
第三篇 包罗万有、延展无限的基督在万有中居首位

The All-inclusive, Extensive Christ Having the Preeminence in All Things



壹 神行政管理的心意,乃是要使基督在万有中居首位,使基督在凡事上居第一位─西一15、18:

I. God's intention in His administration is to give Christ the preeminence in all things, to cause Christ to have the first place in everything—Col. 1:15, 18:

一 整个世界局势都在天上之神的诸天掌权之下,以配合神在祂经纶里的心意;基督是这经纶的中心─但七9~10,四34~35,弗一10。

A. The entire world situation is under the rule of the heavens by the God of the heavens to match His intention in His economy, of which Christ is the center—Dan. 7:9-10; 4:34-35; Eph. 1:10.

二 要使基督在万有中居首位,神就需要一班子民;神若没有一班子民,就无法使基督成为居首位的─西一18,三10~11。

B. For Christ to have the preeminence in all things, God needs a people; apart from God's having a people, there is no way for Christ to be made preeminent—Col. 1:18; 3:10-11.

三 在神属天的掌权下,祂正在使用环境,使基督成为我们的中心(第一位)和普及(一切)─罗八28,西一18、27,三4、10~11。

C. Under His heavenly rule God is using the environment to make Christ the centrality (the first) and the universality (everything) to us—Rom. 8:28; Col. 1:18, 27; 3:4, 10-11.

贰 在神的经纶中,基督居第一位,居首位─一18,弗一10:

II. Christ has the first place, the preeminence, in God's economy—1:18; Eph. 1:10:

一 基督是居首位的,祂在凡事上都居第一位─西一18。

A. Christ is the preeminent One, the One who has the first place in everything—Col. 1:18.

二 基督在三一神格中居首位;第一者,父,高举子;第三者,那灵,总是为子作见证─林后十三14,腓二9,约十五26。

B. Christ is preeminent in the triune Godhead; the first, the Father, exalts the Son, and the third, the Spirit, always testifies concerning the Son—2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 2:9; John 15:26.

三 基督在神对祂的高举上居首位─徒二33上,弗一22:

C. Christ is preeminent in God's exaltation of Him—Acts 2:33a; Eph. 1:22:

1 基督已被高举到三层天上神的右边─徒二33上。

1. Christ has been exalted to the right hand of God in the third heaven—Acts 2:33a.

2 在神对基督的高举里,神已使基督作万有的头─弗一22。

2. In God's exaltation of Christ, He has been given to be the Head over all things—Eph. 1:22.

四 在旧造和新造中,在宇宙和召会中,基督都居第一位,居首位─西一15、18。

D. Both in the old creation and in the new creation, both in the universe and in the church, Christ occupies the first place, the place of preeminence—Col. 1:15, 18.

五 基督居第一位,意思就是,祂乃是一切;基督既然在宇宙中和召会中都居第一位,祂在宇宙中和召会中就必是一切─三10~11。

E. For Christ to be the first means that He is all; since Christ is the first both in the universe and in the church, He must be all things in the universe and in the church—3:10-11.

叁 基督应该在我们个人的宇宙中居首位─17节,林前十31:

III. Christ should have the preeminence in our personal universe—v. 17; 1 Cor. 10:31:

一 我们蒙神拣选作祂的子民,为使基督居首位,我们乃是在神属天的掌权之下─但四26,太五3。

A. As those who have been chosen by God to be His people for Christ's preeminence, we are under His heavenly rule—Dan. 4:26; Matt. 5:3.

二 在我们的召会生活、家庭生活和日常生活中,基督这居首位者必须是中心与普及─西三17,林前十31。

B. Christ, the preeminent One, must be the centrality and universality in our church life, family life, and daily life—Col. 3:17; 1 Cor. 10:31.

