2019年 夏季训练


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Message Two The Growth and Maturity Required for the Formation of the Army to Protect God’s Testimony and Fight for His Move on Earth


Scripture Reading: Num. 1:2-3, 19-20; 2:1-2, 32, 34; Phil. 3:12-15; Eph. 6:10-12

壹 民数记着重于蒙神救赎、领受启示并经过训练的以色列人,如何编组成军,以保护神的见证,并为着祂在地上的行动争战——一2~3、19~20:
  The emphasis of Numbers is how the Israelites, who had been redeemed, received revelation, and been trained by God, were formed into an army to protect God’s testimony and fight for His move on earth—1:2-3, 19-20:

一 神所造的地已经被撒但毁坏,因此神需要得着一班人,为着祂在地上的行动被编组成军——3节。
  Since the earth created by God was ruined by Satan, God needs to gain a group of people to be formed into an army for His move on earth—v. 3.

二 民数记给我们看见,神如何把祂所救赎的人编组成军,围绕并保护祂的见证——二1~2、32、34;
  Numbers shows how God formed His redeemed people into an army to surround and protect His testimony—2:1-2, 32, 34:

1 在民数记里,特别是在头四章,以色列人按着神的安排编组成军。
  In Numbers, particularly in the first four chapters, the Israelites were formed into an army according to God’s arrangement.

2 以色列人要编组成军,就需要被数点;数点之后以色列人才能编组成军——一2~3、19~20。
  In order for the children of Israel to be formed into an army, they needed to be numbered; only after being numbered could the Israelites be formed into an army—1:2-3, 19-20.

贰 为了“能出去打仗”,以色列男子需要至少年满二十岁;这与长大、成熟有关——3节:
  In order “to go forth for military service,” an Israelite male needed to be at least twenty years old; this is related to growth and maturity—v. 3:

一 当时以色列人大约有二百万,但二十岁以上能出去打仗的,只有六十万零三千五百五十人——45~46节。
  There were approximately two million Israelites, but only 603,550 were twenty years old and upward and were able to go forth for military service—vv. 45-46.

二 地上信徒虽多,其中只有少数人生命成熟到一个地步,能为神的见证争战——弗四12、15~16,六10~12。
  Even though there are a great many believers on earth, only a small number among them are mature in life to the extent that they are able to fight for God’s testimony—Eph. 4:12, 15-16; 6:10-12.

三 民数记提到军队服役的年龄,就是二十岁以上;但这卷书没有提到退役年龄:
  Numbers mentions the age for those enlisting in the army, which was twenty years old and upward, yet this book does not mention the age for retirement:

1 神的军队是强壮的,就像迦勒虽已八十多岁,却仍像四十多岁时一样,在神面前刚强,能争战——书十四6、10~11。
  God’s army was strong, just as Caleb was able to fight and was as strong before God in his eighties as he was in his forties—Josh. 14:6, 10-11.

2 这表征我们必须兼有生命与生命的成熟,才能被神数点。
  This signifies that we must have both life and maturity in life in order to be numbered by God.

四 按照民数记,小孩和妇女都没有被数点:
  According to Numbers, neither children nor women were numbered:

1 小孩表征幼稚,妇女表征软弱。
  Children signify immaturity, and women signify weakness.

2 只有二十岁以上的男丁能参与争战,这表征在信徒中,只有生命成熟并刚强的才能从事属灵争战。
  That only males who were twenty years old and upward were able to engage in warfare signifies that among the believers, only those who are mature in life and strong are able to fight in spiritual warfare.

五 被数点的人需要经过摩西、亚伦及十二支派首领的认可——一4、16~18:
  Those who were numbered needed to be confirmed by Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of the twelve tribes—1:4, 16-18:

1 摩西表征基督是身体的头,运用祂的权柄;亚伦表征基督是大祭司,执行祂的祭司职分;十二支派的首领表征召会中的长老和领头的人——西一18,来八1,徒十四23:
  Moses signifies Christ as the Head of the Body who executes His authority, Aaron signifies Christ as the High Priest who exercises His priesthood, and the leaders of the twelve tribes signify the elders and leading ones in the church—Col. 1:18; Heb. 8:1; Acts 14:23:

a 这指明神子民的数点是根据生命和生命的成熟,以及属灵权柄的认可。
  This indicates that the numbering of God’s people is based on life and maturity in life and is confirmed by spiritual authority.

b 编组成为神的军队需要生命、成熟和属灵权柄的认可。
  Life, maturity, and the confirmation of spiritual authority are required for the formation of God’s army.

2 以色列人要被数点,就需要在他们宗族生命的交通里,也必须在生命里长大达到成熟,这由二十岁所表征——民一1~16。
  In order to be numbered, the children of Israel were required to be in the fellowship of the life of their fathers’ households and had to grow in life unto maturity, which is signified by the age of twenty—Num. 1:1-16.

