
第三篇 一个新人的创造与产生

The Creation and Bringing Forth of the One New Man



壹 “在主恢复里领头的同工和长老们必须领悟,主的恢复是担在他们的肩膀上。主的恢复将来如何,完全在于他们如何”(神圣奥秘的范围,二一页):

I. "The co-workers and the elders, who take the lead in the Lord's recovery, must realize that the Lord's recovery is resting upon their shoulders. What the recovery will be depends upon what they will be" (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994 – 1997, vol. 4, "The Divine and Mystical Realm," p. 99):

一 “我相当关心所有的同工和长老。他们许多人可能对于主的恢复是什么,没有完全的领会。”(一三至一四页)

A. "I am quite concerned for all the co-workers and elders. It may be that a good number of them do not have a complete understanding of what the Lord's recovery is" (p. 92).

二 “关于主当前的恢复,我盼望你们没有一人因着你们老旧的神学,或是你们对于恢复的老旧领会而受阻。”(一四页)

B. "Regarding the Lord's present recovery, I hope that none of you would be held back by your old theology or by your old understanding of the recovery" (p. 93).

三 在这世代末了的日子,在主回来之前,我们必须看见一个身体和一个新人的异象─林前十二12,弗四4,二15~16,四24。

C. In the last days of this age, before the Lord will be able to return, we must see the vision of the one Body and the one new man—1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 4:4; 2:15-16; 4:24.

四 召会─基督的身体─乃是一个新人,为着完成神永远的定旨─一9、11,三9,罗八29,提后一9,弗二15~16,四22~24:

D. The church, the Body of Christ, is the one new man to accomplish God's eternal purpose—1:9, 11; 3:9; Rom. 8:29; 2 Tim. 1:9; Eph. 2:15-16; 4:22-24:

1 召会是基督的身体,重在生命;而召会是一个新人,重在人位。

1. The emphasis on the church being the Body of Christ is on life, whereas the emphasis on the church being the one new man is on the person.

2 召会作为基督的身体,需要基督作生命;召会作为一个新人,需要基督作人位。

2. As the Body of Christ, the church needs Christ as its life; as the one new man, the church needs Christ as its person.

五 圣经启示一个新人乃是一个团体、宇宙的人─弗二15,四24,西三10~11:

E. The Bible reveals that the one new man is a corporate, universal man—Eph. 2:15; 4:24; Col. 3:10-11:

1 我们在基督里的信徒都与基督是一,成为这个新人;因此,我们众人乃是这一个团体新人的各部分,是新人的组成分子。

1. We, the believers in Christ, are all one with Christ to be the new man; thus, we all are parts, components, of the corporate one new man.

2 一个新人是团体的神人,是所有神人的集大成;我们把所有神人摆在一起,就是一个新人。

2. The one new man is a corporate God-man, the aggregate of all the God-men; when we put all the God-men together, we have the one new man.

贰 新人作为神的诗章、杰作,乃是借着基督在十字架上的死所创造的─弗二10、15~16:

II. The new man as the poem, the masterpiece, of God was created through Christ's death on the cross—Eph. 2:10, 15-16:

一 我们需要谨慎注意十五节的两句话:“在祂的肉体里”和“在祂自己里面”:─引用经文

A. We need to pay careful attention to two phrases in verse 15: in His flesh and in Himself:

1 基督“在祂的肉体里”了结了宇宙中一切消极的事物:神的仇敌,就是魔鬼撒但(来二14);罪(罗八3,约一29);堕落之人的肉体(加五24);撒但邪恶的系统,就是世界,cosmos,科斯莫斯(约十二31);旧人所代表的旧造(罗六6);以及律法那将人隔离的规条(弗二15)。─引用经文

1. "In His flesh" Christ terminated all the negative things in the universe: Satan, the devil, the enemy of God (Heb. 2:14); sin (Rom. 8:3; John 1:29); the flesh of fallen man (Gal. 5:24); the world, the cosmos, the evil system of Satan (John 12:31); the old creation, represented by the old man (Rom. 6:6); and the separating ordinances of the law (Eph. 2:15).

2 基督“在祂自己里面”,就是以祂自己为范围、元素和素质,将犹太人和外邦人创造成一个新人:

2. "In Himself " as the sphere, element, and essence, Christ created the Jews and the Gentiles into one new man:

a 基督不仅是一个新人(召会)的创造者,并且是这一个新人得以创造的范围,又是用来创造这新人的元素和素质。

a. Christ is not only the Creator of the one new man, the church, but also the sphere in which and the element and essence with which the new man was created.

b 祂是一个新人的元素和素质,使神的神圣性情与人性成为一个实体─参西三10~11。

b. He is the very element and essence of the one new man, making God's divine nature one entity with humanity—cf. Col. 3:10-11.

