
第四篇 住在基督这加能力者里面─经历基督的秘诀

Abiding in Christ as the Empowering One— the Secret of Experiencing Christ



壹 我们需要学习在基督这加能力者里面的秘诀:

I. We need to learn the secret of being in Christ as the empowering One:

一 在腓立比四章十二至十三节保罗说,“我知道怎样处卑贱,也知道怎样处富余;或饱足或饥饿或富余或缺乏,在各事上,并在一切事上,我都学得秘诀。我在那加我能力者的里面,凡事都能作”:

A. In Philippians 4:12-13 Paul says, "I know also how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in everything and in all things I have learned the secret both to be filled and to hunger, both to abound and to lack. I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me":

1 “学得秘诀”这话,指明保罗进到了一个新的情形、新的环境;每当我们被摆在新的环境,我们就需要学习活在那个环境的秘诀:

1. The phrase learned the secret indicates that Paul had come into a new situation, a new environment; whenever we are put in a new environment, we need to learn the secret of living in that environment:

a “我都学得秘诀”,直译,“我都已经被引进”;这是个隐喻,说到人被引进秘密社团,受其基本原则的教导。

a. I have learned the secret literally means "I have been initiated"; the metaphor here refers to a person's being initiated into a secret society with instruction in its rudimentary principles.

b 保罗悔改信主之后,被引进基督与基督的身体。

b. After Paul was converted to Christ, he was initiated into Christ and into the Body of Christ.

c 他学得如何以基督为生命,如何活基督、显大基督、赢得基督,以及如何过召会生活的秘诀;这些都是基本的原则。

c. He then learned the secret of how to take Christ as life, how to live Christ, how to magnify Christ, how to gain Christ, and how to have the church life, all of which things are rudimentary principles.

2 在各事上,指在每件事上;在一切事上,指在所有的事上;二者加起来,就是在整个人生过程中的事上。

2. In everything means in each matter; in all things means in all matters; together, these two phrases encompass all the things in the course of human life.

3 保罗学得随事随在都经历基督的秘诀;这也是更多得着基督积蓄到我们里面的秘诀。

3. Paul learned the secret of experiencing Christ in everything and in every place; this is also the secret of having more of Christ accumulated within us.

4 这秘诀是在腓立比四章十三节:“我在那加我能力者的里面,凡事都能作”:

4. The secret is in Philippians 4:13: "I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me":

a 保罗是一个在基督里的人(林后十二2),他盼望给人看出他是在基督里面;现在他宣告,他在那加他能力的基督里面,凡事都能作:─引用经文

a. Paul was a man in Christ (2 Cor. 12:2), and he desired to be found in Christ by others; now he declared that he was able to do all things in Him, the very Christ who empowered him:

㈠ 这是他对基督的经历包罗并总结的话;主在约翰十五章五节是从反面说到我们与祂生机的联结:“离了我,你们就不能作什么。”─引用经文

(1) This is an all-inclusive and concluding word on his experience of Christ; it is the converse of the Lord's word in John 15:5 concerning our organic relationship with Him: "Apart from Me you can do nothing."

㈡ “加……能力”原文意,“使人在里面有动力”。

(2) The Greek word for empowers means "makes dynamic inwardly."

㈢ 基督住在我们里面(西一27);祂加我们能力,使我们有动力,不是从外面,乃是从里面;借着这样里面的加力,保罗在基督里面凡事都能作。─引用经文

(3) Christ dwells in us (Col. 1:27); He empowers us, makes us dynamic from within, not from without; by such inward empowering Paul was able to do all things in Christ.

b 保罗从前完全是在犹太教里,律法之下,并且总是给人看出他是在律法里面;但他在悔改信主时,就从律法和先前的宗教迁到基督里,成了“在基督里的人”─林后十二2。

b. Paul had been altogether in the Jewish religion under the law and had always been found by others in the law, but at his conversion he was transferred from the law and his former religion into Christ and became "a man in Christ"—2 Cor. 12:2.

c 现今他期望所有观察他的,无论犹太人、天使或鬼魔,都看出他是在基督里面;这指明他渴望全人浸没在基督里面,给基督浸透,使所有观察他的,都看出他是完全在基督里面;唯有给人看出我们是在基督里面,基督才会从我们得着彰显并显大─腓三9上,一20。

c. Now he expected to be found in Christ by all who observed him—the Jews, the angels, and the demons; this indicates that he aspired to have his whole being immersed in and saturated with Christ that all who observed him might find him fully in Christ; only when we are found in Christ, will Christ be expressed and magnified—Phil. 3:9a; 1:20.

