第四篇 照着灵顾到别人并领悟神的赦免而过国度的生活

Living the Kingdom Life by Taking Care of Others according to the Spirit and by Realizing God's Forgiveness



壹 马太七章一至十二节论到国度子民待人的原则,启示出国度子民身上属天的管治,要求他们照着灵顾到别人─参士九8~9:

I. Matthew 7:1-12 concerns the principles of the kingdom people in dealing with oth ers and reveals that the heavenly ruling over the kingdom people requires that they take care of others according to the spirit—cf. Judg. 9:8-9:

一 国度子民在国度属天的管治之下,活在谦卑的灵里,总是审判自己,不审判别人─太七1:

A. The kingdom people, living in a humble spirit under the heavenly ruling of the king dom, always judge themselves, not others—Matt. 7:1:

1 我们若用公义审判别人,也要受主公义的审判(2);我们若用怜悯审判别人,也要受主怜悯的审判;怜悯原是向审判夸胜的─雅二13。

1. If we judge others with righteousness, we will be judged with righteousness by the Lord (v. 2); if we judge others with mercy, we will be judged with mercy by the Lord; mercy triumphs over judgment—James 2:13.

2 我们对待别人,必须弃绝自己而考虑他们,同情他们,怜悯他们;我们弟兄眼中的刺,必须使我们想到自己眼中的梁木─太七3。

2. For us to deal with others, we must reject ourselves and consider them, sym-pathize with them, and be merciful toward them; the splinter in our brother's eye must remind us of the beam in our own eye—Matt. 7:3.

3 只要梁木还留在我们眼中,我们的眼光就糢糊,不能看得清楚─4~5节。

3. As long as the beam remains in our eye, our vision is blurred, and we cannot see clearly—vv. 4-5.

二 我们不该把圣物给狗,或把我们的珍珠丢在猪前,免得它们用脚践踏珍珠,并且转过来撕裂我们─6节:

B. We should not give that which is holy to the dogs or cast our pearls before the hogs, lest they trample them with their feet and turn and tear us—v. 6:

1 在马太七章六节,“圣物”必是指客观的真理,那是属于神的;“你们的珍珠”必是指主观的经历,这是我们的。─引用经文

1. In Matthew 7:6 that which is holy must refer to the objective truth, which belongs to God; your pearls must refer to the subjective experiences, which are ours.

2 狗没有蹄,也不反刍;猪虽分蹄,却不反刍;因此,二者都是不洁净的─利十一27、7,参徒十1~15、28。

2. Dogs do not have hoofs, nor do they chew the cud; hogs have divided hoofs but do not chew the cud; thus, both are unclean—Lev. 11:27, 7; cf. Acts 10:1-15, 28.

3 根据彼后二章十二节、十九至二十二节,腓立比三章二节所启示的,马太七章六节的“狗”和“猪”是指那些信奉宗教,却不洁净的人。─引用经文

3. According to the revelation in 2 Peter 2:12, 19-22, and Philippians 3:2, dogs and hogs in Matthew 7:6 refer to people who are religious but not clean.

4 当我们和别人谈到真理和对基督宝贵的经历时,我们必须察知并断定,他们是否有度量接受我们所要分享的。

4. When we talk to others about the truth or about our precious experience of Christ, we must perceive and determine whether or not they have the capac-ity to receive what we intend to share.

三 当我们接触人,与人相处时,我们必须求、寻找、叩门,好得着正确的路接触他们─7~8节,提前五1~2:

C. As we are contacting people and dealing with them, we must ask, seek, and knock for the proper way to contact them—vv. 7-8; 1 Tim. 5:1-2:

1 求是普通的祷告,寻找是专一的恳求,叩门是最接近、最情迫的要求。

1. To ask is to pray in a common way, to seek is to supplicate in a specific way, and to knock is to demand in the most intimate and most earnest way.

2 国度子民接触人最好的路,乃是照着国度并照着那灵─太七9~12,参路十一13。

2. The best way for the kingdom people to contact others is according to the kingdom and according to the Spirit—Matt. 7:9-12; cf. Luke 11:13.

