
第十一篇 基督的同伙为着神的权益争战

Partners of Christ Fighting for God's Interest



壹 哥林多前书以旧约以色列人的历史,作新约信徒的预表─十5~11,五7~8,十1~2:

I. First Corinthians takes the history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament as a type of the New Testament believers—10:5-11; 5:7-8; 10:1-2:

一 保罗警戒信徒不要重演以色列人的历史,行恶事得罪神─6~11节。

A. Paul warned the believers not to repeat the history of the children of Israel in doing evil things against God—vv. 6-11.

二 神呼召以色列人的目标,乃是要他们进入应许之地,享受那地的丰富,使他们能建立神的国,并在地上成为神的彰显─出三7~8:

B. The goal of God's calling of the children of Israel was that they would enter into the promised land to enjoy its riches so that they might establish God's kingdom and be God's expression on earth—Exo. 3:7-8:

1 然而,他们虽然都借着逾越节蒙了救赎,脱离了埃及的暴虐,并被带到神的山,接受神居所─帐幕─的启示,但因着他们的恶行和不信,几乎全数倒毙在旷野,无法达到这目标─来三7~19,林前十5、7~10。

1. However, although all Israel was redeemed through the passover, delivered out of the Egyptian tyranny, and brought to the mountain of God to receive the revelation of God's dwelling place, the tabernacle, nearly all fell and died in the wilderness, failing to reach this goal because of their evildoings and unbelief—Heb. 3:7-19; 1 Cor. 10:5, 7-10.

2 唯有迦勒和约书亚达到目标,进入美地─民十四27~30。

2. Only Caleb and Joshua reached the goal and entered into the good land—Num. 14:27-30.

3 这表征我们虽然借着基督蒙了救赎,脱离了撒但的辖制,也被带进神经纶的启示中,我们仍可能无法达到神呼召我们的目标,就是进入我们美地─基督(腓三12~14)─的产业,为着神的国享受祂的丰富,使我们能在今世成为祂的彰显,并在国度时代有分于对基督最完满的享受(太二五21、23)。─引用经文

3. This signifies that although we have been redeemed through Christ, delivered out of Satan's bondage, and brought into the revelation of God's economy, we may yet fail to reach the goal of God's calling, that is, to enter into the possession of our good land, Christ (Phil. 3:12-14), and enjoy His riches for the kingdom of God so that we may be His expression in the present age and participate in the fullest enjoyment of Christ in the kingdom age (Matt. 25:21, 23).

4 这对所有新约的信徒,该是严肃的警告,不要重复以色列人在旷野的失败─林前十6、11:

4. This should be a solemn warning to all New Testament believers about repeating the failure of the children of Israel in the wilderness—1 Cor. 10:6, 11:

a 没有神的怜悯和恩典,我们会和以色列人一样─罗九15~16。

a. Without God's mercy and grace, we would be the same as the children of Israel—Rom. 9:15-16.

b 我们需要读以色列人的历史,就像读我们的历史一样,仔细地注意民数记十三至十四章。

b. We need to read the history of Israel as our history, paying careful attention to Numbers 13 and 14.

贰 所有出埃及的以色列人中,只有约书亚和迦勒二人进入美地─申一34~38,民十三17~十四38:

II. Of all the children of Israel who came out of Egypt, only two, Joshua and Caleb, entered the good land—Deut. 1:34-38; Num. 13:17-14:38:

一 虽然以色列人都是被赎的,但只有两个得胜者,约书亚和迦勒,得着美地为奖赏─书十四6~14,十九49~51。

A. Although all were redeemed, only two overcomers, Joshua and Caleb, received the prize of the good land—Josh. 14:6-14; 19:49-51.

