第八篇 节期(一)安息日、逾越节、无酵节

The Feasts (1) The Sabbath, the Feast of the Passover, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread



壹 利未记二十三章里的节期乃是为着安息和享受,预表基督作我们的安息和享受─2节,太十一28~30:

I. The feasts in Leviticus 23 were for rest and enjoyment and typify Christ as our rest and enjoyment—v. 2; Matt. 11:28-30:

一 神命定了节期,使祂的子民可以与祂一同安息,一同喜乐,使他们与神并彼此同享神为祂赎民所预备的一切;这享受和安息不是个人的,乃是团体的─利二三1~2。

A. God ordained the feasts that His people might rest with Him and be joyful with Him, that they might enjoy with Him and with one another all that He has provided for His redeemed people; the rest and enjoyment were not individual but corporate—Lev. 23:1-2.

二 耶和华所定的节期乃是圣会,是神子民为着特别、专一目的而被召聚的特别聚集─4节。

B. The feasts appointed by Jehovah were holy convocations, special assemblies of God's people called for a special and particular purpose—v. 4.

三 这些圣会表征信徒聚集为召会,在神面前,与神并彼此团体的以基督为安息和享受─林前十16~17。

C. These signify the gathering of the believers as the church to have a corporate rest and enjoyment of Christ before God, with God, and with one another—1 Cor. 10:16-17.

贰 每周的节期,安息日,表征蒙神救赎之人与神并彼此同享的安息;每七日有一日为着安息与享受─利二三3:

II. The weekly feast, the Sabbath, signifies the rest that God's redeemed people enjoy with God and with one another; every seven days there was a day for rest and enjoyment—Lev. 23:3:

一 安息日的原则乃是我们该停下我们的工作,因为神为我们作成了一切,并且成为一切,给我们享受─创二2~3。

A. The principle of the Sabbath is that we should cease our work because God has done everything for us and has become everything for our enjoyment—Gen. 2:2-3.

二 按照创世记,安息日对神来说是第七日,但对人来说是第一日─一26~二3:

B. According to the book of Genesis, to God the Sabbath is the seventh day, but to man it is the first day—1:26—2:3:

1 这件事的意义乃是:安息日对神而言是作工之后安息,对人而言却是先安息,后作工。

1. The significance of this is that to God the Sabbath was rest after work, but to man it was rest first and then work.

2 神先作了六天工,然后在第七日安息了;但人是在他的第一日安息,然后才开始作工。

2. God first worked for six days and then rested on the seventh day; man rested on his first day and then began to work.

3 人的第一日是安息的日子,这立了一个神圣的原则:神首先以享受来供应我们,然后我们与祂同工─林前十五10,三9上、10,林后六1。

3. Man's first day being a day of rest established a divine principle: God first supplies us with enjoyment, and then we work together with Him—1 Cor. 15:10; 3:9a, 10; 2 Cor. 6:1.

三 安息日的原则不仅应用于创造,也应用于救赎;基督救赎工作的结果,乃是基督自己作安息日─弗一6~7,来一3,九11~12。

C. The principle of the Sabbath applies not only in creation but also in redemption; the result of Christ's work in redemption is Christ Himself as the Sabbath—Eph. 1:6-7; Heb. 1:3; 9:11-12.

四 每年一切节期的主要意义,就是神的子民与神并彼此一同享受安息─利二三7~8、21、25、28、31~32、35~36、39节:

D. The principal denotation of all the annual feasts is for God's people to enjoy rest with God and with one another—Lev. 23:7-8, 21, 25, 28, 31-32, 35-36, 39:

1 因此,安息就是每年七个节期的意义;每年的各个节期,如同每周的安息,乃是一个安息。

1. Rest is thus the denotation of the seven annual feasts; every annual feast, like the weekly rest, was a rest.

2 每周的安息,奠定每年神的百姓与神同过圣节的基础。

2. The weekly rest lays the foundation for God's people to keep the holy feasts with God annually.

五 每周的安息日乃是严整的休息;这严整的休息,表征与神一同之真实且彻底的安息,给蒙神救赎的人与神并彼此一同享受─3节。

E. The weekly Sabbath was a complete, solemn rest; this complete rest signifies a genuine and thorough rest with God for God's redeemed people to enjoy with Him and with one another—v. 3.

六 这安息日,这安息,乃是“向耶和华守的”,表征神的赎民有分于使神喜乐并享受的安息─3节。

F. This Sabbath, this rest, was "to Jehovah," signifying a rest for God's joy and enjoyment, participated in by His redeemed people—v. 3.