3 我们需要将自己祷告到神里面,接受那化身在祂灵里的丰富,使我们自己和所有在我们照顾下的人,都得着喂养─1~13节。

3. We need to pray ourselves into God so that we may receive the riches embod-ied in His Spirit to feed ourselves and all those under our care—vv. 1-13.

4 我们必须学习借着十字架,凭着那灵作每一件事,好为着基督的身体将基督供应到别人里面─参代下一10。

4. We must learn to do everything through the cross and by the Spirit in order to min ister Christ into others for His Body—cf. 2 Chron. 1:10.

贰 我们要过国度生活,神人生活,召会生活,就必须谦卑,不轻看任何信徒,乃要爱我们的弟兄,赦免我们的弟兄─太十八1~35,五48,七13~14,罗十四17:

II. To live the kingdom life, the God-man life, the church life, we must be humble and not despise any believer but love our brother and forgive our brother—Matt. 18:1-35; 5:48; 7:13-14; Rom. 14:17:

一 要过国度生活,我们必须降卑自己,变成像小孩子一样─太十八2~4。

A. To live the kingdom life, we must humble ourselves and become like little chil-dren—Matt. 18:2-4.

二 要过国度生活,我们不该绊跌人,也不立下绊跌人的事─5~9节,参十一6。

B. To live the kingdom life, we should not stumble others or set up any stumbling block—vv. 5-9; cf. 11:6.

三 要过国度生活,我们甚至不该轻看信主的一个小子─十八10~14。

C. To live the kingdom life, we should not despise even a little believer—18:10-14.

四 要过国度生活,我们应该无限度地赦免弟兄─21~35节:

D. To live the kingdom life, we should forgive our brother without limit—vv. 21-35:

1 我们必须赦免得罪我们的弟兄,甚至七十个七次─21~22节。

1. We must forgive the offending brother even seventy times seven times— vv. 21-22.

2 我们必须赦免人,如同主赦免了我们一样:

2. We must forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us:

a 我们欠主的,不可能还清─23~26节。

a. Our debt to the Lord is impossible to pay off—vv. 23-26.

b 主在我们失败的基督徒生活中免了我们的债,好恢复我们与祂的交通─27节。

b. The Lord forgave our debts in our defeated Christian life for the restora-tion of our fellowship with Him—v. 27.

c 别人欠我们的,比起我们欠主的,是何等的少─28节。

c. Another's debt to us is very small compared with our debt to the Lord— v. 28.

d 我们若不赦免得罪我们的弟兄,这会使别的弟兄忧愁,将这事带到主面前─28~31节。

d. If we do not forgive the brother who sins against us, it will grieve the other broth ers, and they may bring this matter to the Lord—vv. 28-31.

e 我们今天若不从心里赦免弟兄,来世就不得进国度─32~35节,参可十一25~26。

e. If we do not forgive a brother from our heart today, we will not be allowed to enter into the kingdom in the coming age—vv. 32-35; cf. Mark 11:25-26.

叁 我们必须看见并领悟在神的国里有五种赦免:

III. We must see and realize that in the kingdom of God there are five kinds of forgive ness:

一 永远的赦免─这与生命有关:

A. There is eternal forgiveness—this relates to life:

1 我们得救的赦免,乃是永远的赦免。

1. The forgiveness that comes with our salvation is eternal forgiveness.

2 我们一次得赦免,就永远得赦免;我们永远得着永远的生命,并且永远得称义─路二四47,罗四7~8,诗一〇三12。

2. Once we are forgiven, we are forgiven forever; we receive eternal life forever, and we are justified forever—Luke 24:47; Rom. 4:7-8; Psa. 103:12.

3 当我们一信入主耶稣的时候,我们一切的罪就得蒙赦免;主除去我们一切的罪,我们在神面前没有留下罪的痕迹─徒十43,来八12。

3. The moment we believe into the Lord Jesus, we are forgiven of all our sins; the Lord removes all our sins, and we are left with no trace of sin before God— Acts 10:43; Heb. 8:12.

二 假借的赦免─这与召会有关:

B. There is instrumental forgiveness—this relates to the church:

1 主将圣灵赐给祂的召会,叫召会在地上代表祂;如今神乃是借着召会来赦免─约二十20~23。

1. In sending the Holy Spirit to His church, the Lord charged the church to be His repre sentative on the earth; forgiveness is now granted through the church—John 20:22-23.

