
第六篇 民数记中所启示的神圣三一

The Divine Trinity as Revealed in Numbers



壹 三一神主要的是指神自己这神圣的人位;神圣的三一主要的是指神是三一的,这是神格主要的属性─太二八19,启一4~5。

I. The Triune God refers mainly to God Himself, the divine person; the Divine Trinity refers mainly to God's being triune, which is the primary attribute of the Godhead—Matt. 28:19; Rev. 1:4-5.

贰 整体说来,圣经是由神圣的三一构成的─创一26,出三14~15,民六24~26,赛六8,太二八19,林后十三14,弗三14~17,启一4~5。

II. As a whole, the Bible is constructed with the Divine Trinity—Gen. 1:26; Exo. 3:14-15; Num. 6:24-26; Isa. 6:8; Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:14-17; Rev. 1:4-5.

叁 我们花时间和精力,带着祷告的灵,操练我们的全人,对圣言中所启示的神圣三一作一次透彻、详尽的研读,是非常值得的─太二八19,启一4~5。

III. It is altogether worthwhile for us to spend our time and energy, with a spirit of prayer, to exercise our entire being to conduct a thorough and exhaustive study of the Divine Trinity as revealed in the holy Word—Matt. 28:19; Rev. 1:4-5.

肆 圣经包含许多明确的教训,然而,圣经没有任何直接论及神圣三一的教训或道理:

IV. Although the Bible contains many explicit teachings, the Scriptures do not contain any direct teaching or doctrine concerning the Divine Trinity:

一 反之,圣经从始至终,只在许多神圣、属灵事实的描述中指明神圣的三一─弗三4~17,四3~6。

A. Instead, the Divine Trinity is only indicated throughout the Scriptures in many narrations of divine and spiritual facts—Eph. 3:14-17; 4:3-6.

二 圣经没有关于神圣三一的道理,这强烈地指明,神圣的三一是为使神将祂自己作到我们里面,使我们可以有分于、经历并享受祂;这在马太二十八章十九节和林后十三章十四节完全得着证明。─引用经文

B. The fact that the Bible contains no doctrines concerning the Divine Trinity indicates strongly that the Divine Trinity is for God to work Himself into us so that we may partake of, experience, and enjoy Him; this is fully proved by Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:14.

三 在圣经中,每一次直接或间接提及、指明或暗示神圣的三一,都是为使我们有分于三一神─约十四19~20、23,弗四3~6,启一4~5。

C. Every direct or indirect mention, indication, or implication of the Divine Trinity in the Bible is for our participation in the Triune God—John 14:19-20, 23; Eph. 4:3-6; Rev. 1:4-5.

四 每当我们研读圣经中任何一处说到神圣的三一,我们不该满意于找到道理的教训,而该领悟这一处乃是为使我们认识如何有分于、享受并经历三一神─弗一3~7、13~14。

D. Whenever we study a portion of the Word regarding the Divine Trinity, we should not be content to look for doctrinal teaching but should realize that this portion is for us to know how to participate in, enjoy, and experience the Triune God—Eph. 1:3-7, 13-14.

伍 按照整本圣经的启示,神圣的三一乃是为着神的分赐─林后十三14:

V. According to the entire revelation of the Bible, the Divine Trinity is for God's dispensing—2 Cor. 13:14:

一 将神圣的分赐归之于神圣的三一,比归之于三一神更为正确。

A. It is more accurate to refer to the dispensing of the Divine Trinity rather than to that of the Triune God.

二 神的愿望和祂强烈的心意,乃是要将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面,作他们的生命、生命的供应和一切─罗八2、10~11。

B. God's desire with His strong intention is to dispense Himself into His chosen people as their life, their life supply, and their everything—Rom. 8:2, 10-11.

