第三篇 国度与召会

The Kingdom and the Church



壹 圣经首先陈明国度,然后陈明召会;国度的出现产生召会─太四23,十六18~19:

I. The Bible first presents the kingdom and thereafter presents the church; the presence of the kingdom produces the church—Matt. 4:23; 16:18-19:

一 神的生命就是神的国度;神圣的生命就是国度,这生命产生召会─约三3、5,太七14、21,十九17、29,二五46:

A. The life of God is the kingdom of God; the divine life is the kingdom, and this life produces the church—John 3:3, 5; Matt. 7:14, 21; 19:17, 29; 25:46:

1 国度乃是生命的范围,让生命行动、治理、管治,使生命能达成其目的,而这范围就是国度。

1. The kingdom is the realm of life for life to move, rule, and govern so that life may accomplish its purpose, and this realm is the kingdom.

2 福音带进神圣的生命,这生命有其范围,这范围就是国度;神圣生命同其范围产生召会─提后一10。

2. The gospel brings in the divine life, and this life has its realm, which is the kingdom; the divine life with its realm produces the church—2 Tim. 1:10.

3 国度的福音产生召会,因为国度就是生命本身,而召会乃是生命的结果─太四23,徒八12。

3. The gospel of the kingdom brings forth the church because the kingdom is the life itself, and the church is the issue of life—Matt. 4:23; Acts 8:12.

二 国度是召会的实际;因此,我们离了国度的生命,就不能过召会生活─太五3,十六18~19,启一4~6、9:

B. The kingdom is the reality of the church; therefore, apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life—Matt. 5:3; 16:18-19; Rev. 1:4-6, 9:

1 诸天之国的实际(太五~七)乃是召会生活的内容;没有国度的实际,召会就是空洞的。─引用经文

1. The reality of the kingdom of the heavens (Matt. 5—7) is the content of the church life; without the reality of the kingdom, the church is empty.

2 因着国度的生命产生召会生活,所以当我们团体地在国度生命里生活,我们自然就过召会生活─罗十四17。

2. Since the kingdom life issues in the church life, as we live corporately in the kingdom life, we spontaneously live the church life—Rom. 14:17.

3 信徒不活在国度的实际里,就不能被建造到召会的结构里─弗二22。

3. A believer who does not live in the reality of the kingdom cannot be built into the structure of the church—Eph. 2:22.

三 没有国度作召会的实际,召会就不能被建造─太十六18~19:

C. Without the kingdom as the reality of the church, the church cannot be built up— Matt. 16:18-19:

1 召会是借着国度的权柄产生的。

1. The church is brought into being through the authority of the kingdom.

2 国度钥匙的赐给,是为使召会能够被建造─19节,十八18,参约二十23。

2. The keys of the kingdom are given to make the building of the church possi-ble—v. 19; 18:18; cf. John 20:23.

3 当诸天的国能在一班信徒身上施行权柄,那一班信徒就能被建造成为召会─西二19,弗四15~16。

3. When the kingdom of the heavens is able to assert its authority over a com-pany of believers, those believers can be built up into the church—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15-16.

四 召会生活中活力排的目的,乃是要过国度的生活,就是神人生活;活力排乃是召会真实的代表─太十八15~22。

D. The purpose of the vital groups in the church life is to live the kingdom life—the God-man life; a vital group is a real representation of the church—Matt. 18:15-22.

贰 真正的召会就是在今世神的国;今天信徒乃是在召会中过国度生活─十六18~19,十八17~18,十三44~46,罗十四17,林前四20,弗二19,西四11,启一4~6:

II. The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age; today the believers live the kingdom life in the church—16:18-19; 18:17-18; 13:44-46; Rom. 14:17; 1 Cor. 4:20; Eph. 2:19; Col. 4:11; Rev. 1:4-6:

一 主耶稣每次说到召会时,都将召会联于国度;这指明国度与召会有何等密切的关联─太十六18~19,十八17~18:

A. Each time the Lord Jesus spoke of the church, He mentioned it in relation to the kingdom; this indicates how intimately the kingdom and the church are related— Matt. 16:18-19; 18:17-18:

1 罗马十四章十七节证明,今世的召会乃是神的国。─引用经文

1. Romans 14:17 proves that the church in this age is the kingdom of God.

2 林前四章二十节的“神的国”是指召会生活(17),这含示就着权柄的一面说,今世的召会就是神的国。─引用经文

2. The kingdom of God in 1 Corinthians 4:20 refers to the church life (v. 17), implying that in the sense of authority, the church in this age is the kingdom of God.

3 以弗所二章十九节的“同国之民”一辞,指明神的国,就是神运用祂权柄的范围。─引用经文

3. The term fellow citizens in Ephesians 2:19 indicates the kingdom of God, the sphere wherein God exercises His authority.

二 启示录一章六节的“国度”一辞启示,召会在哪里,神的国就在哪里;召会代表国度。─引用经文

B. The word kingdom in Revelation 1:6 reveals that where the church is, there the kingdom of God is; the church represents the kingdom.

三 在作为国度的召会里,我们乃是在国度的管治、行政、管教和操练之下─林前六9~10,加五19~21,弗五5。

C. In the church as the kingdom, we are under rule, government, discipline, and exercise—1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5.

