
第三篇 经历基督作我们常时的救恩

Experiencing Christ as Our Constant Salvation



壹 腓立比二章十二节的救恩,不是指救我们脱离神的定罪和火湖的永远救恩,乃是指每天和常时的救恩,就是基督这活的人位:─引用经文

I. The salvation in Philippians 2:12 is not eternal salvation from God's condemnation and from the lake of fire but the daily and constant salvation that is Christ as a living person:

一 这种实行、天天、时时的救恩,是我们以所活、所经历、所享受的基督,作外面和里面的榜样而有的结果:

A. This practical, daily, moment-by-moment salvation results from taking the very Christ whom we live, experience, and enjoy as our inward as well as outward pattern:

1 这救恩的主要元素,乃是作钉十字架生命的基督(5~8),以及在高举里的基督(9~11)。─引用经文

1. The main elements of this salvation are Christ as the crucified life (vv. 5-8) and Christ in His exaltation (vv. 9-11).

2 当这榜样成为我们内里的生命时,就成了我们的救恩。

2. When this pattern becomes our inward life, the pattern becomes our salvation.

3 作成我们自己的救恩,就是作出这榜样,在经历上成为这榜样的翻印─参彼前二21。

3. To work out our salvation is to work out this pattern and to become in experience a reprint of this pattern—cf. 1 Pet. 2:21.

二 腓立比一章十九节常时的救恩,是为着特定的信徒,在特别的景况中,从特殊遭遇中得救;二章十二节常时的救恩,是为着所有的信徒,在日常生活的一般景况中,从普通的事物中得救。─引用经文

B. The constant salvation in Philippians 1:19 is one in which a particular believer is saved from a specific encounter in a particular situation, whereas the constant salvation in 2:12 is one in which any believer is saved from ordinary things in common situations in his daily living.

贰 作成我们自己的救恩,就是完成我们的救恩,将这救恩带到终极的结局─12节:

II. To work out our own salvation is to carry it out, to bring it to the ultimate conclusion—v. 12:

一 我们已经接受神的救恩,这救恩的顶点就是被神高举在荣耀里,和主耶稣一样─9节。

A. We have received God's salvation, which has as its climax our being exalted by God in glory as the Lord Jesus was—v. 9.

二 现今我们需要在里面的动机上恐惧,并在外面的态度上战兢,常常且绝对地顺从,以完成这救恩,将这救恩带到终极的结局─12节,参8节,撒上十五22。

B. Now we need to carry out this salvation, to bring it to its ultimate conclusion, by our constant and absolute obedience with the inward motive of fear and the outward attitude of trembling—v. 12, cf. v. 8; 1 Sam. 15:22.

三 内里运行的神自己乃是我们的救恩,顺从祂就是作成我们的救恩─腓二12~13。

C. The inner operating God Himself is our salvation, and obedience to Him is the working out of our salvation—Phil. 2:12-13.

叁 我们必须一直顺从的原因,是因为神在我们里面运行─13节:

III. The reason we need to obey always is that God operates in us—v. 13:

一 不是我们凭自己,乃是神在我们里面运行,完成我们的救恩;我们只需要作一件事,就是顺从在里面运行,使我们有力的神─参西一29。

A. It is not that we by ourselves carry out our salvation but that God operates in us to do it; the only thing we need to do is to obey the inner operating, energizing God—cf. Col. 1:29.

二 那在我们里面运行,作我们主观救恩的神,乃是三一神─父、子、灵;这位神就是在我们里面的基督(林后十三3上、5),也就是在我们里面的那灵(罗八11)。─引用经文

B. The God who operates in us as our subjective salvation is the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—the very God who is Christ in us (2 Cor. 13:3a, 5) and the Spirit in us (Rom. 8:11).

肆 神为着祂的美意,在我们里面运行,使我们立志并行事─腓二13:

IV. God operates in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure—Phil. 2:13:

一 立志是在里面,行事是在外面。

A. The willing is within; the working is without.

二 立志发生在我们的意志里,指明神的运行开始于我们的灵,扩展到我们的心思、情感和意志,最终达到我们的身体─罗八4、6、11。

B. The willing takes place in our will, indicating that God's operation begins from our spirit and spreads into our mind, emotion, will, and eventually into our physical body—Rom. 8:4, 6, 11.

三 神意愿所喜悦的(弗一5),是要在我们里面运行,使我们能达到神无上救恩的顶点─参罗五10、17。

C. The good pleasure of God's will (Eph. 1:5) is to operate in us so that we may reach the climax of His supreme salvation—cf. Rom. 5:10, 17.