二 按照民数记十三至十四章的记载,百姓有不信的恶心─十三31~33,十四1~3、9、11:

B. According to the record in Numbers 13 and 14, the people had an evil heart of unbelief—13:31-33; 14:1-3, 9, 11:

1 没有一件事比不信更得罪神─来三8~12。

1. Nothing is more offensive to God than unbelief—Heb. 3:8-12.

2 不信实在太恶了,因为侮辱了这位活的、信实并全能的神;我们若不信神,不信祂的作为,不信祂的法则(诗一〇三7),就是侮辱祂。─引用经文

2. Unbelief is evil because it insults the living, faithful, and almighty God; if we do not believe in God, in His work and in His ways (Psa. 103:7), we insult Him.

3 没有一件事比不信更侮辱神,也没有一件事比信祂更尊荣神─约十四1,罗十9~10。

3. Nothing insults God more than our unbelief, and nothing honors Him more than our belief in Him—John 14:1; Rom. 10:9-10.

三 因着百姓不信神,也不信祂的话,甚至向神发怨言(民十四1~4),神就在怒中起誓,他们这一代所有不信的人,连一个也不得进入美地;唯有约书亚和迦勒才能进去(申一34~38)。─引用经文

C. Because the people believed neither in God nor in His word and even murmured against Him (Num. 14:1-4), God swore in His wrath that not one of the unbelieving generation would enter into the good land; only Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter (Deut. 1:34-38).

四 就如十个探子的恶信(民十三31~33)和百姓的怨言(十四1~4)所指明的,以色列人不顾神,只顾自己:─引用经文

D. As indicated by the evil report of the ten spies (Num. 13:31-33) and the murmuring of the people (14:1-4), the children of Israel did not care for God but cared only for themselves:

1 在一切事上,并在每一方面,他们都是为着自己,而不是为着神的权益。

1. In everything and in every way they were for themselves, not for God's interests.

2 因此,他们不信神,并且得罪神到一个地步,使神憎恶他们。

2. Because of this, they did not believe in God, and they offended God to such an extent that they became abhorrent to Him.

3 他们的光景带来神的审判和惩罚。

3. Their situation brought in God's judgment and punishment.

五 约书亚和迦勒以神的话为他们的信─十三30,十四7~9:

E. Joshua and Caleb took the word of God as their faith—13:30; 14:7-9:

1 约书亚和迦勒相信神的话,顺从主,向着目标竭力往前。

1. Joshua and Caleb believed in the word of God, obeyed the Lord, and pressed toward the goal.

2 约书亚和迦勒尊重神,所以神也尊重他们─38节。

2. Joshua and Caleb honored God, and God, in turn, honored them—v. 38.

3 只有神是信心的源头;我们若要有信心,就必须学习顾到神的权益,而不顾自己的利益。

3. God alone is the source of faith; if we would have faith, we must learn to care for God's interests and not for our benefit.

4 在圣经里约书亚和迦勒的榜样,给我们看见什么是相信─民十三30,十四7~9:

4. The example of Joshua and Caleb in the Bible shows us what it is to believe—13:30; 14:7-9:

a 在民数记十三至十四章,得胜的不是约书亚和迦勒,乃是他们所信靠的那一位。

a. Joshua and Caleb were not the ones who overcame in Numbers 13 and 14; it was the One in whom they trusted.

b 神作了一切,他们只是享受神所作的─十四8。

b. God did everything; they simply enjoyed what God did—v. 8.

5 我们该跟从约书亚和迦勒的榜样;他们满有信心─十三30。

5. We should follow the example of Joshua and Caleb; they had hearts full of faith—13:30.

叁 我们需要作今日的迦勒,就是基督这真约书亚的同伙─十四24,书十四6~14,来二10,三15:

III. We need to be today's Calebs, partners of Christ, who is the real Joshua—14:24; Josh. 14:6-14; Heb. 2:10; 3:14:

一 基督是救恩的元帅,乃是真约书亚,带领我们据有那地;我们是今日的迦勒,乃是祂的同伙,和祂一同与仇敌争战,一同得着并据有那地─二10,三15:

A. Christ, the Captain of salvation, is the real Joshua, leading us to take possession of the land, and we, today's Calebs, are His partners, fighting with Him against the enemies and sharing with Him in taking and possessing the land—2:10; 3:14:

1 基督已为神所膏,以执行神的使命;我们是基督的同伙,与祂一同执行神的使命。

1. Christ has been anointed by God to carry out God's commission, and we as His partners share with Him in carrying out God's commission.