三 没有神圣的三一,神就无法完成祂神圣的分赐─弗三14~17。

C. Without the Divine Trinity God would have no way to carry out His divine dispensing—Eph. 3:14-17.

四 新约启示,神圣三一的三者都在我们里面─弗四6,约十四20、23,罗八10~11,林后十三5,西一27,腓二13。

D. The New Testament reveals that all three of the Divine Trinity are in us—Eph. 4:6; John 14:20, 23; Rom. 8:10-11; 2 Cor. 13:5; Col. 1:27; Phil. 2:13.

陆 神圣的三一是我们基督徒生活的模型─太二八19,帖前五23:

VI. The Divine Trinity is the model of our Christian life—Matt. 28:19; 1 Thes. 5:23:

一 由于我们里面的争战,我们需要学习与神圣的三一合作─林后十三14:

A. Because of the warfare within us, we need to learn to cooperate with the Divine Trinity—2 Cor. 13:14:

1 在神圣三一的三者之间,是和谐一致的。

1. Among the three of the Divine Trinity there is harmony.

2 父乐于高举子,子愿意服从父,灵为子作见证─太三17,十七5,十二28,腓二5~11,约十六13~15。

2. The Father is pleased to exalt the Son, the Son is willing to subject Himself to the Father, and the Spirit testifies concerning the Son—Matt. 3:17; 17:5; 12:28; Phil. 2:5-11; John 16:13-15.

二 我们这人的三部分,需要与内住的神圣三一合作─十四16~20、23。

B. With our tripartite being we need to cooperate with the indwelling Divine Trinity—14:16-20, 23.

三 至终,我们的全人─灵、魂、体─要荣耀神圣的三一;我们与内住的神圣三一合作,会带进祂的得荣、祂的彰显和祂的显明─帖前五23,帖后一10、12。

C. Eventually, our entire being—spirit, soul, and body—will glorify the Divine Trinity; our cooperation with the indwelling Divine Trinity will result in His glorification, His expression, and His manifestation—1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Thes. 1:10, 12.

四 基督徒的生活乃是我们与神圣三一调和的生活─林后十三14,弗三14~17,四4~6:

D. The Christian life is a life of our being mingled with the Divine Trinity—2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:14-17; 4:4-6:

1 在我们的基督徒生活里,神用四种凭借使我们与神圣的三一调和:神圣的生命(约三15)、十字架(西一20)、那灵(罗八11)与话(耶十五16,约六63)。─引用经文

1. In our Christian life, God uses four instruments to mingle us with the Divine Trinity: the divine life (John 3:15), the cross (Col. 1:20), the Spirit (Rom. 8:11), and the Word (Jer. 15:16; John 6:63).

2 我们必须一直在神圣的生命里,借着十字架,并借着话,与那灵有交通─林后十三14,罗八11,西三16。

2. We should always have fellowship with the Spirit in the divine life through the cross and through the Word—2 Cor. 13:14; Rom. 8:11; Col. 3:16.

柒 表面看来,民数记这卷书是记载神子民的数点,以及他们在旷野的行程;事实上,这记载是以神圣的三一作结构─民一1,六13~16,七1、11~17,九15~18、21,二十6~8:

VII. Apparently, the book of Numbers is a record of the numbering of God's people and their journey in the wilderness; actually, such a record is structured with the Divine Trinity—Num. 1:1; 6:13-16; 7:1, 11-17; 9:15-18, 21; 20:6-8:

一 没有神圣的三一,民数记的记载是空洞的;民数记的记载,其内在的实际乃是神圣的三一。

A. Without the Divine Trinity, the record in Numbers would be empty; the intrinsic reality of the record in Numbers is the Divine Trinity.

