第七篇 蒙拣选成为圣别,过圣别的生活,以彰显圣别的神,并成为圣城

Chosen to Be Holy with a Holy Living to Express the Holy God and Become the Holy City



壹 在已过的永远里,我们在基督里蒙拣选,好成为圣别;在今世,我们正在被圣化,被基督作为“那灵,那圣别的”所浸透,要成为圣别;在来世以至于将来的永远,我们将终极完成为圣城─弗一4,帖前五23,弗五26~27,启十九7~9,二一2、9~10:

I. We were chosen in Christ to be holy in eternity past; we are being sanctified, saturated with Christ as "the Spirit, the Holy," to be holy in this age; and we will be consummated to be the holy city in the next age and for eternity future—Eph. 1:4; 1 Thes. 5:23; Eph. 5:26-27; Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2, 9-10:

一 圣别的意思不仅是成圣,分别归神,也是与一切凡俗的不同、有别;只有神与一切不同,与一切有别;因此,祂是圣别的,圣别是祂的性情:

A. Holy means not only sanctified, separated unto God, but also different, distinct, from everything that is common; only God is different, distinct, from all things; hence, He is holy, and holiness is His nature:

1 神拣选我们,使我们成为圣别(弗一4);神使我们成为圣别的方法,乃是将祂自己这圣别者分赐到我们里面,使我们全人被祂圣别的性情充满并浸透;对我们这些神所拣选的人,成为圣别就是有分于神的性情(彼后一4),并使我们全人被神自己所充满。─引用经文

1. He chose us that we should be holy (Eph. 1:4), and He makes us holy by imparting Himself, the Holy One, into our being, that our whole being may be permeated and saturated with His holy nature; for us, God's chosen ones, to be holy is to partake of God's divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4) and to have our whole being permeated with God Himself.

2 这与仅仅无罪的完全,或无罪的纯洁不同;这使我们全人在神的性情和特性上圣别,像神自己一样。

2. This is different from mere sinless perfection or sinless purity; this makes our being holy in God's nature and character, just like God Himself.

二 父在创立世界以前,在基督里拣选了我们,使我们在爱里,在祂面前,成为圣别、没有瑕疵─弗一4:

B. The Father chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love—Eph. 1:3-4:

1 神所拣选的人只该被神自己所浸透,没有外来的东西,就如堕落的天然属人成分、肉体、己或世界的事;这就是没有瑕疵,在神的圣别性情之外没有任何别的成分搀杂。

1. God's chosen ones should be saturated only with God Himself, having no foreign particles, such as the fallen natural human element, the flesh, the self, or worldly things; this is to be without blemish, without any mixture, without any element other than God's holy nature.

2 我们成为基督的新妇,不是借着自我改正,乃是借着被神浸透;这是圣经中所启示的圣别、成圣─帖前五23,罗六19、22。

2. We do not become Christ's bride by self-correction but by being saturated with God; this is the holiness, the sanctification, revealed in the Bible—1 Thes. 5:23; Rom. 6:19, 22.

3 召会被话中的水彻底洗涤之后,就要这样成为圣别,在生机上被基督浸透并美化,使她成为基督荣耀的召会,祂圣别的新妇─弗五25~27,参约十七17。

3. The church, after being thoroughly washed by the water in the word, will be sanctified in such a way as to be saturated and beautified with Christ organically so that she may be His glorious church, His holy bride—Eph. 5:25-27; cf. John 17:17.

4 以弗所一章四节的爱是指神爱祂所拣选之人的爱,以及神所拣选之人爱祂的爱;神所拣选的人乃是在这爱里,在这样的爱里,在祂面前成为圣别、没有瑕疵:─引用经文

4. In Ephesians 1:4 love refers to the love with which God loves His chosen ones and His chosen ones love Him; it is in this love, in such a love, that God's chosen ones become holy and without blemish before Him:

a 神先爱我们,然后这神圣的爱激起我们用爱回报祂─补充本诗歌三三三、三三五首。

a. First, God loved us; then this divine love inspires us to love Him in return—Hymns, #546, #547.

b 在这样爱的情形与气氛中,我们被神浸透,成为圣别、没有瑕疵,像祂一样。

b. In such a condition and atmosphere of love, we are saturated with God to be holy and without blemish, just as He is.

三 成为圣别,先是分别归神,其次是被神接管,第三是被神据有,第四是被神浸透,且与神是一。

C. To be holy is first to be separated to God; second, to be taken over by God; third, to be possessed by God; and fourth, to be saturated with God and one with God.

四 最终,这事的结果乃是新耶路撒冷;这圣别的实体属于神、为神所据有、所浸透,且与神是一。

D. Eventually, the issue of this is the New Jerusalem, a holy entity belonging to God, possessed by God, saturated with God, and one with God.

