第五篇 基督作为石头救主,产生为着神建造的活石

Christ as the Stone-Savior Producing Living Stones for God's Building



壹 在行传四章十至十二节我们看见,基督这房角石为犹太首领这些匠人所鄙视并钉十字架,神却叫祂从死人中复活,成了神建造的房角石,神的拯救唯独在祂里面。─引用经文

I. In Acts 4:10-12 we see that as the cornerstone Christ was despised and crucified by the Jewish leaders, the builders, but raised from the dead by God, becoming the cornerstone of God's building with God's salvation being uniquely in Him.

贰 诗篇一百一十八篇说到基督是神建造的房角石:─引用经文

II. Psalm 118 speaks of Christ as the cornerstone for God's building:

一 “匠人所弃的石头,已成了房角的头块石头”─22节:

A. "The stone which the builders rejected Has become the head of the corner"—v. 22:

1 主耶稣在马太二十一章四十二节引用这节,指明祂是为着神建造的石头。─引用经文

1. The Lord Jesus quoted this verse in Matthew 21:42, where He was indicating that He is the stone for God's building.

2 基督是房角石,为着在新约时代建造召会─十六18。

2. Christ is the cornerstone for the building up of the church in the New Testament age—16:18.

3 因着主在马太二十一章四十二节的话,彼得得知主是神所宝贵的宝贵石头─彼前二4、6。

3. From the Lord's word in Matthew 21:42, Peter came to know the Lord as the precious stone held in honor by God—1 Pet. 2:4, 6.

二 在祂复活的日子,主耶稣被神作成房角石─诗一一八24:

B. On the day of His resurrection the Lord Jesus was made the cornerstone by God—Psa. 118:24:

1 在已过的永远,基督为神所拣选,作神属灵建筑的房角石─彼前一20,二4。

1. Christ was chosen by God in eternity past to be the cornerstone for God's spiritual building—1 Pet. 1:20; 2:4.

2 作匠人的犹太首领,弃绝基督到极点,到一个地步将祂钉在十字架上─太二一38,42。

2. The Jewish leaders as the builders rejected Him to the uttermost, to such an extent that they put Him on the cross—Matt. 21:38-42.

3 在基督的复活里,神第二次拣选基督作房角石,借此印证祂在已过的永远里对基督原初的拣选─徒四10,11。

3. God chose Christ as the cornerstone a second time in Christ's resurrection, thereby confirming His initial choosing of Christ in eternity past—Acts 4:10-11.

4 神使基督复活以后,将祂高举到诸天之上─路二四51,徒一9:

4. After God resurrected Christ, He uplifted Him to the heavens—Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9:

a 基督升到诸天之上的锡安,进一步印证神已拣选祂作房角石─启十四1,赛二八16,彼前二6。

a. Christ's ascension to Zion in the heavens is a further confirmation that God had chosen Him to be the cornerstone—Rev. 14:1; Isa. 28:16; 1 Pet. 2:6.

b 基督的复活与升天都证明并印证,祂是神所拣选为着神建筑的房角首石─诗一一八22,徒四11。

b. Both Christ's resurrection and His ascension prove and confirm that He is the One whom God has chosen to be the head of the corner for God's building—Psa. 118:22; Acts 4:11.

三 基督作为包罗万有的石头,乃是神行动的中心,为着建造神永远的居所─太二一42、44,亚三9,弗二19,22:

C. As the all-inclusive stone, Christ is the centrality of God's move for the building up of His eternal habitation—Matt. 21:42, 44; Zech. 3:9; Eph. 2:19-22:

1 基督所是的一切,祂所作成的一切,以及祂正在作的一切,都在于祂是房角石。

1. Everything Christ is, everything He has done, and everything He is doing are due to the fact that He is the cornerstone.

2 因着祂是房角石,祂才能为我们死,我们才能与祂同钉十字架,与祂一同活过来,与祂一同复活,并与祂一同坐在诸天界里;祂也才能拯救我们,将我们变化成为宝石,并将我们建造在一起成为神的居所,就是神宇宙中独一的殿─加二20,弗二5,6、20,22。

2. It is by His being the cornerstone that He could die for us, that we could be crucified with Him, made alive with Him, resurrected with Him, and seated with Him in the heavenlies, and that He could save us, transform us into precious stones, and build us together to be God's habitation, God's unique temple in the universe—Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:5-6, 20-22.

叁 在行传四章十至十二节彼得宣告基督是石头救主:─引用经文

III. In Acts 4:10-12 Peter proclaimed Christ as the Stone-Savior:

一 彼得引用诗篇一百一十八篇,指明他不仅传扬基督是拯救罪人的救主,也传扬基督是为着神建造的石头─徒四11,12:

A. Peter's quoting Psalm 118 indicates that he preached Christ not only as the Savior for the salvation of sinners but also as the stone for God's building—Acts 4:11-12:

1 这样一位基督,乃是罪人唯一的救恩。

1. It is such a Christ who is the unique salvation to sinners.

2 祂的名为犹太首领所轻弃,却为神所宝贵,在天下人间,靠着这独一的名,罪人必然得救,不仅脱离罪,且有分于神的建造─12节,腓二9,10,太一21,彼前二5。

2. It is in His unique name under heaven, a name despised and rejected by the Jewish leaders but honored by God, that sinners must be saved not only from sin but also to participate in God's building—v. 12; Phil. 2:9-10; Matt. 1:21; 1 Pet. 2:5.

