第二篇 借着过隐藏的生活而过国度的生活

Living the Kingdom Life by Living a Hidden Life



壹 我们要学习主的榜样,独自上山去祷告而过隐藏的生活─太十四23,参路六12:

I. We need to learn from the pattern of the Lord living a hidden life in His going up to the mountain privately to pray—Matt. 14:23; cf. Luke 6:12:

一 主没有与群众在一起留在所行神迹的结果里(指除了妇女孩子,食饱五千人的神迹),乃是离开群众,在山上独自在祷告中与父在一起─太十四14~23:

A. The Lord did not remain in the issue of the miracle with the crowds (the miracle of feeding five thousand men, apart from women and children), but He went away from them privately to be with the Father on the mountain in prayer— Matt. 14:14-23:

1 主催门徒离开,祂好有更多的时间独自祷告父─22~23节。

1. The Lord compelled the disciples to leave Him in order that He might have more time to pray privately to the Father—vv. 22-23.

2 祂需要独自祷告祂在天上的父,好叫祂在地上为着建立诸天之国,无论作什么,都能与父是一,并有父与祂同在;祂不是在野地,乃是在山上祷告;祂离开群众,甚至离开门徒,为要独自与父接触。

2. He needed to pray privately to His Father who was in the heavens so that He might be one with the Father and have the Father with Him in whatever He did on earth for the establishing of the kingdom of the heavens; He did this not in the deserted place but on the mountain, leaving all the people, even His disciples, so that He might be alone to contact the Father.

二 我们应当宝贵这三句话:“与父在一起”、“在山上”、“在祷告中”:

B. We should treasure three phrases—to be with the Father, on the mountain, and in prayer:

1 与别人一起祷告是很好的,但通常我们需要独自祷告;我们与别人一起祷告时,无法像我们独自向主祷告时享受主那样深。

1. To pray with others is good, but often we need to pray by ourselves; when we pray with others, we cannot enjoy the Lord as deeply as when we pray to the Lord privately.

2 甚至主耶稣也告诉我们,我们祷告时,要私下关上门,向那在隐密中察看我们的父祷告(六6);这样,我们就会感觉到祂与我们是何等亲,我们与祂是何等近。─引用经文

2. Even the Lord Jesus told us that when we pray, we should shut our door pri-vately and pray to the Father who sees in secret (6:6); then we have the sen-sation of how intimate He is to us and how close we are to Him.

3 我们必须学习离开群众、家庭、朋友和召会里的圣徒,去到更高一层的“高山”;我们必须上得更高,远离较低一层属地的事物;我们需要达到更高一层,离开群众,独自与父在一起,隐密地与祂有亲密的交通。

3. We have to learn to leave the crowds, our family, our friends, and the saints in the church to go to a higher level on a "high mountain"; we have to go higher, far away from the earthly things on a lower level; we need to get to a higher level, separated from the crowd, to be with the Father privately and secretly to have intimate fellowship with Him.

贰 国度子民的原则乃是过隐藏的生活,不将自己的义行表现在人前,这些义行就如施舍(2~4)、祷告(5~15)及禁食(16~18):─引用经文

II. The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life, not per-forming their righteous deeds before men—deeds such as giving (vv. 2-4), praying (vv. 5-15), and fasting (vv. 16-18):

一 在这三个例证当中,主都使用了“隐密”这辞(4、6、18);我们的父是“在隐密中”,祂“在隐密中察看”;国度子民是天父的儿女,必须活在父隐密和隐藏的同在里,并顾到父隐密和隐藏的同在。─引用经文

A. Regarding each of the three illustrations, the Lord used the word secret (vv. 4, 6, 18); our Father is in secret, and He sees in secret; the kingdom people, as chil-dren of the heavenly Father, must live in and care for the Father's secret and hidden presence.