二 在民数记一章我们看见三一神成为肉体:

B. In chapter 1 of Numbers we see the incarnation of the Triune God:

1 我们若要在民数记一章看见三一神成为肉体,就需要来看帐幕同约柜的事:

1. In order to see the incarnation of the Triune God in Numbers 1, we need to consider the matter of the tabernacle with the Ark:

a 在帐幕里有约柜,在约柜里有律法;律法称为“见证”─十七4、10。

a. Within the tabernacle was the Ark, and within the Ark was the law, which was called "the Testimony"—17:4, 10.

b 律法是神的见证,因为律法见证神,给我们看见神。

b. The law is a testimony of God because it testifies, shows us, God.

c 虽然事实上神是中心,但我们所有的不仅仅是在祂自己里面的神,而是在皂荚木包金所作成之约柜里面的神;这约柜是木与金这两个元素的一个实体,预表那在人性里带着神性的基督。

c. Although God is actually the center, we do not have God merely in Himself but God in an Ark made of acacia wood overlaid with gold; the Ark, being one entity of two elements, wood and gold, typifies Christ in His humanity with His divinity.

2 在帐幕同约柜这幅图画里,我们看见三一神成为肉体来作人,生活在人中间。

2. In the picture of the tabernacle with the Ark, we see the Triune God incarnated to be a man living among men.

3 帐幕里竖板的数目─四十八─是很有意义的:

3. The number of the boards in the tabernacle—forty-eight—is significant:

a 四十八这数字是由六乘八组成的,表征在复活(八)里的人(六)。

a. Forty-eight is composed of six multiplied by eight, which signifies man (six) in resurrection (eight).

b 四十八也是由十二乘四组成的,表征在受造之物(四)里的三一神(包含于三乘四所组成的十二这数字)。

b. Forty-eight is also composed of twelve multiplied by four, which signifies the Triune God (contained in the number twelve, composed of three multiplied by four) in His creature (four).

c 这幅图画表明三一神成为肉体来作人,生活在人中间;这里我们看见三一神、人以及三一神居住在人中间。

c. In this picture we see the Triune God, we see man, and we see the Triune God dwelling among men.

4 从帐幕同约柜这幅图画,我们看见神不再仅仅在诸天之上;神也在地上,在一个是神具体化身的人─耶稣基督─里─西二9。

4. From this picture of the tabernacle with the Ark, we see that God is no longer only in the heavens; He is also on earth, in a man who is His embodiment—Jesus Christ—Col. 2:9.

5 三一神成为肉体,具体化身成为人,已经得着扩展、扩增并扩大;基督在祂的扩展和扩大里成了帐幕,神的居所─约一1、14:

5. The Triune God incarnated to be embodied as a man has been expanded, increased, and enlarged; in His expansion and enlargement, Christ became the tabernacle, God's dwelling place—John 1:1, 14:

a 当神只在基督里时,没有人能进入祂里面;若没有基督的扩展,没有人能进入神里面。

a. When God was in Christ only, no one could enter into Him; without Christ's expansion no one could enter into God.

b 如今基督已经扩展成为帐幕,祂不仅是神的居所,也是我们能进入神里面的地方。

b. Now, in His expansion into a tabernacle, Christ is not only God's dwelling place but also the place where we can enter into God.

c 今天我们能进入神里面,以基督为我们的生命,使祂成为我们生活的意义─十一25,十四6,约壹五11~12。

c. Today we can enter into God, taking Christ as our life that He may be the meaning of our life—11:25; 14:6; 1 John 5:11-12.

d 祂既是我们的生命(西三4),成为我们生活的意义,祂就是我们的见证;我们在每一方面活祂,彰显祂,表明祂,祂自然而然就成为我们的中心。─引用经文

d. As He is our life (Col. 3:4) to be the meaning of our life, He is our testimony; we live Him, express Him, and show Him in every aspect, and spontaneously He becomes our center.

6 基督,三一神的具体化身,已经扩大成为神所居住并我们所进入的居所─约一14。

6. Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, has been enlarged into a habitation in which God dwells and into which we enter—John 1:14.

7 神得着一个居所,我们也得着一个地方,在此我们能进入神里面,与神相会,并与神调和─十四20,十五4~5,林前六17。

7. God has a dwelling place, and we have a place where we can enter into God, meet with God, and be mingled with God—14:20; 15:4-5; 1 Cor. 6:17.

