
第一篇 编组成军,为着神在地上的权益与神一同争战

Being Formed into an Army to Fight with God for His Interest on Earth



壹 说民数记只是论到飘流和一再失败的书,这并不正确;民数记乃是论到得胜和荣耀的书─一1~3、18、24、45~46,二1~2、17、32,三三52~53:

I. It is not accurate to say that Numbers is merely a book of wanderings and repeated failures; Numbers is a book of victory and glory—1:1-3, 18, 24, 45-46; 2:1-2, 17, 32; 33:52-53:

一 民数记陈明一个荣耀的景象,有纛和旗号,编组成军,有秩有序;何等荣耀,神在地上不仅有住处,也有军队─二17,出二五8,六26,七4,十二41、51,十三18。

A. The book of Numbers presents a glorious scene with standards and ensigns, with formations and order; it was glorious that on the earth God not only had a dwelling place but also had an army—2:17; Exo. 25:8; 6:26; 7:4; 12:41, 51; 13:18.

二 民数记自始至终是一卷荣耀的书;一开始神编组军队,末了则记载如何分配这军队所征服之地─一1~3,三三52~53。

B. From beginning to end the book of Numbers is a glorious book; in the beginning God formed the army, and at the end we have a record of the dividing of the land conquered by this army—1:1-3; 33:52-53.

三 民数记的图画表明,三一神与祂所拣选的人调和一起成为一个实体,使神能在地上行动并征服祂的仇敌,为要重新得着这地,以完成祂永远的定旨─十33~36,弗三11。

C. The picture in Numbers shows the Triune God and His chosen people mingled together as one entity so that God may move on the earth and conquer His enemy in order to regain the earth for the fulfillment of His eternal purpose—10:33-36; Eph. 3:11.

贰 民数记的中心思想乃是基督是神子民的生活意义、见证、中心,以及他们行程和争战的领导、道路与目标─一5~53,西二9:

II. The central thought of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning of life, the testimony, the center of God's people, and the Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting—1:5-53; Col. 2:9:

一 在民数记基督被启示为神子民生活的意义:

A. In Numbers Christ is revealed as the meaning of life for God's people:

1 见证的柜是见证的帐幕之中心─一50、53。

1. The Ark of the Testimony was the center of the Tabernacle of the Testimony—1:50, 53.

2 约柜连同帐幕是以色列人生活的意义。

2. The Ark with the tabernacle was the meaning of the Israelites' life.

3 我们人生的意义乃是要让神在基督里进到我们里面,并借着我们得彰显─西二9,一27。

3. The meaning of our human life is for God in Christ to enter into us and be expressed through us—Col. 2:9; 1:27.

4 我们看见基督在神经纶中的异象时,就开始领悟基督自己是宇宙的目的,也是我们人生的意义─15~20节,二2、9~10、17,三4、10~11。

4. When we see the vision of Christ in God's economy, we begin to realize that Christ Himself is the purpose of the universe and also the meaning of our human life—vv. 15-20; 2:2, 9-10, 17; 3:4, 10-11.

二 作神子民生活之意义的基督,乃是神的见证─民一53:

B. Christ, who is the meaning of the life of God's people, is God's testimony—Num. 1:53:

1 既然约柜预表基督,以色列人生活的意义就是顾到作神见证的基督。

1. Since the Ark typifies Christ, the meaning of the Israelites' life was to take care of Christ as the testimony of God.

2 在旧约里,见证乃指律法:

2. In the Old Testament the Testimony refers to the law:

a 那刻着律法的两块石版称为见证(出二五21),是放在约柜里。─引用经文

a. The two tablets on which the law was inscribed were called the Testimony (Exo. 25:21) and were placed in the Ark.

b 因为约柜里放着见证,约柜就称为见证的柜。

b. Because the Testimony was put into the Ark, the Ark was called the Ark of the Testimony.

c 神的律法乃是神所是的见证,告诉我们神是怎样的神。

c. The law of God is a testimony of what God is; it tells us what kind of God our God is.

d 律法是神所是的图画,预表基督是神在祂一切神圣属性里的具体化身─西二9。

d. The law, as a portrait of what God is, typifies Christ as the embodiment of God in all His divine attributes—Col. 2:9.

