
第二篇 认识并经历基督为榜样

Knowing and Experiencing Christ as the Pattern



壹 我们若要认识基督为榜样,就应当里面思念基督耶稣里面所思念的─腓二5:

I. If we would know Christ as the pattern, we should let the mind which was in Christ Jesus be in us—Phil. 2:5:

一 我们要以基督的心思为我们的心思,敞开自己,好让“基督耶稣里面所思念的”得以在我们里面─3~5节:

A. We need to take Christ's mind as our mind, opening ourselves to "let this mind" be in us—vv. 3-5:

1 五节里,你们里面要思念的,是指三节的“看”和四节的“看重”。─引用经文

1. This in verse 5 refers to the considering in verse 3 and the regarding in verse 4.

2 心思卑微与私图好争并贪图虚荣相对(3);这必定不是我们天然的卑微,乃是基督的卑微(8)。─引用经文

2. Lowliness of mind is in contrast to both selfish ambition and vainglory (v. 3); this must not be our natural lowliness but the lowliness of Christ (v. 8).

3 当基督倒空自己,并且降卑自己的时候,祂里面有这种心思和思念─7~8节。

3. This kind of mind, this kind of thinking, was in Christ when He emptied Himself and humbled Himself—vv. 7-8.

二 要有这样的心思,我们需要在基督的心肠里,就是在祂内在柔细的感觉和思想里,与祂是一─一8。

B. To have "this mind" requires us to be one with Christ in His inward parts, in His tender, inward feeling and in His thinking—1:8.

三 基督的心思在我们里面,意思就是这心思是活的;基督的心思其实就是基督自己,因为基督的人位显明在祂的心思里─二5,参林前二16注1。

C. For the mind of Christ to be in us means that this mind is something living; actually, the mind of Christ is Christ Himself, for the person of Christ is manifested in His mind—2:5; cf. 1 Cor. 2:16, footnote 1.

贰 我们要经历基督,就需要认识祂是榜样─腓二5~9:

II. In order to experience Christ, we need to know Him as the pattern—Phil. 2:5-9:

一 在腓立比二章五至九节,保罗陈明基督是榜样;我们必须让这榜样灌注到我们里面。─引用经文

A. In Philippians 2:5-9 Paul presents Christ as the pattern; we need to have this pattern infused into us.

二 基督徒生活的榜样,乃是这位倒空自己并降卑自己,被神高举并荣耀的神人救主─6~9节:

B. The pattern of the Christian life is the God-man Savior, who emptied Himself and humbled Himself and who has been exalted and glorified by God—vv. 6-9:

1 主虽然与神同等,但祂不以此为强夺之珍,紧持不放;反之,祂倒空自己,将祂所有的,就是神的形状,摆在一边─6~7节上:

1. Although the Lord was equal with God, He did not consider being equal with God a treasure to be grasped and retained; rather, He emptied Himself, laying aside what He possessed—the form of God—vv. 6-7a:

a 主成为肉体时,没有改变祂的神性。

a. In His incarnation the Lord did not alter His divine nature.

b 祂只将祂外面的彰显,由神的形状变成奴仆的形状。

b. He changed only the outward expression, from the form of God to the form of a slave.

2 主成为“人的样式”─7节下~8节上:

2. The Lord became "in the likeness of men"—vv. 7b-8a:

a 神的形状,含示基督神格内在的实际;人的样式,指出基督人性外在的表现─6~7节。

a. The form of God implies the inward reality of Christ's deity; the likeness of men denotes the outward appearance of His humanity—vv. 6-7.

b 祂外面显于人的是人,但祂里面却有神格的实际,就是神─约一1、14、18,三16,罗八3。

b. He appeared to men as a man outwardly, but as God, He had the reality of deity inwardly—John 1:1, 14, 18; 3:16; Rom. 8:3.

c 基督进入人性的情况,显为人的样子─腓二8上。

c. Christ entered into the condition of humanity, and He was found in fashion as a man—Phil. 2:8a.

3 基督降卑自己,顺从至死─死在十字架上─8节下:

3. Christ humbled Himself by becoming obedient even unto death—the death of a cross—v. 8b:

a 降卑自己,是进一步地倒空自己。

a. Humbling Himself was a further step in emptying Himself.

b 基督的降卑自己,显明祂的倒空自己─7~8节。

b. Christ's self-humbling manifested His self-emptying—vv. 7-8.

c 十字架的死,是基督降卑的极点。

c. The death of a cross was the climax of Christ's humiliation.

