
第六篇 为着一个新人的实际与实行所需要的祷告

The Prayer Needed for the Reality and Practicality of the One New Man



壹 我们祷告的管治原则应当是:祷告总是把我们带到神里面─路十一1~13:

I. The governing principle of our prayer should be that prayer brings us into God—Luke 11:1-13:

一 每当我们的祷告没有把我们带到神里面,那就不对了;我们不该继续那样祷告。

A. Whenever our prayer does not bring us into God, it is wrong, and we should not continue to pray in this way.

二 正确祷告的果效,就是我们发现自己在神里面─2~4节。

B. The issue of proper prayer is that we find ourselves in God—vv. 2-4.

贰 在真实祷告时的经历,使我们能摸着一个新人的实际─西一3、9,四12,腓一20~21上:

II. The experience during times of genuine prayer enables us to touch the reality of the one new man—Col. 1:3, 9; 4:12; Phil. 1:20-21a:

一 在真实祷告时,我们是在我们的灵里,也与主是一灵;我们乃是在这些时候活基督─林前六17,腓一20~21上:

A. During times of genuine prayer, we are in our spirit, and we are one spirit with the Lord; it is at these times that we live Christ—1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 1:20-21a:

1 我们的日常生活应当与我们真实祷告时的经历一样。

1. Our daily living should be the same as our experience in times of genuine prayer.

2 我们在祷告中的经历,应当成为我们日常基督徒生活的模型。

2. Our experience in prayer should become a model of our daily Christian life.

3 我们祷告时,就进入与主的交通中,并感觉得到一个事实,就是我们真正与祂是一灵,祂也实在与我们是一灵─林前六17。

3. When we pray, we enter into fellowship with the Lord and become conscious of the fact that we are truly one spirit with Him and that He is actually one spirit with us—1 Cor. 6:17.

4 我们若保守自己在祷告的情形里,就会在文化之外,并且与主是一灵,享受祂的同在,自然而然地活祂。

4. If we keep ourselves in a praying condition, we will be outside of culture, and we will be one spirit with the Lord, enjoying His presence and spontaneously living Him.

二 每当我们经历真实的祷告,我们就在文化之外,特别是在文化的意见之外─西三10~11:

B. Whenever we experience genuine prayer, we are outside of our culture; in particular, we are outside of our cultural opinion—Col. 3:10-11:

1 我们越有真实的祷告,就越经历在文化的意见之外。

1. The more genuine prayer we have, the more we will have the experience of being outside of our cultural opinion.

2 当我们与别人一同有真实的祷告时,我们就在祷告的灵里真正是一:

2. When we pray with others in a genuine way, we are truly one in the praying spirit:

a 这样,我们就摸着一个新人的实际。

a. Then we touch the reality of the one new man.

b 这样,我们就领悟,新人只由基督所构成,并且在这个范围里没有文化的分歧。

b. Then we realize that the new man is constituted with Christ alone and that in this realm there are no differences of culture.

叁 我们需要坚定持续地祷告,因为祷告与争战有关─四2,弗六17~18:

III. We need to persevere in prayer because prayer involves a battle, a fight—4:2; Eph. 6:17-18:

一 为要在神这边与撒但争战,我们需要坚定持续地祷告。

A. In order to fight on God's side against Satan, we need to persevere in prayer.

二 我们站在神这边的人,发现整个宇宙都在反对我们,尤其是反对我们的祷告─西二1~3:

B. As those who take sides with God, we find that the whole universe is against us and, in particular, against our prayer—Col. 2:1-3:

1 在我们的环境中,几乎每一件事都与祷告相逆。

1. Almost everything in our environment is contrary to prayer.

2 祷告的阻力不仅在我们外面,甚至在我们里面─太二六41。

2. Resistance to prayer lies not only outside of us but even within us—Matt. 26:41.

3 祷告乃是抵挡堕落宇宙中的潮流、趋势:

3. To pray is to go against the current, the trend, in the fallen universe:

a 我们要祷告,就必须反对我们环境中的潮流。

a. In order to pray, we must go against the current of our environment.

b 如果我们不祷告,我们就会随波逐流。

b. If we fail to pray, we will be swept downstream.

c 唯有祷告能使我们反潮流;因此,我们需要持续地祷告,坚定地祷告─路十八1~8。

c. Only prayer can enable us to go against the current; therefore, we need to persevere in prayer, to pray persistently—Luke 18:1-8.

肆 为着一个新人而坚定持续地祷告,关系到基督的平安,基督的话,以及与基督联合的生活─西三15~17:

IV. Persevering in prayer for the one new man is related to the peace of Christ, to the word of Christ, and to living in union with Christ—Col. 3:15-17:

一 基督的平安,就是基督自己,已使犹太人和外邦人成为一个新人,如今为着基督身体的生活,并为着一个新人实际的出现,我们应当让这平安在我们心里作仲裁─15节。

A. The peace of Christ, which is Christ Himself, has made the Jews and the Gentiles one new man, and now we should let this peace arbitrate in our hearts for the Body life and for the practical existence of the one new man—v. 15.

二 基督运用祂作头的身分,并将祂的丰富供应我们的路,乃是借着祂的话─二19,三16:

B. The way for Christ to exercise His headship and to minister His riches to us is through His word—2:19; 3:16:

1 我们不该关闭,乃该向主并向祂的话敞开我们全人,愿意被基督的话充满。

1. We should not be closed but should open our being to the Lord and to His word and be willing to be filled with the word of Christ.

