Eng:16  Chin:11  Kor:11  Span:10  Tag:16  Fra:-  Por:10 

Lyrics:Witness Lee
Music:George F. Root

Hymns using same tune:

#539, #760, #1072


 1  Our Father, as the evergreen,

       Thou art forever new;

    Thou art the ever living Lord,

       Thy freshness as the dew.


O Father, Thou art unchanging,

   Thou never hast grown old;

Thru countless ages, ever fresh,

   Thy newness doth unfold.


 2  O Thou art God, and Thou art "new";

       Without Thee all is worn,

    But all with Thee is ever fresh,

       Though many years have gone.


O Father, Thou art unchanging,

   Thou never hast grown old;

Thru countless ages, ever fresh,

   Thy newness doth unfold.


 3  Each blessing Thou hast given us

       Thy newness doth contain;

    Thy covenant, Thy ways are new,

       And ever thus remain.


O Father, Thou art unchanging,

   Thou never hast grown old;

Thru countless ages, ever fresh,

   Thy newness doth unfold.


 4  Now we Thy new creation are —

       New spirit and new heart;

    We're daily from the old renewed,

       New life Thou dost impart.


O Father, Thou art unchanging,

   Thou never hast grown old;

Thru countless ages, ever fresh,

   Thy newness doth unfold.


 5  The earth and heavens will be new

       And Thy new city share;

    New fruits each month will be supplied,

       For all is newness there.


O Father, Thou art unchanging,

   Thou never hast grown old;

Thru countless ages, ever fresh,

   Thy newness doth unfold.


 6  O Father, Thou art ever new,

       And all is new in Thee;

    We sing the new eternal song,

       New praise we give to Thee.


O Father, Thou art unchanging,

   Thou never hast grown old;

Thru countless ages, ever fresh,

   Thy newness doth unfold.