
第五篇 照着神的运行劳苦,将每一个信徒在基督里成熟地献上,好为着一个新人的功用与完成

Laboring according to God's Operation to Present Every Believer Full-grown in Christ for the Function and Consummation of the One New Man



壹 为着一个新人,我们都需要达到“长成的人,达到……基督丰满之身材的度量”─弗四13:

I. For the one new man we all need to arrive at "a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"—Eph. 4:13:

一 长成的人就是成熟的人;为此,在生命里的成熟乃是需要的─13节。

A. A full-grown man is a mature man; for this, maturity in life is necessary—v. 13.

二 基督的丰满就是基督的身体,这身体有一个具有度量的身材─一23:

B. The fullness of Christ is the Body of Christ, which has a stature with a measure—1:23:

1 基督的丰满就是基督的彰显;作为基督的丰满,这身体就是基督的彰显─四13,一23。

1. The fullness of Christ is the expression of Christ; as Christ's fullness, the Body is Christ's expression—4:13; 1:23.

2 基督的丰满─身体─有一个身材,这个身材有一个度量;因此,四章十三节说到基督丰满之身材的度量。

2. Christ's fullness, the Body, has a stature, and with this stature there is a certain measure; hence, 4:13 speaks of the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

3 达到基督丰满之身材的度量,乃是达到基督身体完满的长成和建造;这就是达到身体建造的完满完成─16节。

3. To arrive at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ is to arrive at the full growth and building up of the Body of Christ; it is to arrive at the full completion of the building up of the Body—v. 16.

三 达到基督丰满之身材的度量,是实行上的一─信仰上并对基督之完全认识上的一─所需要的─13节。

C. To arrive at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ is necessary for the practical oneness—the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of Christ—v. 13.

四 我们要从实际上的一(3~6),达到实行上的一,就需要往前,直到我们达到十三节所说的三件事─一、长成的人并基督丰满之身材的度量。

D. From the oneness in reality (vv. 3-6) we need to proceed to the oneness in practicality until we arrive at the three things mentioned in verse 13—the oneness, a full-grown man, and the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

贰 我们要达到长成的人以完成神的定旨,就需要在一切事上长到基督里面─15~16、24节:

II. In order to arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God's purpose, we need to grow up into Christ in all things—vv. 15-16, 24:

一 我们若不要再作小孩子(14),就需要长到基督里面;这就是在一切事上得着基督加增到我们里面,直到我们达到长成的人。─引用经文

A. To be no longer children (v. 14), we need to grow up into Christ; this is to have Christ increase in us in all things until we arrive at a full-grown man.

二 接受基督作我们的生命,就叫身体的身量增加;接受基督作我们的人位,就叫一个新人长大─三17上,四24:

B. Whereas taking Christ as our life is for the increase of the measure of the stature of the Body, taking Christ as our person is for the growth of the one new man—3:17a; 4:24:

1 我们若接受基督作我们的人位,我们定规以祂作我们的生命─约壹五11~12。

1. If we take Christ as our person, we will surely take Him as our life—1 John 5:11-12.

2 我们若接受基督作我们的人位,我们定规能长大成熟。

2. If we take Christ as our person, we will be able to grow and mature.

三 我们都需要在一切事,就是每一件事,无论大事、小事上,长到基督里面─弗四15:

C. We all need to grow up into Christ in all things, that is, in every single thing, whether big or small—Eph. 4:15:

1 我们在好些事上还没有长到基督里面;在这些事上,我们不在基督里面,乃在基督之外。

1. There are still many things in which we have not grown up into Christ; in these things we are not in Christ but are outside of Christ.

2 当我们都在一切事上长到基督里面,我们大家在基督里就是一了;这就是宇宙的一个新人─24节。

2. When we all grow up into Christ in all things, we all will be one in Christ; this is the universal one new man—v. 24.

四 以弗所四章十五节说到我们长到元首里面;这里的“元首”,指明我们在生命里借着基督的扩增而有的长大,该是身体肢体在元首之下的长大。─引用经文

D. Ephesians 4:15 says that we grow up into the Head; the word Head here indicates that our growth in life by the increase of Christ should be the growth of the members in the Body under the Head.

