2019年 夏季训练


« 第一篇 »

Message One A Vital Sketch of the Divine Revelation in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s Economy with His Chosen and Redeemed People


Scripture Reading: Num. 9:15-23; Exo. 33:14; Luke 24:25-27, 44-49; 1 Cor. 10:6, 11; Rom. 15:4; 1 Tim. 1:3-4, 18; 6:3

壹 我们可以用四句标语来概述这要略的重点:
  We may use four slogans to summarize certain crucial aspects of this vital sketch:

一 神所拣选并救赎之人从堕落的辖制中被买来、得救赎、蒙拯救。
  God’s chosen and redeemed people are purchased, redeemed, and saved from the bondage of the fall.

二 神所拣选并救赎之人享受基督,领受启示,在三一神里被建造起来。
  God’s chosen and redeemed people are enjoying Christ, receiving revelation, and being built up in the Triune God.

三 神所拣选并救赎之人编组成为祭司军队,为神争战,与神一同前行。
  God’s chosen and redeemed people are formed into a priestly army to fight for God and to journey with God.

四 神所拣选并救赎之人被神据有,以据有包罗万有的基督作美地。
  God’s chosen and redeemed people are possessed by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good land.

贰 这四句标语可应用在旧约和新约的圣徒身上,因为新约隐于旧约,旧约显于新约——路二四25~27、44~49:
  These four slogans apply to the saints in both the Old Testament and New Testament, because the New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is manifested in the New Testament—Luke 24:25-27, 44-49:

一 圣徒已经从堕落的辖制被拣选、得救赎并蒙拯救;圣徒已从世界的霸占和撒但的辖制蒙拯救。
  The saints have been chosen, redeemed, and saved from the bondage of the fall; the saints have been saved from the usurpation of the world and from the bondage of Satan.

二 我们已经蒙拯救,现今正在享受基督;我们也像西乃山下的以色列人一样,领受了神圣的启示,并且正与经过过程的三一神同被建造,也就是与作父具体化身的子和作子实化的灵同被建造。
  Having been saved, we are now enjoying Christ; like the children of Israel at Mount Sinai, we have also received the divine revelation and are being built up with the processed Triune God, that is, with the Son as the embodiment of the Father and with the Spirit as the realization of the Son.

三 不仅如此,我们正被组成祭司军队,为神争战,并与神一同前行。
  Furthermore, we are being formed into a priestly army, which fights for God and journeys with God.

四 至终我们在各方面被神预备好,得以据有包罗万有的基督作美地。
  Finally, we have been prepared by God in every way to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good land.

叁 旧约书卷中没有使用“经纶”一辞,但在出埃及记、利未记和民数记等书卷里的预表都揭示了神的经纶:
  The word economy is not used in the Old Testament books, but the typology in these books (such as Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers) unveils God’s economy:

一 神的经纶就是祂的家庭行政,以完成祂的计划,好成就祂心头的愿望;这愿望就是要得着一班人,不仅为祂所创造,更为祂所重生、圣别、变化并模成基督这位经过过程之三一神的具体化身的形像;至终,这班人要被带进荣耀里,被带进三一神团体的彰显里——提前一3~4、18,六3,参林前四17,提后一6~9,四7。
  God’s economy is His household administration to accomplish His plan for the fulfillment of the desire of His heart; this desire is to have a people not only created by Him but also regenerated, sanctified, transformed, and conformed to the image of Christ as the embodiment of the processed Triune God; eventually, this people will be brought into glory, into the corporate expression of the Triune God—1 Tim. 1:3-4, 18; 6:3; cf. 1 Cor. 4:17; 2 Tim. 1:6-9; 4:7.

二 旧约里有神经纶的图画;新约里有对神的经纶清楚的讲说。
  In the Old Testament we have a picture of God’s economy; in the New Testament we have a clear speaking concerning God’s economy.

