第一篇 神的国发展为在祂神圣生命里管治的范围

The Development of the Kingdom of God into a Realm over Which God Rules in His Divine Life



壹 神的国就是神自己─可一15,太六33,约三3:

I. The kingdom of God is God Himself—Mark 1:15; Matt. 6:33; John 3:3:

一 神的国有神为其内容;神自己就是神国一切的内容─林前四20,十五28。

A. God's kingdom has God as its content; God Himself is everything as the content of His kingdom—1 Cor. 4:20; 15:28.

二 神是生命,有神圣生命的本质、能力和形状;这就形成神管治的范围─弗四18,约三15。

B. God is life, having the nature, ability, and shape of the divine life, which forms the realm of God's ruling—Eph. 4:18; John 3:15.

三 神的生命就是神的国,也是我们进入神国的入口;我们必须看见这个基本的原则─3、5、15节。

C. The life of God is the kingdom of God and also our entrance into the kingdom of God; we must see this basic principle—vv. 3, 5, 15.

四 事实上,神在我们身上的掌权不是外在的事,乃是神圣生命自有的本能─罗八2。

D. In actuality, God's reigning over us is not an outward matter but a matter of the innate ability of the divine life—Rom. 8:2.

贰 神的国是神圣种类的范围,在其中有一切神圣的事物─约三3、5:

II. The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine species, in which are all the divine things—John 3:3, 5:

一 神成为人而进到人的种类里,人在生命和性情上成为神(但无分于神格)而进到神圣的种类里─罗八3,一3~4,约一12~14。

A. God became man to enter into the human species, and man becomes God in life and nature but not in the Godhead to enter into the divine species—Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; John 1:12-14.

二 要进入这神圣的范围,就是神圣种类的范围,我们就必须从神而生,有神的生命和性情,因而成为神国里的神人─12~13节。

B. To enter into the divine realm, the realm of the divine species, we need to be born of God to have the life and nature of God, thereby becoming God-men in the kingdom of God—vv. 12-13.

三 我们由神所重生成为神的种类以进入神的国─三3、5。

C. We were regenerated of God to be the species of God and enter into the kingdom of God—3:3, 5.

叁 神的国是神圣生命的范围,让这生命行动、作工、管治并支配,使生命得以成就其目的─太六13下,约三3、5、15~16:

III. The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life for this life to move, work, rule, and govern so that life may accomplish its purpose—Matt. 6:13b; John 3:3, 5, 15-16:

一 神的国乃是由神的生命所构成的生机体,成为祂施行管治的生命范围,祂在其中凭祂的生命掌权,并在神圣生命中彰显祂自己这神圣的三一─5节,十五1~8、16、26。

A. The kingdom of God is an organism constituted with God's life as the realm of life for His ruling, in which He reigns by His life and expresses Himself as the Divine Trinity in the divine life—v. 5; 15:1-8, 16, 26.

二 进入神国唯一的路,乃是接受神作生命并得着神自己;这就是重生─三5、15,约壹五11~12。

B. The unique way to enter into the kingdom of God is to receive God as life and gain God Himself; this is regeneration—3:5, 15; 1 John 5:11-12.

肆 神的国乃是基督自己作生命的种子,撒到相信祂的人─神所拣选的人─里面,并发展为一个范围,使神能在祂神圣的生命里施行管治,以此为祂的国─路四43,八5、10,十七20~21,可四3、26~29:

IV. The kingdom of God is Christ Himself as the seed of life sown into His believers, God's chosen people, and developing into a realm over which God rules as His kingdom in His divine life—Luke 4:43; 8:5, 10; 17:20-21; Mark 4:3, 26-29:

一 神的国乃是一个奇妙的人位─作三一神具体化身的主耶稣基督─西二9:

A. The kingdom of God is a wonderful person—the Lord Jesus Christ, the embodi-ment of the Triune God—Col. 2:9:

1 祂在哪里,哪里就有神的国─路十七20~21。

1. Wherever He is, the kingdom of God is—Luke 17:20-21.

2 神的国与祂同在,祂将神的国带给祂的门徒─四43,十七21。

2. The kingdom of God is with Him, and He brings it to His disciples—4:43; 17:21.

二 主耶稣是神国的种子,撒在神所拣选的人里面,发展为神管治的范围─八5、10,可四26~29。

B. The Lord Jesus is the seed of the kingdom of God to be sown into God's chosen people to develop into God's ruling realm—8:5, 10; Mark 4:26-29.

伍 神圣的种子已经撒在我们里面,我们需要经历包含在这神圣种子里之神圣生命和神圣性情的发展,使我们得以丰富地进入永远的国─彼后一1、4~11:

V. We need to experience the development of the divine life and the divine nature contained in the divine seed that has been sown into us so that we may have a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom—2 Pet. 1:1, 4-11:

一 我们已经分得同样宝贵的奇妙之信,这信乃是包罗一切的种子─1节:

A. We have been allotted the wonderful equally precious faith, and this faith is an all-inclusive seed—v. 1:

1 一切神圣的丰富都在这种子里,但我们必须殷勤发展这些丰富;长大成熟就是发展我们所已接受的─1~8节,三18。

1. All the divine riches are in this seed, but we must be diligent to develop them; to grow to maturity is to develop what we already have—vv. 1-8; 3:18.

2 借着发展这些美德,我们就在生命里长大,至终我们要达到成熟,满了基督,够资格并装备好,在要来的国里作王─弗四13~15,西二19,彼后一11。

2. By developing these virtues, we grow in life, and we will eventually reach maturity, be full of Christ, and be qualified and equipped to be kings in the coming kingdom—Eph. 4:13-15; Col. 2:19; 2 Pet. 1:11.