二 国度子民在国度属天的管治之下,活在倒空、谦卑的灵里,以纯洁、单一的心行事,就不可在肉体里作什么,得人的称赞;乃是必须在灵里作一切事,讨他们天父的喜悦。

B. The kingdom people, who live in an emptied and humbled spirit and walk in a pure and single heart under the heavenly ruling of the kingdom, are not allowed to do anything in the flesh for the praise of men but must do all things in the spirit for the pleasing of their heavenly Father.

三 在隐密中行义,结果乃是杀死肉体和己;在社会上甚至在堕落的基督教中,如果不允许人显扬他们的善行,他们就不干了;己喜爱得荣耀,肉体喜爱被人注视。

C. The effect of doing our righteous deeds in secret is that the flesh and the self are killed; if people in society and even in degraded Christendom are not allowed to make a show of their good deeds, they will not do them; the self loves to be glorified, and the flesh loves to be gazed upon.

四 在明处长大的圣徒,不是健康的长大;我们都需要一些生命中隐密的长大,一些对基督隐密的经历;我们需要隐密地祷告主、敬拜主、接触主并与主交通。

D. The saints who grow openly do not grow in a healthy way; we all need some secret growth in life, some secret experiences of Christ; we need to pray to the Lord, worship the Lord, contact the Lord, and fellowship with the Lord in a secret way.

五 我们该多多祷告,但不要让别人知道我们有多少祷告;我们若天天祷告而不告诉别人,或者不让别人知道,这表示我们是健康的,并且我们正在长大。

E. We should pray much yet not let others know how much we pray; if we pray every day without telling others or letting them know about it, it means that we are healthy and that we are growing.

六 国度子民必须有密室祷告的经历,在隐密中接触他们的天父,经历对父隐密的享受,并从祂接受隐密的回答─6节。

F. The kingdom people must have some experience of prayer in their private room, contacting their heavenly Father in secret, experiencing some secret enjoyment of the Father, and receiving some secret answer from Him—v. 6.

七 无论何时我们在义行上显扬自己,我们就不健康;这样的显扬大大阻挠我们在生命里长大。

G. Any time we exhibit ourselves in our righteous deeds, we are not healthy; such an exhibition greatly frustrates our growth in life.

八 我们人的生命喜爱炫耀、公开显扬,但神的生命总是隐藏的;假冒为善的人就是有外面的表显,里面却空无一物的人。

H. Our human life loves to make a display, a public show, but God's life is always hidden; a hypocrite is one who has an outward manifestation without having anything within.

九 我们在天然的生命里,绝不可能实行在隐密中过隐藏的生活,只有在神圣的生命,不喜欢显扬的生命里,才可能实行;我们若认真要成为国度的子民,就必须学习凭着我们父隐藏的生命而活。

I. We can never practice living a hidden life in secret in our natural life; it is pos-sible only in the divine life, the life that does not enjoy making a show; if we are serious about being the kingdom people, we must learn to live by the hidden life of our Father.

十 宇宙指明神是隐藏的,神是隐密的;我们若凭着神的爱爱人,这爱就始终是隐藏的。

J. The universe indicates that God is hidden, that God is secret; if we love others by the love of God, this love will always remain hidden.

叁 “救主以色列的神啊,你实在是自隐的神”─赛四五15:

III. "Surely You are a God who hides Himself, / O God of Israel, the Savior"— Isa. 45:15:

一 信徒可能认识神是全能的神,是公义的神,是满有恩典和慈爱的神,却不认识神是一位自隐的神。

A. Believers may know God as the almighty One, as the righteous One, as the One full of grace and compassion, but as the One who hides Himself, He is unknown to them.

二 神在祂的子民中间,也在他们个人的生活里作了许许多多的事,但神却把自己隐藏起来:

B. God does countless things in the midst of His people and countless things in their personal lives, yet He conceals Himself:

1 神喜欢隐藏,我们却喜欢显扬;神不求外在的显明,但我们没有外在的显明就不满意。

1. God likes concealment, but we like display; God does not crave outward man-ifestations, but we cannot be content without them.

