
第二篇 基督作为人子、第二个人以及末后的亚当,成就神创造人的心意

Christ as the Son of Man, the Second Man, and the Last Adam Fulfilling God's Intention in Creating Man



壹 基督是人子、第二个人以及末后的亚当:

I. Christ is the Son of Man, the second man, and the last Adam:

一 基督是人子─但七13,太十六13,约一51:

A. Christ is the Son of Man—Dan. 7:13; Matt. 16:13; John 1:51:

1 没有人,神的定旨无法在地上成就;要成就神的定旨,基督需要成为人。

1. Without man, God's purpose cannot be carried out on earth; in order to accomplish God's purpose, it was necessary for Christ to be a man.

2 在成为肉体里,基督是人子─太十六13:

2. In His incarnation Christ is the Son of Man—Matt. 16:13:

a 主耶稣既是由圣灵成孕,祂就是神子─一18、20,路一35。

a. Because the Lord Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit, He is the Son of God—1:18, 20; Luke 1:35.

b 祂也是在童女里面成孕,并由童女所生,所以祂是人子─太一23。

b. Because He was also conceived in and born of the human virgin, He is the Son of Man—Matt. 1:23.

c 在神的一面,祂是神子;在人的一面,祂是人子。

c. On the divine side, He is the Son of God; on the human side, He is the Son of Man.

3 主耶稣从复活以来,就是在诸天之上,在神右边的人子(徒七56);祂带着能力和大荣耀,驾着天上的云回来时也是人子(太二六64,二四30)。─引用经文

3. The Lord Jesus is the Son of Man in the heavens at the right hand of God since His resurrection (Acts 7:56), and He will be the Son of Man in His coming back on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory (Matt. 26:64; 24:30).

二 在成为肉体里,基督是第二个人─林前十五47:

B. In His incarnation Christ is the second man—1 Cor. 15:47:

1 全宇宙中只有两个人:头一个人亚当和第二个人基督。

1. In the entire universe there are only two men: the first man Adam and the second man Christ.

2 四十七节的“出于天”,指第二个人基督的神圣来源,和祂属天的性质。─引用经文

2. Out of heaven in verse 47 denotes both the divine origin and the heavenly nature of the second man, Christ.

3 亚当是头一个人,是旧造的元首,在创造中代表旧造;基督是第二个人,是新造的元首,在复活中代表新造─47节:

3. As the first man, Adam is the head of the old creation, representing it in creation; as the second man, Christ is the Head of the new creation, representing it in resurrection—v. 47:

a 我们这些信徒,因着出生,包括在头一个人里面;又借着重生,成为第二个人的一部分─创一26,约三3、5~6。

a. We believers were included in the first man by birth and became part of the second man by regeneration—Gen. 1:26; John 3:3, 5-6.

b 就着我们是头一个人的一部分说,我们的来源是地,性质是属土的;就着我们是第二个人的一部分说,我们的来源是神,性质是属天的─林前十五47。

b. In regard to our being part of the first man, our origin is the earth and our nature is earthy; in regard to our being part of the second man, our origin is God and our nature is heavenly—1 Cor. 15:47.

三 基督是末后的亚当─45节下:

C. Christ is the last Adam—v. 45b:

1 林前十五章四十五节含示两个创造:旧造以人这活的魂为中心,复活里的新造以赐生命的灵为中心。─引用经文

1. First Corinthians 15:45 implies two creations: the old creation with man as a living soul to be its center, and the new creation in resurrection with the life-giving Spirit as its center.

2 基督是末后的亚当,含示旧造的了结与终结─45节下,林后五17:

2. Christ's being the last Adam implies a termination and conclusion of the old creation—v. 45b; 2 Cor. 5:17:

a 旧造结束于一个人,就是末后的亚当。

a. The old creation ends with a man, the last Adam.

b 这位了结旧造的人,在复活里成了赐生命的灵─林前十五45下。

b. This man who terminated the old creation became in resurrection a life-giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b.

3 借着成为肉体,基督成了末后的亚当,在十字架上受死,以了结旧造;借着复活,祂这末后的亚当成了赐生命的灵,使新造有新生的起头─加六15。

3. Through incarnation Christ became the last Adam to die on the cross for the termination of the old creation, and through resurrection He as the last Adam became the life-giving Spirit to germinate the new creation—Gal. 6:15.

