
第六篇 给人看出在基督里面,认识基督并竭力追求基督

Being Found in Christ, Knowing Christ, and Pursuing Christ



壹 保罗渴望给人看出他是在基督里面,不是有自己的义,乃是有“那借着信基督而有的义,就是那基于信、本于神的义”─腓三9:

I. Paul's desire was to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness but "that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith"—Phil. 3:9:

一 保罗深处渴望全人浸没在基督里面,给基督浸透,使所有观察他的,都看出他是完全在基督里面;我们也该有殷切的渴望给人看出是在基督里面─9节上。

A. Deep within Paul was the aspiration to have his whole being immersed in and saturated with Christ so that all who observed him might find him fully in Christ; we also should have the earnest desire to be found in Christ—v. 9a.

二 保罗要给人看出他是在基督里面─不是有自己的义,乃是有那本于神的义的光景,以基督为他主观、活出的义─9节:

B. Paul wanted to be found in Christ in the condition of not having his own righteousness but the righteousness of God, taking Christ as his subjective, lived-out righteousness—v. 9:

1 基督成为信徒的义有两面:

1. There are two aspects of Christ being righteousness to the believers:

a 第一面是基督作信徒的义,使他们在神面前客观地得称义─罗三24~26,徒十三39,加三24下。

a. The first aspect is Christ being the believers' righteousness for them to be justified by God objectively—Rom. 3:24-26; Acts 13:39; Gal. 3:24b.

b 第二面是基督作信徒的义,从他们活出来作神的显明;这位神就是在基督里赐给信徒的义,使他们主观地蒙神称义─罗四25,彼前二24上,雅二24,太五20,启十九8。

b. The second aspect is Christ being the believers' righteousness lived out of them as the manifestation of God, who is the righteousness in Christ given to the believers for them to be justified subjectively—Rom. 4:25; 1 Pet. 2:24a; James 2:24; Matt. 5:20; Rev. 19:8.

2 在腓立比三章九节里,神主观的义事实上乃是神自己成了我们于神、于人都是对的日常生活:─引用经文

2. The subjective righteousness of God in Philippians 3:9 is actually God Himself becoming our daily living, a living that is right with God and man:

a 保罗不要活在自己的义里,就是人凭自己努力守律法而有的义─6、9节。

a. Paul did not want to live in his own righteousness, the righteousness that comes from man's own effort to keep the law—vv. 6, 9.

b 保罗渴望活在神的义里,并且给人看出他是在活基督而彰显神的光景里;我们若要给人看出是在基督里面,就必须有这种光景─一20~21上。

b. Paul desired to live in the righteousness of God and to be found in the condition of expressing God by living Christ; if we would be found in Christ, we must be in such a condition—1:20-21a.

三 信是根基、条件,叫我们接受并得着从神来的义,就是基督─三9,林前一30。

C. Faith is the basis, the condition, on which we receive and possess the righteousness that is out of God, which is Christ—3:9; 1 Cor. 1:30.

贰 保罗活在一种光景里,不是有自己的义,乃是有本于神的义,为要认识(经历)基督并祂复活的大能以及同祂受苦的交通,模成祂的死,达到那杰出的复活─腓三10~11:

II. Paul lived in a condition of having not his own righteousness but the righteousness that is out of God in order to know (experience) Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, to be conformed to His death, and to attain to the out-resurrection—Phil. 3:10-11:

一 得着对基督之认识的至宝(8),是借着启示;但认识基督(10),是借着经历,就是对祂有经历上的认识:─引用经文

A. To have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ (v. 8) is by revelation, but to know Christ (v. 10) is by experience—to have an experiential knowledge of Him:

1 经历基督,就是在经历上认识并享受祂─二17~18,四4、10。

1. To experience Christ is to know and enjoy Christ in an experiential way—2:17-18; 4:4, 10.

2 认识基督,不仅要有关乎祂的知识,更要赢得祂的人位─林后二10。

2. To know Christ is not merely to have the knowledge of Him but to gain His person—2 Cor. 2:10.

3 赢得基督就是出代价以经历、享受并据有祂一切追测不尽的丰富─腓三8,弗三8。

3. To gain Christ is to experience, enjoy, and take possession of all His unsearchable riches by paying a price—Phil. 3:8; Eph. 3:8.

4 我们需要经历基督、享受基督与祂是一、让祂在我们里面活着,借此来认识祂;这样,我们就会借着启示并经历而认识祂─腓三10,林前六17,加二20。

4. We need to know Christ by experiencing Him, enjoying Him, being one with Him, and having Him live within us; in this way we know Him by both revelation and experience—Phil. 3:10; 1 Cor. 6:17; Gal. 2:20.