二 基督不仅是那圣别者、公义者、生命的创始者、仆人,祂也是为着神建造的石头:

B. Christ is not only the holy One, the righteous One, the Author of life, and the Servant; He is also the stone for God's building:

1 这石头是我们唯一可以靠着得救的那一位─徒四11,12。

1. This stone is the unique One in whom we can be saved—Acts 4:11-12.

2 基督是石头救主;祂作石头救主,乃是坚固、刚强、可靠的。

2. Christ is the Stone-Savior; as the Stone-Savior, He is solid, strong, and reliable.

3 我们唯有在耶稣的名里才能得救,而耶稣是那石头;这意思是我们有一位石头救主。

3. We can be saved only in the name of Jesus, and Jesus is the stone; this means that we have a Stone-Savior.

三 神在基督里成为肉体来作石头,是要建造神宇宙的居所─约一1、14,太二一42:

C. In Christ God came in incarnation to be a stone for the building of God's universal habitation—John 1:1, 14; Matt. 21:42:

1 起先,基督是普通的石头;犹太首领弃绝祂,将祂杀害。

1. At first, Christ was a common stone, and the Jewish leaders rejected Him by killing Him.

2 神宝贵祂,叫祂从死人中复活,使祂成为房角石,就是联络建筑物两堵墙的特出石头。

2. God honored Him by raising Him from the dead and making Him a cornerstone, the prominent stone, that joins the walls of a building.

3 基督是神居所的房角石,将犹太信徒这面墙与外邦信徒这面墙联结起来─弗二22。

3. As the cornerstone of God's habitation, Christ joins the wall of the Jewish believers and the wall of the Gentile believers—Eph. 2:22.

肆 基督作为石头救主正在产生活石为着神的建造,就是神属灵的殿─彼前二4,8:

IV. Christ as the Stone-Savior is producing living stones for God's building, God's spiritual house—1 Pet. 2:4-8:

一 对我们信徒而言,复活的基督是繁殖的石头和建造的石头─4,5节:

A. For us as believers, the resurrected Christ is the propagating stone and the building stone—vv. 4-5:

1 首先,我们成为祂的繁殖,现今祂正将我们建造在一起,成为神的居所─5节。

1. First, we became His propagation, and now He is building us up together into God's dwelling place—v. 5.

2 基督作为神经纶中的石头救主,是为着神建造的建造者和材料─太十六18,彼前二4,5。

2. As the Stone-Savior in God's economy, Christ is both the Builder and the material for God's building—Matt. 16:18; 1 Pet. 2:4-5.

二 借由主在约翰一章四十二节和马太十六章十八节的说话,彼得得着基督和信徒都是为着神建造之活石的启示,并且至终领悟神的目标是要得着用活石所建造的属灵的殿─彼前二4,8:

B. Through the Lord's speaking in John 1:42 and Matthew 16:18, Peter received the revelation that both Christ and the believers are living stones for God's building and eventually realized that God's goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones—1 Pet. 2:4-8:

1 彼前二章四节说到基督是活石:─引用经文

1. First Peter 2:4 speaks of Christ as a living stone:

a 活石不仅有生命,也能在生命里长大;这活石就是为着神的建造的基督。

a. A living stone is one that not only possesses life but also grows in life; this is Christ for God's building.

b 为着作我们的生命,基督是种子;为着神的建造,祂是石头。

b. As life to us, Christ is the seed; for God's building, He is the stone.

c 我们接受祂作生命的种子后,就需要长大,好经历祂作活在我们里面的石头─一23,二2、4。

c. After receiving Him as the seed of life, we need to grow so that we may experience Him as the stone living in us—1:23; 2:2, 4.

d 这样,祂要把我们作成因祂神圣性情而变化的活石,好在祂这根基和房角石上与别人同被建造,成为属灵的殿─林前三10,弗二20。

d. In this way He makes us living stones, transformed with His divine nature, so that we may be built up together with others as a spiritual house upon Him as both the foundation and the cornerstone—1 Cor. 3:10; Eph. 2:20.

2 在基督里并借着基督,我们信徒就成为活石,被建造成为属灵的殿─彼前二5:

2. In Christ and through Christ we, as believers, become living stones to be built up as a spiritual house—1 Pet. 2:5:

a 我们借着重生和变化而成为活石─约三6,林后三18。

a. We are living stones through regeneration and transformation—John 3:6; 2 Cor. 3:18.

b 我们原是用泥土造的(罗九21),但在重生时得着生命的种子,这种子在我们里面长大,就把我们变化为活石─彼前二2、5。

b. We were created of clay (Rom. 9:21), but at regeneration we received the seed of life, which by its growth in us transforms us into living stones—1 Pet. 2:2, 5.

3 我们被建造在其中的属灵的殿,乃是神的建造─弗二21,22:

3. The spiritual house into which we are being built up is God's building—Eph. 2:21-22:

a 至终,这建造要完成于新耶路撒冷这座石头城─启二一2。

a. Eventually, this building will consummate in the New Jerusalem, the stone city—Rev. 21:2.

b 我们正渐渐成为要建造在新耶路撒冷里的宝石。

b. We are becoming the precious stones that will be built up into the New Jerusalem.

c 当我们天天接触基督这为着神建造的活石,并且被变化,我们就是在这过程中─彼前二4,5,罗十二2。

c. This process takes place as we daily contact Christ, the living stone for God's building, and are transformed—1 Pet. 2:4-5; Rom. 12:2.


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