三 旧约里以色列人的历史乃是新约里信徒的预表——林前十6、11,罗十五4。
  The history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament is a type of the history of the believers in the New Testament—1 Cor. 10:6, 11; Rom. 15:4.

肆 神所拣选并救赎的人需要领受关于神自己和祂经纶的神圣启示,好受训练并被建造作祂的见证;在创世记里,神的子民蒙了拣选,在出埃及记里,他们领受了关于神和祂居所的神圣启示:
  God’s chosen and redeemed people need to receive the divine revelation concerning God Himself and His economy for their training and building up as His testimony; in Genesis God’s people were chosen, and in Exodus they received the divine revelation concerning God and His dwelling place:

一 神所拣选的人领受神圣的启示,乃是在有分于逾越节里所实化神初阶的救恩之后——出十二,林前五7~8。
  God’s chosen people received the divine revelation after their participation in God’s initial salvation, as realized in the passover—Exo. 12; 1 Cor. 5:7-8.

二 神把祂的百姓带出埃及,到了神的山,即西乃山;在那里,神把祂自己和祂居所的完满启示赐给他们;我们可以说,这启示包括了神居所之建造的“蓝图”。
  God brought the people out of Egypt to the mountain of God, Mount Sinai, and there gave them a full revelation of Himself and His dwelling place; we may say that this revelation contained the “blueprint” for the building of God’s dwelling place.

三 神圣的启示乃是借着享受神圣的供备,就如在属天吗哪的供应中,以及被击打的磐石所流出的活水中所尝到的——出十六1~十七7,林前十3~4。
  The divine revelation was through the enjoyment of the divine provisions, as tasted in the supply of the heavenly manna and the living water flowing out of the smitten rock—Exo. 16:1—17:7; 1 Cor. 10:3-4.

四 神圣的启示也是借着经历成为军队,有分于神与祂仇敌的争战,就如有分于对埃及人和亚玛力人的争战——出十四,十七8~16,加五16~17,参彼前二11。
  The divine revelation was also through the experience of being an army that shared in God’s fighting against His enemies, as in their fighting against the Egyptians and the Amalekites—Exo. 14; 17:9-16; Gal. 5:16-17; cf. 1 Pet. 2:11.

五 至终在出埃及十九章,神所拣选并救赎的人到达、抵达神的山;当神打发摩西去拯救以色列人脱离法老之手的时候,神告诉摩西,在他把百姓带出埃及以后,他们要在这山上事奉主(三12),这话在十九章得着应验:
  Eventually, in Exodus 19 God’s chosen and redeemed people reached and arrived at the mountain of God; when God sent Moses to rescue the children of Israel out of the hand of Pharaoh, God told Moses that after he had brought the people out of Egypt, they would serve the Lord upon this mountain (3:12), and in Exodus 19 this word was fulfilled:

1 在西乃山那里,神的子民领受关于神自己的神圣启示,使他们能被分别归与祂。
  At Mount Sinai God’s people received the revelation concerning God Himself so that they might be separated unto Him.

2 律法是描绘神的,是对神自己的启示;律法启示神是爱、光、圣、义的神——二十~二四章:
  The law is a portrait of God, the revelation of God Himself; the law reveals that God is a God of love, light, holiness, and righteousness—chs. 20—24:

a 因为律法是这样一张神的照片,律法就称为神的见证(二五16、21,三一18),律法放置其内的约柜就称为见证的柜(二五22),帐幕就称为见证的帐幕(三八21)。
  Because the law is such a picture of God, the law was called the Testimony of God (25:16, 21; 31:18), the Ark in which the law was placed was called the Ark of the Testimony (25:22), and the tabernacle was called the Tabernacle of the Testimony (38:21).

b 在诗篇里,律法常常被称为见证(十九7,二五10,一一九2,直译);这见证就是神的肖像,神的照片。
  In the Psalms the law is often referred to as the testimony (19:7; 25:10; 119:2); this testimony was a portrait, a picture, of God.

c 神的子民领受了关于神自己的启示,使他们能被分别归与圣别的神,作祂圣别的子民;利未记特别强调这事——十一44。
  God’s people received the revelation concerning God Himself so that they might be separated unto the holy God as His sanctified people; this matter is given a particular emphasis in the book of Leviticus—11:44.

