
第四篇 主对作祂妻子之召会的妒忌

The Lord's Jealousy over the Church as His Wife



壹 我们若进入圣经深处的思想,就会领悟,在最纯洁、最圣别的意义上,圣经乃是一部罗曼史─林后十一2,启十九7~9:

I. If we enter into the deep thought of the Bible, we will realize that the Bible is a romance, in a most pure and holy sense—2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7-9:

一 这对配偶的男方是神自己,祂渴望成为这对宇宙配偶的男方─赛五四5~6,六二5,耶三14,三一32。

A. The male in this couple is God Himself, who desires to be the male of this universal couple—Isa. 54:5-6; 62:5; Jer. 3:14; 31:32.

二 这对配偶的女方是神所拣选并救赎的团体人,包括旧约和新约的圣徒─启十九7~9,二一9~10,二二17。

B. The female of this couple is a corporate chosen and redeemed people, including all the saints of the Old Testament and the New Testament—Rev. 19:7-9; 21:9-10; 22:17.

三 历世纪以来,神与人有一个罗曼史;因此,圣经记载神如何追求祂所拣选的人,至终与他们成为婚配─创二21~24,歌一2~4,赛五四5,六二5,耶二2,三1、14,三一32,结十六8,二三5,何二7、19,太九15,约三29,林后十一2,弗五25~32,启十九7,二一2、9~10,二二17:

C. Throughout the centuries God has had a romance with man; thus, the Bible is a record of how God courts His chosen people and eventually marries them—Gen. 2:21-24; S. S. 1:2-4; Isa. 54:5; 62:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:1, 14; 31:32; Ezek. 16:8; 23:5; Hosea 2:7, 19; Matt. 9:15; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:25-32; Rev. 19:7; 21:2, 9-10; 22:17:

1 在这联结里,神是祂子民的生命,他们是祂的彰显;这样,神就与祂拣选的人成为宇宙的夫妇─17节:

1. In this union God is His people's life, and they are His expression; in this way God and His chosen people become a universal couple—v. 17:

a 当我们这些神的子民进入与神相爱的关系,我们就接受祂的生命,正如夏娃接受了亚当的生命一样─创二21~22。

a. When we as God's people enter into a love relationship with God, we receive His life, just as Eve received the life of Adam—Gen. 2:21-22.

b 乃是这个生命使我们与神成为一,祂也与我们成为一─约三3、5~6、15~16、29~30。

b. It is this life that enables us to become one with God and makes Him one with us—John 3:3, 5-6, 15-16, 29-30.

2 我们乃是借着爱这位作我们丈夫的主,因而有分于祂的生命与性情,与祂成为一,作祂的配偶、扩大和彰显─林后十一2,彼后一4,约三15~16、29~30。

2. By loving the Lord as our Husband and thereby partaking of His life and nature, we become one with Him as His counterpart, enlargement, and expression—2 Cor. 11:2; 2 Pet. 1:4; John 3:15-16, 29-30.

四 神拣选以色列作祂的配偶;按预表,旧约里的一些女子启示召会是基督的配偶─何二19~20,耶二2,三一3,结十六8,创二四67,四一45,得四13,撒上二五40~42,歌六13:

D. God chose Israel to be His spouse; in typology certain women in the Old Testament reveal that the church is the counterpart of Christ—Hosea 2:19-20; Jer. 2:2; 31:3; Ezek. 16:8; Gen. 24:67; 41:45; Ruth 4:13; 1 Sam. 25:40-42; S. S. 6:13:

1 召会作基督的配偶,是由夏娃作亚当的配偶所预表;夏娃出于亚当,预表召会出于基督,有基督的生命与性情─创二21~24,弗五23~32。

1. The church as the counterpart of Christ is typified by Eve as the counterpart of Adam; Eve's coming out of Adam typifies that the church comes out of Christ and has the life and nature of Christ—Gen. 2:21-24; Eph. 5:23-32.

2 利百加预表召会作基督的配偶,是从世界里拣选出来的─创二四67。

2. Rebekah typifies the church as the counterpart of Christ being chosen from the world—Gen. 24:67.

3 路得预表召会作基督的配偶,是蒙救赎的─得四13。

3. Ruth typifies the church as the counterpart of Christ being redeemed—Ruth 4:13.

五 雅歌描绘这神圣的罗曼史─一2~4:

E. The divine romance is portrayed in the Song of Songs—1:2-4:

1 这卷书是以诗意的写法,奇妙生动地描绘新郎基督和爱祂的新妇,在祂神圣属性与爱祂者之人性美德的调和中,相互享受的新婚之爱─15~16节,四7、10~15,五1~2,六4、10。

1. This book is a marvelous and vivid portrait, in poetic form, of the bridal love between Christ as the Bridegroom and His lovers as His bride in their mutual enjoyment in the mingling of His divine attributes with the human virtues of His lovers—vv. 15-16; 4:7, 10-15; 5:1-2; 6:4, 10.

