1 Throughout the whole of Holy Writ
The saints in type are manifest
As like a bride, God's heart to please,
And as a building for His rest.
2 The types and figures of the Church
In the Old Testament are these:
A building meet for life and rule,
A bride the man to match and please.
3 God's people in the ancient times
Were called by God His very spouse;
Among them and with them were built
God's ruling city and God's house.
4 Incarnate God, the God-man, Christ,
As Bridegroom for the Bride has come;
With His own life He quickened her,
That she His counterpart become.
5 In resurrection Christ doth now,
As David's Son, God's temple build,
That God may have a resting place
And there accomplish all He willed.
6 The Church is thus the Bride of Christ,
In whom His full delight doth rest;
It is a dwelling place to God
Where He may live and be expressed.
7 The new Jerusalem will be
The full perfection ultimate
Of all the types of house and bride,
Th' eternal plan to consummate.
8 It is the Bride which matches Christ,
Thru whom He may Himself express;
It is God's tabernacle too
In which our God can rule and rest.
9 The ultimate completion 'tis
Of God's work in humanity,
His full expression glorious
Thru His redeemed eternally.