1 Eternity! Eternity!
How will you spend Eternity?
This question comes to you and me!
How will you spend Eternity?
Tell me, what shall your answer be —
How will you spend Eternity?
2 Eternity! Eternity!
How will you spend Eternity?
Many are choosing Christ today,
Turning from all their sins away;
Christ shall their blessed portion be:
How will you spend Eternity?
3 Eternity! Eternity!
How will you spend Eternity?
Leaving the strait and narrow way,
Going the downward road today,
What shall the final ending be —
How will you spend Eternity?
4 Eternity! Eternity!
How will you spend Eternity?
Turn, and believe this very hour,
Trust in the Savior's grace and power:
Then shall your joyous answer be,
Saved through a long Eternity!