2 希伯来三章七至十四节是论到进入美地;这进入美地的预表,就是在约书亚的领导之下进入美地(书一1~6),迦勒在据有美地上,是他的同伙(民三二12,书十四6~8)。─引用经文

2. Hebrews 3:7-14 deals with entering the good land; the type of this entering the good land was the entering of the land under the leadership of Joshua (Josh. 1:1-6), and Caleb was his partner in possessing the good land (Num. 32:12; Josh. 14:6-8).

3 今天基督是真约书亚,我们是祂的迦勒,祂的同伙─来二10,三15。

3. Today Christ is the real Joshua, and we are His Calebs, His partners—Heb. 2:10; 3:14.

4 我们作基督的同伙,正与祂同工并与祂合作,以实现神的愿望,得着祂自己团体的彰显。

4. As Christ's partners, we are working together with Him and cooperating with Him to fulfill God's desire to have a corporate expression of Himself.

二 迦勒有另一个灵,以另一个灵专一跟从主,这灵与所有其他的灵不同─民十四24。

B. Caleb had a different spirit and fully followed the Lord by a different spirit, which was different from all the other spirits—Num. 14:24.

三 我们要决心决意地和主站在一起,就像迦勒那样,专一跟从神─6~9、24节,申一36,书十四14:

C. We must be resolute and determined in our will to stand with the Lord, just as Caleb fully followed God—vv. 6-9, 24; Deut. 1:36; Josh. 14:14:

1 迦勒专一跟从主,因为他知道神要以色列人进入美地─民十四24,申一36,书十四8。

1. Caleb fully followed the Lord because he knew that God wanted the children of Israel to enter into the good land—Num. 14:24; Deut. 1:36; Josh. 14:8.

2 神既要他们进入美地,就必为他们争战并作成一切─民十四7~8。

2. Since God wanted them to enter the good land, He would fight for them and accomplish everything for them—Num. 14:7-8.

3 迦勒知道神要为他们争战,毁灭仇敌。

3. Caleb knew that God would fight on their behalf and destroy the enemies.

四 约书亚和迦勒不惧怕拿非利人或迦南地的居民,反而说,“他们是我们的食物”─9节:

D. Joshua and Caleb did not fear the Nephilim or the inhabitants of the land of Canaan but said, "They are our bread"—v. 9:

1 迦勒相信拿非利人(亚衲人)会被击败并成为他们的食物,因为他知道神已应许将他们带进那地─十三30、33。

1. Caleb believed that the Nephilim (Anakim) would be defeated and become their bread because he knew that God had promised to bring them into the land—13:30, 33.

2 迦勒的经历显示,我们越多吃拿非利人,我们就越刚强;迦勒到八十五岁还是满有活力,因为多年来吸收了许多亚衲人,在他里面就造出一个不衰老的构成─书十四11~14。

2. Caleb's experience demonstrates that the more Nephilim we eat, the stronger we will become; he was full of vitality at eighty-five because by assimilating so many Anakim over the years, he had developed a constitution that showed no trace of age—Josh. 14:10-14.

3 我们与仇敌的争战对于仇敌是失败,但对于我们乃是食物;被打败的仇敌是最好吃的食物─民十四9。

3. Our battle with the enemy will be a defeat to him, but it will be bread for us; the defeated enemy is the most tasteful bread—Num. 14:9.

