Eng:114  Chin:-  Kor:-  Span:-  Tag:114  Fra:-  Por:- 

Lyrics:John Bakewell
Music:Rowland H. Prichard

Hymn using same tune:



 1  Hail, Thou once despisèd Jesus!

       Hail, Thou still rejected King!

    Thou didst suffer to release us,

       Thou didst free salvation bring;

    Through Thy death and resurrection,

       Bearer of our sin and shame!

    We enjoy divine protection,

       Life and glory through Thy name.


 2  Paschal Lamb, by God appointed,

       All our sins on Thee were laid;

    By our Father's love anointed,

       Thou redemption's price hast paid.

    All who trust Thee are forgiven

       Through the virtue of Thy blood;

    Opened are the things of heaven,

       Grace shines forth to man from God.


 3  Savior, hail! Enthroned in glory,

       Where for us Thou dost abide;

    We, by faith, do now adore Thee,

       Seated at Thy Father's side.

    There, for us Thou now art pleading,

       There Thou dost our sorrows share,

    Ever for us interceding,

       Till in glory we appear.


 4  Worship, honor, praise, and blessing,

       Thou art worthy to receive;

    Loudest praises, without ceasing,

       Meet it is for us to give.

    In that day Thy saints will meet Thee,

       Welcome Thee with grateful song;

    Joyful hearts will ever greet Thee,

       Source of joy to all the throng!