
第九篇 点灯

Lighting the Lamps



壹 在民数记八章,会幕的许多细节没有提到,神却专特地指示亚伦要整理灯台的灯─1~4节:

I. Although many details regarding the Tent of Meeting were omitted in Numbers 8, God specifically instructed Aaron to light the lamps of the lampstand—vv. 1-4:

一 在民数记七章,以色列十二支派奉献,并神说话之后,神告诉摩西要点灯;八章一至二节说,“耶和华对摩西说,……你放上灯盏的时候,七盏灯都要向灯台前面发光”:

A. After the offering of the twelve tribes of Israel and the speaking of God in Numbers 7, God instructed Moses to light the lamps; Numbers 8:1-2 says, "Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, … When you set up the lamps, the seven lamps will give light in front of the lampstand":

1 七盏灯表征七灵(启四5),向灯台前面发光,朝着帐幕的中间照耀;因此,灯的照耀是在正确的方向,以便事奉并行动;从这里起,神的百姓能开始对祂有属灵的事奉。─引用经文

1. The seven lamps, signifying the seven Spirits (Rev. 4:5), gave light in front of the lampstand, shining toward the middle of the tabernacle; thus, the shining of the lamps was in the right direction for serving and moving; at this point God's people could begin to render their spiritual service to Him.

2 点灯专一的用意乃是为着奉献、争战和行动;奉献、争战和行动都需要光。

2. The unique purpose of lighting the lamps was for offering, fighting, and moving; offering, fighting, and moving all require light.

二 以色列人若没有光的照耀,就无法行动,更无法为神争战;所以,当他们一有所奉献给神(如民数记七章所见的),立刻就点灯,好让光照耀。

B. Without the shining of the light, the children of Israel could not move, much less fight for God; therefore, as soon as they consecrated something to God as seen in Numbers 7, they immediately lit the lamps in order for the light to shine.

三 当神的子民有所奉献给神,神就能在他们中间照亮,他们就有了光;神的子民要成为神的军队,必须先有光,才能争战、行路并事奉─参罗十三12、14。

C. If God's people consecrate something to God, He will shine among them, and they will have light; in order for God's people to become His army, they must have light in order to fight, walk, and serve—cf. Rom. 13:12, 14.

贰 灯台的光是根据祭司事奉的强弱:

II. The light of the lampstand is based on the strength of the priests' service:

一 在撒母耳记上,神的灯就要灭了,因为祭司以利软弱堕落了─三3。

A. In 1 Samuel the lamp of God was about to go out because Eli the priest was weak and degraded—3:3.

二 地方召会的光不可能明亮,除非我们尽祭司的职分,来烧香点灯─出二五37,二七20~21,三十7~8,徒六4,林前十四24~25。

B. The light in a local church cannot be bright unless we fulfill our priestly duty to burn the incense and light the lamps—Exo. 25:37; 27:20-21; 30:7-8; Acts 6:4; 1 Cor. 14:24-25.

三 民数记七章结束于神在会幕里说话,八章开始于神继续的说话,说到点灯,使灯发光─七89~八3:

C. Numbers 7 ends with God speaking in the Tent of Meeting, and chapter 8 begins with God's continued speaking concerning the lighting of the lamps for light—7:89—8:3:

1 这顺序指明每当神的话语来了,神的子民就得着光;因此,在祭司以利的时代,耶和华的言语稀少,圣所里的灯快要熄灭─撒上三1~3,参诗一一九105、130。

1. This sequence indicates that whenever God's word comes, His people receive light; thus, during the age of Eli the priest, when the word of Jehovah was rare, the lamps in the Holy Place were about to go out—1 Sam. 3:1-3; cf. Psa. 119:105, 130.

2 召会中有神的说话时,神子民中间的光才明亮的照耀;事奉的祭司借着灯台的光,就能事奉并行动─参玛二7。

2. Only when there is God's speaking in the church can light shine brightly among God's people; the ministering priests were able to minister and move because of the light of the lampstand—cf. Mal. 2:7.

3 不仅如此,七盏灯的光都朝同一方向照亮,表征各人在基督身体里的职事虽有不同,但方向一致,他们的职事乃是一个职事─西四17,提后四5,徒二十24。

3. Moreover, the seven lamps giving light in the same direction signifies that even though each person has a distinct ministry in the Body, their direction is the same and their ministries are still one ministry—Col. 4:17; 2 Tim. 4:5; Acts 20:24.

