Deuteronomy 8:7-10
1 Jesus, the all-inclusive land,
A Christ of brooks, of depths and streams,
Springing from valleys and from hills,
2 Jesus is now the land of wheat —
He is a land of figs and vines —
Blood of the grape, the cheering wine.
3 O what a rich, abundant Christ:
The olive tree whose oil is now
Rich milk and honey He doth bring,
Sweet, satisfying, nourishing.
4 In our good land we eat the bread —
We never lack one thing in Him,
He is a land so vast, immense;
He is complete in every sense.
5 Christ is a land of iron stones,
We must dig out this solid Christ
Then we must through the sufferings pass
To be refined as burnished brass.
6 Lord, how we bless Thee for this land,
We've eaten Him, we're filled with Him,