叁 在主今日的恢复里,急切需要为着编组成为神的军队所要求的长大与成熟;我们需要在生命里长大达到成熟——出三十14,民一2~3、18,弗四12~16:
  In the Lord’s recovery today, there is an urgent need for the growth and maturity required for the formation of God’s army; we need to grow in life unto maturity—Exo. 30:14; Num. 1:2-3, 18; Eph. 4:12-16:

一 就属灵一面说,二十岁以上的男丁,表征神的子民中间灵里刚强并在神圣生命里成熟的人,不论其天然的身分如何;唯有这些人够资格编组成军,为着神在地上的权益和行动争战——出三十14,民一3。
  Spiritually, males who are twenty years old and over signify those among God’s people who, regardless of their natural status, are strong in spirit and mature in the divine life; only these are qualified to be formed into an army to fight for God’s interest and move on earth—Exo. 30:14; Num. 1:3.

二 生命长大乃是神成分的加多(西二19),基督身量的增长(弗三17上,四13),圣灵地位的开展(五18),人成分的减少,天然生命的破碎,魂的各部分被征服(提后一7)。
  The growth of life is the increase of the element of God (Col. 2:19), the increase of the stature of Christ (Eph. 3:17a; 4:13), the expanding of the ground of the Holy Spirit (5:18), the decrease of the human element, the breaking of the natural life, and the subduing of every part of our soul (2 Tim. 1:7).

三 变化是我们在天然的生命里新陈代谢的改变,而成熟是我们被那改变我们的神圣生命所充满;变化的最后阶段是成熟,就是生命达到丰满——来六1。
  To be transformed is to be metabolically changed in our natural life, whereas to be matured is to be filled with the divine life that changes us; the last stage of transformation is maturity, the fullness of life—Heb. 6:1.

四 在新约里,“成熟”这辞用于指信徒在神的生命上长成、成熟并完全——太五48,约三3、5~6、15:
  In the New Testament the word mature refers to the believers’ being full-grown and perfected in the life of God—Matt. 5:48; John 3:3, 5-6, 15:

1 作为信徒我们需要往前,竭力前进,达到成熟,忘记背后的,努力面前的,追求对基督完满的享受并赢得基督,好在千年国里对基督有极点的享受——腓三12~15。
  As believers, we need to go on, to be brought on, to maturity by forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are before, pursuing toward the fullest enjoyment and gaining of Christ for the uttermost enjoyment of Christ in the millennial kingdom—Phil. 3:12-15.

2 在属灵生命上成熟的先决条件,就是在神圣生命里一直长大——弗四15。
  The prerequisite for maturity in the spiritual life is to grow continually in the divine life—Eph. 4:15.

3 信徒在基督生命里长大成熟的最终结果乃是长成的人——召会作基督的身体,长成一个成熟的人——13、16节。
  The ultimate issue of the believers’ growth and maturity in the life of Christ is a full-grown man—the church as the Body of Christ growing into a mature man—vv. 13, 16.

五 成熟就是基督在我们里面完全成形了;也就是说,我们已经完全变化成祂的形像——加四19,林后三18:
  To be mature is to have Christ fully formed in us; it also means that we have been fully transformed into His image—Gal. 4:19; 2 Cor. 3:18:

1 从我们得重生的时候起,主就一直在我们里面作工,使我们有祂的形像——18节,罗八29。
  Since the time of our regeneration, the Lord has been working in us so that we may have His image—v. 18; Rom. 8:29.

2 等到主把祂的形像完全作到我们里面,祂也从我们里面完全彰显出来的时候,我们就生命成熟了——29节,林后三18。
  When the Lord has fully worked His image into us and is fully expressed through us, we will be mature in life—v. 29; 2 Cor. 3:18.

六 雅歌三章给我们看见寻求者的成熟,四章解释这样的成熟是借着意志的降服而达到的:
  Chapter 3 of Song of Songs shows us the maturity of the seeking one, and chapter 4 explains that maturity is reached by the subduing of the will:

1 寻求者成熟的秘诀,就是她的意志已完全降服且复活了——三6~9,四1下、4。
  The secret of the maturity of the seeking one is that her will has been completely subdued and resurrected—3:6-9; 4:1b, 4.

2 颈项表征人服在神之下的意志;主看我们意志的降服,是顶美丽的事——4节。
  The neck signifies the human will under God; the Lord considers the submission of our will a most beautiful thing—v. 4.

3 首先我们的意志必须降服,然后它会在复活里刚强,好像大卫收藏军器的高楼,为着属灵的争战——弗六10。
  First, our will must be subdued; then it will be strong in resurrection and be like the tower of David, the armory for the spiritual warfare—Eph. 6:10.