2 在迦密山顶,神是明显地与以利亚同在,但神一隐退,以利亚就受不了─王上十九9~18:

2. God was obviously with Elijah on Mount Carmel, but when God withheld His manifest presence, Elijah could not bear it—1 Kings 19:9-18:

a 神知道以利亚愿意神是一位显明的神;他不知道神是愿意自隐的。

a. God knew that Elijah wanted Him to be a God who would manifest Him-self; he had not realized that God is a God who hides Himself.

b 神不在大风和烈风里,神不在地震里,神不在火里;神乃是在“微小柔细的声音”里对以利亚说话─12节。

b. God was not in the great and strong wind, He was not in the earthquake, and He was not in the fire; instead, God spoke to Elijah in a "gentle, quiet voice"—v. 12.

c 神以微小柔细的声音对以利亚说话,指明神将以利亚引进新约时代;在新约时代神对祂的子民说话不是发声如雷,乃是微小柔细地说话─参约壹二27。

c. The fact that God spoke to Elijah in a gentle, quiet voice indicates that God was ushering Elijah into the New Testament age, in which God speaks to His people not by thundering but gently and quietly—cf. 1 John 2:27.

d 以利亚对神说,只剩下他一个忠信者;但神非常柔细地回答以利亚说,祂为自己留下七千人,是未曾向巴力屈膝的─王上十九18,参罗十一2~5。

d. Elijah said to God that he was the only faithful one left, but God very gently answered Elijah by saying that He had reserved for Himself seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal—1 Kings 19:18; cf. Rom. 11:2-5.

e 以利亚以为看得见的才算得数,但神是一位自隐的神;神在暗中为祂自己留下七千得胜者,是未曾向巴力屈膝的;神的活动隐藏到连申言者以利亚都不知道。

e. Elijah had reckoned the situation only with what he could see, but God is a God who hides Himself; He had secretly reserved for Himself seven thousand overcomers who had not bowed the knee to Baal; God's activity was so hidden that not even the prophet Elijah knew anything about it.

三 我们需要认识神作工隐藏的性质;不要以为只有大的感动、大的异象、大的启示才是出于神的;神最确实的工作,乃是祂在我们这人的隐密处所作的:

C. We need to realize the hidden nature of God's working; we should not think that only mighty influences, great visions, and tremendous revelations are of God; God's surest work is done in the secret of our beings:

1 我们越事奉主,越住在祂里面,就越知道神是一位非常静默的神;祂静默到一个地步,人常常不觉得祂存在。

1. The more we serve the Lord, and the more we abide in Him, the more we realize that God is a very quiet God, so quiet that His presence is often un-detected.

2 祂所给我们那些最亲密的引导,都是很自然的,使我们几乎不觉得祂在引导我们,但我们就是受了引导;神最重大的引导,通常是借着神这样内里静默的活动而让我们得着的。

2. His most intimate way of guiding us is so natural that we scarcely perceive He is guiding us at all, yet somehow we have been led; it is often by this quiet inward activity of God that we receive our greatest guidances.

四 独生子来表明神,却把神藏在人性生命里,并且是藏在一个外表“憔悴”的人性生命,一个“无佳形威仪”的人性生命里─赛五二14,五三2:

D. When the only begotten Son came for the purpose of declaring God, He hid Him in a human life—a human life whose appearance was "marred," a human life that had "no attracting form nor majesty"—Isa. 52:14; 53:2:

1 祂来自无关紧要的加利利省,来自小城拿撒勒;犹太人都公认,那个地方并没有出过什么申言者或名人─约一46,七52。

1. He came from Galilee, an insignificant province, and from the town of Naz-areth, a small town of which it was said by the Jews that no prophet or per-son of repute ever came from there—John 1:46; 7:52.

