spiritual rock was smitten by the authority of God’s law so that the water of life in resurrection could flow out of Him and into His redeemed people for them to drink—Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4:

1 基督是生我们的磐石,并且祂这磐石是我们的拯救、力量、避难所、藏身之处、保护、遮盖和防卫——申三二18,撒下二二47,诗九五1,六二7,九四22,赛三二2。
  Christ is our begetting rock and the rock who is our salvation, strength, refuge, hiding place, protection, covering, and safeguard—Deut. 32:18; 2 Sam. 22:47; Psa. 95:1; 62:7; 94:22; Isa. 32:2.

2 主在十字架上,从祂被扎的肋旁有血和水流出;血是为着我们法理的救赎,救我们脱离罪的愆尤;在复活里生命的水是为着我们生机的拯救,救我们脱离罪的权能——创二21~22,约十九34,亚十三1,诗三六8~9,启二一6,诗歌七三一首第一节。
  Blood and water flowed out of the Lord’s pierced side on the cross; the blood for our judicial redemption saves us from the guilt of sin, and the water of life in resurrection for our organic salvation saves us from the power of sin—Gen. 2:21-22; John 19:34; Zech. 13:1; Psa. 36:8-9; Rev. 21:6; Hymns, #1058, stanza 1.

四 从磐石所流出的水,乃是在复活里生命的水:
  The water that came out of the rock is the water of life in resurrection:

1 复活是指一个东西摆在死里又活过来;也是指经过死所长出的生命。
  Resurrection denotes something that has been put to death and is alive again; it also denotes life that springs forth out of something that has passed through death.

2 从被击打的磐石流出的水,是在成为肉体、人性生活和钉十字架这些主要的步骤成就之后,才涌流的;因此,出埃及十七章六节是很深奥的一节经文,含示基督的成为肉体、人性生活和受死。
  The water that flowed out of the smitten rock sprang forth only after the major steps of incarnation, human living, and crucifixion had been accomplished; hence, Exodus 17:6 is a profound verse, implying Christ’s incarnation, human living, and death.

3 只有在主耶稣得着荣耀以后,也就是说,在基督进入复活以后,那灵才能给我们领受,作为给我们喝并涌流的活水——约七37~39,路二四26。
  The Spirit as the living water for us to drink and flow out could be received only after the Lord Jesus had been glorified, that is, only after Christ had entered into resurrection—John 7:37-39; Luke 24:26.

4 实际上,生命的水,涌流的水,就是复活;复活就是三一神——父是源头,子是流道,灵是涌流——约五26,十一25。
  Actually, the water of life, the flowing water, is resurrection; resurrection is the Triune God—the Father as the source, the Son as the course, and the Spirit as the flow—John 5:26; 11:25.

五 这生命水的源头是神和羔羊(救赎的神)的宝座;因此,生命水就是涌流出来,作我们生命的三一神——启二二1:
  The source of the water of life is the throne of God and of the Lamb—the redeeming God; hence, the water of life is the Triune God flowing out to be our life—Rev. 22:1:

1 活水的涌流开始于永远里的宝座,继续经过基督的成为肉体、人性生活和钉十字架(约四10、14,十九34),现今在复活里继续涌流,将神圣生命的一切丰富供应神的子民(启二二1~2)。
  The flow of the living water began from the throne in eternity, continued through the incarnation, human living, and crucifixion of Christ (John 4:10, 14; 19:34), and now flows on in resurrection to supply God’s people with all the riches of the divine life (Rev. 22:1-2).

2 在复活里生命水的涌流,乃是为着建造基督的身体(林前十二13),并预备基督的新妇(启十九7),二者都要终极完成于新耶路撒冷(二一9~10,参弗五23、28~30)。
  The flowing of the water of life in resurrection is for the building up of the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13) and the preparation of the bride of Christ (Rev. 19:7), both of which will consummate in the New Jerusalem (21:9-10; cf. Eph. 5:23, 28-30).