二 一面,凭着基督的加力,我们能过知足的生活(四11~12);另一面,凭着基督的加力,我们能成为真实的、庄重的、公义的、纯洁的、可爱的、有美名的(8)。─引用经文

B. On the one hand, by the empowering of Christ, we can live a contented life (4:11-12); on the other hand, by the empowering of Christ, we can be true, dignified, righteous, pure, lovely, and well spoken of (v. 8).

三 保罗说到基督是加力者的话,特别适用于基督加我们能力,使我们活祂作我们人性的美德,因而显大祂那无限的伟大;要过这一切美德的生活,比作基督教的工作难多了。

C. Paul's word about Christ as the empowering One specifically applies to Christ's empowering us to live Him as our human virtues and thereby to magnify Him in His unlimited greatness; to live a life of these virtues is much more difficult than doing a Christian work.

贰 学习在基督这加能力者里面的秘诀,就是学习住在基督里面的秘诀;住在基督里就是居住在祂里面,留在与祂的交通里,使我们经历并享受祂住在我们里面─约十五4~5,约壹二27:

II. To learn the secret of being in Christ as the empowering One is to learn the secret of abiding in Christ; to abide in Christ is to dwell in Him, to remain in fellowship with Him, that we may experience and enjoy His abiding in us—John 15:4-5; 1 John 2:27:

一 住在基督里,就是在神圣三一里面活着─以基督为我们的居所─6、24、27~28节,三6、24,四13:

A. To abide in Christ is to live in the Divine Trinity—taking Christ as our dwelling place—vv. 6, 24, 27-28; 3:6, 24; 4:13:

1 住在基督里就是住在子里面,并住在父里面(二24);这就是停留并居住在主里面(约十五4~5)。─引用经文

1. To abide in Christ is to abide in the Son and in the Father (2:24); this is to remain and dwell in the Lord (John 15:4-5).

2 住在基督里,也就是住在神圣生命的交通里,并在神圣的光中行,就是住在神圣的光中─约壹一2~3、6~7,二10。

2. To abide in Christ is to abide in the fellowship of the divine life and to walk in the divine light, that is, to abide in the divine light—1 John 1:2-3, 6-7; 2:10.

二 有基督住在我们里面,就是与神圣三一同活─有基督的同在作我们的享受,使祂与我们成为一,与我们所是的每一部分和我们生活的每一面同在─太一23,十八20,二八20,提后四22,林后二10,林前七24:

B. To have Christ abiding in us is to live with the Divine Trinity—having Christ's presence as our enjoyment for Him to be one with us and to be with every part of our being and every aspect of our living—Matt. 1:23; 18:20; 28:20; 2 Tim. 4:22; 2 Cor. 2:10; 1 Cor. 7:24:

1 有基督住在我们里面,就是有基督的话住在我们里面,为要结常存的果子,使父得荣耀─约十五7~8、16。

1. To have Christ abiding in us is to have the words of Christ abiding in us for the bearing of remaining fruit to glorify the Father—John 15:7-8, 16.

2 有基督住在我们里面,就是有作为三一神同在之实际的灵住在我们里面─十四17。

2. To have Christ abiding in us is to have the Spirit of reality as the presence of the Triune God abiding in us—14:17.

叁 我们需要住在作我们王和君尊住处的基督里,使祂能住在我们里面,把我们作成祂的王后和祂的王宫,祂荣耀的召会─诗四五13、8,约十五4~5,弗五27,启二二5,罗五17,参歌六4:

III. We need to abide in Christ as our King and as our royal abode so that He can abide in us to make us His queen and His royal palace, His glorious church—Psa. 45:13, 8; John 15:4-5; Eph. 5:27; Rev. 22:5; Rom. 5:17; cf. S. S. 6:4:

一 住在基督里,就是住在亘古的神我们的主里面,在祂里面过生活,以祂为我们的一切─约十五4~5,约壹四15~16,启二一22,申三三27上,诗九十。

A. To abide in Christ is to dwell in Him, the eternal God, as our Lord, having our living in Him and taking Him as our everything—John 15:4-5; 1 John 4:15-16; Rev. 21:22; Deut. 33:27a; Psa. 90.