2 所以当祂出来的时候,人难以相信神在祂里面,甚至要信祂是神的申言者都不容易;可是神却藏在拿撒勒人耶稣里面─参西二9。

2. Thus, when He appeared, people found it hard to believe that God was pres-ent in Him—they found it hard even to believe that He was a prophet of God, yet God was hidden within Jesus of Nazareth—cf. Col. 2:9.

3 此外,拿撒勒人耶稣是来自一个贫寒的家庭,长大了就作木匠,是一个非常平凡的木匠,一个微不足道的工人,直到祂三十岁;有谁能想到,无限的神就住在祂里面?

3. Also, Jesus of Nazareth belonged to a poor home and grew up to be a carpen-ter—a very ordinary carpenter, working in a very small way, until He was thirty; who would have ever thought that He was indwelt by the infinite God?

五 你若把圣经好好地读过,就看见神有一个脾气,就是不乐意显扬;祂不愿意在明处作事,乃喜欢在暗中作工─太十七1~9,约二十14~17,路二四13~37,约二十24~29,赛三九2~8:

E. If you study the Scriptures carefully, you will see that God has the kind of tem-perament that dislikes ostentation; He likes to work secretly rather than openly—Matt. 17:1-9; John 20:14-17; Luke 24:13-37; John 20:24-29; Isa. 39:2-8:

1 “你们虽然没有见过祂,却是爱祂,如今虽不得看见,却因信人祂而欢腾,有说不出来、满有荣光的喜乐”;信徒没有见过祂,却是爱祂,这是个奇迹,也是个奥秘─彼前一8。

1. "Whom having not seen, you love; into whom though not seeing Him at pres-ent, yet believing, you exult with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory"; it is a wonder and a mystery that the believers love One whom they have not seen—1 Pet. 1:8.

2 主复活后给祂的跟从者主要的训练,就是叫他们认识祂是一位自隐的神。

2. Since the resurrection of the Lord, the chief discipline for His followers has come along the line of knowing Him as a God who hides Himself.

3 神经纶的一切是以基督为其中心与普及,不在看得见的范围,乃在看不见的气氛和信的范围里─林后四13、16~18,五7,来十一1,弗三17上,提前一4下。

3. Everything of God's economy with Christ as its centrality and universality is not in the seen realm but in the unseen atmosphere and realm of faith— 2 Cor. 4:13, 16-18; 5:7; Heb. 11:1; Eph. 3:17a; 1 Tim. 1:4b.

六 我们感觉最无能的时候,就是主最有力地与我们同在的时候─林后十二9~10:

F. When we are most conscious of impotence, God is most powerfully present— 2 Cor. 12:9-10:

1 自隐的神在我们的生活中作工,并且正大大地作工。

1. The God who hides Himself is at work within our lives, and He is working mightily.

2 我们的责任乃是与祂合作,回应祂在里面的声音,就是那“微小柔细的声音”,那声音好像不过是我们自己在那里想的,我们没有想到这会是主的声音。

2. Our responsibility is to cooperate with Him by responding to His voice within—that "gentle, quiet voice," that voice that seems so much a part of our own feelings that we scarcely recognize it as a voice at all.

3 我们必须对我们里面最深处所感受的声音说阿们,因为自隐的神正在那里隐密地、不停地作工。

3. To that voice, registered in the deepest depths of our being, we must say Amen, for there, secretly and ceaselessly, the God who hides Himself is working.

肆 诗篇四十二篇七节说,“深渊就与深渊响应”:─引用经文

IV. Psalm 42:7 says, "Deep calls unto deep":

一 别人的深处只能与从我们深处出来的响应;凡不是从深处出来的,就永远不能达到别人的深处。

A. Others can respond deep within to only what issues from deep within us; any-thing that is not from the depths will never reach the depths of others.

二 国度的生活是深处的生活,是能“往下扎根,向上结果”的生活─赛三七31,参徒六7,十二24,十九20。

B. The kingdom life is a life in the depths, a life that can "take root downward and bear fruit upward"—Isa. 37:31; cf. Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20.