3 基督是律法(即神的见证)的实际;神的见证表征基督,神的具体化身(西二9),是神所是之活的描绘(诗一一九2、9、11、14~15、133):
  Christ is the reality of the law as the testimony of God; the testimony of God signifies Christ, the embodiment of God (Col. 2:9), as the living portrait of what God is (Psa. 119:2, 9, 11, 14-15, 133):

a 遵守律法的实际乃是活神并彰显神。
  The reality of keeping the law is to live God and express God.

b 这样的生活,就是在神永远经纶里的生活,乃是神人的生活,是凭耶稣基督之灵全备的供应,不断地否认己,钉十字架,而活那是神见证之基督的生活,使神得着扩大并扩展的彰显——太十六24,加二20,腓一19~20上,罗八4。
  Such a living, a living in the eternal economy of God, is the living of a God-man, a life of continually denying the self and being crucified to live Christ, who is God’s testimony, by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ for the enlarged and expanded expression of God—Matt. 16:24; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21a; Rom. 8:4.

六 以色列人除了领受关于神自己的神圣启示之外,还领受了关于神经纶的神圣启示,使他们能与神在祂神圣的三一里建造在一起,作祂地上的居所,为着祂的见证——出二五~四十:
  In addition to receiving the divine revelation concerning God Himself, the children of Israel received the divine revelation concerning God’s economy so that they might be built up together with God in His Divine Trinity as His dwelling place on earth for His testimony—Exo. 25—40:

1 神的子民要与神建造在一起,可由建造帐幕所用的材料指明:
  That God’s people were to be built up together with Him is indicated by the materials that were to be used for the building of the tabernacle:

a 帐幕的竖板是由皂荚木包金作成的;皂荚木板是神子民的预表,包裹木板的金是神圣人位的预表——二六15~30。
  The boards of the tabernacle were made of acacia wood overlaid with gold; the boards of acacia wood are a type of God’s people, and the gold overlaying the boards is a type of the divine person—26:15-30.

b 因此,包金的皂荚木表征神的子民与神建造在一起,作祂的居所;我们由此可见,不仅神的子民是神居所建造的材料,神自己也是建造的材料。
  Thus, the boards of acacia wood overlaid with gold signify God’s people being built up together with God to be His dwelling place; from this we see not only that God’s people are the building materials for His dwelling place but also that God Himself is the building material.

2 在帐幕里,我们可以看见神圣三一的图画:
  In the tabernacle we can see a picture of the Divine Trinity:

a 约柜、陈设饼桌子和香坛都表征子基督。
  The Ark, the table of the bread of the Presence, and the incense altar all signify Christ the Son.

b 父由金所表征,因为在预表中,金表征神的神圣性情。
  The Father is signified by the gold, for in typology gold signifies the divine nature of God.

c 灵由灯台上七灯里的油所表征;灯若没有油,就没有用处,帐幕里也就没有光。
  The Spirit is signified by the oil in the seven lamps in the lampstand; if the lamps had no oil, they would be useless, and there would not be any light in the tabernacle.

d 此外,灯台是一个整体,表征三一神:
  Also, the lampstand, which was a single entity, signifies the Triune God:

㈠ 金表征父,形状表征子,灯和油表征灵。
  The gold signifies the Father, the form signifies the Son, and both the lamps and the oil signify the Spirit.

㈡ 这就是神的子民与三一神建造在一起,成为祂地上居所的启示。
  This is a revelation of God’s people being built up with the Triune God to be His dwelling place on earth.

