John 2 - 11
1 The wedding feast, the peak of man's enjoyment
Was full of pleasure till the wine ran dry.
When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
When Jesus comes, the darkness turns to light.
He touches death — it's turned to life eternal,
Weakness to strength and blindness into sight.
2 One night a moral righteous man, a ruler
To Jesus came, more teaching to pursue;
When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
When Jesus comes, the darkness turns to light.
He touches death — it's turned to life eternal,
Weakness to strength and blindness into sight.
3 "I have no husband," sighed the thirsty sinner.
Indeed her many husbands left her dry.
When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
When Jesus comes, the darkness turns to light.
He touches death — it's turned to life eternal,
Weakness to strength and blindness into sight.
4 A man among the multitude lay helpless,
So weak while waiting till the water stirred.
When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
When Jesus comes, the darkness turns to light.
He touches death — it's turned to life eternal,
Weakness to strength and blindness into sight.
5 Within the tomb, four days and nights he lay there,
Death's grip had come; they 'round the grave did weep.
When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
When Jesus comes, the darkness turns to light.
He touches death — it's turned to life eternal,
Weakness to strength and blindness into sight.
6 And still today, this Jesus is so living,
Able to save from death in any form.
When Jesus comes, new wine is made from water,
When Jesus comes, the darkness turns to light.
He touches death — it's turned to life eternal,
Weakness to strength and blindness into sight.