三 一面,我们要让基督作为生命的种子,在我们那是好土的心田里深深扎根(太十三23);另一面,我们在基督里是活的植物,需要在包罗万有之基督这土壤里深深扎根,祂是美地的实际(西二6~7):─引用经文

C. On the one hand, we need to allow Christ as the seed of life to take root deep in the soil of our heart as the good earth (Matt. 13:23); on the other hand, we, as living plants in Christ, need to take root deep in the soil of the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land (Col. 2:6-7):

1 好土象征好的心,没有为属世的交通往来所硬化,没有隐藏的罪,也没有今世的思虑和钱财的迷惑;我们需要天天让主对付我们心里的这些事物,好叫我们能以神的增长而长大─19节。

1. The good earth signifies the good heart that is not hardened by worldly traf-fic, that is without hidden sins, and that is without the anxiety of the age and the deceitfulness of riches; we need to daily allow the Lord to deal with these things in our heart so that we can grow with the growth of God—v. 19.

2 我们已经被栽种到基督这美地的实际里,需要花时间(特别是早晨与主同在的时间)来吸取祂。

2. Because we have been planted in Christ as the reality of the good land, we need to take time to absorb Him (especially in our times with Him in the morning).

四 撒种者撒种的时候,有落在路旁的,有落在土浅石头地上的,有落在荆棘里的,有落在好土里的;这给我们看见,人对神话语的接受有四种不同的方式─太十三4~8、18~23:

D. While the sower sowed, some seeds fell beside the way, some on the rocky places, some into the thorns, and some into the good earth; this shows us four different ways for man to receive the word—Matt. 13:4-8, 18-23:

1 主耶稣告诉我们,在这几种不同的情形中,有一种叫作土浅石头地,上面有一点土,下面是石头;种子落在这一种的地上,长得顶快,但是日头出来一晒,因为没有根,就枯干了─5~6节。

1. The Lord Jesus tells us that among these different conditions, one is the rocky places; there is a little earth on the surface, but underneath there are rocks; when the seed falls into this kind of ground, it springs up quickly, but as soon as the sun comes out, it withers because of the lack of root—vv. 5-6.

2 什么是根?根是长在地下的。什么是叶子?叶子是长在地上的。

2. What is a root? It is growth that occurs beneath the soil. What are the leaves? This is growth that occurs above the soil.

3 换句话说,看不见的生命叫作根,看得见的生命叫作叶子;许多基督徒的难处就在于看得见的生命虽然有许多,看不见的生命却少得很;换句话说,就是缺少隐藏的生活。

3. In other words, roots are the hidden life, whereas leaves are the manifest life; the trouble with many Christians is that, while there is much apparent life, there is very little secret life; in other words, there is the lack of a hidden life.

4 如果你所有的经历都是显露的,那你所有的都是往上长的,不是往下长的;这样,你就是只有叶子没有根的人,你就是土浅的人。

4. If all your experiences are manifested, then all your growth is upward; there is no downward growth; if this is the case, you are a person who has only leaves without root, and you are on shallow ground.

5 基督徒的美德只有显在人面前,没有隐藏在深处的,这样的人是没有根的,经不起试炼和试诱;求神作工在我们身上,使我们能往下扎根。

5. The Christian who parades all his virtues before men and who does not have anything in the depth of his being has no root; he will not be able to stand in the day of trial and temptation; may God work in us so that we can take root downward.

五 我们需要像使徒保罗一样,对基督有深处的经历─林后十二1~4:

E. We need deep experiences of Christ like that of the apostle Paul—2 Cor. 12:1-4:

1 保罗被提到第三层天里,并且被提进乐园里,但他到十四年后才说这个经历;保罗的根是深深地长在地下的。

1. Paul was caught away to the third heaven and caught away into Paradise, but he did not divulge this experience until fourteen years later; Paul's roots were deep beneath the soil.