伍 怨言和争论阻挠我们,使我们不能完成自己的救恩到最完满的地步,也不能经历并享受基督到极点─腓二14:

V. Murmurings and reasonings frustrate us from carrying out our salvation to the fullest extent and from experiencing and enjoying Christ to the uttermost—Phil. 2:14:

一 怨言是出于情感,多半发自姊妹;争论是出于心思,多半起于弟兄。

A. Murmurings are of our emotion and come mainly from the sisters; reasonings are of our mind and come mainly from the brothers.

二 发怨言、起争论,乃是由于不顺从神;顺从神就消杀一切的怨言和争论。

B. Murmurings and reasonings are due to disobedience to God; obedience to God slays all murmurings and reasonings.

三 凡我们所行的,都应当不要发怨言,起争论,使我们无可指摘、纯洁无杂,作神无瑕疵的儿女─15节:

C. We should do all things without murmurings and reasonings in order that we may become blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish—v. 15:

1 “无可指摘”是描述外面的行为,“纯洁无杂”是描述里面的品格;纯洁无杂就是简单,不造作(不玩政治),纯真─太十16。

1. Blameless describes our outward behavior, and guileless our inward character; to be guileless is to be simple, artless (not political), or innocent—Matt. 10:16.

2 我们是神的儿女,有神的生命和性情─约三16,彼后一4。

2. As children of God, we have God's life and nature—John 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:4.

陆 在撒但所霸占之黑暗败坏的世界里(约壹五19,二15~17),我们的功用乃是好象发光之体照耀,将生命的话表明出来─腓二15~16:

VI. In the midst of the dark and corrupt world, which is usurped by Satan (1 John 5:19; 2:15-17), our function is to shine as luminaries, holding forth the word of life—Phil. 2:15-16:

一 基督是太阳,有召会(月亮)和信徒(行星),借着表明生命的话返照祂。

A. Christ is the sun, with the church as the moon and the believers as the planets to reflect Him by holding forth the word of life.

二 将生命的话表明出来,就是借着活出基督,向世人应用、陈明并供献生命的话─徒五20。

B. To hold forth the word of life is to apply it, to present it, and to offer it to the world by living out Christ—Acts 5:20.

柒 腓立比二章十二至十六节是一章十九至二十一节活基督的解释:─引用经文

VII. Philippians 2:12-16 is a definition of living Christ in 1:19-21:

一 在我们里面运行的神(二13),就是供应的那灵(一19)。─引用经文

A. The God who operates in us (2:13) is the supplying Spirit (1:19).

二 好象发光之体照耀(二15),就是显大基督(一20);将生命的话表明出来(二16),就是活基督(一21上)。─引用经文

B. To shine as luminaries (2:15) is to magnify Christ (1:20), and to hold forth the word of life (2:16) is to live Christ (1:21a).

三 活基督唯一的路,就是被生命的话浸透:

C. The only way to live Christ is to be saturated with the word of life:

1 生命的话是神活的呼出(提后三16),是赐人生命的灵(约六63)。─引用经文

1. The word of life is the living breath of God (2 Tim. 3:16), the Spirit who gives life (John 6:63).

2 我们需要祷读主话,借着各样的祷告和祈求接受神的话─弗六17~18。

2. We need to pray-read the Word, receiving the word of God by means of all prayer and petition—Eph. 6:17-18.

3 我们需要唱读神的话,借着歌唱,用各样的智慧,让基督的话丰丰富富地住在我们里面─西三16。

3. We need to sing-read the Word, letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly in all wisdom by singing—Col. 3:16.

4 我们若天天充满活话的丰富,就自然而然将生命的话表明出来;这就是活基督,使祂在我们身上显大。

4. If we are filled with the riches of the living Word day by day, spontaneously we will hold forth the word of life; this is to live Christ that He may be magnified in us.

捌 腓立比二章五至十六节启示,神圣、丰富的供备作我们常时的救恩:─引用经文

VIII. Philippians 2:5-16 reveals the divine and rich provision for our constant salvation:

一 我们有主耶稣为我们的榜样─6~11节。

A. We have the Lord Jesus as our pattern—vv. 6-11.

二 我们有神在里面运行─13节。

B. We have God operating in us—v. 13.

三 我们是神的儿女,有神的生命和神的性情─15节。

C. We are God's children, having God's life and the divine nature—v. 15.

四 我们是发光之体,有资格返照基督神圣的光─15节。

D. We are luminaries qualified to reflect the divine light of Christ—v. 15.

五 我们有生命的话向人表明、陈明出来─16节。

E. We have the word of life to hold forth, to present, to others—v. 16.


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