三 在神属天的掌权下,万有都互相効力,叫我们得益处;在我们个人的宇宙中所发生的事特别是这样─罗八28:

C. Under God's heavenly rule everything is working together for our good; this is especially true of the things in our personal universe—Rom. 8:28:

1 我们个人的宇宙包括我们自己、我们的家庭以及召会。

1. Our personal universe includes ourselves, our families, and the church.

2 在我们个人的宇宙中,每一天都发生许多事,目的乃是要使基督居首位;我们需要看见这事,并顺服神属天的掌权─弗一11,启四11。

2. In our personal universe many things happen day by day for the purpose of making Christ preeminent; we need to realize this and be submissive to God's heavenly rule—Eph. 1:11; Rev. 4:11.

四 我们要让基督在凡事上居首位,就必须愿意受调整、被破碎、成为无有,使主在我们里面、借着我们并在我们中间,能有路建造祂生机的身体─弗三17,四16。

D. In order to give Christ the preeminence in all things, we must be willing to be adjusted, to be broken, and to be made nothing so that the Lord can have a way in us, through us, and among us for the building up of His organic Body—Eph. 3:17; 4:16.

五 我们若看见基督居首位的异象,我们的生活和召会生活就会有彻底的改变,因为我们会领悟,基督必须在凡事上居首位─西一18。

E. If we have a vision of the preeminence of Christ, our living and our church life will be revolutionized, for we will realize that in all things Christ must have the first place—Col. 1:18.

肆 基督应该在我们的爱上居首位─启二4:

IV. Christ should have the preeminence in our love—Rev. 2:4:

一 让主在凡事上居首位,就是用起初的爱来爱祂;我们需要维持并发展我们向主起初的爱─4节。

A. To give the Lord the first place in all things is to love Him with the first love; we need to maintain and develop our first love toward the Lord—v. 4.

二 人无论爱什么,他的全心,甚至全人,都是摆在所爱的上面,被其霸占并得着─提前六10,提后三2~4,四8、10上,多一8。

B. Whatever one loves, his whole heart, even his whole being, is set on and occupied and possessed by—1 Tim. 6:10; 2 Tim. 3:2-4; 4:8, 10a; Titus 1:8.

三 召会究竟会不会有得胜的荣耀日子,还是败落的痛苦日子,乃在于我们是哪一类的爱者─启二4,提后三2~4。

C. Whether there would be a day of glory in the church's victory or grievous days of the church's decline depends on what kind of love we have—Rev. 2:4; 2 Tim. 3:2-4.

四 我们对主的爱必须绝对;我们不该爱任何人或任何事物过于爱主─太十37~39。

D. Our love for the Lord must be absolute; we should not love anyone or anything above Him—Matt. 10:37-39.

五 我们爱主,因为祂先爱我们,将祂爱的素质注入我们里面,并且在我们里面产生出爱来,使我们能用这爱爱祂─约壹四19、8、16。

E. We love the Lord because He first loved us, infusing His loving essence into us and generating within us the love with which we love Him—1 John 4:19, 8, 16.

六 我们爱主乃是照着神圣三一作为爱的神圣分赐─罗五5,八35、39,十五30。

F. We love the Lord according to the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity as love—Rom. 5:5; 8:35, 39; 15:30.

伍 基督应该在我们三部分的人里居首位─西一27,三4、10~11、15~16:

V. Christ should have the preeminence in our tripartite being—Col. 1:27; 3:4, 10-11, 15-16:

一 我们敬拜在诸天之上登宝座的基督,但我们经历、享受并有分于我们灵里内住的基督;我们非常主观的与祂是一─1节,林前六17,弗三17:

A. We worship the enthroned Christ in the heavens, but we experience, enjoy, and partake of the indwelling Christ in our spirit; we are one with Him in a very subjective way—v. 1; 1 Cor. 6:17; Eph. 3:17:

1 那住在我们里面的基督,不是小的、有限的基督,乃是包罗万有、延展无限、居首位的基督─西一15~16、18~19。

1. The Christ who indwells us is not a small, limited Christ but the all-inclusive, extensive, preeminent Christ—Col. 1:15-16, 18-19.

