
第五篇 认识并经历包罗万有、延展无限的基督作为神的奥秘

Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Mystery of God



壹 包罗万有、延展无限的基督是神的奥秘─西二2:

I. The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is the mystery of God—Col. 2:2:

一 神自己是个奥秘,基督是这奥秘的奥秘。

A. God Himself is a mystery, and Christ is the mystery of this mystery.

二 “神的奥秘”指明无法理解且解释不来的事物。

B. The mystery of God indicates something incomprehensible and inexplicable.

三 包罗万有、延展无限的基督作为神的奥秘,是神的解释、说明和彰显─神的话─约一1、14。

C. As the mystery of God, the all-inclusive, extensive Christ is the definition, explanation, and expression of God—the Word of God—John 1:1, 14.

四 基督作为神的奥秘,乃是神的历史;神全盘的“故事”都在基督里,并且就是基督─西二2:

D. As the mystery of God, Christ is the history of God; the whole "story" of God is in Christ and is Christ—Col. 2:2:

1 神虽是无限、永远的,无始无终的,但祂也有历史,故事─罗十六26,诗九十2。

1. Although God is infinite and eternal, without beginning or ending, He also has a history, a story—Rom. 16:26; Psa. 90:2.

2 包罗万有、延展无限的基督─神的奥秘,神奥秘的故事─乃是神的历史。

2. The all-inclusive, extensive Christ—the mystery of God, the mysterious story of God—is the history of God.

3 神的历史是指祂在基督里所经过的过程,使祂可以进到我们里面,并使我们得以被带到祂里面;这过程包括成为肉体、人性生活、钉死、复活、升天、得荣和登宝座─约一12~14、29,三14,十二24,十四20。

3. God's history refers to the process through which He passed in Christ so that He may enter into us, and we may be brought into Him; this process includes incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, glorification, and enthronement—John 1:12-14, 29; 3:14; 12:24; 14:20.

五 一切智慧和知识的宝藏,都藏在那是神的奥秘之包罗万有、延展无限的基督里面─西二3:

E. In the all-inclusive, extensive Christ as the mystery of God, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden—Col. 2:3:

1 智慧与我们的灵有关,知识与我们的心思有关─弗一8、17。

1. Wisdom is related to our spirit, and knowledge is related to our mind—Eph. 1:8, 17.

2 神是智慧和知识的独一源头─罗十六27,十一33。

2. God is the unique source of wisdom and knowledge—Rom. 16:27; 11:33.

3 这是关于基督与召会之神圣经纶的属灵智慧和知识─弗一10,三9,五32。

3. This is the spiritual wisdom and knowledge of the divine economy concerning Christ and the church—Eph. 1:10; 3:9; 5:32.

4 智慧和知识也是指神一切的“故事”说的。

4. Wisdom and knowledge also refer to all the "stories" of God.

5 这一切关乎神故事的智慧和知识,都是藏在这位是神奥秘的基督里面─西二2~3。

5. All the wisdom and knowledge pertaining to God's stories are hidden in Christ, who is the mystery of God—Col. 2:2-3.

贰 基督作为神的奥秘,乃是神格丰满的具体化身─9节:

II. As the mystery of God, Christ is the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead—v. 9:

一 “神格一切的丰满”乃指整个的神格,完整的神─9节:

A. All the fullness of the Godhead refers to the entire Godhead, the complete God—v. 9:

1 “神格”一辞有力地指明基督的神格。

1. The word Godhead refers to deity and strongly indicates the deity of Christ.

2 神格既包含父、子、灵,神格的丰满就必是父、子、灵的丰满─太二八19,林后十三14。

2. Since the Godhead comprises the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, the fullness of the Godhead must be the fullness of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14.

3 基督是神格丰满的具体化身,这意思是,三一神的丰满有形有体的居住在基督里面─西二9:

3. For Christ to be the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead means that the fullness of the Triune God dwells in Christ in a bodily form—Col. 2:9:

a 这含示基督在祂人性里所穿上的肉身,并且指明神格一切的丰满都居住在这位有属人身体的基督里面─约一14,罗八3,来二14。

a. This implies the physical body that Christ put on in His humanity, and it indicates that all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ as the One who has a human body—John 1:14; Rom. 8:3; Heb. 2:14.

b 在基督成为肉体以前,神格的丰满乃是居住在作为永远之话的基督里面,但不是有形有体地居住在祂里面─约一1。

b. Before His incarnation the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ as the eternal Word, but it did not dwell in Him bodily—John 1:1.

c 从基督成为肉体穿上人的身体以后,神格的丰满就开始有形有体地居住在祂里面,并且居住在祂得荣的身体里(腓三21),从今时直到永远。─引用经文

c. After He became incarnate, clothed with a human body, the fullness of the Godhead began to dwell in Him in a bodily way, and in His glorified body (Phil. 3:21) now and forever it dwells.