三 神圣的三一启示于拿细耳人的分别─民六13~16:

C. The Divine Trinity is revealed in the separation of the Nazarite—Num. 6:13-16:

1 神圣的三一与拿细耳人被分别出来有关,由祭物─燔祭、赎罪祭、平安祭和素祭─所指明─11~12、14~17节。

1. The fact that the Divine Trinity was involved with the separation of the Nazarite is indicated by the offerings—the burnt offering, the sin offering, the peace offering, and the meal offering—vv. 11-12, 14-17.

2 拿细耳人要被领到会幕门口─13节:

2. The Nazarite was brought to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting—v. 13:

a 会幕指基督作神的居所,以及神子民聚集的地方。

a. The Tent of Meeting refers to Christ as the dwelling place of God and the meeting place of His people.

b 作为会幕的基督是我们享受神圣三一的立场和范围。

b. As the Tent of Meeting, Christ is the ground and the sphere for our enjoyment of the Divine Trinity.

3 “耶和华”这个神圣称谓指明神与人的关系,也指明三一─出三14。

3. The divine title Jehovah denotes God's relationship with man, and it denotes the Trinity—Exo. 3:14.

4 拿细耳人被分别出来,好叫他在预表里有分于神圣三一的神圣分赐。

4. The separation of the Nazarite was so that he might participate in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity in type.

四 神圣的三一启示于帐幕和祭物的功用─民七1、11~17:

D. The Divine Trinity is revealed in the function of the tabernacle and the offerings—Num. 7:1, 11-17:

1 帐幕和坛,开始发挥功用,完全牵连着神圣的三一。

1. The beginning of the function of the tabernacle and the altar involved the Divine Trinity.

2 帐幕和坛发挥功用,开始于民数记七章为坛行奉献之礼所献的供物。

2. The function of the tabernacle and the offerings began in Numbers 7 with the offerings for the dedication of the altar.

3 这奉献之礼是为着帐幕连同其一切的物件,并为着坛连同其一切的器具,使其借着神圣三一的分赐发挥功用(1),好叫神的赎民可以享受神圣三一的丰富。─引用经文

3. This dedication was for the tabernacle with all its furnishings and the altar with all its utensils to be put into function through the dispensing of the Divine Trinity (v. 1) so that God's redeemed people could enjoy the riches of the Divine Trinity.

五 神圣的三一启示于遮盖帐幕的云和火─九15~18、21:

E. The Divine Trinity is revealed in the cloud and the fire covering the tabernacle—9:15-18, 21:

1 云彩和火遮盖帐幕,指明神圣的三一是为着神子民的停留或前行,使他们能随时且一路享受神圣三一的丰富。

1. The cloud and the fire covering the tabernacle indicates that the Divine Trinity is for God's people to stay or to journey so that they may enjoy the riches of the Divine Trinity all the time and all the way.

2 他们或停留或前行,神总是作为神圣的三一与他们同在。

2. When they remained and when they journeyed, God's presence was with them as the Divine Trinity.

六 神圣的三一启示于被击打的磐石─二十6~8:

F. The Divine Trinity is revealed in the smitten rock—20:6-8:

1 磐石预表钉十字架的基督,随着神的子民(林前十4),水预表生命的灵(约七38~39,启二二1~2)。─引用经文

1. The rock typifies the crucified Christ following God's people (1 Cor. 10:4), and the water typifies the Spirit of life (John 7:38-39; Rev. 22:1-2).

2 民数记二十章里被击打的磐石给我们看见,神圣的三一在神子民的行程里随行,解他们的干渴,使他们享受神圣生命的丰富─约壹五11~12。

2. The smitten rock in Numbers 20 shows that the Divine Trinity follows God's people on their journey to quench their thirst so that they may enjoy the riches of the divine life—1 John 5:11-12.


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