二 在新人的创造里,首先我们天然的人被基督钉死,然后借着除去旧人,基督将神圣的元素分赐到我们里面,使我们成为一个新的实体,就是神的新发明─罗六6,林后五17。

B. In the creating of the new man, first our natural man was crucified by Christ, and then through the crossing out of the old man, Christ imparted the divine element into us, causing us to become a new entity, a new invention of God—Rom. 6:6; 2 Cor. 5:17.

三 由基督那创造之死所创造的新人,等于在基督的复活和升天里所形成的身体;因此,“一个新人”和“身体”是同义辞,可以交互使用─弗二15~16,西二19,三10~11。

C. The one new man created through the creating death of Christ equals the Body formed in Christ's resurrection and ascension; hence, the one new man and the Body are synonymous terms and may be used interchangeably—Eph. 2:15-16; Col. 2:19; 3:10-11.

叁 基督在十字架上,在祂的肉体里,废掉了那规条中诫命的律法,就是中间隔断的墙,而在祂自己里面创造了一个新人─弗二14~15上:

III. On the cross Christ created the new man in Himself by abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, the middle wall of partition—Eph. 2:14-15a:

一 以弗所二章十五节所说的律法,不是道德诫命的律法,乃是仪式诫命的律法,如行割礼、守安息日以及某些饮食的条例。─引用经文

A. The law spoken of in 2:15 is not the law of the moral commandments but the law of ritual commandments, such as the ordinances of circumcision, keeping the Sabbath, and eating certain foods.

二 规条是生活和敬拜的形式或作法,造成仇恨和分裂:

B. Ordinances are the forms or ways of living and worship, which create enmity and division:

1 在十字架上,基督废掉了一切有关生活和敬拜的规条,就是那分裂了各民族的规条─15节,西二14。

1. On the cross Christ abolished all the regulations regarding living and worship, regulations that have divided the nations—v. 15; Col. 2:14.

2 从巴别的时候起,人类就因生活和敬拜作法的规条而分裂了;在神的经纶里,在召会生活中,我们必须胜过巴别─创十一1~9。

2. From the time of Babel, mankind has been divided by ordinances concerning the ways of living and worship; in God's economy in the church life, we must overcome Babel—Gen. 11:1-9.

3 由于人的堕落,就有了许多的规条、许多的风俗、习惯、生活方式和敬拜方式;人类中间所有这些的不同,使全人类分裂、分散并混乱了。

3. Due to man's fall there are many ordinances, many customs, habits, ways to live, and ways to worship; all these differences among peoples have divided, scattered, and confused mankind.

4 规条的一个主要元素是语言;我们的语言能成为规条:

4. One of the main elements of ordinances is language; our very language can become an ordinance:

a 五旬节那天,语言所造成的分裂被克服,召会作为一个新人出现了─徒二1~11。

a. On the day of Pentecost the divisions caused by language were overcome, and the church as the one new man came into existence—Acts 2:1-11.

b 我们若能克服语言所造成的困难,我们在规条上的难处就解决了一大半─六1与注1。

b. If we can overcome the difficulty presented by language, a great part of our problem with ordinances will be solved—6:1 and footnote 1.

肆 我们越在调和的灵里,越在神圣的灵与人灵的调和里,我们就越得释放脱离规条,以产生一个新人─弗二18、22,四23~24,六18:

IV. The more we are in the mingled spirit, in the mingling of the divine Spirit with the human spirit, the more we shall be set free from ordinances in order to bring forth the one new man—Eph. 2:18, 22; 4:23-24; 6:18:

一 十字架废掉了规条,为要让那灵有地位;在那灵里,我们得以进到父面前─二18:

A. The cross abolished the ordinances in order to give place to the Spirit, in whom we have access unto the Father—2:18:

1 我们若有规条,就没有那灵;但我们若有那灵,就没有规条:

1. If we have ordinances, we do not have the Spirit, but if we have the Spirit, we shall not have ordinances:

a 召会生活不是由规条,而是由活的灵组成的。

a. The church life does not consist of ordinances but of the living Spirit.

b 召会是那灵的翻版─亚四2~6。

b. The church is the reprint of the Spirit—Zech. 4:2-6.

c “没有那灵,就没有召会;越有那灵,就越有召会”─林前十二13,弗四4。

c. "No Spirit, no church. More Spirit, more church"—1 Cor. 12:13; Eph. 4:4.