贰 利未记十八至二十章是论到神圣别子民的圣别生活,与以弗所四章十七节至五章十四节相符,吩咐神圣别的子民脱去旧人,穿上新人,过圣别的生活,像神是圣别的一样,作祂的彰显:─引用经文

II. Leviticus 18—20 is on the holy living of God's holy people and corresponds to Ephesians 4:17—5:14, which charges the holy people of God to put off the old man and put on the new man, living a life that is holy, as God is holy, for His expression:

一 在以弗所四章十七至三十二节,有三节重要的经文给我们看见,神圣三一的神圣分赐是为着召会生活过圣别生活的基础:─引用经文

A. In Ephesians 4:17-32 there are three significant verses that show the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity as the base for living a holy life for the church life:

1 首先是十八节,说到与神的生命隔绝;神的生命乃是为了在祂神圣的分赐里,用祂神圣的丰富供应祂的儿女。─引用经文

1. The first is verse 18, which speaks of being alienated from the life of God; the life of God is for supplying His children with His divine riches in His divine dispensing.

2 第二是二十一节,说到那在耶稣身上是实际者;那在耶稣身上是实际者,就是当耶稣在地上生活时,神的生命在耶稣身上所显出的实行;这是指耶稣一生的真实光景,如四福音书所记载的:─引用经文

2. The second is verse 21, which speaks of the reality in Jesus; the reality in Jesus is the practicality of the life of God that took place in Jesus while He lived on earth; it is the actual condition of the life of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels:

a 在耶稣的日常生活里,如四福音书所记载的,有非常真实的东西,那非常真实的东西就是神的神圣生命实化并实行出来,成为耶稣人性中的实际。

a. In the daily life of Jesus, as recorded in the four Gospels, there was something very real, and that real thing was just God's divine life realized and practiced as the reality in Jesus'humanity.

b 这在耶稣身上的实际,是为要用基督人性中敬虔的生活,在祂神圣的分赐里灌注信徒。

b. This reality in Jesus is for infusing the believers with Christ's godly living in His humanity, in His divine dispensing.

3 第三是三十节,警戒我们不要叫神的圣灵忧愁,我们原是在祂里面受了印记,直到得赎的日子:─引用经文

3. The third is verse 30, which admonishes us to not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom we were sealed unto the day of redemption:

a 盖印的灵也是印墨;这印墨的内容、元素和素质就是神圣的生命加上耶稣实际的人性;这印涂永远是湿的,能以三一神浸透、渗透并泡透我们。

a. The sealing Spirit is also the sealing ink, and the contents, elements, and essence of this sealing ink are the divine life plus Jesus'practical humanity; this sealing remains wet forever to saturate, permeate, and soak us with the Triune God.

b 神的生命、那在耶稣身上是实际者以及圣灵的盖印,乃是神圣分赐的三个源头,为着我们过彰显圣别之神的圣别生活:

b. The life of God, the reality in Jesus, and the sealing of the Holy Spirit are the three sources of the divine dispensing for our holy living to express the holy God:

㈠ 父的生命必须在我们的日常生活中成为实际,这实际就是那在耶稣身上的实际;这实际作为父生命的实行,又成了印墨,就是圣灵。

1) The Father's life must become the truth in our daily living, which truth is the reality in Jesus; this truth as the practicality of the life of the Father becomes the sealing ink, which is the Holy Spirit.

㈡ 这印墨印我们的时候,乃是以耶稣日常生活的实行中那神圣的生命浸透、渗透、泡透我们,使我们成为耶稣之生活(就是父生命之实行)的“影印本”。

2) While the sealing ink seals, it saturates, permeates, and soaks us with the divine life in the practicality of Jesus'daily life, making us a "Xerox copy" of Jesus'life, which is the practicality of the Father's life.

二 以色列人不可照着他们从前生活在埃及人中的那种样式生活(利十八3),表征信徒应当在从前旧的生活样式上,脱去旧人(弗四22)。─引用经文

B. The Israelites'not living in the manner of the Egyptians (Lev. 18:3), among whom they once lived, signifies that the believers should put off, as regards their former old way of living, the old man (Eph. 4:22).

三 以色列人不可在他们要被领进的地上,照着迦南人的样式生活,表征信徒得救后,不该模成世人生活与行为的样子(罗十二2)。─引用经文

C. The Israelites'not living in the manner of the Canaanites (Lev. 18:3), to whose land they were to be brought, signifies that, after being saved, the believers should not be conformed to the living and conduct of the worldly people (Rom. 12:2).

四 以色列人照着神的圣别过一种圣别的生活(利十八4~二十27),表征信徒应当穿上新人,这新人是照着神,在那实际的义和圣中所创造的(弗四24)。─引用经文

D. The Israelites'living a holy life according to God's holiness (Lev. 18:4—20:27) signifies that the believers should put on the new man, which was created according to God in righteousness and holiness of the reality (Eph. 4:24).