二 歌罗西二章九节的“丰满”不是指神的丰富,乃是指神丰富的彰显:─引用经文

B. Fullness in Colossians 2:9 refers not to the riches of God but to the expression of the riches of God:

1 丰富是一样东西的量,而丰满是一样东西流出来、溢出来,成为那样东西的彰显。

1. The riches are the quantity of an object, whereas the fullness is the flowing out, the overflow, of the object to become the expression of the object.

2 那居住在基督里的,不仅是神格的丰富,也是神所是之丰富的彰显:

2. What dwells in Christ is not only the riches of the Godhead but also the expression of the riches of what God is:

a 神的丰满就是神的丰富满溢出来了,这满溢出来就是神的彰显。

a. God's fullness is the overflow of His riches, and this overflow is God's expression.

b 神格的丰满就是神格的彰显,也就是神所是的彰显─9节。

b. The fullness of the Godhead is the expression of the Godhead, the expression of what God is—v. 9.

3 神格是在旧造(宇宙)中并在新造(召会)中得着彰显─一15、18。

3. The Godhead is expressed both in the old creation, the universe, and in the new creation, the church—1:15, 18.

三 当神的儿子成为肉体成了一个人,在祂身上有神的丰满,我们从这丰满里都领受了─约一14、16:

C. When the Son of God was incarnated as a man, with Him was the fullness of God, and of this fullness we have all received—John 1:14, 16:

1 约翰一章十六节里的“恩”不是指丰富的恩,乃是指丰满的恩;丰富的恩是在神里面,而丰满的恩是在基督耶稣里─西二9。

1. In John 1:16 grace does not refer to the riches of grace but to the fullness of grace; the riches of grace are in God, but the fullness of grace is in Christ Jesus—Col. 2:9.

2 我们所领受的恩典乃是丰满的恩典;从我们得救时开始,我们就可以恩上加恩地领受。

2. The grace we receive is the fullness of grace; beginning from the time we are saved, we may receive grace upon grace.

3 约翰一章十六节的“恩上加恩”可比作滚滚海涛,一波接着一波,绵绵不绝。─引用经文

3. The phrase grace upon grace in John 1:16 can be compared to the rolling waves of the sea that come in wave upon wave without ceasing.

叁 神格一切的丰满都有形有体地居住在基督里面;作为在基督里的信徒,我们在基督里得了丰满─西二9~10:

III. As believers in Christ, we are made full in Christ, in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily—Col. 2:9-10:

一 十节的“丰满”,原文含完备,完全意。─引用经文

A. The Greek word translated "full" in verse 10 implies completion, perfection.

二 因为神格一切的丰满都居住在基督里,又因为我们已经被摆在祂里面,所以我们在祂里面就得了丰满,充满了神圣的丰富─林前一30,弗三8:

B. Because all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ and because we have been put in Him, we have been made full in Him, filled up with the divine riches—1 Cor. 1:30; Eph. 3:8:

1 所有相信基督的人,都已经被摆在基督里了;因此我们与祂联合并且与祂是一─加三27,林后五17。

1. All those who believe in Christ have been put into Christ; therefore, we are identified with Him and are one with Him—Gal. 3:27; 2 Cor. 5:17.

2 我们信徒已经被摆在包罗万有、延展无限的基督里面,与祂联合,归属于祂,以祂为我们的丈夫;因此,我们与祂乃是一─西一28,罗七2~4,林前六17。

2. We the believers have been put into the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, identified with Him, and joined to Him as our Husband; hence, we are one with Him—Col. 1:28; Rom. 7:2-4; 1 Cor. 6:17.

3 因着我们与基督是一,我们就有分于祂所完成、所得着并所达到的一切;我们承受了基督所经历并所经过的一切,领受了祂所是和所有的一切。

3. Because we are one with Christ, we partake of all that He has accomplished, obtained, and attained; we inherit all that Christ has experienced and passed through, receiving all that He is and has.

4 凡祂所经过的一切,现今乃是我们的历史;祂所得着并所达到的一切,乃是我们所承受的基业。

4. All that He has passed through is now our history, and all that He has obtained and attained is our inheritance.

5 结果乃是,祂所是的一切、所有的一切都归我们,祂所经历的一切也成了我们的历史─西二11~13,三1。

5. The result is that all that He is and all that He has belong to us, and all that He has experienced has become our history—Col. 2:11-13; 3:1.

三 我们需要充分的领悟我们在基督里所有的,并运用信心,好有分于我们在基督里所有的一切─弗三17。

C. We need to have a full realization of what we have in Christ and to exercise faith to partake of all that is ours in Christ—Eph. 3:17.

四 这丰满是包罗万有的,因此这丰满为我们成就了一切,完全满足并供应我们,且使我们得了丰满,得以完全并完备─西二9。

D. Because this fullness is all-inclusive, it accomplishes everything for us, it fully satisfies and supplies us, and it makes us full, perfect, and complete—Col. 2:9.

五 我们有包罗万有、无穷无尽的丰满,这丰满有形有体地居住在基督里面,并且我们在祂里面,也得了丰满─弗三8,西二9~10。

E. We have the all-inclusive, inexhaustible fullness that dwells in Christ bodily, and in Him we are made full—Eph. 3:8; Col. 2:9-10.


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