2 只要我们不在灵里,凡我们所作的都是规条─参林后三6。

2. As long as we are not in the Spirit, anything we do is an ordinance—cf. 2 Cor. 3:6.

二 “受割礼不受割礼,都无关紧要,要紧的乃是作新造”─加六15:

B. "Neither is circumcision anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creation is what matters"—Gal. 6:15:

1 唯一紧要的事乃是新人作为新造,这新造是那带着神圣性质之生命的杰作─15节,弗二10。

1. The only thing that matters is the new man as the new creation, the masterpiece of life with the divine nature—v. 15; Eph. 2:10.

2 作新造就是有基督作到我们的所是里─三16~17。

2. To be a new creation is to have Christ wrought into our being—3:16-17.

3 当基督借着那灵实化在我们灵里,我们就成为新造,就是新人─加六18,弗四23~24。

3. When Christ is realized through the Spirit in our spirit, we become the new creation, the new man—Gal. 6:18; Eph. 4:23-24.

伍 主恢复的目标是要产生一个新人─二15,四22~24,西三10~11:

V. The goal of the Lord's recovery is to bring forth the one new man—2:15; 4:22-24; Col. 3:10-11:

一 在旧人里分裂并分散的,在新人里得着恢复─创十一5~9,徒二5~12,西三10~11:

A. What was divided and scattered in the old man is recovered in the new man—Gen. 11:5-9; Acts 2:5-12; Col. 3:10-11:

1 在旧人里,人是分裂并分散的;在新人里,人被聚集并被作成一。

1. In the old man, man was divided and scattered; in the new man, man is gathered and made one.

2 在世界上一个人越与众不同、越个人主义越好;这与神的经纶相违背,神的经纶是要聚集并作成一。

2. In the world the more different and individualistic a person is, the better; this is contrary to God's economy, which is to gather and to make one.

3 脱去旧人就是脱去分裂并分散的人;穿上新人就是穿上聚集并是一的新人─弗四22、24。

3. To put off the old man is to put off the divided and scattered man; to put on the new man is to put on the gathered and one new man—Eph. 4:22, 24.

二 基督应该是我们唯一的源头;我们不该让我们背景、文化或国籍的任何东西成为我们的源头─参西三10~11:

B. Christ should be our only source; we should not allow anything of our background, culture, or nationality to be our source—cf. Col. 3:10-11:

1 世人认为文化的差异乃是声望的来源,但是在基督里我们都失去了这个声望;现今我们唯一的声望乃是基督和真正的一。

1. The worldly people regard cultural differences as a source of prestige, but in Christ we have lost this prestige; now our only prestige is Christ and the genuine oneness.

2 我们若愿意放下我们文化的骄傲,主就有可能得着正当的召会生活。

2. If we are willing to let go of our cultural pride, it will be possible for the Lord to have the proper church life.

三 主在祂恢复中一直在作,并祂现今正在作的,是产生一个新人,以祂自己为生命和人位,为着神的彰显─弗三17~19,西三4、10~11。

C. What the Lord has been doing and is now doing in His recovery is bringing forth the one new man with Himself as the life and the person for God's expression—Eph. 3:17-19; Col. 3:4, 10-11.

四 这一个新人要引进神的国,并要将君王基督带回这地上─启十一15。

D. The one new man will usher in the kingdom of God and will bring Christ, the King, back to this earth—Rev. 11:15.

五 现在是神完成祂的定旨,好成全一个新人的时候,这新人要在地上完全出现─弗四11~13、24:

E. Now is the time for God to accomplish His purpose to perfect the one new man, who will come into full existence on earth—Eph. 4:11-13, 24:

1 世界局势被兴起,目标乃是为着一个新人。

1. The world situation has been raised up for the goal of the one new man.

2 主在今时代所作的每一件事,都是要引进一个新人实际的出现。

2. Everything that the Lord is doing in the present age is to usher in the practical existence of the one new man.

3 因着科技的进步,在各地、各种环境情形中的圣徒们,现今有可能在实际并实行上成为一个新人。

3. Because of the advances in technology, there is now the possibility that the saints in every locality in their environmental circumstances will become the one new man in reality and in practicality.

六 当一个新人得着成全,那就是主回来的时候,并且这个得成全的新人要成为新妇─启十九7。

F. When the one new man is perfected, that will be the time for the Lord's coming, and the perfected new man will be the bride—Rev. 19:7.


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