
第六篇 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作我们的生命和新人的构成成分

Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as Our Life and as the Constituent of the New Man



壹 我们需要认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作我们的生命:

I. We need to know and experience the all-inclusive, extensive Christ as our life:

一 我们要经历基督作我们的生命,就需要看见我们与基督同有一个地位、一个生命、一个生活、一个定命和一个荣耀─西三1~4,参林前六17:

A. In order to experience Christ as our life, we need to see that we have one position, one life, one living, one destiny, and one glory with Christ—Col. 3:1-4; cf. 1 Cor. 6:17:

1 我们的地位乃是在基督里;因着我们在祂里面,所以祂在哪里,我们就在哪里─坐在神的右边─西三1,约十四20,十七24,弗二6:

1. Our position is that we are in Christ; because we are in Him, we are where He is—sitting at the right hand of God—Col. 3:1; John 14:20; 17:24; Eph. 2:6:

a 子的地位乃是在父里面(约十38,十四10);我们是在子里面(林前一30上),所以我们也就在父里面(约十四20,帖前一1,帖后一1)。─引用经文

a. The Son's position is in the Father (John 10:38; 14:10); we are in the Son (1 Cor. 1:30a), so we are in the Father (John 14:20; 1 Thes. 1:1; 2 Thes. 1:1).

b 当我们在灵里,我们在实际上和经历上就在基督里、在父里并在天上(参约十四20):─引用经文

b. It is when we are in the spirit that we are in Christ, in the Father, and in heaven practically and experientially (cf. John 14:20):

㈠ 从天上的基督那里,到地上我们这里,借着我们灵里那包罗万有的灵,有一种传输在进行着─弗一19、22~23,二22。

(1) There is a transmission taking place from Christ in heaven to us on earth by means of the all-inclusive Spirit in our spirit—Eph. 1:19, 22-23; 2:22.

㈡ 那在天上坐在宝座上的基督(罗八34),现今也在我们里面(10),也就是在我们灵里(提后四22),这灵就是神居住的所在(弗二22)。─引用经文

(2) The very Christ who is sitting on the throne in heaven (Rom. 8:34) is also now in us (v. 10), that is, in our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22), where the habitation of God is (Eph. 2:22).

㈢ 我们的灵今天既是神居住的所在,现今也就是天的门,在那里基督是梯子,把我们联于天,并把天带给我们─22节,创二八12~17,约一51。

(3) Since today our spirit is the place of God's habitation, it is now the gate of heaven, where Christ is the ladder that joins us to heaven and brings heaven to us—v. 22; Gen. 28:12-17; John 1:51.

㈣ 每当我们转到我们灵里,我们就能借着基督作天梯,进入天的门,摸着天上施恩的宝座;我们的灵是在接受神圣传输的一端,而神的宝座是在输送的一端─来四16。

(4) Whenever we turn to our spirit, we enter through the gate of heaven and touch the throne of grace in heaven through Christ as the heavenly ladder; our spirit is the receiving end of the divine transmission, whereas the throne of God is the transmitting end—Heb. 4:16.

2 神的生命就是基督的生命,基督的生命又成了我们的生命─西三4,约五26:

2. The life of God is the life of Christ, and the life of Christ has become our life—Col. 3:4; John 5:26:

a 基督是我们的生命,意思就是说,祂对我们是主观到了极点的─一4,十四6上,十10下,林前十五45下,罗八10、6、11。

a. For Christ to be our life means that He is subjective to us to the uttermost—1:4; 14:6a; 10:10b; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:10, 6, 11.

b 不可能把一个人和他的生命分开,因为人的生命就是人自己;因此,说基督是我们的生命,意思就是说,基督成了我们,我们与祂同有一个生命和生活─约十四6上,腓一21上。

b. It is impossible to separate a person from the life of that person, for a person's life is the person himself; thus, to say that Christ is our life means that Christ has become us and that we have one life and living with Him—John 14:6a; Phil. 1:21a.

c 基督是信徒的生命,有三种特点,将基督的生命与天然的生命区别出来:

c. With Christ as the believers' life there are three characteristics, which distinguish it from the natural life:

㈠ 基督的生命是钉十字架的生命─加二20。

(1) This life is a crucified life—Gal. 2:20.