2 假借的赦免,是神借着人宣告赦免;一个人若刚得救,还不知道赦免的意义,这时最好有召会的代表站起来对他说,“你今天接受了主,你可以感谢主,因为祂已经赦免了你的罪!”

2. Instrumental forgiveness is God's proclamation of forgiveness through man; if a per son is newly saved but does not know the meaning of forgiveness, it is good for a represen tative of the church to stand up and say to him, "You have accepted the Lord today; you can thank Him because He has forgiven you of your sins!"

三 恢复的赦免─这与交通有关:

C. There is restorative forgiveness—this relates to fellowship:

1 当我们在日常生活中犯了罪,良心就定罪我们,叫我们与神的交通受了拦阻─徒二四16,提前一5,三9,提后一3。

1. When we sin in our daily life, our conscience condemns us, and our fellow-ship with God is interrupted—Acts 24:16; 1 Tim. 1:5; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3.

2 我们与神在生命上父子的关系无法改变,但罪会破坏我们与神的交通;我们必须向神承认自己的罪与过犯,然后才能在交通中得蒙赦免─约壹一7、9,二1~2。

2. Our Father-son relationship with God in life can never be changed, but sin can damage our fellowship with God; we have to confess our sins and offenses to God before we can secure our forgiveness in fellowship—1 John 1:7, 9; 2:1-2.

3 我们若是得罪了弟兄,也要到他们面前去承认─太五23~24。

3. If we have offended our brothers, we must confess to them as well—Matt. 5:23-24.

4 我们必须保守自己一直与神有交通;我们来到神面前,必须诚实地承认自己所作的是罪,求神赦免;我们若这样作,就会恢复与神的交通,心中满有救恩的喜乐─诗五一12,箴十五13上,十七22上,十五15下。

4. We have to maintain ourselves in constant fellowship with God; when we come to God, we have to acknowledge our sinful acts honestly and ask Him for forgiveness; if we do this, our fellowship with God will be restored, and our heart will be filled with the joy of salvation—Psa. 51:12; Prov. 15:13a; 17:22a; 15:15b.

5 基督徒生活的秘诀就是保守自己与神一直有交通;我们若失败了,就必须求神赦免,在神面前恢复甜美的交通─约壹一9。

5. The secret of the Christian life is maintaining ourselves in constant fellow-ship with God; if we fail, we must ask God for forgiveness, and we must re-cover the sweet fellow ship that we had with God—1 John 1:9.

四 政治的赦免─这与管教有关:

D. There is governmental forgiveness—this relates to discipline:

1 这种赦免与神的安排、主宰、管教以及祂的手有关;神的政治就是祂作事的办法,祂的管理。

1. This kind of forgiveness involves God's arrangement, sovereignty, discipline, and hand; God's government is His way of doing things; it is His administra-tion.

2 神政治的赦免与神管理、管治并对付我们的方式有关─加六7。

2. God's governmental forgiveness is related to the way that God manages, rules over, and deals with us—Gal. 6:7.

3 当我们犯罪得罪神,只要我们向祂认罪,祂都赦免;我们与祂的交通能得着恢复,但祂可能改变对待我们的方式。

3. When we sin against God, He will forgive us when we confess our sins to Him; our fellowship with Him can be restored, but He may change His way with us.

4 大卫认罪并承认自己的罪愆,好蒙神赦免(撒下十二13,诗五一),但神要使乌利亚的妻子所生的孩子死去,并要叫刀剑不离开大卫的家(撒下十二7~15)。─引用经文

4. David confessed his sins and admitted his guilt in order to be forgiven by God (2 Sam. 12:13; Psa. 51), but God would cause the son born to Uriah's wife to die and the sword to not depart from David's house (2 Sam. 12:7-15).

5 我们在神政治的管教下唯一能作的,就是学习谦卑地服在神大能的手下(彼前五5~7);我们越抗拒神政治的手,就越遭遇难处。─引用经文

5. When we are under God's governmental discipline, the only thing that we can do is learn to humble ourselves under His mighty hand (1 Pet. 5:5-7); the more we reject God's governmental hand, the more problems we will encounter.