4 子甘心乐意倒空自己,成为受造的人,来作顺服权柄的代表─6~8节:

4. The Son willingly emptied Himself to become a created man as the representation of submission to authority—vv. 6-8:

a 主耶稣存心顺服,走顺服以至于死的路─赛五十7,路九51,可十31~34。

a. The Lord Jesus set His heart to subject Himself to the way of submission, even unto death—Isa. 50:7; Luke 9:51; Mark 10:31-34.

b 主“虽然为儿子,还是因所受的苦难学了顺从”─来五8:

b. "Even though He was a Son," the Lord "learned obedience from the things which He suffered"—Heb. 5:8:

㈠ 神命定基督受死,祂顺从了─腓二8。

(1) God ordained that Christ should die, and Christ obeyed—Phil. 2:8.

㈡ 祂是因受死的苦难,学了顺从。

(2) He learned this obedience through the suffering of death.

c 主一直顺服,也把顺服的生命赐给了我们;信徒的顺从乃是接受基督作顺从之榜样的结果─8节,西三4。

c. The Lord, who was submissive throughout His life, has given us His life of submission; a believer's obedience is a consequence of taking Christ as a pattern of obedience—v. 8; Col. 3:4.

5 主降卑自己到了极点,神却将祂升为至高,又赐给祂“那超乎万名之上的名”─腓二9。

5. The Lord humbled Himself to the uttermost, but God exalted Him to the highest peak and bestowed on Him "the name which is above every name"—Phil. 2:9.

叁 今天在主的恢复里,我们中间有个迫切的需要,就是经历基督作我们的榜样─3~8节:

III. There is an urgent need among us in the Lord's recovery today to experience Christ as our pattern—vv. 3-8:

一 我们的榜样基督不仅是客观的,也是主观、可经历的;那位树立榜样,并且自己就是榜样的,如今乃是内住的神,在我们里面运行─5、12~13节。

A. Christ as our pattern is not only objective but also subjective and experiential; the One who set up the pattern and who Himself is the pattern is now operating within us as the indwelling God—vv. 5, 12-13.

二 基督作我们生活内里榜样的原则,乃是我们即使有最高的标准、最高的地位,我们也不该紧持不放─3~6节。

B. The principle of Christ as the inward pattern for our living is that even if we have the highest standard of the highest position, we should not grasp it—vv. 3-6.

三 我们必须在基督的人性生活上,特别是在倒空自己、降卑自己、不以自己与神同等为强夺之珍而紧持不放等事上,活基督─一20~21上,二6:

C. We need to live Christ in His human living, especially in His emptying Himself and humbling Himself and in His not grasping equality with God as a treasure—1:20-21a; 2:6:

1 我们里面有一个能倒空自己并降卑自己的生命。

1. We have a life in us that is self-emptying and self-humbling.

2 这个生命从来不以什么东西为强夺之珍而紧持不放,反而总是乐意舍弃地位、舍弃头衔─3~6节。

2. This life never grasps at something as a treasure but is always willing to lay aside position and title—vv. 3-6.

四 我们有钉十字架的基督为我们的榜样,这榜样就是我们里面钉十字架的生命─林前一23上,二2,加二20,三1,六14:

D. We have Christ crucified as our pattern, and this pattern is the crucified life within us—1 Cor. 1:23a; 2:2; Gal. 2:20; 3:1; 6:14:

1 在腓立比二章五至八节里基督降卑的步骤,乃是钉十字架生命各方面完满的活出。─引用经文

1. The steps of Christ's humiliation in Philippians 2:5-8 are aspects of the crucified life lived out in a full way.

2 基督顺从以至于死在十字架上,这就是钉十字架的生命完满且绝对地活了出来─8节。

2. Christ's being obedient unto the death of the cross was the crucified life lived out in a full and absolute way—v. 8.

3 当我们活基督时,我们就是活那作钉十字架生命之榜样的一位─一21上,林前二2。

3. When we live Christ, we live the One who is the pattern of a crucified life—1:21a; 1 Cor. 2:2.

4 借着过钉十字架的生活,我们就能经历复活的大能─腓三10上,弗一19~22。

4. By living a crucified life, we can experience the power of resurrection—Phil. 3:10a; Eph. 1:19-22.

5 地上最高的生活,乃是钉十字架的生活;每当我们过钉十字架的生活时,神就会带我们进入复活里─腓三10~11。

5. The highest life on earth is a crucified life; whenever we live a crucified life, God will bring us into resurrection—Phil. 3:10-11.

6 当我们借着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应,以基督这钉十字架的生命作我们日常生活的榜样,祂就在我们的日常生活里被高举─二5,一19~21上。

6. Christ is exalted in our daily life as we, by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, take Him as the crucified life to be the pattern of our daily life—2:5; 1:19-21a.


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