
第十二篇 基督从祂的成为肉体,经过祂的升天,到祂的再来,乃是神在地上行动的中心

Christ as the Center of God's Move on the Earth from His Incarnation through His Ascension to His Second Coming



壹 神给祂百姓一般的引导是借着云彩和两枝银号(民九15~十10),而祂对祂百姓特别的引领是借着约柜(33~36);约柜乃是在升天里钉死与复活之基督的预表:─引用经文

I. God's guidance to His people in a general way was by the cloud and the two silver trumpets (Num. 9:15-10:10), whereas His leading of His people in a particular way was through the Ark (vv. 33-36), a type of the crucified and resurrected Christ in His ascension:

一 因此,神子民独一的带领者不是任何人(参29~32),乃是钉死与复活的基督(太二三10)。─引用经文

A. Hence, the unique Leader of God's people is not any man (cf. vv. 29-32) but is the crucified and resurrected Christ (Matt. 23:10).

二 祂是带领者,在基督徒一生漫长、崎岖的路程上,领我们到合式的安歇之处─来四8~9与注。

B. He is the Leader, and He leads us to the proper place of rest on the long and rugged journey of the Christian life—Heb. 4:8-9 and footnotes.

三 约柜的引领指明基督的引领是信实的,是照着约的:

C. The leading of the Ark of the Covenant indicates that the leading of Christ is faithful, according to a covenant:

1 神与亚伯拉罕和他的后裔立约,要领他们进入美地─创十七1~8,参出二三20。

1. God made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants to bring them into the good land—Gen. 17:1-8; cf. Exo. 23:20.

2 至终,神的约放在柜里,所以这柜称为约柜。

2. Eventually, God's covenant was placed in the Ark; thus, the Ark was called the Ark of the Covenant.

3 因此,那领我们进入安息之处的基督,乃是立约的基督,这基督也是神的信实─参林后一19~20。

3. Hence, the Christ who leads us into a resting place is the Christ of the covenant, the Christ of God's faithfulness—cf. 2 Cor. 1:19-20.

贰 民数记十章三十五至三十六节说,“约柜往前行的时候,摩西就说,耶和华啊,求你兴起,愿你的仇敌四散;愿恨你的人从你面前逃跑。约柜停住的时候,他就说,耶和华啊,求你回到以色列的千万人中”:

II. Numbers 10:35 and 36 say, "When the Ark set out, Moses said, Rise up, O Jehovah, and let Your enemies be scattered; / And let those who hate You flee before You. And when it came to rest, he said, Return, O Jehovah, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel":

一 民数记十章三十五节被引用于诗篇六十八篇一节;保罗在以弗所四章八至十节将诗篇六十八篇的话,应用于基督的升天;因此,民数记十章三十五节的兴起,是指基督在祂的升天里升到诸天之上。─引用经文

A. Numbers 10:35 is quoted in Psalm 68:1; in Ephesians 4:8-10 Paul applied the word in Psalm 68 to the ascension of Christ; hence, the rising up in this verse refers to Christ's rising up to the heavens in His ascension.

二 本节的兴起,既然是指基督在祂的升天里升到诸天之上,三十六节摩西所说的“回到”,必是指基督的再来。─引用经文

B. Since the rising up in Numbers 10:35 refers to Christ's rising up to the heavens in His ascension, the word return spoken by Moses in verse 36 must refer to the second coming of Christ.

三 摩西在三十五至三十六节的话,描绘出神经纶的全景,从基督的成为肉体来作约柜,就是三一神的具体化身,经过祂的升天,到祂的再来。─引用经文

C. Moses' word in verses 35 and 36 portrays a full view of God's economy from Christ's incarnation to be the Ark, the embodiment of the Triune God, through His ascension to His second coming.

叁 诗篇六十八篇是民数记十章三十五至三十六节的解释,启示基督是神在地上行动的中心:─引用经文

III. Psalm 68 as an exposition of Numbers 10:35 and 36 reveals Christ as the center of God's move on the earth:

一 神的行动开始于竖立帐幕同约柜以后;帐幕同约柜表征基督成为肉体,作神在地上的居所,以祂自己为神在祂经纶中行动的中心─诗六八1,约一14上,民九15上。

A. God's move began after the rearing up of the tabernacle with the Ark, signifying Christ incarnated to be the dwelling place of God on the earth with Himself as the center for God's move in His economy—Psa. 68:1; John 1:14a; Num. 9:15a.