2 我们要有保罗的工作,就得有保罗的“根”;我们要有保罗外面的生活,就得有保罗里面的生命;我们要有保罗显露的能力,就得有保罗隐密的经历。

2. If we want to have Paul's work, then we need to have Paul's "root"; if we want to have Paul's outward conduct, then we need to have Paul's inner life; if we want to have Paul's manifest power, then we need to have Paul's secret expe-rience.

3 这不是说我们不应当作见证,但我们必须晓得许多经历是需要隐藏的─参四5。

3. This does not mean that we should not testify, but we must realize that many experiences need to be hidden—cf. 4:5.

4 没有根,就是没有隐藏的宝贝;没有根,就是没有隐藏的生命,没有隐藏的经历;有些经历我们必须遮盖起来;一切若都不遮盖起来,就要失去一切了─参赛三九2~8。

4. To be without root is to be without any hidden treasure; it is to be without any hidden life or hidden experiences; it is essential that some of our experiences remain covered; to uncover everything is to lose everything—cf. Isa. 39:2-8.

六 我们所有在主面前隐密的东西,都必须保留着;唯有当主在我们里面运行,要我们拿出来,我们才能拿出来;神要我们与一位弟兄分享某个经历,我们不能把它压住,因为压住就违反了基督身体肢体的律,就是交通的律:

F. Whatever secrets we have with the Lord must be preserved; only if He moves within us to reveal something, dare we reveal it; if He wants us to share some experience with a brother, we dare not withhold it, for that would be violating a law of the members of the Body of Christ, which is the law of fellowship:

1 我们需要知道什么是基督的身体,什么是肢体间生命的流通,但我们也需要在主的面前,学习保守我们隐藏的部分,就是我们对基督许多不为人知的经历。

1. We need to learn what the Body of Christ is and what the flow of life among the members is; but we also need to learn the need for safeguarding the hidden part we have before the Lord, the experiences of Christ that are not known to others.

2 没有深处的生活,我们只能用表面的工作得着人表面的感动;只有“深渊……与深渊响应”。

2. If our life has no depth, our superficial work will only affect other lives super-ficially; only "deep calls unto deep."

七 清洁、美丽的属灵生活,是出自与神内里、隐藏、不间断的交通;所以说,“他必如百合花开放,如利巴嫩的树木扎根”(何十四5);这样的生活能多结果子─5~7节。

G. A pure and beautiful spiritual life is derived from inward, hidden, and uninter-rupted fellowship with God; hence, "he will bud like the lily / And will send forth his roots like the trees of Lebanon" (Hosea 14:5); this kind of life is capable of bearing much fruit—vv. 5-7.

八 要有深处的生活,就必须与主有直接、亲密的交通;雅歌四章十二节说,“我妹子,我新妇,乃是关锁的园,禁闭的井,封闭的泉”:

H. In order to live a life in the depths, it is necessary to have direct and intimate fellowship with the Lord; Song of Songs 4:12 says, "A garden enclosed is my sister, my bride, / A spring shut up, a fountain sealed":

1 这时主所爱的寻求者在其属灵长进上成为一个园子,作基督私有的享受。

1. At this point in her spiritual progress, the Lord's loving seeker has become a garden for Christ's private satisfaction.

2 她不是一个公园,乃是一个关锁的园;她所有的一切,只求良人的喜悦,不求人的喜悦。

2. She is not an open garden but an enclosed garden; all that she has is for her Beloved's delight and for no one else.

3 如果今天的信徒关锁多一点,盖扎得紧一点,他们作工就会更有功效。

3. If today's believers would close up a little more and seal up tighter, their work would become more prevailing.

4 愿主恩待我们,让十字架在我们里面作更深的工,好让我们深深扎根,使我们过深处隐藏的生活,来满足神的要求,满足神的心。

4. May the Lord grant us grace and do a deeper work in us through the cross so that we may strike deep roots and live a hidden life in the depths to fulfill God's requirements and satisfy His heart.


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