2 根据雅歌,我们与主的关系该是非常罗曼蒂克的;我们和主耶稣之间若没有罗曼史,我们就是宗教的基督徒,不是罗曼蒂克的基督徒。

2. According to Song of Songs, our relationship with the Lord should be very romantic; if there is no romance between us and the Lord Jesus, then we are religious Christians, not romantic Christians.

六 当主耶稣来时,祂是来作娶新妇的新郎─约三29,太九15:

F. When the Lord Jesus came, He came as the Bridegroom for the bride—John 3:29; Matt. 9:15:

1 主耶稣重生召会,好使召会成为祂的新妇─约三3、5~6、29~30。

1. The Lord Jesus regenerates the church so that the church may be His bride—John 3:3, 5-6, 29-30.

2 我们借着重生,得着另一个生命,就是神圣的生命;在这生命里,并且凭这生命,我们才够资格成为基督的配偶,与祂相配─3、5~6、15、29节,启二二17。

2. Through regeneration we receive another life, the divine life; in this life and by this life we are qualified to become Christ's counterpart and to match Him—vv. 3, 5-6, 15, 29; Rev. 22:17.

七 在这世代的末了,基督要来迎娶祂所救赎的人作祂的妻子─十九7:

G. At the end of this age, Christ will come to marry His redeemed and take her as His wife—19:7:

1 在婚娶之日,基督要与那多年来一直争战抵挡神仇敌的,成为婚配;也就是,基督要迎娶得胜者,就是那些已经胜过那恶者的人─7~9、11~16节。

1. On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry those who have been fighting the battle against God's enemy for years; that is, Christ will marry the overcomers, who have already overcome the evil one—vv. 7-9, 11-16.

2 将来有一个荣耀婚娶的日子,那时基督要迎娶祂所救赎的人─7~9节。

2. There will be a glorious wedding day, at which time Christ will marry His redeemed ones—vv. 7-9.

3 在新天新地里,新耶路撒冷乃是羔羊的妻,直到永远;这是圣经所启示神圣罗曼史的完成─耶二2,何二19~20,启十九7~9,二二17。

3. For eternity in the new heaven and new earth, the New Jerusalem will be the wife of the Lamb; this is the fulfillment of the divine romance revealed in the Scriptures—Jer. 2:2; Hosea 2:19-20; Rev. 19:7-9; 22:17.

贰 召会作为基督的新妇,也必须是战士,击败神的仇敌─弗五25~27,六10~18,启十九7~9、11~16:

II. The church as the bride of Christ must also be a warrior to defeat God's enemy—Eph. 5:25-27; 6:10-18; Rev. 19:7-9, 11-16:

一 属灵的争战乃是身体的事;我们是团体的军队,为着神在地上的权益争战─十七14,十九14,参提后二4。

A. Spiritual warfare is a matter of the Body; we are a corporate army fighting the battle for God's interest on earth—17:14; 19:14; cf. 2 Tim. 2:4.

二 基督要以作战将军的身分,带着祂的新妇军队,与敌基督在哈米吉顿争战─启十九11~21:

B. Christ will come as a fighting General with His bride as His army to fight against Antichrist at Armageddon—Rev. 19:11-21:

1 当基督同着祂的军兵而来时,祂乃是作为人子而来─太二六64,启十四14。

1. When Christ comes with His army, He will come as the Son of Man—Matt. 26:64; Rev. 14:14.

2 祂这位人子需要一个配偶,好与祂相配,使祂得以完全;这个配偶就是祂的新妇─约三29。

2. As the Son of Man, He will need a counterpart to match and complete Him; this counterpart will be His bride—John 3:29.

3 婚礼的礼服就是基督从我们活出,成了我们日常的义,使我们不仅有资格参加婚礼,也够资格参加军队,在哈米吉顿的争战中,与基督一同和敌基督作战─太二二11~12,启十九7~8、14。

3. The wedding garment—Christ lived out of us as our daily righteousness—qualifies us not only to attend the wedding but also to join the army to fight with Christ against Antichrist in the war at Armageddon—Matt. 22:11-12; Rev. 19:7-8, 14.

