1 Have you found the great Physician,
He who bore our pain and sorrow,
Still He heals the sick and suff'ring,
He is just the same today;
As before He went away.
Look to Him, believe and pray;
Trust His word and then obey.
"Praise God, He is just the same today."
2 Consecrate your life to Jesus,
For "the Lord is for the body,"
Give the Lord full right of way;
He is just the same today;
As before He went away.
Look to Him, believe and pray;
Trust His word and then obey.
"Praise God, He is just the same today."
3 Do you doubt God's will to heal you?
Take His word and ask for light;
If you seek in deep contrition,
He will guide your heart aright.
Do you fear to claim His promise,
He will not your trust betray;
He is just the same today;
As before He went away.
Look to Him, believe and pray;
Trust His word and then obey.
"Praise God, He is just the same today."
4 Oh! I'm glad to tell you, suff'rer,
Christ has more than healing too;
Step out boldly, claim His fulness,
He is just the same today;
As before He went away.
Look to Him, believe and pray;
Trust His word and then obey.
"Praise God, He is just the same today."