
第二篇 以色列人部署安营,预表神所救赎的人要终极完成为新耶路撒冷

Israel's Encamping in Array Typifying God's Redeemed People Being Consummated as the New Jerusalem



壹 在民数记二章二节耶和华对摩西和亚伦说,“以色列人要各归自己的纛下,在自己宗族的旗号那里,对着会幕,在四边安营”:

I. In Numbers 2:2 Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron, "The children of Israel shall encamp each by his own standard with the ensigns of their fathers' households; they shall encamp facing the Tent of Meeting on every side":

一 部署安营这事没有人意的选择;一个以色列人生在哪个支派,就必须归到哪个支派的纛下安营,不能有自己的选择─参林前十二18。

A. In the matter of encamping in array, there was no human choice; whichever tribe an Israelite was born of, he had to encamp by the standard of that tribe; he was not allowed to have his own choice—cf. 1 Cor. 12:18.

二 就这预表的属灵意义说,信徒在召会中配搭,不能有自己的选择;他们的配搭必须完全是出于神的命定和安排。

B. The spiritual significance of this type is that in the coordination in the church, the believers are not allowed to have their own choice; their coordination must come absolutely out of God's ordination and arrangement.

三 以色列人的纛有十二面(会幕四边各三面纛),但只有一个中心目标,就是以会幕和神的见证为中心:

C. There were twelve standards among the Israelites (three on each of the four sides of the Tent of Meeting), but there was only one central goal; they took the Tent of Meeting and the testimony of God as their center:

1 为着神百姓与神相会,帐幕称为会幕─利一1。

1. For the meeting of God's people with God, the tabernacle was called the Tent of Meeting—Lev. 1:1.

2 为着神的见证,帐幕称为见证的帐幕─民一50、53。

2. For the testimony of God, it was called the Tabernacle of the Testimony—Num. 1:50, 53.

3 在新约,基督与作为基督之扩大的召会,乃是帐幕这两面的实际。

3. In the New Testament both Christ and the church, the enlargement of Christ, are the reality of the tabernacle in these two aspects.

贰 以色列人部署安营,预表神所救赎的人要终极完成为新耶路撒冷:

II. The children of Israel encamping in array typifies God's redeemed people being consummated as the New Jerusalem:

一 以色列人对着会幕,在东、南、西、北四个方向安营;这意思是,神的见证是向着四方─二1~34。

A. The Israelites encamped facing the Tent of Meeting in four directions: the east, the south, the west, and the north; this means that the testimony of God faced all sides—2:1-34.

二 四边各有三营;三是指三一神,四是指受造的人;三乘四,表征神在祂的神圣三一里,与受造的人调和成为一。

B. There were three camps in each of the four sides; three denotes the Triune God, and four denotes the created man; three times four signifies God in His Divine Trinity being mingled with the created man as one.

三 三乘四等于十二,十二也指永远和完全,以及行政和管理。

C. Three times four equals twelve, which also denotes eternity and completion as well as administration and government.

四 因此,从以色列人部署安营的数字看,他们的编组表征神在祂的神圣三一里,与受造的人调和为一,形成一个永远并完全行政的单位。

D. Thus, according to the numbers in the Israelites' encamping in array, their formation signifies God in His Divine Trinity being mingled with the created man, forming a unit of eternal and perfect government.

五 启示录二十一章里的新耶路撒冷有四边,每边有三个门,四边共有十二个门,十二个门上有以色列十二个支派的名字─12~13节。

E. The New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 has four sides, and each side has three gates; the total number of gates on the four sides of the New Jerusalem is twelve, and on the twelve gates are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel—vv. 12-13.

六 按照二至三节,新耶路撒冷是神的帐幕;民数记二章里以色列人的安营,是围绕着帐幕,这幅图画和启示录二十一章所描述的新耶路撒冷相符:─引用经文

F. According to verses 2 and 3, the New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God; the Israelites' encamping in Numbers 2 was around the tabernacle; this picture corresponds to the description of the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21:

1 启示录二十一章里新耶路撒冷如何有四边,民数记二章里的安营也有四边。

1. Just as the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21 has four sides, so also the encamping in Numbers 2 had four sides.

2 新耶路撒冷四边各有三个门,上面有十二个支派的名字;同样的,民数记二章以色列十二支派的安营也是四边各有三个支派。

2. The New Jerusalem has three gates on each of her four sides, on which are the names of the twelve tribes; similarly, the twelve tribes of Israel's encamping in Numbers 2 had three tribes on each of its four sides.