4 仇敌将是我们的食物,把他吞食下去,我们就必得饱足。

4. The enemy will be our food, and swallowing him will be our satisfaction.

肆 我们作为今日的迦勒为神的权益争战,要紧的就是要看见由美地所预表包罗万有之基督的异象,并且要征服撒但的混乱,而在神圣的经纶中得胜─申八7~10,弗一10,罗十六20:

IV. As today's Calebs fighting for God's interest, it is crucial for us to see a vision of the all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land and to conquer the satanic chaos and triumph in the divine economy—Deut. 8:7-10; Eph. 1:10; Rom. 16:20:

一 美地,也就是迦南地,乃是包罗万有之基督的预表;这位基督是一切,又在一切之内,祂对我们乃是一切─申八7~10:

A. The good land, the land of Canaan, is a type of the all-inclusive Christ, the Christ who is all and in all and who is everything to us—Deut. 8:7-10:

1 美地供应以色列人所需要的一切:水、小麦、大麦、葡萄树、无花果树、石榴树、橄榄树、动物、奶、蜜、石头、铁、铜。

1. The good land provided whatever the children of Israel needed: water, wheat, barley, vines, fig trees, pomegranates, olive trees, animals, milk, honey, stones, iron, copper.

2 美地的确预表包罗万有的基督,三一神的具体化身,赐给我们作我们的基业─徒二六18,西一12。

2. The good land surely is a type of the all-inclusive Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God given to us as our inheritance—Acts 26:18; Col. 1:12.

二 我们要据有美地,就需要从事属灵的争战,征服撒但的混乱,而在神圣的经纶中得胜─弗一10,六10~12,罗十六20:

B. In order to possess the good land, we need to engage in spiritual warfare to conquer the satanic chaos and triumph in the divine economy—Eph. 1:10; 6:10-12; Rom. 16:20:

1 宇宙的历史乃是神的经纶与撒但的混乱的历史─创一1~2、26,启二十10~二一4:

1. The history of the universe is a history of God's economy and Satan's chaos—Gen. 1:1-2, 26; Rev. 20:10-21:4:

a 撒但是混乱的源头,而神自己就是神圣的经纶。

a. Satan is the source of chaos, and God Himself is the divine economy.

b 在圣经里,并在我们的经历中,撒但的混乱总是与神圣的经纶并行─林后四6,提前一4。

b. Both in the Bible and in our experience, the satanic chaos always goes along with the divine economy—2 Cor. 4:6; 1 Tim. 1:4.

2 神不是拯救我们脱离混乱,乃是要我们与祂是一,征服撒但毁坏的混乱,并完成神圣建造的经纶─弗三8~10,林后五17。

2. Instead of delivering us from chaos, God wants us to be one with Him to conquer the destructive satanic chaos and to carry out the constructive divine economy—Eph. 3:8-10; 2 Cor. 5:17.

3 当我们遭受混乱,我们需要为神圣的经纶站住,且活出神圣的经纶─提前一4、18,提后四7。

3. As we are suffering the chaos, we need to stand for and live out the divine economy—1 Tim. 1:4, 18; 2 Tim. 4:7.

4 得胜者征服撒但的混乱,而在神圣的经纶中得胜─提前一3~4、19~20,四1~2,多三10,提后四7~8:

4. The overcomers conquer the satanic chaos and triumph in the divine economy—1 Tim. 1:3-4, 19-20; 4:1-2; Titus 3:10; 2 Tim. 4:7-8:

a 得胜者遭受混乱,却不失望也不沮丧,反而得加强,能够照着真理为神圣的经纶站住,且活出神圣的经纶─弗三16,六10~12。

a. The overcomers suffer the chaos, but instead of being disappointed or discouraged, they are strengthened and enabled to stand for and live out the divine economy according to the truth—Eph. 3:16; 6:10-12.

b 我们征服混乱,乃是借着经过过程并终极完成之三一神作全足的恩典─林前十五10,林后十二9,提后四22。

b. We conquer the chaos by the processed and consummated Triune God as the all-sufficient grace—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 12:9; 2 Tim. 4:22.


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