3 帐幕的四十八块板与赐给利未人的四十八座城相呼应;这些城中的六座要作庇护城;关于庇护城,最显著的点乃在于它们是可进入的——民三五6~7、9~34:
  The forty-eight boards of the tabernacle correspond to the forty-eight cities given to the Levites; six of these cities were to be cities of refuge; the most striking point regarding the cities of refuge is that they were enterable—Num. 35:6-7, 9-34:

a 至终,利未人的这四十八座城,要终极完成为独一的城——新耶路撒冷;出埃及记所启示的帐幕,是这座独一之城的小影。
  Eventually, these forty-eight cities of the Levites will consummate in a unique city—the New Jerusalem; the tabernacle revealed in Exodus is a miniature of this unique city.

b 在新约里,神的见证是召会,就是基督的身体;在永世里,这见证要终极完成于新耶路撒冷,新耶路撒冷也称为帐幕——启一2、9,十九10,二一3。
  In the New Testament, God’s testimony is the church, the Body of Christ, and in eternity this testimony will consummate in the New Jerusalem, which is also called a tabernacle—Rev. 1:2, 9; 19:10; 21:3.

c 在旧约里,帐幕与以色列人同在;在新约里,帐幕首先是基督(约一14),然后是召会作为基督的扩大;在永世里,将有终极完成的帐幕,就是新耶路撒冷;在各种情形里,显著的点乃在于帐幕是可进入的;阿利路亚,三一神是可进入的!
  In the Old Testament, the tabernacle was with the children of Israel, and in the New Testament the tabernacle is first Christ (John 1:14) and then the church as the enlargement of Christ; in eternity there will be the ultimate, consummate tabernacle, the New Jerusalem; in each case the striking point is that the tabernacle is enterable; Hallelujah, the Triune God is enterable!

七 在利未记里,神训练祂的子民敬拜并有分于祂,而过圣别、洁净、喜乐的生活。
  In the book of Leviticus, God trained His people to worship and partake of Him and to live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life.

伍 民数记的中心思想是:基督是神子民的生活意义、见证、中心,以及他们行程和争战的领导、道路与目标:
  The central thought of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God’s people, and the Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting:

一 全本圣经给我们看见一件事——神的心意是要得着一班编组成军的人,以基督为他们的生活意义、见证、中心、领导、道路与目标,并且往前为神争战,使祂得着一班人建造成为祂的国和祂的家,终极完成于新耶路撒冷——创一26~28,出十二41、51,十三18,太十六16~19,弗六10~12,启十七14,十九11~16,二一2、10~11。
  The entire Bible shows us one thing—God’s intention is to have a people formed into an army to take Christ as their meaning of life, testimony, center, Leader, way, and goal and to proceed on and fight for God so that He may have a people built up as His kingdom and His house, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem—Gen. 1:26-28; Exo. 12:41, 51; 13:18; Matt. 16:16-19; Eph. 6:10-12; Rev. 17:14; 19:11-16; 21:2, 10-11.

二 整卷民数记都启示,神所拣选并救赎的人需要组成军队,以执行圣别的争战——提前一18,提后二3~4:
  The book of Numbers as a whole reveals the need for God’s chosen and redeemed people to be formed into an army to carry out the holy war—1 Tim. 1:18; 2 Tim. 2:3-4:

1 神的子民要编组成圣别的军队,首先必须照生命里的成熟被数点——民一3、18。
  In order to be formed into a holy army, God’s people first had to be numbered according to their maturity in life—Num. 1:3, 18.

2 神所拣选并救赎的人,也被建造成为一体——44~46节。
  God’s chosen and redeemed people were also built up into one body—vv. 44-46.

