
第五篇 因基督,并因以认识基督为至宝,不信靠肉体,并将万事看作亏损

Having No Confidence in the Flesh and Counting All Things to Be Loss on Account of Christ and the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ



壹 我们这些在基督里的信徒,不该信靠肉体;我们该全然信靠主─腓三3下:

I. We who believe in Christ should have no confidence in the flesh; our confidence should be wholly in the Lord—Phil. 3:3b:

一 在腓立比三章三至四节里的肉体,包含我们天然人的一切所是和所有。─引用经文

A. The flesh in Philippians 3:3 and 4 comprises all that we are and have in our natural being.

二 在这几节里,“信靠肉体”是指信靠我们肉体中的所有好的项目和资格;我们天然人里面可敬的、可爱的、优越的各方面,仍然是肉体。

B. In these verses confidence in the flesh refers to all the good items or qualifications that we have in the flesh; the honorable, lovable, and superior aspects of our natural being are still the flesh.

三 神的儿女们最大的难处就是不知道什么叫作肉体,并且他们的肉体没有受过对付─罗八8,加五24:

C. The greatest problems among God's children are that they do not know what the flesh is and that their flesh has not been dealt with—Rom. 8:8; Gal. 5:24:

1 自信是肉体的特点;肉体没有受对付的最显著的现象,就是自信─参三2~3。

1. Self-confidence is the characteristic of the flesh; the most obvious sign of unchecked flesh is self-confidence—cf. 3:2-3.

2 信靠肉体使我们离开基督─腓三3~4、10。

2. Confidence in the flesh keeps us from Christ—Phil. 3:3-4, 10.

四 我们这些在基督里的信徒,该是那些不信靠肉体的人,不信靠我们天然的才能或遗传─3~6节:

D. As believers in Christ, we should be those who have no confidence in the flesh, no trust in our natural ability or heritage—vv. 3-6:

1 即使我们蒙了重生,我们也可能继续活在堕落的性情里,夸我们在肉体里所作的,信靠我们天然的资格─加三2~3。

1. Although we have been regenerated, we may continue to live in our fallen nature, boast in what we do in the flesh, and have confidence in our natural qualifications—Gal. 3:2-3.

2 我们唯有蒙了神的光照,才能真说,我们不信靠天然的资格、能力或智力;唯有如此,我们才能见证我们不信靠肉体,我们全然信靠主─腓三3,箴三5~6。

2. Only when we have been enlightened by God will we be able to say truly that we have no trust in our natural qualifications, ability, or intelligence; only then will we be able to testify that we have no confidence in the flesh and that our confidence is wholly in the Lord—Phil. 3:3; Prov. 3:5-6.

五 我们若要经历基督,就必须不信靠肉体,只信靠主;这是经历基督的秘诀─腓三3。

E. If we would experience Christ, we must not trust in the flesh but trust only in the Lord; this is the secret to the experience of Christ—Phil. 3:3.

贰 以认识基督为至宝,是来自祂人位的宝贵─8节,太十七5,西一13:

II. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ is derived from the excellency of His person—v. 8; Matt. 17:5; Col. 1:13:

一 以认识基督为至宝,并不是指那属于基督的认识,或基督自己所拥有的认识,乃是指我们对基督主观的认识─约十七3:

A. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ is not the knowledge that belongs to Christ, the knowledge that Christ Himself has; rather, this knowledge is our subjective knowing of Christ—John 17:3:

1 腓立比三章八节的“认识”,实际的意思是对基督和祂的宝贵有启示,有异象─加一15~16,弗一17~23。

1. In Philippians 3:8 knowledge actually means a revelation, a vision, concerning Christ and His excellency—Gal. 1:15-16; Eph. 1:17-23.

2 当神将基督启示给保罗,他就看见基督的超绝、无上的宝贝和超凡的价值─徒九3~5、20、22,二二13~16,二六13~16。

2. When Christ was revealed to him by God, Paul saw the supereminence, the supreme preciousness, and the surpassing worth of Christ—Acts 9:3-5, 20, 22; 22:13-16; 26:13-16.

二 以认识基督为至宝,就是基督的宝贵给我们实化了─约十六13~14,加一15~16:

B. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ is the excellency of Christ realized by us—John 16:13-14; Gal. 1:15-16:

1 我们需要有异象,看见基督的宝贵,并以认识那包罗万有、无限的基督为至宝─彼前二4、7,西一12、15~19,二2~3、9、16~17,三4、10。

1. We need to have a vision of the preciousness of Christ and the excellency of the knowledge of the all-inclusive, unlimited Christ—1 Pet. 2:4, 7; Col. 1:12, 15-19; 2:2-3, 9, 16-17; 3:4, 10.