3 这乃是描绘永远里的景象,显示神在宇宙中的定旨,就是要使祂自己在祂的神圣三一里,与人调和,好成为一个行政单位;这行政单位能为祂的见证争战。

3. This all depicts the scene in eternity, showing that God's purpose in the universe is to be mingled with man in His Divine Trinity in order to become a unit of government; this unit of government can fight for His testimony.

4 当十二个支派安了营,就如同一座城一样;新耶路撒冷四边的墙就是城的保障。

4. When the twelve tribes were encamped, they were like a city; the walls of the four sides of the New Jerusalem are the safeguard of the city.

5 民数记里十二营的军队部署安营,相当于新耶路撒冷的城墙;同样,召会中的配搭是为着保障神的见证。

5. The twelve camps of the army encamped in array in Numbers correspond to the walls of the New Jerusalem; likewise, the coordination in the church is for safeguarding God's testimony.

6 各地召会里面的行政都该是“三乘四”,等于“十二”,作为那地神圣的行政;这行政就是军队,为神争战,并维持神的见证。

6. The administration of each local church should be "three times four, " which equals "twelve, " for the divine administration in a locality; this administration is an army that fights for God and maintains God's testimony.

叁 新耶路撒冷“有高大的墙;有十二个门,门上有十二位天使;门上又写着以色列十二个支派的名字”─启二一12:

III. The New Jerusalem "had a great and high wall and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names inscribed, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel"—Rev. 21:12:

一 墙是为着分别和保护;新耶路撒冷要绝对分别归神,也要完全保护神的权益。

A. The wall is for separation and protection; New Jerusalem will be absolutely separated unto God and will fully protect the interests of God.

二 这墙是高大的;今天所有的信徒都需要这样高大的墙,来分别并保护他们。

B. Its wall will be great and high; today all believers need such a great and high wall for their separation and protection.

三 在神永远的经纶里,天使是服役的灵(来一14),为那些承受救恩,并有分于新耶路撒冷(新天新地的中心)永远之福的人效力。─引用经文

C. In God's eternal economy, angels are ministering spirits (Heb. 1:14); they serve those who inherit salvation and who participate in the eternal blessing of the New Jerusalem, the center of the new heaven and new earth.

四 这些天使要为我们的产业看门,我们却要享受神永远经纶里丰富的基业。

D. These angels will be the gatekeepers of our possession, while we will be the enjoyers of the rich inheritance in God's eternal economy.

五 在启示录二十一章十二节,以色列代表旧约的律法,指明新耶路撒冷的门上有律法的代表;律法在看守并观看,以保证圣城一切的交通、进出都合乎律法的要求。─引用经文

E. Israel in Revelation 21:12 represents the law of the Old Testament, indicating that the law is represented at the gates of the New Jerusalem; the law watches and observes to insure that all the communications, the comings in and goings out, of the holy city meet the law's requirements.

六 十二个门上有以色列十二支派的名字,表征这十二支派是圣城的入门;这些入门乃是借着福音的传扬,引人进入三一神的丰富,享受其中的供应─参二二14。

F. That the names of the twelve tribes of Israel are inscribed on the twelve gates signifies that the twelve tribes are the entrance into the holy city; as such, they lead people, through the preaching of the gospel, into the riches of the Triune God to enjoy the supply in the city—cf. 22:14.

肆 “十二个门是十二颗珍珠,每一个门各自是一颗珍珠造的”─二一21上:

IV. "The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was, respectively, of one pearl"—21:21a:

一 珍珠产自死水中的蚌:

A. Pearls are produced by oysters in the waters of death:

1 当蚌被砂粒所伤,就分泌生命的汁液包裹砂粒,使其成为宝贵的珍珠。

1. When an oyster is wounded by a grain of sand, it secretes its life-juice around the grain of sand and makes it into a precious pearl.

2 蚌描述基督这位永活者进到死水中,为我们所伤(参赛五三5),就分泌祂的生命包裹我们,使我们成为宝贵的珍珠,好被建造成为神永远的居所和彰显。─引用经文

2. The oyster depicts Christ as the living One coming into the death waters, being wounded by us (cf. Isa. 53:5), and secreting His life over us to make us precious pearls for the building of God's eternal habitation and expression.

3 圣城的十二个门是十二颗珍珠,表征借着那胜过死亡,并分泌生命的基督而得的重生,乃是城的入口。

3. That the twelve gates of the holy city are twelve pearls signifies that regeneration through the death-overcoming and life-secreting Christ is the entrance into the city.

