1 The essence of the Kingdom is
A life that's under heaven's rule,
A life whose nature is divine
With Christ experienced in full.
2 Such is this life: in spirit poor,
With heart repentant, mourning, meek,
Which is to others merciful
And purely God Himself doth seek;
3 As sons of God the peace to make,
For righteousness e'en suffering pain;
Reviled and hurt for Jesus' sake,
Exceeding joyfulness to gain;
4 As salt to kill corruption rife,
In darkness shining as the light,
In heart and action right and true,
In perfect love to claim no right.
5 This life self-glory doth renounce
And ever for God's kingdom prays;
It trusts in God for every need
And seeks His kingdom first always.
6 'Tis strict with self, with others kind,
And always dealing with the Lord;
It ever does the Father's will
And acts according to His word.
7 To Satan it does not give ground,
Nor to the world, or self, or sin,
But seeks beneath the heaven's rule
God's full authority to win.
8 'Tis such a life which subjugates
All things with pow'r to God's behest;
The time it hastens when the Lord
Will here His kingdom manifest.