叁 每年有七个节期─4~44节:

III. There were seven annual feasts—vv. 4-44:

一 七是完全的数字,表征每年的七个节期乃是完全在神的丰富里。

A. Seven is the number of fullness, signifying that the seven annual feasts were in the fullness of God's riches.

二 基督是安息日与每年一切节期的实际─西二16~17。

B. Christ is the reality of the Sabbath and of all the annual feasts—Col. 2:16-17.

肆 逾越节是在一年的正月,就是一段时期的开始─利二三4~5:

IV. The Feast of the Passover is in the first month of the year, that is, the beginning of a course—Lev. 23:4-5:

一 这表征基督作我们的救赎,是我们与神同享神救恩的起始─5节:

A. This signifies Christ as our redemption to begin our enjoyment of God's salvation with God—v. 5:

1 逾越节是神为祂子民所设立之一切节期中的第一个节期,预表基督是我们对祂之享受的开端,使我们开始过基督徒的生活─林前五7~8。

1. The Passover, the first feast of all the annual feasts ordained by God for His people, typifies that Christ is the beginning of our enjoyment of Him that originates our Christian life—1 Cor. 5:7-8.

2 整个基督徒的生活都该是这样的节期─8节。

2. The entire Christian life should be such a feast—v. 8.

二 逾越节这辞含有越过的意义─出十二:

B. The Passover is in the denotation of a passing over—Exo. 12:

1 这表征审判的神越过我们这些在罪中的罪人,并使我们享受祂作我们的筵席。

1. This signifies that the judging God has passed over us, the sinners who are in our sins, so that we may enjoy Him as our feast.

2 今天我们有救赎的神自己作这筵席,使我们享受祂作安息与喜乐。

2. Today we have this feast, which is the redeeming God Himself, and we are enjoying Him for rest and for joy.

三 在这逾越节里,基督不仅是逾越节的羊羔,更是整个逾越节─林前五7下:

C. In the Passover, Christ is not only the Passover lamb but also the entire Passover—1 Cor. 5:7b:

1 为着完成神永远的经纶,基督在祂法理一面借着死所成就之完全的救赎里,并在祂生机一面凭生命所成就之完整的救恩里,乃是逾越节─7~8节。

1. In His perfect redemption through His death judicially and in His complete salvation by His life organically for the carrying out of God's eternal economy, Christ is the Feast of the Passover—vv. 7-8.

2 为了作我们的逾越节,祂在十字架上被杀献祭,使我们蒙救赎,并与神和好。

2. To be our Passover, He was sacrificed on the cross that we might be redeemed and reconciled to God.

3 基于基督的救赎,我们能在神面前享受祂作这节:

3. Based upon Christ's redemption, we may enjoy Him as a feast before God:

a 在这节中不可有酵─7节上。

a. In this feast no leaven is allowed to be present—v. 7a.

b 罪和救赎的基督不能并存。

b. Sin and the redeeming Christ cannot go together.

四 逾越节的筵席是神完全救赎的表征,这完全的救赎是将神所拣选的人带进对祂自己完全的享受里。

D. The Feast of the Passover is a sign of God's full redemption, and this full redemption is the bringing of God's chosen people into the full enjoyment of Himself.

五 主的桌子也是一个筵席,顶替并继续逾越节─路二二7~20:

E. The Lord's table, which also is a feast, replaces and continues the Feast of the Passover—Luke 22:7-20:

1 今天在召会生活中,我们乃是赴这新约的筵席;然而,这筵席要到要来国度里的筵席才会完全应验─16、18节。

1. Today in the church life we are attending the New Testament feast, but this feast will not be fulfilled completely until the feast in the coming kingdom—vv. 16, 18.

2 逾越节是一个筵席,有三个阶段:逾越节的筵席、主桌子的筵席和国度里的筵席。

2. The Feast of the Passover is one feast in three stages: the Feast of the Passover, the feast at the Lord's table, and the feast in the kingdom.

伍 无酵节表征无罪的基督,成为筵席,作我们在无罪生活中的享受─利二三6~8,林后五21:

V. The Feast of Unleavened Bread signifies Christ, who is without sin, for our enjoyment as a feast in a life apart from sin—Lev. 23:6-8; 2 Cor. 5:21:

一 无酵节紧接在逾越节之后,所以这两个节期是一起的;前者─逾越节─是开始,后者─无酵节─是延续─利二三5~6。

A. Since the Feast of Unleavened Bread closely followed the Feast of the Passover, these two feasts should be considered together; the first feast—the Feast of the Passover—was the beginning, and the second feast—the Feast of Unleavened Bread—was the continuation—Lev. 23:5-6.

