
第一篇 经历基督的内在意义

The Intrinsic Significance of the Experience of Christ



壹 对基督的经历是个奥秘:

I. The experience of Christ is a mystery:

一 神是个奥秘,基督是神的奥秘(西二2),而召会是基督的奥秘(弗三4);因此,召会实际上是奥秘中的奥秘。─引用经文

A. God is a mystery, Christ is the mystery of God (Col. 2:2), and the church is the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4); hence, the church is actually a mystery within a mystery.

二 我们的基督徒生活是个奥秘,譬如,人的爱虽然有限,但基督徒所活出正确的爱却是无限的;因此,基督徒的爱是个奥秘─参19节上。

B. Our Christian living is a mystery; for example, although human love is limited, the proper love lived out by a Christian is unlimited; hence, it is a mystery—cf. v. 19a.

三 显大基督就是无止境地彰显基督(腓一20),也就是对全宇宙表明,我们凭以活着的基督,乃是无限的。─引用经文

C. To magnify Christ is to express Christ without limitation (Phil. 1:20); it is to show the whole universe that the very Christ by whom we live is unlimited.

四 保罗经历基督作他无限的忍耐,乃是显大无限的基督;我们凭耶稣基督之灵全备的供应而活基督,所显的任何属性都是无限的,因此是奥秘的─19~21节上。

D. Paul's experience of Christ as his unlimited endurance was the magnification of the unlimited Christ; any attribute we have through living Christ by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ will be unlimited and thus mysterious—vv. 19-21a.

五 甚至我们对人的赦免也必须是基督的显大;我们的赦免就是那没有穷尽的基督自己在我们里面得显大─太十八21~22。

E. Even our forgiveness of others needs to be a magnification of Christ; our forgiveness is the inexhaustible Christ Himself being magnified in us—Matt. 18:21-22.

六 在苦难中,我们只要单纯地爱主并经历祂;这样,我们就会显大基督,彰显祂作无限的一位;借着苦难显大基督,乃是喜乐的事─林后十二7~10。

F. In the midst of suffering, we should simply love the Lord and experience Him; then we will magnify Christ, expressing Him as the One who is unlimited; it is a joy to magnify Christ through suffering—2 Cor. 12:7-10.

七 经历基督乃是个奥秘,举凡我们对基督的经历都是无限的;我们若看见这个异象,这异象就不仅会控制我们的生活,更会加强我们基督徒的行事为人;神的心意是要借着我们显大基督。

G. The experience of Christ is a mystery, and whatever we experience of Christ is unlimited; if we see this vision, it will not only control our life but also strengthen our Christian walk; God's intention is to magnify Christ through us.

八 召会生活是我们基督徒生活的总和;我们都活基督,而我们基督徒的生活加起来,就成为召会生活;当我们作为召会来在一起时,我们乃是一个完全的奥秘─提前三15~16。

H. The church life is the sum total of our Christian living; we all live Christ, and our Christian living is added together to make the church life; when we come together as the church, we are a complete mystery—1 Tim. 3:15-16.

九 保罗说,“在我,活着就是基督”(腓一21上);这意思是说,我们能活着就是基督;我们所经历并所活的基督是个奥秘;我们不该对我们的经历有把握,因为一切对基督的经历都是奥秘的。

I. Paul says, "To me, to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21a); this means that we can live to be Christ; the Christ whom we experience and whom we live is a mystery; we should not have any assurance of our experience, for all experiences of Christ are mysterious.

贰 腓立比书揭示,经历基督乃是我们在推广福音上有交通,直到主耶稣回来─一3~6:

II. Philippians unveils that the experience of Christ is our fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel until the Lord Jesus comes back—1:3-6:

一 从我们得救起,到主耶稣回来的时候,我们的基督徒生活该是传扬福音的生活:

A. From the time that we are saved until the time the Lord Jesus comes back, our Christian life should be a gospel-preaching life:

1 经历并享受基督的生活,乃是推广福音的生活,传扬福音的生活,不是个人的,乃是团体的;我们越在推广福音上有交通,就越经历并享受基督;这杀死我们的己、野心、喜好和拣选。

1. The Christ-experiencing and -enjoying life is a life in the furtherance of the gospel, a gospel-preaching life, not individualistic but corporate; the more fellowship we have in the furtherance of the gospel, the more Christ we experience and enjoy; this kills our self, ambition, preference, and choice.

2 无论我们说话或保持静默,我们的生命、生活、所是和全人,都必须是基督的传扬。

2. Whether we speak or remain silent, our life, our living, our being, and our entire person must be a preaching of Christ.

二 保罗嘱咐我们行事为人要“配得过基督的福音”,就是要“在一个灵里站立得住,同魂与福音的信仰一齐努力”─27节:

B. Paul charges us to conduct ourselves "in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ," which is to "stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving together along with the faith of the gospel"—v. 27:

1 为着福音的工作同魂,比在一个灵里经历基督更难─二20~21、30。

1. To be with one soul and to be like-souled for the gospel work are more difficult than to be in one spirit for the experience of Christ—2:20-21, 30.

2 同魂需要我们在灵里得着重生以后,进一步在我们的魂里得着变化─林后三18,罗十二2。

2. To be with one soul requires that, after having been regenerated in our spirit, we go further to be transformed in our soul—2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2.