四 在主的恢复里,我们乃是同时在国度和召会里,在宝贝和珠子里─太十三44~46。

D. In the Lord's recovery, at the same time we are both in the kingdom and in the church, in the treasure and in the pearl—Matt. 13:44-46.

五 虽然今天召会是神的国,但唯有当我们在灵里,而不在天然的人里生活、行动、为人时,我们才在国度的实际里─罗八4,加五16、25。

E. Although the church today is God's kingdom, we are in the kingdom in reality only when we live, walk, and have our being in the spirit, not in our natural man—Rom. 8:4; Gal. 5:16, 25.

叁 父拯救了我们脱离黑暗的权势,把我们迁入祂爱子的国里─西一12~13:

III. The Father has delivered us out of the authority of darkness and trans-ferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love—Col. 1:12-13:

一 神爱子的国包括三个世代:召会所在的今世,千年国所在的来世,以及在新天新地里新耶路撒冷的永世─13节:

A. The kingdom of the Son of God's love comprises three ages: the present age, in which the church is; the coming age, in which the millennial kingdom will be; and the eternal age with the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth— v. 13:

1 歌罗西一章十三节所强调的是今世神爱子的国,就是召会的实际。─引用经文

1. The stress in Colossians 1:13 is the kingdom of the Son of God's love in this age, which is the reality of the church.

2 召会生活今天乃是父爱子的国,与神的儿子一样,对父神是可喜悦的─四15~16。

2. The church life today is the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love, which is as delightful to God the Father as the Son of God is—4:15-16.

二 我们需要了解召会的内在意义乃是神爱子的国─一13:

B. We need to understand the intrinsic significance of the church as the kingdom of the Son of God's love—1:13:

1 神的儿子是神圣生命的具体化身和彰显;因此,子的国乃是生命的范围─约壹五11~12,约一4。

1. The Son of God is the embodiment and expression of the divine life; hence, the kingdom of the Son is a realm of life—1 John 5:11-12; John 1:4.

2 我们所迁入的国,是神爱子的国;这生命的范围乃是在爱里,不是在惧怕里─西一13。

2. The kingdom into which we have been transferred is the kingdom of the Son of God's love; this realm of life is in love, not in fear—Col. 1:13.

3 今天我们所在的国,是满了生命、光与爱的范围─彼前二9。

3. The kingdom in which we find ourselves today is a realm full of life, light, and love—1 Pet. 2:9.

4 父的子乃是父这生命源头的彰显─约一18、4,约壹一2:

4. The Son of the Father is the expression of the Father as the source of life— John 1:18, 4; 1 John 1:2:

a 父的爱子是父爱的对象,在神圣的爱里带着在复活里的权柄,对我们作生命的具体化身─太三17。

a. The Son of the Father's love is the object of the Father's love to be the embodiment of life to us in the divine love with the authority in resur-rection—Matt. 3:17.

b 子作神圣生命的具体化身,是父爱的对象─十七5:

b. The Son, as the embodiment of the divine life, is the object of the Father's love—17:5:

㈠ 具体化身在子里的神圣生命,在神圣的爱里赐给我们─约壹五11~12,约三16。

1) The divine life embodied in the Son is given to us in the divine love— 1 John 5:11-12; John 3:16.

㈡ 神圣之爱的对象,在神圣的爱里带着在复活里的权柄,对我们成为生命的具体化身;这就是父爱子的国。

2) The object of the divine love becomes to us the embodiment of life in the divine love with the authority in resurrection; this is the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love.

5 迁入父爱子的国里,乃是迁入对我们是生命的子里─约壹五11~12:

5. To be transferred into the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love is to be transferred into the Son, who is life to us—1 John 5:11-12:

a 在复活里的子,现今是赐生命的灵;祂在祂复活的生命里带着爱管理我们─彼前一3,罗六4~5,林前十五45下。

a. The Son in resurrection is now the life-giving Spirit, and He rules us in His resurrection life with love—1 Pet. 1:3; Rom. 6:4-5; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

b 当我们在复活里凭着子作我们的生命而活时,我们就活在祂的国里,在父的爱里享受祂;在此我们有召会的生活─西三4,约六57。

b. When we live by the Son as our life in resurrection, we are living in His kingdom, enjoying Him in the Father's love; here we have the church life—Col. 3:4; John 6:57.

c 因为父喜悦祂的儿子,父爱子的国就是喜乐的事,喜悦的事─太三17,十七5。

c. Because the Father delights in His Son, the kingdom of the Son of the Father's love is a pleasant thing, a matter of delight—Matt. 3:17; 17:5.

三 在召会作神爱子的国里,我们有基督生机身体的实际与实行─西二19。

C. In the church as the kingdom of the Son of God's love, we have the reality and practicality of the organic Body of Christ—Col. 2:19.

四 在召会作神爱子的国里,我们有一个宇宙新人的实际与实行─弗二15,四24,西三10~11。

D. In the church as the kingdom of the Son of God's love, we have the reality and practicality of the universal one new man—Eph. 2:15; 4:24; Col. 3:10-11.


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