第九篇 在神圣水流独一的流里,为着使徒行传的继续,按属天的异象而有神圣的托付

The Divine Commission according to the Heavenly Vision for the Continuation of the Book of Acts in the Unique Flow of the Divine Stream



壹 在圣经里,神圣水流这独一的流的观念是很要紧的─创二10,14,诗四六4上,约七37,39,启二二1:

I. In the Scriptures the concept of the divine stream, the unique flow, is crucial—Gen. 2:10-14; Psa. 46:4a; John 7:37-39; Rev. 22:1:

一 圣经启示涌流的三一神─父是生命源,子是生命泉,灵是生命河─耶二13,诗三六9上,约四14,七37,39。

A. The Bible reveals the flowing Triune God—the Father as the fountain of life, the Son as the spring of life, and the Spirit as the river of life—Jer. 2:13; Psa. 36:9a; John 4:14; 7:37-39.

二 这道流的源头乃是神和羔羊的宝座─启二二1。

B. The source of the flow is the throne of God and of the Lamb—Rev. 22:1.

三 圣经里只有一道流,一道神圣的水流(创二10,14,启二二1);因着只有一道神圣的水流,并且这道流是独一无二的,我们就需要保守自己在这一道流里。─引用经文

C. In the Scriptures there is only one flow, one divine stream (Gen. 2:10-14; Rev. 22:1); since there is only one divine stream and since the flow is uniquely one, we need to keep ourselves in this one flow.

四 神圣的水流,独一的流,乃是主工作的水流─林前十六10:

D. The divine stream, the unique flow, is the stream of the Lord's work—1 Cor. 16:10:

1 有一道水流,我们可称之为工作的水流,工作的流;水流所到之处,就有神的工作。

1. There is a stream, which we may call the stream, the current, of the work; where the stream flows, there is the work of God.

2 使徒行传启示,在主的行动中只有一道水流,我们需要保守自己在这一道水流里─参十五35,41。

2. The book of Acts reveals that in the move of the Lord there is only one stream, and we need to keep ourselves in this one stream—cf. 15:35-41.

3 神圣生命的流从五旬节那天开始,历经所有世代,一直涌流到今天,只有一道水流。

3. The flowing of the divine life, which started on the day of Pentecost and has been flowing throughout all generations to this day, is just one stream.

4 召会的历史表明,历经各世代都有一道圣灵的水流,一直在涌流;许多人曾为主作工,但不是所有人都在那一道水流的涌流里。

4. The history of the church shows that throughout the generations there has been one stream of the Spirit flowing all the time; many have been working for the Lord, but not all have been in the flowing of that one stream.

贰 主向保罗显现,把他带进主工作的水流,使他作执事和见证人,将他所看见主的事,和主将要显现给他的事,见证出来─二六16,参一8,二三11,二十20、31:

II. The Lord appeared to Paul to bring him into the stream of the Lord's work, making him a minister and a witness both of the things in which Paul had seen Him and of the things in which He would appear to Paul—26:16; cf. 1:8; 23:11; 20:20, 31:

一 保罗没有违背那从天上来的异象─人是器皿以盛装经过过程、终极完成的三一神,被祂充满并彰显祂;基督是神的奥秘,以及召会是基督的身体,基督的奥秘─二六19,九4,5、15,罗九21、23,林后四6,7,西二2,弗三4,五32。

A. Paul was not disobedient to the heavenly vision of man as a vessel to contain, be filled with, and express the processed and consummated Triune God, of Christ as the mystery of God, and of the church as the Body of Christ, the mystery of Christ—26:19; 9:4-5, 15; Rom. 9:21, 23; 2 Cor. 4:6-7; Col. 2:2; Eph. 3:4; 5:32.

