1 O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table,
And on the bread and on the wine we gaze;
So all our being sings in praise to Thee,
How small Thou art, how small Thou art!
And Thee we'll eat through all eternity;
How small Thou art, how small Thou art!
2 O what a shame — when Christ with all His riches,
Has come into the world, life to supply —
But all we need to do is eat the Lord;
He's marvelous, He's wonderful!
And as we eat, we're inwardly restored;
Christ grows in us, grows to the full.
3 O Jesus Christ, Thou camest not to mankind
To be a king, to rule us outwardly.
So all our being sings in praise to Thee,
How small Thou art, how small Thou art!
And Thee we'll eat through all eternity;
How small Thou art, how small Thou art!
4 We praise Thee, Lord, for all Thy glorious grandeur,
For all Thy strength and majesty replete;
So all our being sings in praise to Thee,
How small Thou art, how small Thou art!
And Thee we'll eat through all eternity;
How small Thou art, how small Thou art!