2 以认识基督为至宝,来自于启示;没有关乎基督的启示,我们就无法认识基督─太十六17,十一27,加一15~16,约十七3。

2. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ comes by revelation; without the revelation concerning Christ, we cannot know Christ—Matt. 16:17; 11:27; Gal. 1:15-16; John 17:3.

三 我们要经历基督,首先需要以认识基督为至宝─腓三7~10:

C. If we would experience Christ, we first need to have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ—Phil. 3:7-10:

1 我们不借着启示认识基督,就无法经历祂─加一15~16,二20,四19。

1. We cannot experience Christ without knowing Him through a revelation of Him—Gal. 1:15-16; 2:20; 4:19.

2 我们对基督若没有更高的启示,对基督就不能有更高的经历─约壹五20。

2. If we do not have a higher revelation of Christ, we cannot have a higher experience of Christ—1 John 5:20.

3 我们对基督的经历,绝对不能超过我们对基督之认识的宝贵─弗一17~21,三14~19。

3. Our experience of Christ cannot surpass the excellency of our knowledge of Christ—Eph. 1:17-21; 3:14-19.

叁 保罗因以认识基督为至宝,就将万事看作亏损─腓三8上:

III. On account of (or because of) the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, Paul counted all things to be loss—Phil. 3:8a:

一 保罗对于认识基督耶稣为至宝极为看重;这是由“我主”这辞所指明,这辞传达了他对基督那亲密、柔细的感觉。

A. Paul placed great value on the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus; this is indicated by the words my Lord, which convey his intimate, tender feelings concerning Christ.

二 保罗的眼睛被开启,看见这位奇妙、包罗万有之基督的至宝;因着这至宝,他就将万事,无论是宗教的或天然的赢得,都看作亏损。

B. Paul's eyes were opened to see the excellency of the wonderful, all-inclusive Christ; on account of this excellency, he counted as loss all things, whether they related to religious gain or natural gain.

三 八节的“万事”指明,保罗不仅放下宗教的事物,也放下万事,因他以认识基督耶稣为至宝;因此,对保罗来说,亏损万事乃是失去一切。─引用经文

C. In verse 8 all things indicates that Paul dropped not only religious things but all things on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus; thus, to Paul, the loss of all things was the loss of everything.

四 我们越以认识基督为至宝,就越会将一切宗教与天然的事物看作亏损─4~8节上。

D. The more we have the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, the more we will count as loss everything religious and natural—vv. 4-8a.

肆 保罗因基督已经亏损万事,看作粪土,为要赢得基督─7、8节下:

IV. On account of Christ, Paul suffered the loss of all things and counted them as refuse in order to gain Christ—vv. 7, 8b:

一 八节的“万事”包括宗教、哲学和文化的事;保罗亏损这一切,因为这些都是基督的代替品,是撒但所利用的圈套,叫人远离基督,无法经历基督。─引用经文

A. All things in verse 8 includes the things of religion, philosophy, and culture; Paul suffered the loss of all these things because they were substitutes for Christ, hooks used by Satan to keep people from Christ and the experience of Christ.

二 我们借着将从前对我们是赢得的看作粪土,而赢得基督─4、8节:

B. We gain Christ by suffering the loss of all things that were once a gain for us and by counting them as refuse—vv. 4, 8:

1 八节的“赢得”,原文意,获得、取得、持定。─引用经文

1. The Greek word for gain in verse 8 means "to secure, to obtain, to lay hold of."

2 赢得基督就是赢得祂的人位,以经历、享受并据有祂一切追测不尽的丰富─弗三8。

2. To gain Christ is to gain His person, to experience, enjoy, and take possession of all His unsearchable riches—Eph. 3:8.

3 我们和保罗一样,不仅该因基督将万事看作亏损(腓三7),也该亏损万事,将万事看作粪土(8)。─引用经文

3. Like Paul, we should not only count all things as loss on account of Christ (Phil. 3:7) but also suffer the loss of all things and count all things as refuse (v. 8).

4 我们越因基督亏损万事,看作粪土,就越赢得基督作我们的经历和享受─7~8节。

4. The more we suffer the loss of all things and count them as refuse on account of Christ, the more we will gain Christ for our experience and enjoyment—vv. 7-8.


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