二 神在帐幕同约柜里,从西乃山(诗六八8下、17下)经过旷野(4中、7下)到锡安山(16)的行动,预表祂在基督里从成为肉体到升天的行动─约一17,弗四8~10。

B. God's move in the tabernacle with the Ark from Mount Sinai (Psa. 68:8b, 17b) through the wilderness (vv. 4b, 7b) to Mount Zion (v. 16) is a type of His move in Christ from the incarnation to the ascension—John 1:17; Eph. 4:8-10.

三 神仍在地上行动,祂正在召会中并借着召会行动,并且以基督为召会的中心而行动─约五17,徒二八31,提前三15~16,诗六八4、7。

C. God is still moving on this earth in and through the church, and He is moving with Christ as the center of the church—John 5:17; Acts 28:31; 1 Tim. 3:15-16; Psa. 68:4, 7.

四 神在人里的行动是要使人成为神,使人在生命和性情上与祂一样,但无分于神格─林前十五45下,罗八10、6、11。

D. God's move in man is to deify man, making man the same as He is in life and in nature but not in the Godhead—1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:10, 6, 11.

肆 诗篇六十八篇启示神在基督里以基督为中心(由约柜所预表)的得胜:

IV. Psalm 68 reveals God's victory in Christ as the center, typified by the Ark:

一 “愿神兴起;愿祂的仇敌四散;愿恨祂的人从祂面前逃跑”─约柜(基督的预表)无论往哪里去,总是赢得胜利─1节,民十35。

A. "Let God arise; let His enemies be scattered; / And let those who hate Him flee before Him"—wherever the Ark, a type of Christ, went, the victory was won—v. 1; Num. 10:35.

二 “统兵的君王逃跑了,逃跑了!”─这些被击败并四散的君王,预表撒但和管辖者,就是背叛的天使─诗六八12上、14,弗六12。

B. "The kings of the armies flee. / They flee!"—these kings, who were defeated and scattered, typify Satan and the rulers, the rebellious angels—Psa. 68:12a, 14; Eph. 6:12.

三 “主发命令;传好信息的妇女成了大群”─这些以色列妇女表征软弱而宣扬福音的人─诗六八11。

C. "The Lord gives the command; / The women who bear the glad tidings are a great host"—these women of Israel signify the weak ones who publish the gospel—Psa. 68:11.

四 “留守在家的妇女,分得了掠物”─掠物表征基督所成就、所完成、所达到、所得着的一切所获,就是祂的死、复活和升天之得胜的收获─12节下。

D. "She who abides at home / Divides the spoil"—the spoil signifies all the gains of the accomplishment, consummation, attainment, and obtainment of Christ as the reapings of the victory of His death, resurrection, and ascension—v. 12b.

五 “你们虽然躺卧在羊圈之间”─躺卧在羊圈之间,表征安息于神对祂选民的供备和眷顾中─13节上。

E. "Though you lie among the sheepfolds"—lying among the sheepfolds signifies resting in God's provision and care for His elect—v. 13a.

六 “像鸽子的翅膀镀了白银,翎毛镀了绿黄色的金”─这节经文启示掠物有四项─13节下:

F.  "There are dove wings covered with silver, / And its pinions, with greenish-yellow gold"—this verse reveals four items among the spoil—v. 13b:

1 鸽子的翅膀表征那灵行动的能力。

1. The dove wings signify the moving power of the Spirit.

2 银表征基督的救赎,使我们得称义,就是白色─蒙称许的颜色─所指明的。

2. Silver signifies Christ in His redemption for our justification, which is indicated by the color white, the color of approval.

3 翎毛是鸟翅末端的羽毛,使鸟有力量飞翔并升腾,表征那灵飞翔并升腾的能力─参赛四十31。

3. Pinions (the feathers at the end of a bird's wings giving it the strength to fly and soar) signify the flying and soaring power of the Spirit—cf. Isa. 40:31.

4 翎毛所镀绿黄色闪耀的金,表征神的性情闪耀在神圣的生命和荣耀里─彼后一4,参约四24,约壹四8,一5。

4. The greenish-yellow, glittering gold with which the pinions are covered signifies God's nature glittering in the divine life and glory—2 Pet. 1:4; cf. John 4:24; 1 John 4:8; 1:5.

5 以上四项的内容,乃是基督在祂得胜里所得的掠物,作神选民的享受;这四项实际上就是三一神同祂完整、完全、包罗万有之救恩的一切项目─参罗五10、17、21。

5. The contents of the above four items, as Christ's spoil in His victory for the enjoyment of God's elect, are actually the Triune God with all the items of His complete, full, and all-inclusive salvation—cf. Rom. 5:10, 17, 21.