五 在生命里长大乃是以神的增长而长大;这意思是真正的长大乃是神的扩增,神的加多─西二19:

E. To grow in life is to grow with the growth of God; this means that true growth is the increase of God, the addition of God—Col. 2:19:

1 神是永远、完全、完整的;所以神自己不需要长大。

1. God is eternal, perfect, and complete; therefore, with God Himself there can be no growth.

2 身体需要以神在我们里面的增长、扩增而长大:

2. The Body needs to grow with the growth, the increase, of God in us:

a 神需要在我们里面增长;那就是说,我们都需要神在我们里面增长、扩增。

a. It is necessary for God to grow in us; that is, we all need God to grow, to increase, in us.

b 在属灵上长大的路,乃是让神加到我们里面:

b. The way to grow spiritually is to have God added to us:

㈠ 三一神分赐到我们里面,使我们以神的增长而长大─林后十三14,弗三16~17上。

1) The dispensing of the Triune God into us causes us to grow with the increase of God—2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:16-17a.

㈡ 我们重生时,神进入我们里面;如今祂借着将祂自己更多加给我们,就在我们里面扩增。

2) God entered into us when we were regenerated, and now He is increasing within us by adding more of Himself to us.

㈢ 这就是借着让神加到我们里面,以神的增长、扩增而长大。

3) This is to grow with the growth, the increase, of God, by having God added into our being.

c 我们从基督所吸收到里面来的,乃是基督作为土壤之丰富的元素;我们所吸收的,就成了神在我们里面的扩增─西二6~7。

c. What we absorb of Christ into us—the element of the riches of Christ as the soil—becomes the increase of God in us—Col. 2:6-7.

d 我们需要被基督浸润和浸透,并有基督作到我们里面;这样,在实际并实行上,基督就成为一个新人的每一肢体,每一部分─三10~11。

d. We need to be permeated and saturated with Christ and to have Christ wrought into our being; then, in reality and practicality, Christ will be every member, every part, of the one new man—3:10-11.

六 以弗所四章说到借着生命的长大成全新人:─引用经文

F. Ephesians 4 speaks of the perfecting of the new man through the growth of life:

1 在二章十五节,我们看见新人生机的创造;在四章十三至十六节,我们看见新人功用的成全。─引用经文

1. In Ephesians 2:15 we see the creation of the new man organically; in 4:13-16 we see the perfecting of the new man in relation to his function.

2 那在生机上完全的新人,需要借着生命的长大得成全,好能正确地尽功用─13、15、24节:

2. The organically perfect new man needs to be perfected through the growth of life in order to function in a proper way—vv. 13, 15, 24:

a 新人越多借着接受正确的喂养而长大,就越正常地尽功用。

a. The more the new man grows through receiving the proper nourishment, the more he will function normally.

b 十五节的长到基督里,等于二十四节的穿上新人。─引用经文

b. The growth into Christ in verse 15 equals the putting on of the new man in verse 24.

3 为使团体的新人长大,我们需要经历钉死、复活、升天又降下的基督,使包罗万有的基督作到我们里面,成为我们的一切;然后,在生机上完全的新人,就要在功用上成为完全─三16~17上,四13、24。

3. For the growth of the corporate new man, we need to experience the crucified, resurrected, ascended, and descending Christ so that the all-inclusive Christ is wrought into us to be our everything; then the organically perfect new man will become perfect functionally—3:16-17a; 4:13, 24.