二 我们必须住在神里面,每时每刻活在祂里面,因为在祂以外,只有罪和苦难─3~11节,约十六33。

B. We need to dwell in God, living in Him every minute, for outside of Him there are sins and afflictions—vv. 3-11; John 16:33.

三 以神为我们的住处,我们永远的居所,是对神最高、最完满的经历─诗九一。

C. To take God as our habitation, our eternal dwelling place, is the highest and fullest experience of God—Psa. 91.

肆 住在基督里,以祂为我们的居所,并让祂住在我们里面,以我们为祂的居所,乃是活在经过过程并终极完成之三一神与蒙救赎并得重生之信徒宇宙合并的实际里─约十四2、10~11、17、20、23:

IV. To abide in Christ, taking Him as our dwelling place, and to allow Him to abide in us, taking us as His dwelling place, is to live in the reality of the universal incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the redeemed and regenerated believers—John 14:2, 10-11, 17, 20, 23:

一 新耶路撒冷乃是经过过程并终极完成之三一神,与重生、圣别、更新、变化、模成并荣化之三部分召会的终极合并─启二一3、22。

A. The New Jerusalem is the ultimate incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated, sanctified, renewed, transformed, conformed, and glorified tripartite church—Rev. 21:3, 22.

二 新耶路撒冷是神的帐幕,帐幕的中心是作为隐藏吗哪的基督;合并到这神人二性宇宙的合并(神与人相互的居所)里的路,乃是吃基督这隐藏的吗哪─3节,出十六32~34,来九4,启二17。

B. The New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God, and the center of the tabernacle is Christ as the hidden manna; the way to be incorporated into this universal, divine-human incorporation, the mutual abode of God and man, is to eat Christ as the hidden manna—v. 3; Exo. 16:32-34; Heb. 9:4; Rev. 2:17.

伍 我们住在基督里,使祂也住在我们里面,乃是借着爱祂─约十四21、23:

V. We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by loving Him—John 14:21, 23:

一 当我们爱主耶稣的时候,祂就亲自向我们显现,父就与祂同来,与我们一同安排住处,作我们的享受;这住处是相互的住处,在其中三一神住在我们里面,我们也住在祂里面─23节。

A. When we love the Lord Jesus, He manifests Himself to us, and the Father comes with Him to make an abode with us for our enjoyment; this abode is a mutual abode, in which the Triune God abides in us and we abide in Him—v. 23.

二 我们越爱主,就越有祂的同在,并且我们越在祂的同在里,就越享受祂之于我们的一切;主的恢复乃是恢复爱主耶稣─林前二9~10,弗六24。

B. The more we love the Lord, the more we will have His presence, and the more we are in His presence, the more we will enjoy all that He is to us; the Lord's recovery is a recovery of loving the Lord Jesus—1 Cor. 2:9-10; Eph. 6:24.

陆 我们住在基督里,使祂也住在我们里面,乃是借着顾到包罗万有之膏油涂抹的内里教导─约壹二27:

VI. We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by caring for the inward teaching of the all-inclusive anointing—1 John 2:27:

一 我们借着经历主血的洗净,并应用膏抹的灵到我们内里的所是里,就住在与基督神圣的交通里─约十五4~5,约壹一5、7,二20、27。

A. We abide in the divine fellowship with Christ by experiencing the cleansing of the Lord's blood and the application of the anointing Spirit to our inner being—John 15:4-5; 1 John 1:5, 7; 2:20, 27

二 元首基督是受膏者也是施膏者,我们是祂的肢体,享受祂作内里的膏油涂抹,以完成祂的定旨─来一9,三14,林后一21~22。

B. Christ as the Head is the anointed One and the anointing One, and we are His members enjoying Him as the inner anointing for the fulfillment of His purpose—Heb. 1:9; 3:14; 2 Cor. 1:21-22.

三 膏油涂抹乃是在我们里面复合之灵的运行和工作,将神涂抹到我们里面来,使我们被神浸透,据有神,并领会神的心思;膏油涂抹借着生命内里的感觉、内里的知觉,将基督这身体的头的心思,交通给祂的肢体─诗一三三,林前二16,罗八6、27。

C. The anointing, as the moving and working of the compound Spirit within us, anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God, possess God, and understand the mind of God; the anointing communicates the mind of Christ as the Head of the Body to His members by the inner sense, the inner consciousness, of life—Psa. 133; 1 Cor. 2:16; Rom. 8:6, 27.