6 神的选民享受这些项目,作他们在基督里的分,并将这些作为好信息向别人宣报─诗六八11。

6. God's elect enjoy all the above items as their portion in Christ and announce them to others as the glad tidings—Psa. 68:11.

伍 诗篇六十八篇启示基督的升天:

V. Psalm 68 reveals Christ's ascension:

一 “你已经升上高处”─这是指宇宙的最高处─18节,弗四8上,参赛十四13。

A. "You have ascended on high"—this refers to the highest peak in the universe—v. 18; Eph. 4:8a; cf. Isa. 14:13.

二 “掳掠了那些被掳的”─诗六八18:

B. "You have led captive those taken captive"—Psa. 68:18:

1 “那些被掳的”,指被赎的圣徒,他们在还未借着基督的死和复活得救以前,乃是被撤但所掳并监禁的。

1. Those taken captive refers to the redeemed saints, who were taken captive by Satan and imprisoned before being saved by Christ's death and resurrection.

2 基督击败撒但并掳掠他的俘虏,包括我们在内;然后,基督像领着俘虏的将军一样,在祂升到诸天之上时,将我们领到父面前─参林后二12~14。

2. Christ defeated Satan and captured his captives (including us); then like a general leading his captives, Christ in His ascension to the heavens led us to the Father—cf. 2 Cor. 2:12-14.

3 扩大本新约圣经(Amplified New Testament)将以弗所四章八节里“祂……掳掠了那些被掳的”,译为“祂……帅领了一列被征服的仇敌”;基督升天时,有一列被征服,成了战俘的仇敌,庆祝基督的得胜。─引用经文

3. The Amplified New Testament renders He led captive those taken captive in Ephesians 4:8 as "He led a train of vanquished foes"; in Christ's ascension there was a procession of these vanquished foes, led as captives from a war, for the celebration of Christ's victory.

陆 诗篇六十八篇启示基督受了恩赐:

VI. Psalm 68 reveals Christ's receiving the gifts:

一 “你在人间,甚至在悖逆的人中间,受了恩赐”─我们已被基督掳掠,被基督呈献给父,然后被父当作恩赐赐给基督─18节。

A.  "You have received gifts among men, / Even the rebellious ones also"—we have been captured by Christ, presented by Christ to the Father, and then given to Christ by the Father as gifts—v. 18.

二 基督所接受的恩赐,成了有恩赐的信徒,基督将他们赐给祂的身体,为着身体的建造─弗四7~12。

B. The gifts received by Christ have become the gifted believers, whom He gave to His Body for its building up—Eph. 4:7-12.

柒 诗篇六十八篇启示神居所的建造:

VII. Psalm 68 reveals the building up of the dwelling place of God:

一 “叫耶和华神可以住在他们中间”─这些恩赐,就是有恩赐的人─在基督里的信徒─被建造在一起,成为神的居所;这居所表征召会,基督的身体─18节,弗四11~12。

A. "That Jehovah God may dwell among them"—the gifts as the gifted persons, the believers in Christ, are built together to be the dwelling place for God; this dwelling place signifies the church, the Body of Christ—v. 18; Eph. 4:11-12.

二 “神在祂的圣所作孤儿的父,作寡妇的伸冤者。神叫孤独的有家可居住,使被囚的出来得亨通”─神的居所也是信徒(穷乏、孤独、受捆绑之人)的居所─诗六八5~6上,弗二22。

B. "A Father to the orphans and a Judge for the widows / Is God in His holy habitation. / God causes the solitary to dwell in a household; / He brings the prisoners forth into prosperity"—God's dwelling place is also the habitation of the believers (the needy, the solitary, and the bound ones)—Psa. 68:5-6a; Eph. 2:22.

三 “神所愿居住的山”(诗六八16)乃是锡安山,就是宇宙的最高处─参启十四1。

C. The "mountain on which God desires to dwell" (Psa. 68:16) is Mount Zion, the highest peak in the universe—cf. Rev. 14:1.