6 摩西在米利巴击打磐石之后(民二十10~12、24,二七14),就落在神政治的手下:─引用经文

6. After Moses struck the rock in Meribah (Num. 20:10-12, 24; 27:14), he fell under God's governmental hand:

a 神没有动怒,摩西却动了怒,没有在神的圣别性情上正确地代表神;他击打磐石两下,没有遵守神在祂经纶里的话;因此,摩西违犯了神的圣别性情和祂神圣的经纶。

a. In being angry when God was not angry, Moses did not represent God rightly in His holy nature, and in striking the rock twice, he did not keep God's word in His economy; thus, Moses offended both God's holy nature and His divine economy.

b 为这缘故,他虽然与神亲密,被视为神的同伴(出三三11),却失去了进入美地的权利。─引用经文

b. Because of this, even though he was intimate with God and may be con-sidered a companion of God (Exo. 33:11), Moses lost the right to enter into the good land.

c 在我们所说并所作一切关于神子民的事上,我们的态度必须按照神圣别的性情,我们的行动必须按照祂神圣的经纶;这就是尊祂为圣。

c. In all that we say and do concerning God's people, our attitude must be according to God's holy nature, and our actions must be according to His divine economy; this is to sanctify Him.

7 对于别人,我们要学习宽大,要学习常常赦免别人;我们若随便批评别人,轻易定罪别人,总是抱怨别人的行为,总是说别人对自己不好,这要叫我们落在神政治的手里;我们若对人紧,神对我们也紧─太六15,十八23~35:

7. We must learn to be generous to others and learn always to forgive; if we crit-icize others lightly, condemn others easily, keep com plaining about the con-duct of others, and con tinue to count the ill-treatment that we receive from them, this will bring us under God's governmental hand; if we are severe to-ward others, God will also be severe toward us—Matt. 6:15; 18:23-35:

a 我们必须学习敬畏、尊崇、尊重、尊荣并畏惧神─诗二11~12,八六11,林后五10~11,赛十一2。

a. We have to learn to fear God, to revere God, to respect God, to honor God, to be in awe of God—Psa. 2:11-12; 86:11; 2 Cor. 5:10-11; Isa. 11:2.

b 别人碰着困难,是我们该帮助的时候,不是我们该批评的时候─参创十四14~16。

b. When others are in trouble, it is the time for us to help them, not the time for us to criticize them—cf. Gen. 14:14-16.

c 有许多弟兄,今天跌倒得不像样,没有别的,就是因为他们从前批评别人太厉害;他们今天许多的软弱,都是他们从前批评人的软弱。

c. There are many brothers who have fallen miserably today for one reason only—they have criticized others too severely in the past; many of their weaknesses today are the very weaknesses that they criticized in the past.

d 我们对人要宽大,免得神政治的手落到我们身上来;愿意我们学习爱人,宽大地待人─弗四32。

d. We must be generous toward others if we want to avoid God's governmen-tal hand; may we learn to love and forbear one another—Eph. 4:32.

五 国度的赦免─这与行政有关:

E. There is kingdom forgiveness—this relates to administration:

1 我们若待人太严厉或在今世有不赦免的灵,就会在国度时代受管教─路六37~38,太十八33~35。

1. If we treat people too harshly or have an unforgiving spirit in this age, we will be disciplined in the kingdom age—Luke 6:37-38; Matt. 18:33-35.

2 我们若苛刻地对待人,尖利地批评人,将来神要以同样的方式对待我们─七1~2。

2. If we treat others in a mean way and criticize others mercilessly, God will deal with us in the same way in the future—7:1-2.

3 求主施恩,叫我们能作怜悯人的人,不以苛刻、尖酸刻薄的手段对待人,好叫我们在那日也可以得蒙神的怜悯─五7,参提后一16、18。

3. May the Lord grant us the grace to be those who show mercy to others, who do not deal with others in meanness, sharpness, or severity, so that we can obtain mercy from God in that day—5:7; cf. 2 Tim. 1:16, 18.


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