三 基督是神子民的中心─一15、18:

C. Christ is the center of God's people—1:15, 18:

1 这由以色列人在帐幕四围安营的方式所描绘─民二2。

1. This is portrayed by the way the children of Israel were encamped around the tabernacle—Num. 2:2.

2 今天在召会生活中,我们该以基督为我们唯一的中心─来二12。

2. In the church life today we should take Christ as our unique center—Heb. 2:12.

四 基督是领导、道路与目标─太二三10,约十四6,腓三12~14:

D. Christ is the Leader, the way, and the goal—Matt. 23:10; John 14:6; Phil. 3:12-14:

1 基督乃是一直在行动、活动并往前的一位:

1. Christ is the One who is moving, acting, and always proceeding onward:

a 在祂往前时,祂是我们的领导(太二三10)、我们的道路(约十四6)与我们的目标(腓三12~14)。─引用经文

a. In His proceeding onward, Christ is our Leader (Matt. 23:10), our way (John 14:6), and our goal (Phil. 3:12-14).

b 在召会里,独一的领导乃是基督;祂在祂的道路上并朝着祂的目标领导着我们;这道路与目标其实都是祂自己。

b. The unique Leader in the church is Christ; He is leading us on the way and toward His goal, both of which are actually Himself.

2 腓立比三章十二至十四节指明基督该是我们的目标,我们的标竿;祂是我们向前直跑的目标。─引用经文

2. Philippians 3:12-14 indicates that Christ should be our goal, our aim; Christ is the goal toward which we press.

五 倘若基督对我们不是这一切,神就无法在地上取得立场,建立祂的国同祂的家─太十六16~19。

E. If Christ were not all of this to us, there would not be a way for God to gain the ground on earth to build up His kingdom with His house—Matt. 16:16-19.

叁 民数记记载神所拣选并救赎的人,如何组成祭司军队,与神一同前行,并为着神在地上的权益与神一同争战─一1~四49,九15~十36,十二16,二十1~二一35,三一1~54,三三1~49:

III. The book of Numbers records how God's chosen and redeemed people were formed into a priestly army to journey with God and to fight with God for His interest on earth—1:1-4:49; 9:15-10:36; 12:16; 20:1-21:35; 31:1-54; 33:1-49:

一 军队是为着神子民的争战,使神能在地上取得立场,建立祂的国同祂的居所─出十二41、51,十三18。

A. The army is for God's people to fight so that God can gain the ground on earth to build up His kingdom with His habitation—Exo. 12:41, 51; 13:18.

二 在民数记我们可以看见三件事:军队的编组、军队的行程与军队的争战─十33~36:

B. In Numbers we can see three things: the formation of an army, the journeys of that army, and the fighting of the army—10:33-36:

1 军队的编组是为着争战,而争战需要军队一直前行,不可停留在一地。

1. The formation of the army was for fighting, and the fighting required the army to journey, not to stay in one place.

2 以色列人总是从一地往前到另一地,得着立场,使神能得着一班人,为着祂的国和祂的家被建造起来─三三1~49。

2. Always the children of Israel were going on from place to place to gain ground that God might have a people to be built up for His kingdom and His house—33:1-49.

三 民数记一至二章启示,以色列人被编组成军是因为他们被仇敌四面包围:

C. Numbers 1 and 2 reveal that the children of Israel were formed into an army because they were surrounded by enemies:

1 为着护卫神的见证,这军队是需要的─一1~3。

1. This army was necessary for the protection of God's testimony—1:1-3.

2 以色列人被编组成军,能为着护卫神的见证而争战:

2. The children of Israel were formed into an army able to fight for the protection of God's testimony:

a 按照民数记的图画,军队是在会幕四围安营,以护卫帐幕所立于其中的领域及范围─二2。

a. According to the picture in Numbers, the army was encamped around the tabernacle to protect the sphere, the realm, in which the tabernacle was erected—2:2.

b 神看在旷野的以色列人乃是为祂见证而争战的军队─出十二41、51,十三18。

b. God viewed the children of Israel in the wilderness as an army fighting for His testimony—Exo. 12:41, 51; 13:18.

c 表面看来,以色列人是为他们自己争战;实际上,他们乃是为着神在地上的见证争战,因为他们中间有见证的帐幕,就是神在地上的居所。

c. Apparently, the children of Israel were fighting for themselves; actually, they were fighting for God's testimony on earth, for among them was the Tabernacle of the Testimony, God's dwelling place on earth.

3 在这个争战中有两种主要的功用:一是与仇敌争战,一是维持帐幕,这帐幕代表神在宇宙中的见证─民一1~3,二一1~3。

3. In this warfare there were two main functions: the function of fighting the enemies and the function of maintaining the tabernacle, which represented God's testimony in the universe—Num. 1:1-3; 21:1-3.

四 在以色列家编组成争战的军队这件事上,我们看见创世记一章二十六至二十八节所启示的原则:─引用经文

D. In the forming of the house of Israel into a fighting army, we see the principle revealed in Genesis 1:26-28:

1 神渴望得着一个团体的人,代表祂从撒但霸占的手中征服并重新得回这地─弗四24。

1. God desires a corporate man to represent Him in subduing and regaining the earth from the usurping hand of Satan—Eph. 4:24.