捌 诗篇六十八篇启示在神的家中享受神:

VIII. Psalm 68 reveals the enjoyment of God in His house:

一 在神的家中享受神,乃是在神居所(召会)的建造之后─18节。

A. The enjoyment of God in His house comes after the building up of His dwelling place, the church—v. 18.

二 “天天加给我们美福的主,就是拯救我们的神,是当受颂赞的。细拉”─这里的美福乃是三一神─镀了银的鸽子翅膀,和镀了绿黄色闪耀的金的翎毛─19、13节,罗八28,太十九17,腓一19~21上。

B. "Blessed be the Lord, who day by day loads us with good; / God is our salvation. Selah"—the good here is the Triune God—the dove wings covered with silver and its pinions covered with greenish-yellow, glittering gold—vv. 19, 13; Rom. 8:28; Matt. 19:17; Phil. 1:19-21a.

三 “神是为我们施行拯救的神;人能脱离死亡,是在于主耶和华”─我们享受神作拯救的生命,就脱离死亡─诗六八20,罗五10,林后一8~9,四16。

C. "God is to us / A God of deliverance, / And with Jehovah the Lord / Are the goings forth even from death"—when we enjoy God as our saving life, we escape death—Psa. 68:20; Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 1:8-9; 4:16.

四 我们在神的家中,也享受祂的胜过仇敌─诗六八21~23,太十六18,罗十六20。

D. In God's house we also enjoy His victory over the enemies—Psa. 68:21-23; Matt. 16:18; Rom. 16:20.

玖 诗篇六十八篇启示按照神新约的经纶向神的赞美:

IX. Psalm 68 reveals the praising of God according to His New Testament economy:

一 “神啊,你是我的神,我的王;人已经看见你行走,在圣所中行走”─“人”指仇敌;“行走”指神的活动;“圣所”表征召会─24节。

A. "They have seen Your goings, O God, / The goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary"—they refers to the enemies, goings refers to God's activities, and the sanctuary signifies the church—v. 24.

二 “歌唱的行在前,作乐的随在后,都在击鼓的童女中间”─“童女”表征信徒─25节,林后十一2,腓四4。

B. "Singers go before; players after; / In the midst of virgins sounding the tambourines"—virgins signifies the believers—v. 25; 2 Cor. 11:2; Phil. 4:4.

三 “你们从以色列源头而来的,当在各会中颂赞耶和华神。在那里,有统管他们的小便雅悯,有犹大的首领在他们的群众中,有西布伦的首领,有拿弗他利的首领。你的能力是你神所命定的;神啊,求你坚固你为我们所成全的事”─诗六八26~28。

C. "Bless God in the congregations, / Even Jehovah, O you who are of the fountain of Israel. / There are little Benjamin, who rules them, / And the princes of Judah in their company, / The princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali. / Your God has commanded your strength; / Strengthen, O God, that which You have done for us"—Psa. 68:26-28.

四 在神选民向神的赞美中,描绘出一幅预表的景象,论到神新约的经纶,就是神为着祂的救恩,借着基督完成神的救赎,并用福音美善的话,传布基督之成就的喜信:

D. In the praise rendered to God by His elect, there is portrayed a scenery in typology concerning God's New Testament economy in the accomplishment of God's redemption for His salvation by Christ and in the spreading of the glad tidings of Christ's accomplishment with the beautiful words of the gospel:

1 诗篇六十八篇二十七节提到“小便雅悯”:─引用经文

1. Psalm 68:27 speaks of "little Benjamin":

a 作为苦难之子(便俄尼),便雅悯预表基督在祂的成为肉体和地上的人性生活中,是多受痛苦的人,成就了神永远的救赎,成功祂完满的救恩─创三五18上,赛五三3。

a. As the son of sorrows, Ben-oni, Benjamin typifies Christ, who, as the man of sorrows in His incarnation and human life on earth, accomplished God's eternal redemption for His full salvation—Gen. 35:18a; Isa. 53:3.

b 作为右手之子,便雅悯预表基督在祂的复活、得胜和升天里是神右手之子,在诸天之上尽职,执行神救赎的应用,施行祂的救恩─创三五18下,来一3,五5~10,七25,八2。

b. As the son of the right hand, Benjamin typifies Christ, who, as the Son of the right hand of God in His resurrection, victory, and ascension, ministers in the heavens to carry out the application of God's redemption for His salvation—Gen. 35:18b; Heb. 1:3; 5:5-10; 7:25; 8:2.