贰 基督的成为肉体与神人生活成就神创造人的心意─创一26~27,约一1、14,路一31~32、35,二40、52:

II. Christ's incarnation and God-man living fulfilled God's intention in His creation of man—Gen. 1:26-27; John 1:1, 14; Luke 1:31-32, 35; 2:40, 52:

一 基督的成为肉体与神按着祂的形像,照着祂的样式造人之定旨很有关系─使人能接受祂作生命,彰显祂神圣的属性─创一26,二9,徒三14上,弗四24。

A. The incarnation of Christ is closely related to God's purpose in the creation of man in His image and according to His likeness—that man would receive Him as life and express Him in His divine attributes—Gen. 1:26; 2:9; Acts 3:14a; Eph. 4:24.

二 人救主由那带着人性美德的属人素质所生,为要将这些美德拔高到一个标准,与神的属性相配,好彰显神─路一35:

B. The Man-Savior was born of the human essence with the human virtues in order to uplift these virtues to such a standard that they can match God's attributes for His expression—Luke 1:35:

1 基督既由带着神圣属性的神圣素质成孕,以神圣属性作祂人性美德的内容与实际,祂就充满了空洞的人性美德─太一18、20。

1. As the One who was conceived of the divine essence with the divine attributes to be the content and reality of His human virtues, Christ fills the empty human virtues—Matt. 1:18, 20.

2 神圣的属性充满、加强、丰富并圣别人性的美德,目的是为着在人性美德里彰显神。

2. The divine attributes fill, strengthen, enrich, and sanctify the human virtues for the purpose of expressing God in the human virtues.

三 基督借着祂的成为肉体,将无限的神带进有限的人里─路一35,约一1、14,西二9。

C. Through His incarnation Christ brought the infinite God into the finite man—Luke 1:35; John 1:1, 14; Col. 2:9.

四 基督是完整的神,又是完全的人,独特的兼有神性与人性─利二4~5。

D. Christ is both the complete God and the perfect man, possessing the divine nature and the human nature distinctly—Lev. 2:4-5.

五 基督是神人,一个神性与人性调和的人─路一35,腓二5~8:

E. Christ is the God-man, a person who is the mingling of divinity with humanity—Luke 1:35; Phil. 2:5-8:

1 我们在祂里面看见一切神圣的属性以及一切人性的美德:

1. In Him we see all the divine attributes and all the human virtues:

a 因为主耶稣由带着神圣素质的圣灵成孕,所以祂有带着神圣属性的神圣性情─太一18、20。

a. Because the Lord Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit with the divine essence, He possesses the divine nature with the divine attributes—Matt. 1:18, 20.

b 因为主耶稣由带着属人素质的童女所生,所以祂有带着人性美德的属人性情─路一26~35。

b. Because the Lord Jesus was born of the human virgin with the human essence, He possesses the human nature with the human virtues—Luke 1:26-35.

2 基督的人性生活,乃是一个活神之人在人性美德里彰显神圣属性的生活─七11~17,十25~37,十九1~10。

2. Christ's human living was the living of a man who lived God to express the divine attributes in the human virtues—7:11-17; 10:25-37; 19:1-10.

六 基督借着祂芬芳的美德,在祂的人性里彰显全备之神丰富的属性─七36~50,来二17:

F. Christ expressed in His humanity the bountiful God in His rich attributes through His aromatic virtues—7:36-50; Heb. 2:17:

1 基督彰显出爱、光、圣、义这些神圣的属性─弗三19,约八12,徒三14上。

1. Christ expressed the divine attributes of love, light, holiness, and righteousness—Eph. 3:19; John 8:12; Acts 3:14a.

2 基督芬芳的美德包括祂的怜悯、怜恤、温柔、和蔼、卑微、顺从、忠信、真实─来二17,太九36,十一29,林后十1,腓二8,罗五19,林后十一10。

2. Christ's aromatic virtues include His mercy, compassion, meekness, forbearance, lowliness, obedience, faithfulness, and truthfulness—Heb. 2:17; Matt. 9:36; 11:29; 2 Cor. 10:1; Phil. 2:8; Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 11:10.

七 基督这第一位神人过人的生活,但不是凭着人的生命在人的美德里彰显人─约五19:

G. As the first God-man, Christ lived as a man, but He did not live by man's life to express man in man's virtues—John 5:19:

1 祂不是凭祂自己的心思、意志、情感而活,乃是凭神的心思、意志、情感过着真正的为人生活。

1. He did not live by His own mind, will, and emotion; rather, He had a genuine human living by God's mind, will, and emotion.