3 我们若在情感、思想和决定上不是一,我们就不是同魂;只要我们不是同魂,我们就不在推广福音上所有的交通里,行事为人就配不过福音。

3. If we are not one in our affections, thoughts, and decisions, we are not with one soul; as long as we are not one in soul, we are not in the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel, and our conduct is not worthy of the gospel.

4 当召会的众肢体都在一个灵里同魂时,这个一就能说服人、征服人并吸引人,我们就会经历基督并享受基督。

4. When all the members in the church are in one spirit with one soul, this oneness will be convincing, subduing, and attractive, and we will experience Christ and enjoy Him.

叁 严格地说,腓立比书不仅论到经历基督,也论到享受基督:

III. Strictly speaking, Philippians is a book not only on the experience of Christ but also on the enjoyment of Christ:

一 腓立比书既是说到对基督的经历和享受,其结果乃是喜乐,所以该书也是一卷充满喜乐、欢喜的书─一4、18、25,二2、17~18、28~29,三1,四1、4。

A. Since Philippians is concerned with the experience and enjoyment of Christ, which issue in joy, it is a book filled with joy and rejoicing—1:4, 18, 25; 2:2, 17-18, 28-29; 3:1; 4:1, 4.

二 经历基督主要是在我们的灵里,而享受基督乃是在我们的魂里;我们就象那些被迫吃食物而没有享受食物的孩子,许多时候我们经历基督而没有享受基督。

B. The experience of Christ is primarily in our spirit, but the enjoyment of Christ is in our soul; like children who are made to eat without enjoying their food, many times we experience Christ without enjoying Him.

三 因此,我们可能经历基督而没有享受基督;这里的难处是在于我们的魂─我们的心思、情感和意志。

C. Thus, we can have the experience of Christ without the enjoyment of Christ; the problem here is with our soul—our mind, emotion, and will.

四 “我多少担心你们对基督的享受可能不是那么多”(“经历基督”,三〇页);许多人失去了对基督的享受,原因是他们在魂里有难处;你们若对基督没有很多的享受,就指明你们没有在魂里是一,没有在魂里联结(二2)。─引用经文

D. "I am somewhat concerned that you may not have very much enjoyment of Christ" (The Experience of Christ, p. 29); the reason that many lose the enjoyment of Christ is the problem they have in the soul; if you do not have much enjoyment of Christ, it indicates that you are not one in soul, joined in soul (2:2).

五 在腓立比人中间,他们在思念上不合(四2),这令使徒受搅扰;因此,他要求他们思念相同的事,甚至思念同一件事,使他的喜乐可以满足(二2):─引用经文

E. Among the Philippians there was dissension in their thinking (4:2), which troubled the apostle; hence, he asked them to think the same thing, even the same one thing, that they might make his joy full (2:2):

1 从本书全文看,“同一件事”必是指对基督主观的认识和经历(2,一20~21,二5,三7~9,四13);基督,唯有基督,该是我们全人的中心和普及。─引用经文

1. According to the context of this book, the one thing must refer to the subjective knowledge and experience of Christ (v. 2; 1:20-21; 2:5; 3:7-9; 4:13); Christ, and Christ alone, should be the centrality and universality of our entire being.

2 同一件事乃是为着召会生活,身体生活,主观经历基督作我们的享受;这同一件事该一直占有我们的心思;我们若思念同一件事,对基督的享受就立刻成为我们的分。

2. The one thing is the subjective experience of Christ as our enjoyment for the church life, the Body life; this one thing should occupy our mind all the time; if we think the one thing, immediately the enjoyment of Christ will be our portion.

3 我们的思念应当集中在对基督宝贵的认识和经历上;集中于任何别的事物,都会使我们的思念不同,因而造成我们中间的不合(三8、10)。─引用经文

3. Our thinking should be focused on the excellency of the knowledge and experience of Christ (3:8, 10); focusing on anything else causes us to think differently, thus creating dissensions among us.

4 不思念同一件事,而思念别的事,就是背叛神的经纶;神的经纶就是要我们思念同一件事。

4. To think something other than the one thing is to rebel against God's economy; God's economy is that we think the one thing.

5 腓立比的信徒因着思念上的不合,而有不同程度的爱(二2);他们对众圣徒没有相同的爱以保守一;我们对圣徒的爱若受过调整并对付,我们爱圣徒时就会享受基督。─引用经文

5. Because of the dissension in their thinking, the Philippian believers had different levels of love (2:2); they did not have the same love toward all the saints for the keeping of oneness; if our love toward the saints has been regulated and dealt with, then we will enjoy Christ as we love the saints.

6 在魂里是一,魂里联结,不仅是为着经历基督,更是为着享受基督;我们对基督的经历,也该是对基督的享受。

6. Being one in soul, joined in soul, is not only for the experience of Christ but even more for the enjoyment of Christ; our experience of Christ should also be an enjoyment of Christ.

7 我们对基督的经历要有享受,就必须在一个灵里,并且要同魂;我们要享受基督,就需要有正确的魂,就是“共同的魂”,与其他圣徒的魂是一的魂。

7. To experience Christ with enjoyment, we need to be in one spirit with one soul; in order to enjoy Christ, we need to have a proper soul, a "co-soul" that is one with the souls of other saints.

8 我们该作的最重要的事,乃是今天就经历基督作我们的享受,使召会能建造起来,使祂得着荣耀;这是我们蒙保守在主的恢复里,直到祂回来的路。

8. The most important thing for us to do is to experience Christ as our enjoyment today so that the church may be built up for His glory; this is the way for us to be preserved in the Lord's recovery until He comes back.


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