五 “因为那地受了玷污,所以我向那地追讨罪孽,那地也吐出其中的居民”─利十八25,参28,二十22:

E. "Because the land has become defiled, I visited its iniquity upon it, and the land vomited out its inhabitants"—Lev. 18:25; cf. v. 28; 20:22:

1 美地表征包罗万有的基督,是为着神子民生存和生活的供应,也是为着他们的享受。

1. The good land, signifying the all-inclusive Christ, is the supply for the existence and living of God's people and is also for their enjoyment.

2 美地吐出受玷污且不圣别的居民,表征包罗万有的基督,原是我们的居所和我们所需的一切,作我们的享受,但如果我们与祂的关系不正确,祂就要把我们从祂自己里面吐出去,不再让我们享受祂(参启三16)。─引用经文

2. The good land vomiting out the defiled and unholy people signifies that the all-inclusive Christ as our dwelling place and everything we need for our enjoyment will vomit us out of Himself and not allow us to enjoy Him any longer (cf. Rev. 3:16) if we are not proper in relation to Him.

六 要圣别,因为神是圣别的(利十九2,二十7、26),这表征要照着神的圣别行事为人,过圣别的生活(彼前一15,彼后三11)。─引用经文

F. Being holy because God is holy (Lev. 19:2; 20:7, 26) signifies walking according to God's holiness, living a holy life (1 Pet. 1:15; 2 Pet. 3:11).

七 利未记十九章五节和六节提到平安祭,指明在十八至二十章所描绘神圣别子民的圣别生活中,神圣别的子民在平安里有交通、来往、彼此的享受,乃是非常重要的:─引用经文

G. Leviticus 19:5 and 6 mention the peace offering, indicating that in the holy living of God's holy people, as portrayed in chapters 18—20, it is important that God's holy people have fellowship, communion, mutual enjoyment, in peace:

1 享受基督作平安祭,应当保持新鲜;信徒彼此之间并与神的交通若是陈旧,就不蒙神悦纳且为神所憎恶─十九5~7,参罗六4,七6。

1. The believers'enjoyment of Christ as the peace offering should be kept fresh; stale fellowship with one another and with God is not acceptable but is abhorrent to God—19:5-7; cf. Rom. 6:4; 7:6.

2 有分于陈旧交通的人,犯了轻看神的圣物之罪,会失去神子民中间的交通─利十九8。

2. The one who participates in stale fellowship is guilty of having despised the holy things of God and will lose the fellowship among God's people—Lev. 19:8.

八 “不可叫你的牲畜与异类交配;不可用两样搀杂的种子种田,也不可用两样搀杂的料子作衣服穿在身上”─19节:

H. "You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall a garment made of two kinds of material come upon you"—v. 19:

1 不容许有搀杂,这指明神要万物各从其类,没有任何种的搀杂─参创一11、21、24~25。

1. The fact that no mixture was allowed means that God wants everything to be according to its kind, without any kind of mixture—cf. Gen. 1:11, 21, 24-25.

2 牲畜交配不可搀杂,表征生命不可搀杂:凡凭神生命而活的,就不可凭肉体而活─参加五16~17。

2. Breeding cattle without mixture signifies that life is not allowed to be mixed: those living by the life of God must not live by the flesh—cf. Gal. 5:16-17.

3 播种不可搀杂,表征话语的职事不可搀杂:所供应神的话,不可与世界的话搀杂─林后二17,林前二13,提前一3~4。

3. Sowing seed without mixture signifies that the ministry of the word is not allowed to be mixed: the word of God that is ministered should not be mixed with the word of the world—2 Cor. 2:17; 1 Cor. 2:13; 1 Tim. 1:3-4.

4 不用搀杂的衣料作衣服,表征我们的行为不可搀杂:活在新约生命里的人,不该凭旧约的规条而活(加二19~20,五1~6);属于主的人,不该照着外邦人的风俗生活(利二十23,参弗四17,罗十二2上,林后六14~七1)。─引用经文

4. Making a garment without mixing materials signifies that our conduct is not allowed to be mixed: those living in the life of the New Testament should not live by the ordinances of the Old Testament (Gal. 2:19-20; 5:1-6), and those who belong to the Lord should not live according to the customs of the Gentiles (Lev. 20:23; cf. Eph. 4:17; Rom. 12:2a; 2 Cor. 6:14—7:1).

叁 我们需要过一种与祭司职任相配的圣别生活;唯有借着天天接触完全的基督,享受祂并经历祂,才能成为这样的人;祂要使我们完备、完全,且得到适当的平衡;这样,我们就够格在新约时代作祭司事奉神─彼前二5、9,参利二一16~24。

III. We need to live a holy life, a life that befits our priesthood; we can be such persons only by contacting the perfect Christ, enjoying Him and experiencing Him day by day; He will make us complete, perfect, and properly balanced; then we shall have all the qualifications required for us to serve as priests in the New Testament age—1 Pet. 2:5, 9; cf. Lev. 21:16-24.


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