二 一旦你看见了神计划的异象,并从一切事物悔改转向基督自己,你里面就会有一种运行和加力,以完成神的计划;你在使徒行传的继续中生活并劳苦时,这异象会成为你的负担─加一15,16,罗十五16,林前十五10。

B. Once you have seen a vision of God's plan and have been converted from everything to Christ Himself, there will be something within you energizing you to carry out God's plan; this vision will become your burden as you live and labor in the continuation of the book of Acts—Gal. 1:15-16; Rom. 15:16; 1 Cor. 15:10.

叁 行传二十六章十八节启示,我们今天在使徒行传的继续里,为着基督身体的扩增与建造所必须作的工作;这节圣经揭示我们神圣托付包罗万有的内容:─引用经文

III. Acts 26:18 reveals the work that we must do today for the increase and building up of the Body of Christ in the continuation of the book of Acts; this verse unveils the all-inclusive contents of our divine commission:

一 这是要实现神的禧年,主悦纳人的禧年,就是主耶稣在路加四章十八至二十一节照着神新约的经纶所宣扬的。─引用经文

A. This is to carry out the fulfillment of God's jubilee, the acceptable year of the Lord, proclaimed by the Lord Jesus in Luke 4:18-21 according to God's New Testament economy.

二 我们需要就着行传二十六章十八节里神圣托付的内容来祷告,求主使这些成为我们的经历和实际,好使我们能带别人进入这样的经历和实际─弗三8:

B. We need to pray over the contents of our divine commission in Acts 26:18, asking the Lord to make them our experience and reality so that we can bring others into this experience and reality—Eph. 3:8:

1 “叫他们的眼睛得开”:

1. "To open their eyes":

a 我们需要不断地祷告,求主赐给我们智慧和启示的灵,好多而又多地明白并看见基督、基督的身体以及那为着神圣经纶的神圣分赐─一17,三5,参启四6,三17,太六6。

a. We need to continually pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand and to see more and more of Christ, the Body of Christ, and the divine dispensing for the divine economy—1:17; 3:5; cf. Rev. 4:6; 3:17; Matt. 6:6.

b 若没有对主新的认识,和对祂新的异象,我们就无法往前─徒二六16,腓三8下、10上、13,参申四25。

b. We cannot go on without new knowledge of the Lord and a new vision of Him—Acts 26:16; Phil. 3:8b, 10a, 13; cf. Deut. 4:25.

c 作执事和见证人,不是在于教训和知识,乃是在于显现和异象;我们所看见主的事,和主将要显现给我们的事,就是我们所必须供应给人的─徒二二14,15。

c. Being a minister and a witness is not a matter of teaching and knowledge but of appearing and vision; the things in which we have seen the Lord and the things in which the Lord will appear to us are the things that we must minister to others—Acts 22:14-15.

d 我们的托付是要“将那……奥秘有何等的经纶,向众人照明”─弗三9。

d. Our commission is to "enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is"—Eph. 3:9.

2 “叫他们……从黑暗转入光中”:

2. "To turn them from darkness to light":

a 光就是神的同在─赛二5,约壹一5。

a. Light is the presence of God—Isa. 2:5; 1 John 1:5.

b 我们必须是满了光的人─路十一34,36。

b. We need to be people who are full of light—Luke 11:34-36.

c 享受基督作为神所分给我们的分,乃是“在光中”─西一12,约八12,一4,诗一一九105、130,太五14,启一20。

c. The enjoyment of Christ as our God-given portion is "in the light"—Col. 1:12; John 8:12; 1:4; Psa. 119:105, 130; Matt. 5:14; Rev. 1:20.

d 我们必须是发光之体显在世界里,将生命的话表明出来─腓二14,16。

d. We need to be luminaries in the world, holding forth the word of life—Phil. 2:14-16.

e 我们必须宣扬那召我们出黑暗、入祂奇妙之光者的美德─彼前二9。

e. We need to tell out the virtues of the One who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light—1 Pet. 2:9.