4 这符合那由以色列所代表,并由看守的天使所观看之律法的要求;唯有凭着基督得胜的死和分赐生命的复活,所完成之一次永远的重生,我们才能进城。

4. This meets the requirement of the law, which is represented by Israel and is under the observing of the guarding angels; we can enter into the city only through the once-for-all regeneration accomplished by Christ's overcoming death and life-imparting resurrection.

5 神在这一个入口是三一的,要把我们带进神里面,带进神的权益里,带进神的国里,并带进神的经纶里,这要完成于新耶路撒冷;三一神是我们的三一入口─路十五1~32,弗二18,彼前一1~2。

5. God is triune in one entrance to bring us into God, into God's interest, into the kingdom of God, and into the economy of God, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem; the Triune God is our triune entrance—Luke 15:1-32; Eph. 2:18; 1 Pet. 1:1-2.

二 珍珠表征基督两方面分泌的结果,这两方面就是祂救赎并释放生命的死,以及祂分赐生命的复活:

B. Pearls signify the issue of Christ's secretion in two aspects: His redeeming and life-releasing death and His life-dispensing resurrection:

1 这两种分泌(分赐),需要寻求的信徒凭基督复活的大能,每天主观地经历基督的死,使他们模成基督的死─腓三10。

1. Both kinds of secretion (dispensing) require the seeking believers' daily experience of the death of Christ subjectively by the power of Christ's resurrection that they may be conformed to the death of Christ—Phil. 3:10.

2 我们唯有凭基督复活的大能,才能经历祂的死;我们凭基督复活的大能,就有能力和力量,把我们可怜的己留在十字架上─参歌二8~9上、14。

2. We can experience His death only by the power of the resurrection of Christ; by the power of the resurrection of Christ, we have the ability and the power to keep our pitiful self on the cross—cf. S. S. 2:8-9a, 14.

3 我们也应当凭耶稣基督之灵(复活的实际)全备的供应,寻求每天主观地经历基督的复活,使我们模成神长子的形像─腓一19,罗八28~29。

3. We also should seek the daily experience of the resurrection of Christ subjectively by the bountiful supply of the Spirit (the reality of resurrection) of Jesus Christ that we may be conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God—Phil. 1:19; Rom. 8:28-29.

4 基督的死唯有借着基督的复活才能给我们经历,而基督的复活唯有凭着耶稣基督之灵全备的供应才能对我们成为真实的。

4. Christ's death can be experienced by us only through Christ's resurrection, and Christ's resurrection can be real to us only by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

5 我们转到我们的灵里,就碰着基督这赐生命的灵,这灵就是基督复活的实际;我们必须借着不住地祷告,时时在我们灵里摸着基督─帖前五17。

5. When we turn to our spirit, we meet Christ as the life-giving Spirit, who is the very reality of Christ's resurrection; we have to touch Christ in our spirit all the time by praying unceasingly—1 Thes. 5:17.

6 祂的死应用到我们身上,就会将我们模成祂死的模型,而祂的灵在我们里面就会将我们模成,使我们进入祂形像(就是神长子之形像)的荣耀里。

6. His death applied to us will conform us to the mold of His death, and His Spirit in us will conform us into the glory of His image, the image of the firstborn Son of God.

7 我们都需要祷告:“主,监禁我,一直保守我在你的死里;我不要离开你的死,却要让你的死成为我甜美奇妙的住所;主,我要与你一同留在你的死里。”

7. We all need to pray, "Lord, imprison me and keep me always in Your death; I do not want to leave Your death but to make Your death my sweet and wonderful dwelling place; Lord, I want to stay with You in Your death. "

8 祂的死乃是祂有地位分泌自己来包裹我们的地方;这是唯一的地方,使我们能享受并经历祂复活的生命作生命的汁液,分泌出来包裹我们的全人,使我们成为一颗美妙的珍珠,为着进入神的建造。

8. His death is the place where He has the position to secrete Himself around us, and this is the only place where we can enjoy and experience His resurrection life as a kind of life-sap secreting itself around our being to make us a wonderful piece of pearl for the entry into God's building.

9 基督为我们受了伤,为要把我们监禁在祂的伤处,好在我们一生中,一再地在我们身上实施祂的分泌,使我们成为珍珠,以建造神永远的住处。

9. Christ was wounded for us in order to have us imprisoned in His wound so that He might carry out His secretion over us again and again throughout our entire life to make us pearls for the building of God's eternal habitation.

10 我们越主观地成为珍珠,就越在新耶路撒冷里,也越在国度里─太十三45~46,约三5。

10. The more we are made pearls subjectively, the more we are in the New Jerusalem, and the more we are in the kingdom—Matt. 13:45-46; John 3:5.


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