二 守除酵节(申十六1~8)预表借着享受基督作无罪的生命供应,洁除一切有罪的事物─出二三15:

B. Keeping the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Deut. 16:1-8) typifies the purging away of all sinful things through the enjoyment of Christ as the sinless life supply—Exo. 23:15:

1 以色列人中不可见发酵物,这表征我们必须对付所觉得的罪,就是对付显明的罪,看得见的罪─十三7,十二19,林前五7上,来十二1~2上:

1. No leaven was to be seen with the children of Israel; this signifies that we must deal with the sin of which we are conscious, with any sin that is manifested, that is seen—13:7; 12:19; 1 Cor. 5:7a; Heb. 12:1-2a:

a 对付显明的罪就是守除酵节。

a. To deal with manifested sin is to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

b 我们若容忍暴露出来的罪,就会失去神子民之交通的享受─出十二19,林前五13。

b. If we tolerate sin once it is exposed, we will lose the enjoyment of the fellowship of God's people—Exo. 12:19; 1 Cor. 5:13.

2 基督是我们的无酵饼,是我们纯诚真实、无罪的生命供应,绝对纯净,没有搀杂,并且满了实际─7~8节:

2. Christ is our unleavened bread, our sinless life supply of sincerity and truth, absolutely pure, without mixture, and full of reality—vv. 7-8:

a 除罪唯一的路,就是天天吃无酵饼所表征之基督这钉死、复活且无罪的生命。

a. The only way to eliminate sin is to daily eat Christ as the crucified, resurrected, and sinless life, signified by the unleavened bread.

b 无酵饼表征无罪的基督要分赐到我们这些祂的信徒里面,作无酵(无罪)的元素;基督是无酵饼,是属灵、神圣的食物,使我们无酵。

b. The unleavened bread signifies the sinless Christ who is to be dispensed into us, His believers, as the unleavened (sinless) element; as the unleavened bread, Christ is the spiritual and divine food that makes us unleavened.

c 当我们接受基督作我们的生命─无酵的生命,纯净人的生命,这生命就纯净我们─西三4,约六48、57、63。

c. When we take Christ as our life—an unleavened life, a purifying life—this life purifies us—Col. 3:4; John 6:48, 57, 63.

3 基督作为无酵饼,使我们过纯净的召会生活─林前五7~8:

3. As the unleavened bread, Christ is for us to live a pure church life—1 Cor. 5:7-8:

a 召会中不该有酵,酵在圣经中表征一切消极的事物,就如错误的道理和实行、恶行以及有罪的事物。

a. In the church there should be no leaven, which in the Bible signifies all negative things, such as wrong doctrines and practices, evil deeds, and sinful things.

b 我们需要成为新团(7)─召会─由信徒在新性情里组成。

b. We need to be a new lump (v. 7)—the church, composed of believers in their new nature.

三 无酵节持续七天,表征我们基督徒生活的整个期间─利二三8:

C. The Feast of Unleavened Bread lasting for seven days signifies the entire course of our Christian life—Lev. 23:8:

1 我们整个基督徒生活的期间乃是无酵节,就是无罪的节期─林前五8。

1. The course of our Christian life is a feast of unleavened bread, a feast without sin—1 Cor. 5:8.

2 我们已蒙救赎脱离罪,现今这无罪的救赎主,乃是我们一生的节期─林后五21。

2. We have been redeemed from sin, and now our Redeemer, who is without sin, is the feast for our entire life—2 Cor. 5:21.

3 我们基督徒的一生应当享受安息,享受神,享受我们的救赎主。

3. Throughout the course of our Christian life, we should be enjoying rest, enjoying God, and enjoying our Redeemer.

四 在无酵节的第一日和第七日都当有圣会,什么劳碌的工都不可作;这表征我们从头一日就团体地享受基督,并无人为的劳苦,直到行完基督徒生活的全程─利二三8。

D. Having a holy convocation on the first and last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, with no work of labor, signifies that we enjoy Christ corporately without our human labor, from the first day until the last day of the course of our Christian life—Lev. 23:8.

五 要将火祭献给神七日(一段完整的时期),表征我们在基督徒生活的整个期间,不断地把基督献给神作食物─8节:

E. The presenting of an offering by fire to Jehovah for seven days (a full course of time) signifies that we offer Christ as food to God continually through the full course of our Christian life—v. 8:

1 在主的筵席上,我们向全宇宙展示,我们在一周当中,天天取用基督作我们无酵的食物,作我们无罪生命的供应,并且我们是同着祂来赴席─林前五7~8。

1. At the Lord's table we makea display to the entire universe that each day of the week we take Christ as our unleavened bread, as our life supply apart from sin, and that we come to the table with Him—1 Cor. 5:7-8.

2 然后我们将所享受为食物的这一位,献给神使祂满足─约六32~33、48、50~57。

2. Then we offer to God for His satisfaction the One whom we have been enjoying as our food—John 6:32-33, 48, 50-57.


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