3 “叫他们……从撒但权下转向神”:

3. "To turn them…from the authority of Satan to God":

a 我们属灵经历的最高点,乃是有清明的天,其上有宝座─结一22、26:

a. The highest point in our spiritual experience is to have a clear sky with the throne above it—Ezek. 1:22, 26:

㈠ 在清明的天之上有宝座,乃是让主在我们里面居首位,并在我们的生活中有最高、最优先的地位─西一18,参结十四3。

1.  To have the throne above a clear sky is to give the Lord the preeminence in our being and the highest and most prominent position in our life—Col. 1:18; cf. Ezek. 14:3.

㈡ 我们的天越清明,我们就越在宝座之下,越在神的权柄之下─徒二四16。

2.) The clearer our sky is, the more we are under the throne, under God's authority—Acts 24:16.

㈢ 神在我们里面有宝座,意思就是神在我们里面有地位掌权─参罗五17。

3.  For God to have the throne in us means that He has the position to reign in us—cf. Rom. 5:17.

㈣ 我们若在其上有宝座的清明的天以下,真正的权柄就会同着我们,而将人带到神的权柄之下─林后十4,5、8,十三3、10。

4.  If we are under a clear sky with the throne above it, genuine authority will be with us to bring others under God's authority—2 Cor. 10:4-5, 8; 13:3, 10.

b 我们向着主爱到极点的爱,使我们够资格、得成全、受装备,带着主的权柄为主说话─参约二一15、17。

b. Our uttermost love for the Lord qualifies, perfects, and equips us to speak for the Lord with His authority—cf. John 21:15, 17.

4 “叫他们……得蒙赦罪”:

4. "That they may receive forgiveness of sins":

a 我们需要到主面前去,得着主彻底赦免我们一切的罪─约壹一7、9。

a. We need to go to the Lord to receive a thorough forgiveness of all our sins—1 John 1:7, 9.

b 大卫乞求神涂抹他的过犯,将他的罪孽洗涤净尽,洁净他的罪,用牛膝草洁除他的罪─诗五一1,2、7、9:

b. David begged God to blot out his transgressions, wash him thoroughly from his iniquity, cleanse him from his sin, and purge his sin with hyssop—Psa. 51:1-2, 7, 9:

㈠ 牛膝草预表在谦卑和卑微人性里的基督(王上四33上,出十二22上),含示基督是我们的中保和祭物(来八6,九15,十9)。─引用经文

1.  Hyssop typifies Christ in His humble and humiliated human nature (1 Kings 4:33a; Exo. 12:22a), implying Christ as our Mediator and sacrifice (Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 10:9).

㈡ 我们和大卫一样,需要停留在神面前,有彻底并真实的悔改和认罪,好从神得着完全的赦免。

2.) Like David, we need to stay in the presence of God to have a thorough and genuine repentance and confession to receive a full forgiveness from God.

㈢ 我们若承认我们的罪而得神赦免,就必得着神救恩之乐,也必得着乐意之灵的扶持;然后,我们就能将主的道路指教有过犯的人,罪人必回转归向祂─诗五一12,13。

3.  If we confess our sins to receive God's forgiveness, we will have the gladness of God's salvation and be sustained with a willing spirit; then we can teach transgressors His ways, and sinners will turn back to Him—Psa. 51:12-13.

5 “叫他们……因信入我,……在一切圣别的人中得着基业”:

5. "That they may receive…an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me":

a 这基业是三一神自己并祂所有的、所作成的以及为祂赎民所要作的一切。

a. This inheritance is the Triune God Himself with all He has, all He has done, and all He will do for His redeemed people.

b 三一神化身在包罗万有的基督里面;这基督是分给众圣徒的分,作他们的基业─西二9,一12。

b. The Triune God is embodied in the all-inclusive Christ, who is the portion allotted to the saints as their inheritance—Col. 2:9; 1:12.

c 我们“在一切圣别的人中”,就是在召会生活中(参提后二22),享受是灵的基督作我们得基业的凭质(弗一14)。─引用经文

c. We enjoy the pneumatic Christ as the pledge of our inheritance (Eph. 1:14) "among those," that is, in the church life—cf. 2 Tim. 2:22.

d 我们需要把人带到在召会生活中对包罗万有之基督的享受里,使他们享受基督如同我们一样,并借着操练灵,使他们在性情上被神的圣别性情所圣别─来二10,11,林前一9,林后四13。

d. We need to bring people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ in the church life so that they may enjoy Christ as we do and be sanctified dispositionally with the holy nature of God through the exercise of their spirit—Heb. 2:10-11; 1 Cor. 1:9; 2 Cor. 4:13.