四 当头要身体的一个肢体行动时,祂是借着内里的膏油涂抹叫人知道,当我们顺从膏油涂抹时,生命就自由地从头流到我们;如果我们拒绝膏油涂抹,我们与头的关系就被打岔,我们里面生命的流也被停止了─西二19。

D. When the Head wants a member of the Body to move, He intimates it through the inner anointing, and as we yield to the anointing, life flows freely from the Head to us; if we resist the anointing, our relationship with the Head is interfered with, and the flow of life within us is stopped—Col. 2:19.

五 那灵膏油涂抹的教训,与对错毫无关系,乃是生命内里的感觉─徒十六6~7,林后二13。

E. The teaching of the anointing of the Spirit has nothing to do with right or wrong; it is an inner sense of life—Acts 16:6-7; 2 Cor. 2:13.

六 如果我们天然的生命受十字架的对付,顺从基督的元首权柄,活出身体的生命来,我们就有那灵的膏抹,我们就能享受身体的交通─弗四3~6、15~16。

F. If our natural life is dealt with by the cross and if we submit to the headship of Christ and live the Body life, we will have the Spirit's anointing and enjoy the fellowship of the Body—Eph. 4:3-6, 15-16.

柒 我们住在基督里,使祂也住在我们里面,乃是借着将我们灵里生命之灵的律的“开关打开”─罗八2、4:

VII. We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by "switching on" the law of the Spirit of life in our spirit—Rom. 8:2, 4:

一 主住在我们里面,我们住在祂里面,完全在于祂是赐生命的灵在我们的灵里;借着我们灵里这全备供应、没有限量的灵,我们就有充分的确据,知道我们与神是一,并且彼此互住─林前十五45下,罗八16,林前六17,腓一19,约三34,约壹三24,四13。

A. The Lord's abiding in us and our abiding in Him are altogether a matter of Him being the life-giving Spirit in our spirit; by the bountiful, immeasurable Spirit in our spirit, we know with full assurance that we and God are one and that we abide in each other—1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17; Phil. 1:19; John 3:34; 1 John 3:24; 4:13.

二 我们住在基督这加能力者里面,使祂在我们里面得以启动为内里运行的神,就是生命之灵的律,其路乃是借着常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事谢恩─腓四13,二13,帖前五16~18,西三17。

B. The way to abide in Christ as the empowering One so that He may be activated within us as the inner operating God, the law of the Spirit of life, is by rejoicing always, praying unceasingly, and giving thanks in everything—Phil. 4:13; 2:13; 1 Thes. 5:16-18; Col. 3:17.

捌 我们住在基督里,使祂也住在我们里面,乃是借着接触我们身外圣经里常时的话,以及我们里面应时的话,就是那灵─约五39~40,六63,林后三6,启二7:

VIII. We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by dealing with the constant word in the Scriptures, which is outside of us, and the present word as the Spirit, which is within us—John 5:39-40; 6:63; 2 Cor. 3:6; Rev. 2:7:

一 借着外面写出来的话,我们有这位奥秘之主的说明、解释和发表;借着里面活的话,我们经历内住的基督,并享有实际之主的同在─弗五26,六17~18。

A. By the outward, written word we have the explanation, definition, and expression of the mysterious Lord, and by the inward, living word we have the experience of the abiding Christ and the presence of the practical Lord—Eph. 5:26; 6:17-18.

二 我们若住在主常时并写出来的话里,祂即时并活的话就住在我们里面─约八31,十五7,约壹二14。

B. If we abide in the Lord's constant and written word, His instant and living words will abide in us—John 8:31; 15:7; 1 John 2:14.

三 我们住在主里面,祂的话也住在我们里面,使我们在祂里面说话,祂也在我们里面说话,为着将神建造到人里面,并将人建造到神里面─约十五7,林后二17,十三3,林前十四4下。

C. We abide in Him and His words abide in us so that we may speak in Him and He may speak in us for the building of God into man and man into God—John 15:7; 2 Cor. 2:17; 13:3; 1 Cor. 14:4b.


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