2 神已将迦南美地赐给以色列,但以色列人必须从神仇敌霸占的手中夺回这地;他们必须借着争战,击败众仇敌,而得着这地─民二一1~3。

2. God had given Israel a good land called Canaan, but the Israelites had to take this land from the usurping hand of God's enemy; they had to gain the land by fighting, defeating all the enemies—Num. 21:1-3.

五 神的军队战胜亚摩利人的王西宏,和巴珊王噩─1~3、21~35节:

E. The army of God defeated Sihon the king of the Amorites and Og the king of Bashan—vv. 1-3, 21-35:

1 亚拉得王(1)、亚摩利人的王(21)和巴珊王(33),是约但河东的“守门者”,为撒但护卫着迦南地,就是黑暗的国。─引用经文

1. The kings of Arad (v. 1), of the Amorites (v. 21), and of Bashan (v. 33) were the "gate guards" on the east of the Jordan, guarding the land of Canaan, the kingdom of darkness, for Satan.

2 以色列人要进入美地,必须通过这三个王所管治的境界,与他们争战,毁灭他们,并占领他们的境界。

2. In order for the children of Israel to enter into the good land, they had to pass through the territory controlled by these kings and had to fight against them, destroy them, and take over their territory.

3 这表征召会要享受追测不尽之丰富的基督,就必须击败这几个王所表征的仇敌并占领他们的境界─弗三8,六10~12。

3. This signifies that in order to enjoy the unsearchably rich Christ, the church must defeat and take over the territory of the enemies signified by these kings—Eph. 3:8; 6:10-12.

六 在旧约的预表里,迦南有两方面:

F. In the typology of the Old Testament, Canaan has two aspects:

1 在积极一面,迦南是丰富之地(申八7~10),预表包罗万有的基督同祂追测不尽的丰富(西一12,弗三8)。─引用经文

1. On the positive side, Canaan, a land of riches (Deut. 8:7-10), typifies the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches (Col. 1:12; Eph. 3:8).

2 在消极一面,迦南表征撒但国度空中、天上的部分:

2. On the negative side, Canaan signifies the aerial part, the heavenly part, of the kingdom of Satan:

a 撒但是这世界的王(约十二31)和空中掌权者的首领(弗二2),有他的权势(徒二六18)和他的使者(太二五41),这些使者是他的从属,就是那些执政的、掌权的,掌管这黑暗世界的(弗六12);因此,撒但有他的国(太十二26),就是黑暗的权势(西一13)。─引用经文

a. As the ruler of this world (John 12:31) and as the ruler of the authority of the air (Eph. 2:2), Satan has his authority (Acts 26:18) and his angels (Matt. 25:41), who are his subordinates as principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph. 6:12); hence, Satan has his kingdom (Matt. 12:26), the authority of darkness (Col. 1:13).

b 迦南人预表跟随撒但堕落的天使,背叛的天使(启十二4、7),他们成了撒但国里有能的、执政的和有权势的(参但十13、20)。─引用经文

b. The Canaanites typify the fallen angels, the rebellious angels who follow Satan (Rev. 12:4, 7), who have become the powers, rulers, and authorities in Satan's kingdom (cf. Dan. 10:13, 20).

c 以色列人与迦南人争战,为要据有并享受美地,预表整个召会,包括所有的肢体,都有分于属灵的争战,抵挡“诸天界里那邪恶的属灵势力”(弗六12),使圣徒能享受基督作包罗万有的地。─引用经文

c. The fighting of the children of Israel against the Canaanites that they might possess and enjoy the good land typifies the spiritual warfare of the church as a whole, including all the members, against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies" (Eph. 6:12) so that the saints may enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive land.

d 召会必须是这一个团体的战士,抵挡撒但空中的势力,使神的子民更多赢得基督,好建造基督的身体,建立并开展神的国,使基督能回来承受这地─太十六27~28,启十一15,十二10。

d. The church must be such a corporate warrior, fighting against Satan's aerial forces so that God's people may gain more of Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ, establishing and spreading the kingdom of God so that Christ can come back to inherit the earth—Matt. 16:27-28; Rev. 11:15; 12:10.

七 全本圣经给我们看见一件事─神的心意是要得着一班编组成军的人,以基督为他们的生活意义、见证、中心、领导、道路与目标,并且往前为神争战,使祂在地上得着立场,并得着一班人建造成为祂的国和祂的家,终极完成于新耶路撒冷─创一26~28,出十二41、51,十三18,太十六16~19,弗六10~12,启十七14,十九11~16,二一2、10~11。

G. The entire Bible shows us one thing—that God's intention is to have a people formed into an army to take Christ as their meaning of life, testimony, center, Leader, way, and goal and to proceed on and fight for God so that He may have the ground on earth and have a people built up as His kingdom and His house, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem—Gen. 1:26-28; Exo. 12:41, 51; 13:18; Matt. 16:16-19; Eph. 6:10-12; Rev. 17:14; 19:11-16; 21:2, 10-11.


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