三 在雅歌里我们看见,当基督得胜的佳偶与神成为一,作神的居所时,她在神眼中就美丽如得撒,秀美如耶路撒冷;然而,对仇敌而言,她威武如展开旌旗的军队─六4、10:

C. In Song of Songs we see that when the overcoming lover of Christ becomes one with God to be God's dwelling place, in the eyes of God she is as beautiful as Tirzah and as lovely as Jerusalem; however, to the enemy she is as terrible as an army with banners—6:4, 10:

1 爱基督的人应该是可爱的,同时,也该是可怕的;但许多信徒在主面前失去了他们的可爱,在仇敌面前也失去了他们的可怕─4、10节:

1. The lovers of Christ should be lovable and terrible at the same time; however, many believers have lost their loveliness before the Lord and their terribleness before the enemy—vv. 4, 10:

a 基督的佳偶在主面前乃是美丽并秀美的,像天城那样的坚固,像圣所那样的安静;同时在仇敌和世人的面前,她显出她得胜的荣耀来─4节。

a. The lover of Christ is beautiful and comely before the Lord, as solid as the heavenly city and as serene as the sanctuary; at the same time, she displays the glory of her victory before the enemy and the world—v. 4.

b 基督得胜的佳偶不只有一个充满盼望的前途,也不只有了完全属天的生活,并且还是时常歌唱得胜的凯歌者─三7~8。

b. The overcoming lover of Christ not only has a future that is full of hope and a life that is absolutely heavenly, but she is also a victor who constantly triumphs in her victory—3:7-8.

2 威武的军队,表征主的得胜者使神的仇敌撒但惧怕─六4、10:

2. A terrible army signifies that the Lord's overcomers terrify God's enemy, Satan—6:4, 10:

a 仇敌惧怕建造成为神城的召会─尼六15~16,诗一〇二12~16。

a. The enemy is frightened by the church that is built up as the city of God—Neh. 6:15-16; Psa. 102:12-16.

b 撒但不怕个人的基督徒,即使他们为数成千上万;但他惧怕作基督身体的召会,就是与他和他的国争战的团体战士─弗六10~20。

b. Satan is not afraid of individualistic Christians, even if they number in the thousands, but he is terrified of the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate warrior fighting against him and his kingdom—Eph. 6:10-20.

四 大卫预表在苦难中争战的基督(撒上二五28),亚比该预表在苦难中争战的召会─2~42节:

D. David typifies the warring Christ in the midst of sufferings (1 Sam. 25:28), and Abigail typifies the warring church in the midst of sufferings—vv. 2-42:

1 从撒上二十五章之后,亚比该一直在战士大卫的身边,一直跟着大卫作战─40~42节:

1. From 1 Samuel 25 onward, Abigail was always at the side of David the warrior and followed him in his wars—vv. 40-42:

a 亚比该嫁给大卫,预表一个从军的召会─弗六10~20。

a. Abigail's marriage to David typifies the church enlisted as an army for warfare—Eph. 6:10-20.

b 亚比该预表争战的召会,就是在苦难中为神的国争战的召会─启一9,十一15,十二10。

b. Abigail typifies the warring church, fighting for God's kingdom in the midst of sufferings—Rev. 1:9; 11:15; 12:10.

2 亚比该的预表描绘召会有分于主耶稣属灵的争战─弗六10~20:

2. The type of Abigail portrays the church's participation with the Lord Jesus in spiritual warfare—Eph. 6:10-20:

a 不仅神永远的定旨必须成就,祂的心愿必须得到满足,神的仇敌也必须被击败;为此,召会必须是战士─一11,三9~11,六10~12。

a. Not only must God's eternal purpose be fulfilled and the desire of His heart be satisfied, but God's enemy must be defeated; for this, the church must be a warrior—1:11; 3:9-11; 6:10-12.

b 属灵争战是必需的,因为撒但的意志在对抗神的意志─太六10,七21,赛十四12~14:

b. Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan's will is set against God's will—Matt. 6:10; 7:21; Isa. 14:12-14:

㈠ 属灵争战的源头,都在于神的意志与撒但意志之间的冲突。

1) Spiritual warfare has its source in the conflict between the divine will and the satanic will.

㈡ 作为召会,我们的争战乃是要征服撒但的意志,并击败神的仇敌─启十二11。

2) As the church, our fighting is to subdue the satanic will and to defeat God's enemy—Rev. 12:11.

c 属灵争战的目的,就是把神的国带进来─10节。

c. The purpose of spiritual warfare is to bring in the kingdom of God—v. 10.