㈡ 这生命是复活的生命─约十一25。

(2) This life is a resurrected life—John 11:25.

㈢ 这生命是藏在神里面的生命─西三3~4,太六1~6、16~18。

(3) This life is a life hidden in God—Col. 3:3-4; Matt. 6:1-6, 16-18.

3 寻求在上面的事,并思念那些事,就是加入主天上的职事,也就是祂神圣的事业;这就是活基督,过与基督的生活是一的生活─西三1~2:

3. To seek the things which are above and set our mind on them is to join ourselves to the Lord in His heavenly ministry, His divine enterprise; this is to live Christ, to have a living that is one with Christ's living—Col. 3:1-2:

a 在基督天上的职事里,祂今天是活着作大祭司,为众召会代求─来八1,四14,七25,四16,西四2。

a. In His heavenly ministry, Christ today is living as the High Priest to intercede for the churches—Heb. 8:1; 4:14; 7:25; 4:16; Col. 4:2.

b 在基督天上的职事里,祂今天是活着作属天的执事,以基督的丰富供应圣徒─来八1~2,弗三8。

b. In His heavenly ministry, Christ today is living as the heavenly Minister to supply the saints with the riches of Christ—Heb. 8:1-2; Eph. 3:8.

c 在基督天上的职事里,祂今天是活着作神行政的宇宙管理者,为了完成神的定旨─启四1~2、5,五6,弗一10~11:

c. In His heavenly ministry, Christ today is living as the universal Administrator of God's government for the accomplishment of God's purpose—Rev. 4:1-2, 5; 5:6; Eph. 1:10-11:

㈠ 从诸天之上的宝座那里,神圣的传输正把在上面的事带进众地方召会中─19、22~23节。

(1) From the throne in the heavens, the divine transmission brings the things above into the local churches—vv. 19, 22-23.

㈡ 启示录四、五章里有“中央政府”的异象;一至三章里有众地方召会作“大使馆”的异象;借着七灵,有一种传输从天上的“总部”传到众召会这些“大使馆”。

(2) In Revelation 4 and 5 we have a vision of our "central government, " and in Revelation 1 through 3 we have a vision of the local churches as the "embassies"; through the seven Spirits what is in the heavenly "headquarters" is transmitted into the churches as the "embassies. "

㈢ 众地方召会中所发生的事,该受天上神宝座的指引;这恢复要成为“主的”恢复,就必须受主指引─西一18,二19,启四2~3。

(3) What takes place in the local churches should be under the direction of the throne of God in heaven; in order for the recovery to be the Lord's recovery, it must be under His direction—Col. 1:18; 2:19; Rev. 4:2-3.

4 我们的定命乃是荣耀;基督正在领我们进荣耀里去,叫我们与祂一同显现在荣耀里─来二10,西三4。

4. Our destiny is glory; Christ is leading us into glory for us to be manifested with Him in glory—Heb. 2:10; Col. 3:4.

二 我们的生命乃是住在我们里面的基督,这生命与基督一同藏在神里面;隐藏在神里面的基督,由隐藏在金罐里的吗哪所预表─3~4节,出十六32~34,启二17:

B. Our life is the Christ who dwells within us, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; the Christ hidden in God is typified by the manna hidden in the golden pot—vv. 3-4; Exo. 16:32-34; Rev. 2:17:

1 作为隐藏吗哪的基督,在作为金罐的父神里面;父在作为约柜的基督里面,基督有神性与人性这两种性情;基督作为内住的灵,活在我们重生的灵里,成为至圣所的实际─参约十四16~20,提后四22。

1. Christ as the hidden manna is in God the Father as the golden pot; the Father is in Christ as the Ark with His two natures, divinity and humanity; and Christ as the indwelling Spirit lives in our regenerated spirit to be the reality of the Holy of Holies—cf. John 14:16-20; 2 Tim. 4:22.