4 我们若有服从的意志,我们的意志就要显得像大卫的高楼,收藏各种争战的武器——林后十3~5。
  If we have a submissive will, our will becomes like the tower of David that holds all kinds of weapons for warfare—2 Cor. 10:3-5.

肆 神的儿女要达到二十岁的属灵年龄,就需要经过生命经历的头三层,并进入第四层:
  In order for the children of God to reach the spiritual age of twenty, they need to pass through the first three stages of the experience of life and enter into the fourth stage:

一 生命经历的第一层是在基督里,第二层是住在基督里,第三层是基督住在我们里面,也就是十字架层——加二20,三1,五24,太十六24。
  The first stage of the experience of life is being in Christ, the second stage is abiding in Christ, and the third stage is Christ living in us, which is also the stage of the cross—Gal. 2:20; 3:1; 5:24; Matt. 16:24.

二 在第三层,寻求的信徒对付肉体、己和天然的构成连同天然的力量和才干:
  In the third stage the seeking believers deal with the flesh, the self, and the natural constitution with the natural strength and ability:

1 肉体是指堕落之旧人的总和,也就是我们整个堕落的人——创六3,罗七18上,加二16:
  The flesh denotes the totality of the fallen old man, our entire fallen being—Gen. 6:3; Rom. 7:18a; Gal. 2:16:

a 肉体是旧人的活出与彰显——罗六6。
  The flesh is the living out and the expression of the old man—Rom. 6:6.

b 肉体是无法改变或改进的;因此,我们必须记得这个事实:肉体是一直与我们在一起的——十三14,加五16。
  The flesh cannot be changed or improved; thus, we need to be mindful of the fact that the flesh is always with us—13:14; Gal. 5:16.

c 肉体是神仇敌的营盘,是仇敌工作最大的基地——19~21节:
  The flesh is the camp of God’s enemy and the largest base for his work—vv. 19-21:

㈠ 肉体是我们仇敌中的头一个,在罪、世界和撒但前面,领先与我们争战——罗八3。
  The flesh is the first among our enemies, taking the lead over sin, the world, and Satan to fight against us—Rom. 8:3.

㈡ 神恨恶肉体,就如祂恨恶撒但一样;祂要毁坏肉体,就如祂要毁坏撒但——出十七16,申二五17~19,撒上十五2~3。
  God hates the flesh in the same manner that He hates Satan, and He wants to destroy the flesh in the same manner that He wants to destroy Satan—Exo. 17:16; Deut. 25:17-19; 1 Sam. 15:2-3.

2 己就是魂生命,重在人的意思,人的主张——太十六23~25:
  The self is the soul-life with the emphasis on human thoughts and opinions—Matt. 16:23-25:

a 在马太十六章二十三至二十五节,有三个辞彼此相关,就是“心思”、“己”和“魂生命”:
  In Matthew 16:23-25 three terms are related to one another: mind, himself, and soul-life:

㈠ 心思是己的发表,己是魂生命的具体表现——23~25节。
  Our mind is the expression of our self, and our self is the embodiment of our soul-life—vv. 23-25.

㈡ 魂生命具体表现在己里面,并借着己活出来,而己又借着心思、想法、思想、观念和意见发表出来——22~23节。
  Our soul-life is embodied in and lived out by our self, and our self is expressed through our mind, idea, thought, concept, and opinion—vv. 22-23.

b 己是撒但的具体化身;己是魂里撒但的素质,使魂向神独立,发表魂自己的意见和自己的意志——23节,创三1~6,林后十一3。
  The self is the embodiment of Satan; the self is the essence of Satan in the soul, making the soul independent from God to express its self-opinion and self-will—v. 23; Gen. 3:1-6; 2 Cor. 11:3.

c 己就是那向神宣告独立的魂——太十六23,路十四26,伯四二5~6。
  The self is the soul declaring its independence from God—Matt. 16:23; Luke 14:26; Job 42:5-6.

3 天然的构成是我们肉身和精神能力的集大成——林前二14~15,腓三3、10~11:
  The natural constitution is the aggregate of our physical and mental abilities—1 Cor. 2:14-15; Phil. 3:3, 10-11:

a 天然的力量和才干没有神圣的元素。
  The natural strength and ability do not have the divine element.

b 天然的力量和才干凭自己行事,不照着神的意愿而行。
  The natural strength and ability act on their own, not according to God’s will.

c 当我们凭天然的才干作工,我们寻求自己的荣耀,满足自己的愿望。
  When we work with our natural ability, we seek our own glory and satisfy our own desire.

d 当我们天然的力量和才干受了十字架的对付,这些力量和才干就在复活里成为有用的——11节。
  When our natural strength and ability are dealt with by the cross, they become useful in resurrection—v. 11.