六 约翰四章十四节下半启示涌流的三一神——父是源,子是泉,灵是涌流的川,结果带进永远生命的总和,就是新耶路撒冷。
  John 4:14b reveals a flowing Triune God—the Father is the fountain, the Son is the spring, and the Spirit is the flowing river, issuing in the totality of the eternal life, the New Jerusalem.

七 整个三一神都与被击打的磐石涌流出来给人喝的水有关联——〔父〕神站在磐石上,磐石就是〔子〕基督,从磐石流出来的活水表征可喝并涌流的灵作三一神终极的结果——出十七6,林前十4,约七37~39。
  The entire Triune God was involved in the water flowing out of the smitten rock for the people to drink—God [the Father] was standing upon the rock, the rock was Christ [the Son], and the living water coming out of the rock signifies the drinkable and outflowing Spirit as the ultimate issue of the Triune God—Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4; John 7:37-39.

八 我们在复活里饮于一位灵,使我们成为基督身体的肢体,将我们建造为基督的身体,并预备我们作基督的新妇——林前十二13,启二二17。
  Our drinking of the one Spirit in resurrection makes us members of the Body, builds us up as the Body, and prepares us to be the bride of Christ—1 Cor. 12:13; Rev. 22:17.

贰 我们要从钉十字架的基督接受活水,只需要“拿着杖”,并“吩咐磐石”——民二十8:
  To receive the living water from the crucified Christ, we need only to “take the rod” and “speak to the rock”—Num. 20:8:

一 基督既已被钉十字架,那灵也既已赐下,基督就不需要再被钉了,就是不需要再次击打磐石,使活水流出;在神的经纶里,基督只该钉死一次——来七27,九26~28上。
  Since Christ has been crucified and the Spirit has been given, there is no need for Christ to be crucified again, that is, no need to strike the rock again, that the living water may flow; in God’s economy Christ should be crucified only once—Heb. 7:27; 9:26-28a.

二 拿着杖就是在基督的死里与祂联合,并将基督的死应用在我们自己身上和我们的处境中。
  To take the rod is to identify with Christ in His death and apply the death of Christ to ourselves and to our situation.

三 当我们与这被击打的基督联合,亦即与祂成为一,神圣生命作为活水就从我们里面涌流出来——出十七6,约七38,参歌二8~9、14,腓三10。
  When we identify ourselves with the smitten Christ, that is, when we are one with Him as the smitten Christ, the divine life as the living water flows out of us—Exo. 17:6; John 7:38; cf. S. S. 2:8-9, 14; Phil. 3:10.

四 吩咐磐石,就是向基督这被击打的磐石直接说话,求祂基于那灵已经赐下的这个事实,将生命的灵赐给我们——参约四10,诗歌二〇二首。
  To speak to the rock is to speak a direct word to Christ as the smitten rock, asking Him to give us the Spirit of life based on the fact that the Spirit has already been given—cf. John 4:10; Hymns, #248.

五 我们若将基督的死应用在自己身上,并在信心里求基督赐给我们那灵,就必得着活的灵,作为生命全备的供应——腓一19。
  If we apply the death of Christ to ourselves and ask Christ in faith to give us the Spirit, we will receive the living Spirit as the bountiful supply of life—Phil. 1:19.

六 摩西该简单地吩咐磐石流出水来(民二十8);今天我们若这样对付神子民的争闹,召会生活就会是荣耀的。
  Moses should have simply spoken to the rock, telling it to flow forth with water (Num. 20:8); if we deal with the contending of God’s people in this way today, the church life will be glorious.