4 譬如,保罗有保罗的职事,彼得有彼得的职事,约翰有约翰的职事,但他们的方向都是向着基督;他们一同为基督作见证;他们的光是从基督照耀出来,也是向着基督照耀;因此,他们的职事乃是一。

4. For example, Paul had his ministry, Peter had his ministry, and John had his ministry; nevertheless, their direction was toward Christ; they testified for Christ together; their light shone out from Christ and shone toward Christ; hence, their ministries were one.

叁 “你要吩咐以色列人,把捣成的纯橄榄油拿来给你,为点灯用,使灯常常点着。在会幕中见证柜前的幔外,亚伦和他的子孙,从晚上到早晨,要在耶和华面前整理这灯。这要作以色列人世世代代永远的定例”─出二七20~21:

III. "You shall command the children of Israel to bring to you pure oil of beaten olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually. In the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil which is before the Testimony, Aaron and his sons shall maintain it in order from evening to morning before Jehovah; it shall be a perpetual statute to be observed throughout their generations by the children of Israel"—Exo. 27:20-21:

一 橄榄树表征基督(参罗十一17、24),捣成的橄榄油表征基督的灵,借着基督经过成为肉体、人性生活、钉十字架和复活的过程产生出来─参约一14,林前十五45下。

A. The olive tree signifies Christ (cf. Rom. 11:17, 24), and the oil of beaten olives signifies the Spirit of Christ produced through Christ's process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection—cf. John 1:14; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

二 使灯常常点着,直译,使灯(光)上升:

B. To make the lamps burn continually means literally "to cause the light of a lamp to ascend":

1 那表征基督作三一神具体化身的灯台,是用纯金作成(出二五31),但焚烧发光的灯芯是用植物的生命作成;灯芯要燃烧发出光来,就必须被油浸透。─引用经文

1. The lampstand, signifying Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God, was made of pure gold (Exo. 25:31), but the wicks that burned to give off the light were of the plant life; in order to burn so that light would shine, the wicks had to be saturated with oil.

2 灯芯表征基督拔高的人性,因神圣的油而焚烧,照出神圣的光。

2. The wicks signify the uplifted humanity of Christ, which burns with the divine oil to shine out the divine light.

三 帐幕作为会幕,就是神与祂的赎民相会,并向他们说话的地方(利一1),乃是预表召会的聚会:─引用经文

C. The tabernacle as the Tent of Meeting, the place where God met with His redeemed people and spoke to them (Lev. 1:1), typifies the meeting of the church:

1 因此,按预表,点灯是指正确的聚会方式;在召会聚会中所作的每件事,无论是祷告、唱诗、赞美或申言,都该使灯照耀;这就是在神的圣所里点灯,好使亮光把黑暗吞灭─参约一5,腓二15~16上,弗五8~9。

1. Thus, in typology the lighting of the lamps points to the proper way to meet; everything done in the church meetings, whether praying, singing, praising, or prophesying, should cause the lamps to shine; this is to light the lamps in God's sanctuary so that the light may swallow up the darkness—cf. John 1:5; Phil. 2:15-16a; Eph. 5:8-9.

2 在见证前(出二七21,原文无“柜”字),意即在幔子后约柜里的律法前:─引用经文

2. Before the Testimony means before the law in the Ark, which was behind the veil:

a 神子民的聚会大部分是在圣所里,不是在至圣所里;然而,我们在圣所里聚会,乃是期望进入至圣所。

a. For the most part, the meeting of God's people is in the Holy Place, not in the Holy of Holies; however, we meet in the Holy Place with the expectation of entering the Holy of Holies.

b 灯光使我们能看见基督不同的方面(由圣所里的各项器物所表征),也看见通往至圣所,就是进入在神里面之基督深处的路─参林前二9~10。

b. The light from the lamps enables us to see the different aspects of Christ, signified by the items of furniture in the Holy Place, and also the way leading into the Holy of Holies, into the depths of Christ within God—cf. 1 Cor. 2:9-10.

四 点灯的圣职,是圣别之人(祭司)的事奉,不是平常人的事奉:

D. The holy task of lighting the lamps was a service of holy persons, the priests, not of the common people:

1 按照整本圣经,祭司是被神据有、被神充满、被神浸透、且绝对为神而活的人;不仅如此,祭司必须穿祭司的衣服(出二八2),这衣服表征祭司体系所活出的基督。─引用经文

1. According to the entire Bible, a priest is one who is possessed by God, filled with God, saturated with God, and living absolutely for God; furthermore, a priest had to be clothed with priestly garments (Exo. 28:2), which signify Christ lived out of the priesthood.

2 在圣所里点灯,需要这种人的事奉─参彼前二5、9,启一6。

2. The lighting of the lamps in the Holy Place requires the service of this kind of person—cf. 1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6.