叁 民数记五章十一至三十一节里,对付丈夫所疑忌的妻子,预表基督对祂的信徒和召会所起的妒忌─申六6~15,出二十5,三四14,林后十一2~3:

III. In Numbers 5:11-31 the dealing with a wife over whom her husband was jealous typifies Christ's jealousy over His believers and the church—Deut. 6:6-15; Exo. 20:5; 34:14; 2 Cor. 11:2-3:

一 基督争战的军队由祂的得胜者所组成,他们是争战的妻子,与基督相配─启十九7~9、11~16:

A. Christ's fighting army is composed of the overcomers, who are a fighting wife to match Christ—Rev. 19:7-9, 11-16:

1 我们要成为主争战军队的一部分,就必须向祂是贞洁的─林后十一2~3。

1. In order to be a part of the Lord's fighting army, we must be chaste toward Him—2 Cor. 11:2-3.

2 我们在基督以外任何的寻求和追求,在神眼中都是属灵的淫乱─参雅四4。

2. Our seeking and pursuing of anything other than Christ is spiritual adultery in the eyes of God—cf. James 4:4.

3 凡犯属灵淫乱的人必受神的审判和咒诅(林前十六22),不能为神争战并事奉神。─引用经文

3. Those who commit spiritual adultery will be judged and cursed by God (1 Cor. 16:22) and will not be able to fight for God and serve God.

二 妒忌通常被视为消极的东西,但这是神的一个属性─出二十5,三四14:

B. Jealousy is usually regarded as a negative thing, but it is one of God's attributes—Exo. 20:5; 34:14:

1 神的妒忌如同丈夫对妻子的妒忌─林后十一2~3。

1. The jealousy of God is like the jealousy of a husband over his wife—2 Cor. 11:2-3.

2 宇宙中神是最妒忌的一位,祂的名为忌邪者─出三四14:

2. The most jealous one in the universe is God; His name is Jealous—Exo. 34:14:

a 祂要我们唯独、单单、完全地爱祂─可十二30。

a. He wants us to love Him uniquely, singly, wholly—Mark 12:30.

b 每当我们爱任何人事物而不爱祂,祂就起了妒忌。

b. God is jealous whenever we love anything or anyone in place of Him.

3 神是妒忌的丈夫,祂要我们事奉祂,并且只事奉祂─太六24。

3. As a jealous Husband, God wants us to serve Him and Him alone—Matt. 6:24.

4 我们既知道我们的神是妒忌的,就该让祂的妒忌成为我们的,使我们只在意祂,不让别的人事物顶替祂─出二十5,三四14,林后十一2~3。

4. Knowing that our God is jealous, we should let His jealousy become ours so that we would care only for Him and allow no one and nothing to replace Him—Exo. 20:5; 34:14; 2 Cor. 11:2-3.

三 “爱如死之坚强,嫉妒如阴间之残忍;所闪的光是火的闪光,是耶和华的烈焰”─歌八6下:

C. "Love is as strong as death, / Jealousy is as cruel as Sheol; / Its flashes are the flashes of fire, / A flame of Jehovah"—S. S. 8:6b:

1 所有寻求主的人都被祂的爱抓住了,这爱如死之坚强─林后五14,歌八6下。

1. All the seekers of the Lord have been captured by His love; it is as strong as death—2 Cor. 5:14; S. S. 8:6b.

2 有闪光的火随着这样的爱和这样的嫉妒;烈火的神和嫉妒的神,烈火和嫉妒,这二者是在一起的─6节下。

2. With this love and with this jealousy is a flashing fire; these two—the consuming God and the jealous God, the consuming fire and the jealousy—go together—v. 6b.

3 从古以来,神就是忌邪的神─出二十5:

3. From the beginning of time, God has been a jealous God—Exo. 20:5:

a 没有什么能抵挡神的嫉妒;祂要毁坏祂一切的仇敌─三四14。

a. Nothing can withstand God's jealousy; He will destroy all His enemies—34:14.

b 祂要挪移一切的拦阻,直到祂作独一的主,作万有的神,作无人与竞的王─林前十四25~28,诗四五11,启十九16。

b. God will remove all hindrances until He becomes the unique Lord, the God of all, the unchallenged King—1 Cor. 14:25-28; Psa. 45:11; Rev. 19:16.

4 保罗告诉在哥林多的圣徒,他以神的妒忌,妒忌他们,并且他曾把他们许配一个丈夫,要将他们如同贞洁的童女献给基督─林后十一2~3。

4. Paul told the saints in Corinth that he was jealous over them with a jealousy of God and that he had betrothed them to one husband to present them as a pure virgin to Christ—2 Cor. 11:2-3.


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