2 诗篇六十八篇二十七节提到“犹大的首领”:─引用经文

2. Psalm 68:27 speaks of "the princes of Judah":

a 犹大预表基督是神子民的得胜(有能力和权杖的狮子)和神子民的平安(细罗)─启五5上,创四九8~12。

a. Judah typifies Christ as the victory for God's people (the lion with the power and the scepter) and the peace (Shiloh) to God's people—Rev. 5:5a; Gen. 49:8-12.

b 犹大启示基督的得胜(8~9)、基督的国度(10)以及在基督里的享受和安息(11~12)。─引用经文

b. Judah reveals the victory of Christ (vv. 8-9), the kingdom of Christ (v. 10), and the enjoyment and rest in Christ (vv. 11-12).

c 犹大是君王支派,始终由便雅悯这战士支派陪同着,为着神在地上的国─诗六八27,罗五17。

c. Judah, as the kingly tribe, was accompanied always by Benjamin, as a warrior tribe, for God's kingdom on the earth—Psa. 68:27; Rom. 5:17.

3 诗篇六十八篇二十七节提到“西布伦的首领”:─引用经文

3. Psalm 68:27 speaks of "the princes of Zebulun":

a 西布伦住在海边(加利利),是停船的海口(创四九13),预表基督作为传福音者的“海口”,为着传扬神福音的输送和扩展。─引用经文

a. Dwelling at the shore of the sea (Galilee) and being a shore for ships (Gen. 49:13), Zebulun typifies Christ as the "shore" of the evangelists for the transportation and spreading in the preaching of God's gospel.

b 五旬节那天,至少有一百二十艘福音“船”(他们全是加利利人),从这“海口”出发去扩展福音─徒一8、11,二2~4。

b. On the day of Pentecost, at least one hundred twenty gospel "ships," all of whom were Galileans, set out to spread the gospel—Acts 1:8, 11; 2:2-4.

4 诗篇六十八篇二十七节提到“拿弗他利的首领”:─引用经文

4. Psalm 68:27 speaks of "the princes of Naphtali":

a 拿弗他利预表基督是在复活中从死里得释放的一位,由“被释放的母鹿”所表征(创四九21,诗二二标题,十八33,歌二8~9),祂出嘉美的言语,为着传扬祂的福音(太二八18~20)。─引用经文

a. Naphtali typifies Christ as the One who is released from death in resurrection, signified by the "hind let loose" (Gen. 49:21; Psa. 22, title; 18:33; S. S. 2:8-9), and gives beautiful words for the preaching of His gospel (Matt. 28:18-20).

b 西布伦和拿弗他利的百姓都是加利利人(四12~17,徒一11),基督的福音是从他们得着扩展、传扬并推广。─引用经文

b. People of both Zebulun and Naphtali were men of Galilee (4:12-17; Acts 1:11), from whom the gospel of Christ has been spread, preached, and propagated.

c 按预表,西布伦和拿弗他利形成一组,为着扩展并推广基督为着神的救恩所成就之救赎的喜信。

c. In typology Zebulun and Naphtali form a group for the spreading and the propagating of the glad tidings of Christ's redemption for God's salvation.

拾 诗篇六十八篇启示从殿扩展为神的城:

X. Psalm 68 reveals the spreading from the temple into the city of God:

一 “神啊,求你坚固你为我们所成全的事。因你在耶路撒冷的殿”─神坚固祂为选民所成全的事以后,在神殿中对神之享受的影响就遍及耶路撒冷全城─28节下~29节上,参弗三16~17上,约十六13,启四5,五6。

A. "Strengthen, O God, that which You have done for us. / Because of Your temple at Jerusalem"—following God's strengthening of what He has done for His elect, the influence of the enjoyment of God in His house spreads to the entire city of Jerusalem—vv. 28b-29a; cf. Eph. 3:16-17a; John 16:13; Rev. 4:5; 5:6.

二 神的殿表征地方召会,耶路撒冷城表征国度,就是召会的坚固和保护。

B. The house of God signifies the local church, and the city of Jerusalem signifies the kingdom, the strengthening and safeguard of the church.

拾壹 诗篇六十八篇启示为神得着地:

XI. Psalm 68 reveals the gaining of the earth for God:

一 对神之享受的影响,是要为神得着全地─29节下~31节,太十九28,赛一2~3,亚十四16~17,启二一24。

A. The influence of the enjoyment of God will gain the whole earth for God—vv. 29b-31; Matt. 19:28; Isa. 2:2-3; Zech. 14:16-17; Rev. 21:24.

二 地上的列国受嘱咐要赞美神─诗六八32~34。

B. The kingdoms of the earth are charged to praise God—Psa. 68:32-34.

三 诗人以赞美并颂赞神为结束─35节。

C. The psalmist concludes by praising and blessing God—v. 35.


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