叁 民数记二十章八节里的磐石,预表基督在十字架上为神所击打,好叫活水,就是生命的灵,能流出并进到我们里面;而二十一章十六至十八节的井预表基督在我们里面——约四11~12、14:
  Whereas the rock in Numbers 20:8 typifies Christ on the cross, smitten by God so that the living water, the Spirit of life, may flow out into us, the well in Numbers 21:16-18 typifies Christ within us—John 4:11-12, 14:

一 挖井(民二一18)表征挖去“脏污”,就是我们心——良心、心思、意志和情感——中的阻碍,使那灵作活水能从我们里面涌上来,并涌流通畅。
  The digging of the well (Num. 21:18) signifies the digging away of the “dirt,” the barriers in our heart—our conscience, our mind, our will, and our emotion—so that the Spirit as the living water may spring up within us and flow freely.

二 我们需要到主面前去被“挖除”,使我们里面的活水自由涌流;我们里面有许多“脏污”需要挖除:
  We need to go to the Lord to be “dug out” for the free flow of the living water within us; there is much “dirt” within us that needs to be dug out:

1 我们必须挖去我们心里主所定罪的许多事物;心里纯净、单单追求主自己的弟兄姊妹并不多——太五8:
  We must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart; not many brothers and sisters have a pure heart in seeking only the Lord Himself—Matt. 5:8:

a 许多人一面追求主和主的道路;另一面还在追求主以外的其他事物。
  On the one hand, many are seeking the Lord and His way, but on the other hand, they are still seeking things other than the Lord Himself.

b 我们爱主、追求主的时候,可能心是复杂的;我们的目的和目标不是那样纯净;我们不知道我们心里有多少目标,如我们的家庭、我们的职业、我们的学业、我们对自己前途的关切。
  Our loving and seeking the Lord may be with a complicated heart; the aim and goal of our heart are not so pure; we do not know how many goals are within our heart, such as our family, our job, our degree, and our concerns about our future.

2 倘若我们要经历里面那灵自由的涌流,就必须对付并纯净我们的良心——来九14,十22,提前一5、19,彼前三16、21,约壹一7:
  If we would experience a free, inward flow of the Spirit, our conscience must be dealt with and purified—Heb. 9:14; 10:22; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 1 Pet. 3:16, 21; 1 John 1:7:

a 当我们不肯作主所要求的事时,这就成了我们良心里的控告;这些控告就是需要挖去的污秽。
  When we refuse to do what the Lord commands, this becomes an accusation in our conscience; these accusations are the dirt that needs to be dug away.

b 我们必须在灵里一再地就近主,在祂面前被挖掘;借着圣灵的帮助,我们必须把所有的污秽全挖去。
  We need to go to the Lord again and again in our spirit and be dug in His presence; by the help of the Holy Spirit we must dig away all the dirt.

c 无亏的良心,意思就是良心没有什么亏欠或控告——徒二四16。
  A conscience void of offense means to be free from any kind of offense or accusation—Acts 24:16.

3 我们必须挖去我们心思中的污秽;主要借着我们心思的更新而变化我们——罗十二2,弗四23,罗八6,林后十4~5:
  We must dig away the dirt in our mind; the Lord wants to transform us by the renewing of our mind—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23; Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 10:4-5:

a 许多得重生的人对流行的观念和世人没有两样;他们的穿着模仿现今这世代。
  Many who are regenerated are just like the people of the world in their thinking about fashion; they dress in conformity to the modern age.

b 许多得重生的人用钱的方式和世人还是差不多;一直等到他们更爱主,让主更有地位在他们里面作工,他们才在花钱的方式上有变化。
  Many who are regenerated continue to use their money in the same way as those in the world; not until they love the Lord more and give the Lord more ground to work within them will they be transformed in their way of spending money.

c 许多在大学读书的青年弟兄对学业和学位的看法,和其他属世的青年人没有两样;他们的心思若得着更新,他们不会放弃学业,但他们会从主的观点来估量他们的学业。
  Many young people studying in the colleges have the same thoughts about their studies and degrees as other worldly young people; if their minds were being renewed, they would not give up their studies, but they would have the Lord’s point of view in which to evaluate their studies.

d 我们的心思已经被我们一天过一天所有的许多幻想蒙蔽了;那些成堆的污秽就是那许多的思想、幻想和梦想,这些都必须挖去,活水才能自由涌流。
  Our mind has been blinded by the many imaginations that we have day by day; the heaps of dirt are simply the many thoughts, imaginations, and dreams, which must be dug away before the living water can freely flow.

