Revelation 3:17-13
1 Glorious things of thee are spoken,
These things saith the One who's holy,
He who's real speaks from above;
Who the kingdom's entrance won,
2 Hallelujah, Philadelphia,
Thine are works that please the Lord.
Strength thou hast, though just a little
And hast kept His living Word.
Thou His holy name denied not,
3 Thou, beloved Philadelphia,
Dost His Word of patience keep.
From the hour of trial He'll save thee,
Which o'er all the world shall sweep.
Troublers too shall know He loves thee;
They to thee must then bow down.
4 Hallelujah, overcomers,
I will build them in as pillars,
God's own name is written on them
5 Hallelujah, out of heaven,
Gates of pearl and walls of jasper,
Mingled with each precious gem.