Eng:134  Chin:119  Kor:119  Span:-  Tag:134  Fra:134  Por:- 

Music:William S. Bambridge

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Glory, everlasting glory

       Be to Christ, the thronèd Lamb.

    Glory, everlasting glory

       Be to His most precious Name;

    Name above all names in heaven,

       Name above all names on earth.

    Glory, everlasting glory

       Be to Him of peerless worth.


 2  Throned in heav'n, the Prince of Glory,

       Equal God, with God on high;

    Form of lowest servant taking,

       On the cross of shame to die:

    In obedience, strong, unswerving,

       His blest Father's will to do;

    Death of shame, all undeservèd,

       E'en to that His love could go.


 3  Heaven's crown of brightest glory

       Be to Him, the humbled One.

    Heaven's robe of brightest splendor

       Be to Him and Him alone.

    In the Name of Jesus bowing,

       Every tongue shall Him confess

    Lord of earth and Lord of heaven;

       Myriads shall this Monarch bless.


 4  Glory, everlasting glory

       Be to Him of peerless worth.

    In the highest heav'n be glory,

       Glory be to Him on earth.

    Unto God, our God, be glory,

       Glory to the great I AM.

    Glory, everlasting glory

       Be to Christ, the thronèd Lamb.