七 在一切事上长到基督里面是为着一个宇宙新人实际的出现─24节。

G. Growing up into Christ in all things is for the practical existence of the universal one new man—v. 24.

叁 为着一个新人实际的出现,我们需要劳苦,竭力奋斗,将众圣徒在基督里成熟地献上─西一28~29:

III. For the practical existence of the one new man, we need to labor and struggle to present all the saints full-grown in Christ—Col. 1:28-29:

一 保罗的职事乃是将基督分赐到人里面,使他们借着在基督里完全长大成熟,得以完全并完整。

A. Paul's ministry was to dispense Christ into others so that they would be perfect and complete by maturing in Christ unto full growth.

二 我们向罪人传福音,并与圣徒交通,其目标乃是将基督供应到他们里面,使他们在基督里成熟,并在祂里面完全长大而被献上;这是为着新人的长大─28节。

B. Our goal in preaching the gospel to sinners and in fellowshipping with the saints is to minister Christ into them so that they may mature in Him and be presented full-grown in Him; this is for the growth of the new man—v. 28.

三 将人在基督里成熟地献上,是非常艰苦的工作;这工作唯有借着劳苦,照着神的运行竭力奋斗,才能成就─29节。

C. Presenting others full-grown in Christ is a very difficult task; this task can be accomplished only by labor in which we struggle according to the operation of God—v. 29.

四 保罗竭力奋斗,要将别人在基督里成熟地献上;他所作的是一个劳苦的榜样,要成全圣徒,使基督的身体得建造─弗四11~16:

D. What Paul did in struggling to present others full-grown in Christ is an example of laboring to perfect the saints for the building up of the Body of Christ—Eph. 4:11-16:

1 主在祂的恢复里,渴望恢复基督身体所有肢体的成全─11~16节。

1. In His recovery the Lord desires to recover the perfecting of all the members of the Body of Christ—vv. 11-16.

2 保罗对于成全圣徒的思想乃是,神的心意是要使每一个信徒都能作有恩赐之人所作的事─11节。

2. Paul's thought concerning the perfecting of the saints is that God's intention is to have every believer able to do the things that the gifted persons do—v. 11.

3 主要恢复成全圣徒这件事,使基督身体的每一部分能依其度量而尽功用,作职事的工作,建造基督生机的身体─12、16节。

3. The Lord wants to recover the perfecting of the saints so that each one part of the Body of Christ may do the work of the ministry by operating in its measure for the building up of the organic Body of Christ—vv. 12, 16.

肆 一个新人在我们灵里借着重生而创造出来时,就器官而论是完整的;但因着新人在功用上还不完全,就需要长大和更新─西二19,三10,弗四11~16、23~24:

IV. When the one new man was created in our spirit through regeneration, it was complete as far as organs are concerned; however, because the new man has not yet been completed in function, there is the need for growth and renewing—Col. 2:19; 3:10; Eph. 4:11-16, 23-24:

一 新人的长大带进新人的功用。

A. The growth of the new man results in the function of the new man.

二 新人只要缺乏长大和更新,就缺少功用。

B. As long as the new man is short of growth and renewing, it will be lacking in function.

三 一个新人需要长大并发展;结果,一个新人就会在功用上得以完全。

C. The one new man needs to grow and develop; as a result, the one new man will be perfect in function.

伍 新耶路撒冷将是这一个宇宙新人最终的完成─启二一2、10:

V. The New Jerusalem will be the final consummation of the universal one new man—Rev. 21:2, 10:

一 神的目标乃是要得着这一个宇宙新人,至终这新人要完成于新耶路撒冷。

A. God's goal is to have the universal one new man, which ultimately will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

二 我们在新耶路撒冷里,就会享受这一个宇宙新人的生活。

B. When we are in the New Jerusalem, we will enjoy the life of the universal one new man.

三 今天我们思念在上面的事,并让我们灵里的新人有自由的通路,得以扩展到我们全人里面,我们就能预尝一个新人的完成─西三1~2,弗四23~24。

C. Today we may have a foretaste of the consummation of the one new man by setting our mind on the things above and by giving a free way for the new man in our spirit to spread into our whole being—Col. 3:1-2; Eph. 4:23-24.


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