肆 我们若要在使徒行传的继续里,就需要借着有楼房上的奉献而持续活在神圣的历史中─一13,14:

IV. If we would be in the continuation of the book of Acts, we need to continue to live in the divine history by having an upper-room consecration—1:13-14:

一 在海边,彼得放弃他的职业跟从主耶稣,但在楼房上,他放弃得更多─太四18,20,徒一13,14:

A. At the seashore Peter gave up his job to follow the Lord Jesus, but in the upper room he gave up much more—Matt. 4:18-20; Acts 1:13-14:

1 他站在从天上来的异象这边,放弃他祖先的宗教。

1. He stood with the heavenly vision to give up the religion of his forefathers.

2 他放弃他的家乡、他与邻舍和朋友的关系、以及他的亲戚,并且愿意冒生命的危险。

2. He gave up his country, his relationship with his neighbors and friends, and his relatives, and he was willing to risk his life.

二 我们今天所需要的奉献,乃是楼房上的奉献;在这种奉献里,我们付代价,全人与从天上来的异象“结婚”─二六19,一8,二十24。

B. The kind of consecration that we need today is an upper-room consecration, a consecration in which we pay the price to have our whole being "married" to the heavenly vision—26:19; 1:8; 20:24.

三 我们若为着从天上来的异象付代价,就会把我们后面的“桥”烧毁,使我们没有后路可以回头。

C. If we pay the price for the heavenly vision, we will "burn the bridges behind us" and will have no way to go backward.

四 我们到底有没有看见从天上来的异象,乃在于这一件事─愿不愿意付代价来买施膏的那灵作眼药─启三18。

D. Whether we have seen the heavenly vision or not depends on whether we are willing to pay the price to buy the anointing Spirit as the eyesalve—Rev. 3:18.

五 走主恢复的道路不是便宜的;这条路是昂贵的,需要付代价的奉献。

E. To take the way of the Lord's recovery is not cheap; this way is expensive and requires a costly consecration.

六 我们在这里不是为着一个运动,而是为着主的恢复;这恢复只能借着在楼房上专特、特出的奉献而得着完成。

F. We are not here for a movement but for the Lord's recovery, and the recovery can be carried out only by the specific and extraordinary consecration in the upper room.

七 那一百二十个在楼房上的人都成了燔祭;他们在灵里为主焚烧,也以神圣生命之神圣的火焚烧别人─路十二49,50,徒二3,4,罗十二11。

G. The one hundred twenty in the upper room all became a burnt offering; they were burning for the Lord in spirit, and they burned others with the divine fire of the divine life—Luke 12:49-50; Acts 2:3-4; Rom. 12:11.

八 当主耶稣在地上时,大批的群众跟随祂,但他们没有为着主的行动给主什么;主的行动乃是在于那些在楼房上的人,在于那些眼睛得开、心被摸着的人─徒十七6下。

H. When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, great crowds followed Him, but they did not afford Him anything for His move; His move was with those in the upper room, with those whose eyes had been opened and whose hearts had been touched—Acts 17:6b.

九 翻转世界并转移时代的乃是少数人;我们若要在楼房上,就需要有专特的祷告:“主,我愿意在楼房上,为着你见证的恢复。”

I. It is a small number who will turn the world and change the age; if we would be in the upper room, we need to pray in a specific way and say, "Lord, I am willing to be in the upper room for the recovery of Your testimony."


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