2 我们需要被包罗万有、延展无限、居首位的基督注入、浸透、充满,直到我们经历祂是我们的一切─二16~17,三4、10~11。

2. We need to be infused, saturated, and permeated with the all-inclusive, extensive, preeminent Christ until in our experience He is everything to us—2:16-17; 3:4, 10-11.

二 因为基督是我们的生命,祂所有的一切、祂所达到并所得着的一切,对我们就都成为主观的;就宇宙一面说,基督是延展无限的,但在我们的经历中,祂是我们的生命,我们的所是─4节,罗八34、10。

B. Because Christ is our life, all He has and all He has attained and obtained become subjective to us; universally, Christ is extensive, but in our experience, He is our life, our being—v. 4; Rom. 8:34, 10.

三 我们的内容和构成成分该单单是包罗万有、延展无限的基督─西三10~11。

C. The content and constituent should only be the all-inclusive, extensive Christ—Col. 3:10-11.

四 我们应当让基督充满我们的全人,并以祂自己顶替我们天然生命的每一方面─弗三17,西三10~11。

D. We should allow Christ to fill our entire being and replace every aspect of our natural life with Himself—Eph. 3:17; Col. 3:10-11.

陆 基督应该在我们属灵的经历中居首位─一18、27,二9~13、20,三1~4:

VI. Christ should have the preeminence in our spiritual experiences—1:18, 27; 2:9-13, 20; 3:1-4:

一 基督的历史乃是基督徒的经历,并且基督的经历就是基督徒的历史─林前一30,罗六3~5,加二20,弗二5~6:

A. The history of Christ is the experience of the Christian, and the experience of Christ is the history of the Christian—1 Cor. 1:30; Rom. 6:3-5; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:5-6:

1 基督的历史成为我们的经历和我们属灵的历史─约十四19下,加二20。

1. The history of Christ becomes our experience and our spiritual history—John 14:19b; Gal. 2:20.

2 在与基督生机的联结里,凡基督所经过的,都成了我们的历史─约十五1、4~5。

2. In the organic union with Christ, whatever Christ passed through has become our history—John 15:1, 4-5.

二 在歌罗西书中许多重要的辞句指向我们对基督的经历;这些发表给我们一幅正确经历基督的完整图画。

B. In Colossians a number of phrases point to our experience of Christ; these expressions give us a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ—1:27-28; 2:6, 8, 13, 19-20.

柒 基督应该在我们的为人生活中居首位─三18~四1:

VII. Christ should have the preeminence in our human living—3:18-4:1:

一 神渴望基督能借着人性生活得着彰显─腓一19~21上。

A. God desires that Christ be expressed through human life—Phil. 1:19-21a.

二 信徒的生活必须与基督联合;这意思是,在我们的生活中,我们必须与祂是一─林前六17,约十五4~5:

B. The living of the believers must be in union with Christ; this means that in our living we need to be one with Him—1 Cor. 6:17; John 15:4-5:

1 我们需要与主耶稣是一,正如祂与父是一一样─十30,十四10,六57。

1. We need to be one with the Lord Jesus just as He is one with the Father—10:30; 14:10; 6:57.

2 我们现今与基督该同有一个生命并同过一个生活;子的生命成为我们的生命,我们的生活成为子的生活─加二20。

2. We and Christ should now have one life and one living; the Son's life becomes our life, and our living becomes the Son's living—Gal. 2:20.

3 信徒过与基督联合的生活,结果该是在他们的为人生活中彰显基督─西三18~四1。

3. The living of the believers in union with Christ results in the expression of Christ in their human living—Col. 3:18-4:1.

三 凡我们所作的,都该在主耶稣的名里─三17:

C. We should do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus—3:17:

1 名指人位,主的人位就是那灵─林后三17上。

1. The name denotes the person, and the Lord's person is the Spirit—2 Cor. 3:17a.

2 在主的名里行事,就是在那灵里行动;这就是活基督,并让祂在我们的为人生活中居首位─西一18。

2. To do things in the name of the Lord is to act in the Spirit; this is to live Christ and to give Him the preeminence in our human living—Col. 1:18.


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