二 保罗渴望认识基督复活的大能以及同祂受苦的交通─腓三10:

B. Paul aspired to know the power of Christ's resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings—Phil. 3:10:

1 基督复活的大能,就是使祂从死人中复活的复活生命─弗一19~20:

1. The power of Christ's resurrection is His resurrection life, which raised Him from the dead—Eph. 1:19-20:

a 那灵是基督复活及其大能的实际─罗八9~11,林前十五45下,约壹五6。

a. The Spirit is the reality of Christ's resurrection and its power—Rom. 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 1 John 5:6.

b 复合着基督之复活及其大能的那灵,住在我们的灵里,将基督的复活及其大能,分赐到我们的全人里─腓一19,出三十23~25,罗八6下、10~11。

b. The Spirit compounded with Christ's resurrection and its power indwells our spirit to dispense Christ's resurrection and its power into our entire being—Phil. 1:19; Exo. 30:23-25; Rom. 8:6b, 10-11.

c 我们若把自己摆在一边,并留在十字架的死底下,就会经历基督复活的大能,自然而然地,我们所经历复活的大能就会建造基督的身体─腓三10,弗四12、16。

c. If we put ourselves aside and remain under the death of the cross, we will experience the power of Christ's resurrection, and spontaneously, the power of resurrection experienced by us will build up the Body—Phil. 3:10; Eph. 4:12, 16.

2 腓立比三章十节“同祂受苦的交通”这辞,是指有分于基督的受苦,这是经历祂复活大能的必要条件─太二十22~23,西一24:

2. The expression the fellowship of His sufferings in Philippians 3:10 refers to the participation in Christ's sufferings, a necessary condition for the experience of the power of His resurrection—Matt. 20:22-23; Col. 1:24:

a 我们首先经历基督复活的大能,然后借着这大能,就能有分于祂的受苦─腓三10。

a. We first experience the power of Christ's resurrection, and then by this power we are enabled to participate in His sufferings—Phil. 3:10.

b 这样的受苦,主要的是为着基督的身体,召会─西一24。

b. These sufferings are mainly for Christ's Body, the church—Col. 1:24.

三 腓立比三章十节也说到“模成祂的死”;这指明保罗渴望以基督的死作他生活的模子:─引用经文

C. Philippians 3:10 also speaks of "being conformed to His death"; this indicates that Paul desired to take Christ's death as the mold of his life:

1 模成基督的死,是经历基督的基础─一20~21上,三9~10。

1. Being conformed to Christ's death is the base of the experience of Christ—1:20-21a; 3:9-10.

2 基督之死的模子,是指基督不断地将祂天然的生命治死,使祂得以凭神的生命活着─约六57上。

2. The mold of Christ's death refers to Christ's continually putting to death His natural life so that He might live by the life of God—John 6:57a.

3 借着模成基督的死,我们就在祂的死里经历祂,使生命得以释放、分赐并繁增,并且荣耀父─十二24~26、28,十三31,林后四12。

3. By being conformed to Christ's death, we experience Christ in His death for the release, impartation, and multiplication of life, and we also glorify the Father—12:24-26, 28; 13:31; 2 Cor. 4:12.

四 模成基督之死的结果,乃是叫我们可以达到那从死人中杰出的复活,这是要给得胜者的奖赏─腓三11:

D. The result of being conformed to Christ's death is that we attain to the out-resurrection from the dead, which will be a prize to the overcomers—Phil. 3:11:

1 达到杰出的复活,意即我们全人已在逐渐不断地复活─帖前五23。

1. To attain to, to arrive at, the out-resurrection means that our entire being is gradually and continually resurrected—1 Thes. 5:23.

2 杰出的复活,乃是脱离旧造,进入新造的复活─林后五17,加六15。

2. The out-resurrection is a resurrection out of the old creation into the new creation—2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15.

叁 我们该象保罗一样,竭力追求基督自己,并且“向着标竿竭力追求,要得……奖赏”─腓三12、14:

III. Like Paul, we should pursue Christ Himself and "pursue toward the goal for the prize"—Phil. 3:12, 14a:

一 我们要竭力追求基督,就不该以为自己已经得着了,我们该忘记背后,“努力面前的”─12~13节。

A. In order to pursue Christ, we should not think that we have attained, and we should forget the things which are behind and stretch "forward to the things which are before"—vv. 12-13.

二 我们竭力追求的标竿是完满地享受基督,赢得基督,而奖赏乃是在千年国里对基督极点的享受,作奔跑新约赛程之得胜者的赏赐─14节,林前九24,来十35,十一26,十二1~2。

B. The goal toward which we are pursuing is the full enjoyment and gaining of Christ, and the prize is the uttermost enjoyment of Christ in the millennial kingdom as a reward to the victorious runners of the New Testament race—v. 14; 1 Cor. 9:24; Heb. 10:35; 11:26; 12:1-2.


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