2 在主的神人生活里,祂的心思、意志、情感乃是盛装神心思、意志、情感的器官。

2. In His God-man living, the Lord's mind, will, and emotion were organs containing God's life and God's mind, will, and emotion.

八 主耶稣在祂的神人生活里,从来不凭自己作什么(19),祂不作自己的工(四34,十七4),不说自己的话(十四10、24),不凭自己的意思作什么(五30),也不寻求自己的荣耀(七18)。─引用经文

H. In His God-man living, the Lord Jesus never did anything out of Himself (v. 19), did not do His own work (4:34; 17:4), did not speak His own word (14:10, 24), did everything not by His own will (5:30), and did not seek His own glory (7:18).

九 主耶稣在祂的生活中,成就了宇宙中最伟大的事─在祂的人性里彰显神─来一3,约十四9~10。

I. In His living, the Lord Jesus achieved the greatest thing in the universe—He expressed God in His humanity—Heb. 1:3; John 14:9-10.

叁 基督的神人生活将祂构成原型,使祂现今在我们里面得以复制,并得以再次活着─加二20,腓一20~21上:

III. Christ's God-man living constituted Him to be a prototype so that He may now be reproduced in us and live again in us—Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:20-21a:

一 路加福音记载第一位神人之神人生活的历史;现今这历史需要写到我们这人里面─林后三3。

A. The Gospel of Luke records the history of the God-man living of the first God-man; now this history needs to be written into our being—2 Cor. 3:3.

二 当主耶稣拯救我们的时候,祂乃是作为那有神圣属性所充满之人性美德者,进入我们里面─路二10~11、25~32,十九9~10:

B. When the Lord Jesus saves us, He comes into us as the One with the human virtues filled with the divine attributes—Luke 2:10-11, 25-32; 19:9-10:

1 祂是赐生命的灵,进入我们里面,将神带到我们人里面,以神的属性充满我们的美德─林前十五45下,六17。

1. As the life-giving Spirit, He enters into us to bring God into our being and to fill our virtues with God's attributes—1 Cor. 15:45b; 6:17.

2 这样的生命从里面拯救我们,拔高我们的人性美德,圣别并变化我们─罗五10,十二2。

2. Such a life saves us from within and uplifts our human virtues, sanctifying and transforming us—Rom. 5:10; 12:2.

三 那活在我们里面的基督,仍是那有神圣属性所加强并丰富之人性美德者─加二20:

C. The Christ who lives in us is still the One who possesses the human virtues strengthened and enriched by the divine attributes—Gal. 2:20:

1 分赐到我们里面的基督,乃是带着神圣属性之神圣性情与带着人性美德之属人性情的组成─四19。

1. The Christ who is being dispensed into us is a composition of the divine nature with its divine attributes and the human nature with its human virtues—4:19.

2 基督现今寻求在信徒里面,过祂在地上所过的那种生活;祂在我们里面仍然过着一种神圣属性与人性美德所组成的生活─约十四19下,林后十1,十一10。

2. Christ is now seeking to live in the believers the kind of life that He lived on earth; within us He is still living a life that is a composition of the divine attributes and the human virtues—John 14:19b; 2 Cor. 10:1; 11:10.

四 我们若要成为第一位神人的复制并活基督这位神人,就必须在灵里由是灵的基督重生,在魂里被是灵的基督变化─约三3、6,林后三18。

D. If we would become a reproduction of the first God-man and live Christ as the God-man, we must be reborn of the pneumatic Christ in our spirit and be transformed by the pneumatic Christ in our soul—John 3:3, 6; 2 Cor. 3:18.

五 当我们爱主、追求祂、与祂有交通,我们也就自然而然地活出一种光景,是人无法形容的:

E. When we love the Lord, pursue Him, and fellowship with Him, we spontaneously live in a condition that is beyond human description:

1 我们不凭环境,乃凭里面主的感动、引导而生活─腓二12~13,四11~13。

1. We live not according to the environment but according to the Lord's moving and leading within us—Phil. 2:12-13; 4:11-13.

2 当我们向主敞开,爱慕祂,愿意和祂联结为一,我们就被祂充满、被祂占有,而活出神性的荣美和人性的美德─林前二9,六17,腓四4~9。

2. When we open ourselves to the Lord, love Him, and desire to be joined to Him as one, we are filled and possessed by Him and live out the glory of divinity and the virtues of humanity—1 Cor. 2:9; 6:17; Phil. 4:4-9.


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