2 我们吃基督这隐藏的吗哪时,就合并到祂里面,作神与人相互的住处─约十五5、7,八31,六57、63,十四23。

2. When we eat Christ as the hidden manna, we are incorporated into Him for the mutual abode of God and man—John 15:5, 7; 8:31; 6:57, 63; 14:23.

三 基督是我们的生命,有力地指明我们要以祂为生命而凭祂活着,要在日常生活中活祂─西三4上:

C. That Christ is our life is a strong indication that we are to take Him as life and live by Him, that we are to live Him in our daily life—Col. 3:4a:

1 基督必须在实际上、在经历上是我们的生命;一天过一天,我们需要在祂的生命里得救─4节,林前十五45下,罗五10。

1. Christ must be our life in a practical and experiential way; day by day we need to be saved in His life—v. 4; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 5:10.

2 新人乃是我们接受基督作生命并活基督的自然结果─西三3~4、10~11。

2. The new man is the spontaneous issue of our taking Christ as our life and living Him—Col. 3:3-4, 10-11.

贰 我们需要认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作新人的构成成分:

II. We need to know and experience the all-inclusive, extensive Christ as the constituent of the new man:

一 在新人里只有基督有地位;祂是新人一切的肢体,也在一切的肢体之内;在新人里祂是一切─10~11节。

A. In the new man there is room only for Christ; He is all the members of the new man and in all the members; He is everything in the new man—vv. 10-11.

二 在新人里基督是中心’也是普及;祂是构成新人的成分;在新人里祂是一切,又在一切之内。

B. In the new man Christ is the centrality and universality; He is the constituent of the new man, and He is all and in all in the new man.

三 我们若要活基督作新人的构成成分,就需要受基督的平安管治(12~15),并被基督的话内住(16~17):─引用经文

C. If we would live Christ as the constituent of the new man, we need to be ruled by the peace of Christ (vv. 12-15) and inhabited by the word of Christ (vv. 16-17):

1 我们需要让基督的平安在我们心里作仲裁─12~15节,弗二14~18,罗五1,太十八21~35:

1. We need to allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts—vv. 12-15; Eph. 2:14-18; Rom. 5:1; Matt. 18:21-35:

a “作仲裁”一辞的希腊文也可译为:“作裁判,作主席,登位作每件事的管治者和决断者”;基督那作仲裁的平安,消除我们与任何人的嫌隙─西三13。

a. The Greek term for arbitrate can also be rendered "umpire, preside, " or "be enthroned as a ruler and decider of everything"; the arbitrating peace of Christ dissolves our complaint against anyone—Col. 3:13.

b 我们常常发现我们里面有三派:一派是积极的,另一派是消极的,还有一派是中立的;因此,需要内里的仲裁来解决我们里面的争执:

b. Often we are conscious of three parties within us: a positive party, a negative party, and a neutral party; hence, there is the need for inward arbitration to settle the dispute within us:

㈠ 每当我们感觉我们里面各派在争执或争吵时,我们需要让基督的平安作主席,并让这平安,就是新人的一,在我们里面管治并下最后的断语。

(1) Whenever we sense that different parties within our being are arguing or quarreling, we need to give place to the presiding peace of Christ and allow this peace, which is the oneness of the new man, to rule within us and have the final word.

㈡ 我们需要把我们的意见、观念摆在一边,听内住之裁判的话。

(2) We need to set aside our opinion, our concept, and listen to the word of the indwelling Referee.

c 我们若让基督的平安在我们心里作仲裁,这平安会解决我们中间所有的争执;我们就会与神有纵的平安,并与圣徒有横的平安:

c. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us; we shall have peace with God vertically and with the saints horizontally:

㈠ 借着基督的平安作仲裁,我们的难处解决了,圣徒之间的摩擦也消失了;然后召会生活就能甜美地得保全,新人也实际地得以维持。

(1) Through the arbitration of the peace of Christ, our problems are solved, and the friction between the saints disappears; then the church life is preserved in sweetness, and the new man is maintained in a practical way.