五 圣所里的光不是天然的光,也不是人造的光,乃是从金灯台,就是从基督神圣性情而来的光。

E. The light in the Holy Place was not a natural light or a manmade light; it was a light that came from the golden lampstand, that is, from the divine nature of Christ.

六 我们要在召会聚会中经历真正的点灯,就必须有基督这三一神的具体化身作灯台,有神圣的性情作金,有基督拔高的人性作灯芯,且有基督的灵带着基督所经过之过程的一切步骤作油,我们也必须是圣别的人作祭司,穿着基督的彰显为祭司的衣服。

F. To experience the genuine lighting of the lamps in the church meetings, we must have Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, as the lampstand, the divine nature as the gold, the uplifted humanity of Christ as the wick, and the Spirit of Christ as the oil with all the steps of Christ's process, and we must be holy people as the priests, clothed with the expression of Christ as the priestly garments.

七 从晚上到早晨,祭司要在耶和华面前整理这灯:

G. The priests were to maintain the lamps from evening to morning before Jehovah:

1 在出埃及记二十七章二十一节里没有说到白天;现今的世代是黑夜,不是白昼。─引用经文

1. Nothing is said in Exodus 27:21 about the day; the present age is the night, not the day.

2 因此,在这黑夜的世代,我们需要灯光照耀,直等到天发亮─参罗十三12,彼后一19。

2. Hence, we need the light to shine during this age of night until the day dawns—cf. Rom. 13:12; 2 Pet. 1:19.

肆 金灯台的七灯就是神宝座前的七灵,就是七盏火灯在神宝座前点着─启一4,四5:

IV. The seven lamps of the golden lampstand are the seven Spirits before God's throne, the seven lamps of fire burning before God's throne—Rev. 1:4; 4:5:

一 在宇宙中,神有一行政中心,神的行政中心就是祂的宝座。

A. In the universe God has a center of administration, which is His throne.

二 神从祂的宝座管理并行动,以执行祂永远的政策。

B. God is administering and moving from His throne to execute His eternal policy.

三 神宝座前点着的七盏火灯,表明这七盏灯对于神的行政、经纶和行动,有绝对的关系。

C. The seven lamps of fire burning before God's throne signifies that the seven lamps are absolutely related to God's administration, economy, and move.

伍 我们要认识神的行政和经纶,就必须有金灯台七盏照耀并照明之灯的光:

V. To know God's administration and economy we must have the light of the golden lampstand from the seven shining and illuminating lamps:

一 天然的光不能帮助我们认识神的经纶、行政和永远的定旨─二一23、25,二二5上。

A. Natural light cannot help us to know God's economy, administration, and eternal purpose—21:23, 25; 22:5a.

二 灯台的光就是那预表召会之圣所的光。

B. The light of the lampstand is the light in the Holy Place, which typifies the church.

三 我们一进到召会的范围内,就马上清楚,我们就懂得神永远的定旨、神的心意和神的经纶,我们也懂得应该在哪一条路上走前头的路程,以达到神的目标。

C. Once we enter into the realm of the church, we are enlightened to know God's eternal purpose, His heart's intention, and His economy, and we also know which path we should take for the journey before us toward God's goal.

四 在神的圣所里(在我们的灵里并在召会中),我们得着神圣的启示,并得着一切问题的说明─诗七三16~17。

D. In God's sanctuary (in our spirit and in the church) we receive divine revelation and obtain the explanation to all our problems—Psa. 73:16-17.

陆 按照启示录四章,七盏点着的火灯着重在神行政的行动:

VI. According to Revelation 4, the emphasis with the seven burning lamps of fire is on the move of God's administration:

一 基督是地上君王的元首,凭着宝座前焚烧的七灵来执行祂的使命,主宰的支配世界局势,使环境适合神所拣选的人接受祂的救恩─徒五31,参十七26~27,约十七2,代下十六9。

A. Christ carries out His mission as the Ruler of the kings of the earth by the seven burning Spirits before the throne to sovereignly control the world situation so that the environment might be fit for God's chosen people to receive His salvation—Acts 5:31; cf. 17:26-27; John 17:2; 2 Chron. 16:9.

二 焚烧之七灵的火焰审判、洁净并炼净召会,要产生金灯台。

B. The flame of the seven burning Spirits judges, purifies, and refines the church to produce the golden lampstands.

三 七盏火灯的焚烧,不仅是为着照耀并焚烧,也是为着推动我们起来采取行动,以完成神的经纶─但十一32下。

C. The burning of the fiery lamps is not only for shining and burning but also for motivating us to rise up and take action for the carrying out of God's economy—Dan. 11:32b.


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