2 我们需要让基督的话在我们里面运行、行动并存留,使我们全人被基督的话渗透并浸透。

2. We need to allow the word of Christ to move, act, and have its being within us, letting our whole being be permeated and saturated with the word of Christ.

3 我们要为着一个新人,让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面,就需要让基督的平安在我们心里作仲裁。

3. In order for the word of Christ to dwell in us richly for the one new man, we need to let the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts.

三 过与基督联合的生活,意思就是我们在生活中不离开基督,反而与祂是一,并且借着在那灵里行动,凡事都在祂的名里行─17节。

C. To live in union with Christ means that in our living we are not apart from Christ; rather, we are one with Him and do everything in His name by acting in the Spirit—v. 17.

四 我们需要受基督的平安管治,让基督的话居住在我们里面,并且过与基督联合的生活。

D. We need to be ruled by the peace of Christ, to be inhabited by the word of Christ, and to live in union with Christ.

伍 基督在祂天上的职事里,一直在代求、供应并执行神的行政,我们需要成为那些对基督天上职事里的活动有响应的人─来二17,四14,七26,八1~2,启五6,西三1~4,一9,四12:

V. In His heavenly ministry Christ is interceding, ministering, and executing God's administration, and we need to be those who respond to Christ's activities in His heavenly ministry—Heb. 2:17; 4:14; 7:26; 8:1-2; Rev. 5:6; Col. 3:1-4; 1:9; 4:12:

一 基督是大祭司为人代求;祂是属天的执事供应人;祂也是有神七眼的救赎主,执行神的行政,以完成神的定旨。

A. As the High Priest, He intercedes; as the heavenly Minister, He ministers; and as the Redeemer with the seven eyes of God, He administers the government of God for the accomplishment of God's purpose.

二 基督天上的职事需要我们的响应─三1~4:

B. Christ's ministry in the heavens requires our response—3:1-4:

1 我们在地上要成为基督天上职事的返照。

1. We need to become on earth the reflection of Christ's heavenly ministry.

2 寻求在上面的事,意思就是我们与基督天上的职事相呼应─1节。

2. To seek the things which are above means that we correspond to Christ's heavenly ministry—v. 1.

3 我们寻求在上面的事,就响应并返照基督天上的职事。

3. When we seek the things which are above, we respond to Christ's heavenly ministry and reflect it.

4 我们与基督同活的目的,就是在祂为众召会的代求里,在祂将属天生命的供应服事给圣徒的职事上,并在祂执行神行政的事上,与祂是一。

4. The purpose of our living with Christ is to be one with Him in His intercession for the churches, in His ministry of the heavenly life supply to the saints, and in His administration of God's government.

三 借着我们的祷告,元首基督就得着一条路,借着祂的身体来施行祂的行政─一18,二19,三1~2:

C. Through our prayer Christ, the Head, is given a way to carry out His administration through His Body—1:18; 2:19; 3:1-2:

1 当元首在天上借着代求、供应并执行行政而作工时,我们作为基督的身体,就在地上响应基督天上的职事,并返照祂所作的而作工─来二17,四14,七26,八1~2,启五6。

1. As the Head is working in heaven by interceding, ministering, and administrating, we, the Body, are working on earth responding to the heavenly ministry of Christ and reflecting what He is doing—Heb. 2:17; 4:14; 7:26; 8:1-2; Rev. 5:6.

2 我们祷告的时候,就是属天的大使,在地上延展神的国─西一9、12~13,四11~12。

2. When we pray, we are a heavenly ambassador on earth as the extension of God's kingdom—Col. 1:9, 12-13; 4:11-12.

四 如果我们寻求在上面的事,并与基督同有一个生命和一个生活,我们就会完全被我们主人的事业所占有─三1~4、17:

D. If we seek the things which are above and have one life and one living with Christ, we will be wholly occupied with the enterprise of our Master—3:1-4, 17:

1 我们的心会与祂一同在天上;祂在天上一直为众召会代求、供应众圣徒并执行神的行政。

1. Our heart will be with Him in heaven, where He is interceding for the churches, supplying the saints, and administrating God's government.

2 我们该渴望在主天上的职事里与祂是一,并有一颗心与主的心是一;我们也该渴望在祂的祭司职分、职事和行政上与祂是一。

2. We should aspire to be one with the Lord in His heavenly ministry and to have a heart that is one with His heart, and we should long to be one with Him in His priesthood, ministry, and administration.

五 这恢复要成为“主的”恢复,就必须是在祂的指引之下─启五6,弗一19~23:

E. In order for the recovery to be the Lord's recovery, it must be under His direction—Rev. 5:6; Eph. 1:19-23:

1 在天上的基督和地上的我们之间,有一种神圣的传输,就是属天的电流─22节。

1. Between Christ in heaven and us on earth, there is a divine transmission, a heavenly current—v. 22.

2 我们若不断接受神圣的传输,让天上的供应注入,并经历在天上的基督与我们之间的来往,我们就会对基督的代求、供应以及执行神的行政有所响应。

2. If we continuously receive the divine transmission, being infused with a supply from heaven and experiencing the transaction between the heavenly Christ and us, we will respond to Christ's interceding, ministering, and executing of God's administration.


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