㈡ 基督的平安作仲裁,就是基督在我们里面作工,好在我们身上施行管治,来作结论,下最后的决断─参赛九6~7。

(2) The arbitrating of the peace of Christ is Christ working within us to exercise His rule over us, to speak the last word, and to make the final decision—cf. Isa. 9:6-7.

㈢ 如果我们一直让基督的平安作王管治,我们就不会得罪别人,破坏别人;我们反而会靠着主的恩典并带着祂的平安,把生命供应给别人。

(3) If we stay under the ruling of the enthroned peace of Christ, we shall not offend others or damage them; rather, by the Lord's grace and with His peace, we shall minister life to others.

㈣ 这平安应当将所有的信徒联结一起,成为他们的联索─弗四3。

(4) This peace should bind all the believers together and become their uniting bond—Eph. 4:3.

2 我们若要活基督作新人的构成成分,就需要让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面─西三16~17:

2. If we would live Christ as the constituent of the new man, we need to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly—Col. 3:16-17:

a 当基督的平安在我们里面作仲裁,保守我们在满了一与和谐的光景中,我们就成了神说话的地方,成了神的出口─15~16节,启二1、7:

a. When the peace of Christ arbitrates in us and keeps us in a situation full of oneness and harmony, we become the place of God's speaking, His oracle—vv. 15-16; Rev. 2:1, 7:

㈠ 神的说话要求一;分裂使神的说话减少,甚至使神的说话完全停止─利一1。

(1) God's speaking requires oneness; division causes God's speaking to diminish, even to cease altogether—Lev. 1:1.

㈡ 既然一是神说话的必要条件,我们就需要让基督的平安在我们心里作仲裁─西三15。

(2) Since oneness is a necessary condition for God's speaking, we need to let the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts—Col. 3:15.

㈢ 基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面,意思就是这话在我们里面有充分的地位,而浸润并浸透我们全人;我们要让基督的话进到我们里面,住在我们里面,在我们里面得胜,顶替我们的观念、意见和哲学;这是极重要的─诗一一九130,参启二一23,二二5。

(3) For the word of Christ to dwell in us richly means that it has adequate room in us to permeate and saturate our whole being; it is crucial for us to let the word of Christ enter into us, dwell in us, prevail in us, and replace our concepts, opinions, and philosophies—Psa. 119:130; cf. Rev. 21:23; 22:5.

b 我们需要让主的话在我们里面居首位,使我们经历神话语的功用在我们里面运行,并将基督的丰富供应到我们这人里面─西三16:

b. We need to allow the word of the Lord to have the first place in us so that we may experience the functions of the word of God operating within us and ministering the riches of Christ into our being—Col. 3:16:

㈠ 神的话光照(诗一一九105、130)、喂养(太四4,提前四6)并滋润我们,解我们的干渴(赛五五1、8~11)。─引用经文

(1) The word of God enlightens (Psa. 119:105, 130), nourishes (Matt. 4:4; 1 Tim. 4:6), and waters us to quench our thirst (Isa. 55:1, 8-11).

㈡ 神的话加强(约壹二14下,箴四20~22)、洗涤(弗五26)并建造我们(徒二十32)。─引用经文

(2) The word of God strengthens (1 John 2:14b; Prov. 4:20-22), washes (Eph. 5:26), and builds us up (Acts 20:32).

㈢ 神的话借着圣别我们(约十七17),使我们完备并完全(提后三15~17),且造就我们。─引用经文

(3) The word of God completes, perfects (2 Tim. 3:15-17), and edifies us by sanctifying us (John 17:17).

c 我们让基督的话住在我们里面,借此就能成为正确的人,就是神人,充满基督作神属性的实际─西三16~25,腓四5~8。

c. By allowing the word of God to inhabit us, we can become a proper human being, a God-man filled with Christ as the reality of the attributes of God—Col. 3:16-25; Phil. 4:5-8.

3 我们若让基督的平安在我们里面作仲裁,若被基督的话所充满,我们就实际地有新人;所有在主恢复里众召会的众圣徒,都要在一个新人里活基督。

3. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in us and if we are filled with the word of Christ, we shall have the new man in a practical way; all the saints in all the churches throughout the Lord's recovery will be living Christ in the one new man.


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