3 然后神的百姓就与神一同前行:
  Then God’s people journeyed with God:

a 在以色列人与神一同前行的途中,他们有神的同在,这由日间的云彩,和夜间云中的火所表征——出三三14,四十36~38,民九15~23。
  In their journey with God, the children of Israel had the presence of God, signified by the cloud in the day and by the fire in the cloud at night—Exo. 33:14; 40:36-38; Num. 9:15-23.

b 当以色列人与神一同前行时,有耶和华的使者带领(出三二34);“耶和华的使者”是旧约里对基督特别的称呼,如在出埃及三章二至六节里所启示的。
  As the children of Israel journeyed with God, the Angel of Jehovah took the lead (Exo. 32:34); the title the Angel of Jehovah is a particular title of Christ in the Old Testament, as revealed in Exodus 3:2-6.

c 以色列人在行程中,与耶和华,就是三一神,一同行动、行走并生活。
  In their journey the children of Israel were moving, walking, and living with Jehovah, the Triune God.

d 神所拣选并救赎的人,经过大而可怕的旷野,有各种的试炼、苦难、神圣的眷顾、供应和管教——申一19,八2~5。
  God’s chosen and redeemed people passed through the great and terrible wilderness with all kinds of trials, sufferings, and divine care, supplies, and discipline—Deut. 1:19; 8:2-5.

e 在经过旷野的行程中,以色列人经过四十二个站口,至终进入神所应许之美地的安息——民三三1~49,书一2。
  On their journey through the wilderness, the children of Israel passed through forty-two stations to enter into rest in the good land promised by God—Num. 33:1-49; Josh. 1:2.

4 神所拣选并救赎的人是祭司军队,与神一同并为着神争战——民四23、30、35,彼前二5、9:
  As a priestly army, God’s chosen and redeemed people fought together with God and for God—Num. 4:23, 30, 35; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9:

a 在与神一同并为着神的争战中,以色列人战胜亚拉得王,并毁灭他的百姓;借此,他们战胜了迦南人中间的第一个仇敌——民二一1~3。
  In their fighting together with God and for God, the children of Israel defeated the king of Arad and destroyed his people; by doing this, they overcame the first enemy among the Canaanites—Num. 21:1-3.

b 神的子民也战胜了亚摩利王西宏同他的百姓,以及巴珊王噩同他的百姓;这就是说,他们胜过迦南的两个“守门者”——21~35节。
  God’s people also defeated Sihon the king of the Amorites with his people and Og the king of Bashan with his people; this means that they overcame Canaan’s two “gate guards”—vv. 21-35.

c 以色列人也战胜了米甸人同他们的五王;以色列人战胜了米甸人,就胜过了迦南的守门军——三一1~12。
  The children of Israel also defeated the Midianites with their five kings; by defeating them, the people overcame Canaan’s gate army—31:1-12.

d 神拣选并救赎的百姓所击败的诸王,表征空中属灵的有能者、执政者和掌权者;我们必须击败他们——弗六10~20。
  The kings defeated by God’s chosen and redeemed people signify the spiritual powers, rulers, and authorities in the air, whom we must defeat—Eph. 6:10-20.

e 神的百姓与诸王争战,是为着进入神所应许的美地,使神的国能在那里扩展并建立。
  The fighting of God’s people against the kings was for the entrance into the God-promised good land that the kingdom of God might be spread and established there.

5 神所拣选并救赎的人既是祭司军队,执行神的圣别争战,他们就背负着神的居所(见证的帐幕)连同见证的柜。
  As the priestly army carrying out God’s holy war, God’s chosen and redeemed people bore with them God’s dwelling, the Tabernacle of the Testimony, with the Ark of the Testimony.

6 出埃及记的钥辞是“救赎”、“引领”、“启示”、“建造”;利未记的钥辞是“交通”、“事奉”、“圣别”;民数记的钥辞是“编组”、“行程”、“争战”。
  The key words in Exodus are redemption, leading, revelation, and building; the key words in Leviticus are fellowship, service, and holiness; and the key words in Numbers are formation, journeying, and fighting.

7 民数记是记载神所拣选并救赎的人组成祭司军队,为神争战,与神一同前行,使他们可以被神预备好,得以据有包罗万有的基督作美地。
  The book of Numbers is a record of God’s chosen and redeemed people being formed into a priestly army to fight for God and to journey with God so that they may be prepared by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good land.

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