二 我们应当殷勤追求神圣生命和神圣性情的长大并发展,好丰富进入永远的国─10~11节:

B. We should be diligent to pursue the growth and development of the divine life and divine nature for a rich entrance into the eternal kingdom—vv. 10-11:

1 我们在神圣生命和神圣性情的发展里所享受全备的供应(3~7),必充分地供应我们,使我们丰富地进入我们主永远的国。─引用经文

1. The bountiful supply that we enjoy in the development of the divine life and divine nature (vv. 3-7) will bountifully supply us a rich entrance into the eter-nal kingdom of our Lord.

2 这供应要叫我们凭神圣生命和神圣性情一切的丰富,作我们达到神辉煌荣耀的优越美德(能力),使我们能够并合格进入要来的国─3节,彼前五10。

2. This supply will enable and qualify us to enter into the coming kingdom by all the riches of the divine life and divine nature as our excellent virtues (energy) unto the splendid glory of God—v. 3; 1 Pet. 5:10.

3 借着我们在生命里的长大,并借着神圣生命在我们里面的发展,我们就得着丰富的供应,而得以进入永远的国。

3. The entrance into the eternal kingdom is supplied to us richly through our growth in life and through the development of the divine life within us.

陆 我们既已由神所重生进入神的国,就当借着我们灵的直觉恢复到神直接的管治之下─太五3,林前二11,可二8:

VI. As those who have been born of God to enter into the kingdom of God, we need to be recovered to the direct rule of God by the intuition of our spirit— Matt. 5:3; 1 Cor. 2:11; Mark 2:8:

一 无罪的时代,是神治的原则;良心时代,是自治的原则;人治时代,是人管治的原则:

A. In the dispensation of innocence we see the principle of God's rule; in the dis-pensation of conscience, the principle of self-rule; and in the dispensa tion of human government, the principle of man's rule:

1 在人堕落以前,人直接受神的管治,而活在神面前,向神负责─创二16~17。

1. Before the fall man was ruled directly by God; he lived before God and was responsible to God—Gen. 2:16-17.

2 从亚当被赶出伊甸园,直到挪亚出方舟的时候,神在人里面设立良心,代表祂来管治人─徒二四16。

2. From the time of Adam's expulsion from the garden of Eden to the time of Noah's departure from the ark, God established the conscience within man to represent Himself in ruling over man—Acts 24:16.

3 洪水以后,因为人不服神治,又丢弃自治,所以神只好给人权柄代表祂来管治人─创九6,罗十三1。

3. After the flood, because man was subject neither to God's rule nor to self-rule, God authorized man to represent Him in ruling over man—Gen. 9:6; Rom. 13:1.

二 人既是从神治堕落到人治,所以神拯救人的时候,就要把人从人治恢复到神治,叫人再单纯地活在神面前,直接地受神管治─太五3、8,六33。

B. Because man has been degraded from God's rule to human rule, God, in saving man, must recover him from human rule to divine rule so that once again man may live before God in simplicity and under His direct authority—Matt. 5:3, 8; 6:33.

三 神恢复人的计划,也照样要人从人治,经过自治,而达到神治。

C. In God's plan of recovery man must retrace his steps from human rule to God's rule, passing through self-rule in between.

四 对付良心的最终目的,还不仅是叫我们恢复到自治,更要把我们带回到神治,把我们恢复到神自己那里,而活在神面前─五3。

D. The final goal of dealing with the conscience is not merely to restore us to self-rule but to bring us back to God's rule and to recover us to God Himself and, thus, to live in the presence of God—5:3.

五 自治与神治,是大不相同的:

E. There is a great difference between self-rule and God's rule:

1 自治就是人凭良心的感觉而活,向良心负责─徒二四16。

1. Self-rule means that we live by the feelings of our conscience, being respon-sible to our conscience—Acts 24:16.

2 神治的意思是人凭灵的直觉而活,向直觉负责,也就是向神负责:

2. God's rule means that we live by the intuition of our spirit, being responsible to the intuition, that is, being responsible to God:

a 在我们的灵里有一个功用能直接地感觉、知道、分辨、领悟事情,这就是我们灵里的直觉─林前二11,可二8。

a. Within our spirit there is a function to have a direct sense, to realize, dis-cern, and perceive things; this is the intuition in our spirit—1 Cor. 2:11; Mark 2:8.

b 当我们凭我们的直觉而活,受我们直觉的管治,我们就是活在神面前,直接受神的管治。

b. When we live by our intuition and are controlled by our intuition, we are living in the presence of God and are ruled directly by Him.

六 当我们活在神治之下,我们就是照着生命的感觉,凭灵的直觉而活─罗八6:

F. When we are under God's rule, we live by the intuition of our spirit according to the sense of life—Rom. 8:6:

1 神圣的生命是最高的生命,有最丰富、最强、最敏锐的感觉(弗四18);这乃是生命的感觉。─引用经文

1. The divine life is the highest life, with the richest, strongest, and keenest feeling (Eph. 4:18); this feeling is the sense of life.

2 生命的感觉使我们知道我们是活在天然的生命里,或活在神圣的生命里;是活在肉体里,或活在灵里─罗八6。

2. The sense of life makes us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life, whether we are living in the flesh or in the spirit—Rom. 8:6.

3 生命的感觉引导、支配、管制并指引我们─4节。

3. The sense of life guides, governs, controls, and directs us—v. 4.

4 神的国有其实际,这实际就是在神直接管治下神圣生命的生活─太五3、8、20,六33,七21。

4. The kingdom of God has its reality, and this reality is the living of the divine life under the direct rule of God—Matt. 5:3, 8, 20; 6:33; 7:21.


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