4 我们必须挖去我们意志里的污秽;完全绝对顺从主的人并不多:
  We must dig away the dirt in our will; there are not many who are absolutely and utterly obedient to the Lord:

a 多少时候我们并不服从神主宰的安排——参腓四11~13。
  Many times we do not submit ourselves to the Lord’s sovereign arrangement in our environment—cf. Phil. 4:11-13.

b 有时候,我们自以为相当服从主了,但是祂把我们摆在某些环境里的时候,就把我们暴露出来了。
  Sometimes we think that we are quite submissive to the Lord, but when He puts us into certain circumstances, we are exposed.

c 在祂的主宰下,许多经历和环境不过是要把我们暴露在光中,叫我们知道我们的意志是多顽固。
  Many experiences and circumstances under His sovereignty simply expose us to the light so that we may know how stubborn our will is.

d 意志必须完全服从,不仅服从,而且要与神的意志合拍;然后,我们所作的每一个决定就会是基督的彰显——路二二42,雅四7,腓二13。
  The will must be wholly submissive, and not only submissive but in harmony with the will of God; then every decision that we make will be an expression of Christ—Luke 22:42; James 4:7; Phil. 2:13.

5 我们挖去意志里的污秽以后,就需要对付我们的情感:
  After digging away the dirt from the will, we need to deal with our emotion:

a 当我们感情用事时,我们就被己所霸占了;我们受了情感的控制和捆绑。
  When we are emotional, we are occupied with ourselves; we are under the bondage and control of our emotion.

b 我们的爱好必须受主的管制,我们也必须时时准备按着主的喜悦来运用我们的情感——太十37~39,腓一8。
  The regulating of our love must be under the control of the Lord, and we must always be ready to exercise our emotion according to the Lord’s pleasure—Matt. 10:37-39; Phil. 1:8.

c 我们都必须学习照着主的喜悦和喜乐来对付我们的情感;我们必须学习,凡我们所恨的、所爱的、所喜欢的、所不喜欢的,都必须得着主的许可连同祂的喜乐。
  We all must learn to deal with our emotion according to the pleasure and joy of the Lord; we must learn that whatever we hate or love, whatever we like or dislike, must be done under the permission of the Lord with His joy.

d 倘若我们的情感受主并祂的喜悦、喜乐所管理,我们的情感就会被灵浸透并变化。
  If our emotion is kept under the rule of the Lord with His pleasure and joy, it will be saturated with the spirit and transformed.

6 我们要忘掉“我们的”需要、“我们的”职业、“我们的”前途和“我们的”环境;只要寻求主的同在,求祂将我们带进光中,然后顺从祂的光除去心、良心、心思、意志和情感里的污秽——赛二5,路十一34~36,约壹一5、7、9。
  We must forget about our needs, our jobs, our future, and our circumstances; we must seek only the Lord’s presence and ask Him to bring us into His light; then we can follow His light to dig away the dirt in our heart, conscience, mind, will, and emotion—Isa. 2:5; Luke 11:34-36; 1 John 1:5, 7, 9.

7 唯有借着私下祷告亲近主的时间,才能完成挖掘的工作;我们必须更多花时间亲近主,并且按着祂在里面的引导来祷告。
  This digging is accomplished only by prayer in our private time with the Lord; we have to spend more time with the Lord and pray according to His inner leading.

8 我们越把污秽挖除,我们就越活,刚强而得胜,活水在我们里面自由涌流,使我们在生命里长大,为着基督身体的建造——我们需要唱祷诗歌二〇一首。
  The more we dig away the dirt, the more living, strengthened, and victorious we will be as the living water flows freely within us to cause us to grow in life for the building up of the Body of Christ—we need to sing and pray over Hymns, #250.

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