三 属灵经历和属灵生命的第四层是最高的一层,就是基督长成在我们里面——属灵争战层,在此基督在我们里面长成并成熟了——弗四13~16,六10~18:
  The fourth stage of our spiritual experience and spiritual life is the highest stage—Christ’s full growth in us—the stage of spiritual warfare, where Christ is fully grown and matured in us—Eph. 4:13-16; 6:10-18:

1 在第三层的末了,我们有神的形像彰显神,在第四层我们有祂的权柄代表祂——创一26。
  At the end of the third stage, we express God with His image, and in the fourth stage, we represent Him with His authority—Gen. 1:26.

2 在第四层里生命的经历包括:认识身体,认识升天,同基督掌权,从事属灵争战,以及满有基督的身量——林前十二27,弗六10~12。
  The experience of life in the fourth stage includes knowing the Body, knowing ascension, reigning with Christ, engaging in spiritual warfare, and being full of the stature of Christ—1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 6:10-12.

3 我们要认识身体,活在身体里,必须先对付肉体、己和天然的构成——加五24,太十六24:
  In order to know the Body and live in the Body, we must first deal with the flesh, the self, and the natural constitution—Gal. 5:24; Matt. 16:24:

a 我们若是还照肉体活着,还活在自己里面,还凭天然的能力事奉神,就无法认识身体——林前十二12。
  If we still live according to the flesh, in ourselves, and serve the Lord in our natural ability, there is no way for us to know the Body—1 Cor. 12:12.

b 唯有当我们的肉体受了对付,己意受了破碎,天然生命受了击打,那在我们里面的神圣生命才使我们认识身体,并且领悟我们不过是身体的肢体,那在我们里面的生命是无法独立的。
  Only when our flesh has been dealt with, the self-opinion has been broken, and the natural life has been smashed will the divine life within us enable us to know the Body and realize that we are simply members of the Body and that the life within us cannot be independent.

4 我们要有属灵的争战并对付神的仇敌,就必须先对付肉体、己和魂生命——林后十3~5,弗六10~12:
  If we want to fight the spiritual warfare and deal with God’s enemy, we must first deal with our flesh, self, and soul-life—2 Cor. 10:3-5; Eph. 6:10-12:

a 从事属灵争战以对付撒但并为神恢复地,需要我们全然、绝对为着神,并完全顺从祂——创一26~28:
  Engaging in spiritual warfare to deal with Satan and recover the earth for God requires that we be wholly and absolutely for God and obey Him completely—Gen. 1:26-28:

㈠ 我们不能保留自己,或为自己留下一点什么。
  We cannot preserve ourselves or leave one bit for ourselves.

㈡ 我们对付撒但时,己必须完全被弃绝。
  When we are dealing with Satan, self must be utterly abandoned.

b 召会必须从事属灵的争战,以带进神的国——太十二28,弗六10~18,启十二10上,十一15。
  The church must engage in spiritual warfare, fighting to bring in the kingdom of God—Matt. 12:28; Eph. 6:10-18; Rev. 12:10a; 11:15.

伍 在香坛那里的祷告,带进以色列人的数点,为要编组成军,为神在地上的权益争战——出三十11~16,民一45~46:
  The prayer at the incense altar issued in the numbering of the children of Israel for the formation of an army to fight for God’s interest on the earth—Exo. 30:11-16; Num. 1:45-46:

一 在香坛那里祷告的结果,导致主对众召会的众圣徒作一次“军事人口调查”;凡被数点的人,都有资格为着神在地上的行动争战——二32,四23,提后二3。
  As a result of the prayer at the incense altar, the Lord conducts a “military census” of the saints in the churches; those who are numbered are qualified to go to war for God’s move on the earth—2:32; 4:23; 2 Tim. 2:3.

二 在香坛那里所献上的代求,乃是为着信徒的长大成熟,使军队能以编组——弗四13,六10~12:
  The intercession offered at the incense altar is for the growth and maturity of the believers so that an army can be formed—Eph. 4:13; 6:10-12:

1 我们越在香坛那里祷告,就越看见成熟的需要是迫切的,也越为着在生命里长大成熟有急切的祷告——林前二6,三1~2,十四20,十六13,来五14~六1,弗三16。
  The more we pray at the incense altar, the more we will realize that the need for maturity is desperate, and the greater will be the urgency to pray for the growth in life unto maturity—1 Cor. 2:6; 3:1-2; 14:20; 16:13; Heb. 5:14—6:1; Eph. 3:16.

2 唯有这样一支军队组成,神才能为着祂的定旨在地上行动;若没有由成熟之人所组成的军队,神就无法行动——四13,六10~12。
  Only when such an army is formed will God be able to move on earth for His purpose; apart from an army formed of mature ones, there is no way for God to move—4:13; 6:10-12.

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