第二篇 祭司一切事奉的根据─燔祭坛的火

The Basis of All Our Priestly Service—the Fire from the Altar of Burnt Offering



壹 神乃是烈火─来十二29,申四24,九3:

I. God is a consuming fire—Heb. 12:29; Deut. 4:24; 9:3:

一 作为那焚烧者,神是圣别的;圣别是祂的性情,凡与祂圣别性情不符的,祂这烈火就要烧尽─来十二29。

A. As the burning One, God is holy; holiness is His nature, and whatever does not correspond with His holy nature, He, as the consuming fire, will consume—Heb. 12:29.

二 在但以理七章九至十节,神的宝座乃是火焰,其轮乃是烈火,从祂面前有火河流出;这里的火指明神是绝对公义、全然圣别的。─引用经文

B. In Daniel 7:9-10 God's throne was flames of fire, its wheels were a burning fire, and a stream of fire issued forth and came out from before Him; the fire here indicates that God is absolutely righteous and altogether holy.

三 主借着祂的死,将祂自己这生命的火释放到人里面,而在地上焚烧─路十二49~50,约十二24:

C. Through His death the Lord released Himself into man as the fire of life to burn on the earth—Luke 12:49-50; John 12:24:

1 是灵的基督作七倍加强、赐生命的灵,乃是焚烧的火─来十二29,启四5,五6,一14,参亚二5。

1. The pneumatic Christ as the sevenfold intensified life-giving Spirit is a burning fire—Heb. 12:29; Rev. 4:5; 5:6; 1:14; cf. Zech. 2:5.

2 这火乃是属灵生命的冲力(推动力),出于主所释放的神圣生命。

2. This fire is the impulse (the impelling force) of the spiritual life, an impulse that comes from the Lord's released divine life.

3 “我们都被这火所烧着,被这火带在一起;现今我们有负担要使这火烧着更多的人。当基督那遮藏之神性的荣耀释放出来时,神圣的火就丢在地上,要焚烧全地。我们要让这火一直地烧!没有人能停止”─基督为父用神圣的荣耀所荣耀的结果,第七页。

3. "We all have been burned by this fire; we have been brought together by this fire; and now we are burdened that this fire would burn many others. When the concealed glory of Christ's divinity was released, a divine fire was cast on earth to burn the whole earth. Let the fire burn on! No one can stop it"—The Issue of Christ Being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory, pp. 11-12.

四 神的七灵是在宝座前点着的七盏火灯;这些火灯是为着执行神的行政─启四5。

D. The seven Spirits of God are the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne; these lamps of fire are for the carrying out of God's administration—Rev. 4:5.

五 在荆棘中焚烧的火焰乃是三一神,就是复活的神─出三2、4、6,太二二31~32。

E. The fire burning out of the midst of the thornbush was the Triune God, the God of resurrection—Exo. 3:2, 4, 6; Matt. 22:31-32.

六 神的话是火,焚烧我们和我们所信靠的许多事物─耶二三29,五14,二十9。

F. The word of God is a fire that burns us and many of the things in which we have confidence—Jer. 23:29; 5:14; 20:9.

七 那些有心愿事奉神的人,必须认识神是焚烧并加力的烈火;当神来到地上时,火也来到地上;当神进到人里面时,火也进到人里面,在人里面焚烧─来十二29,路十二49。

G. Those who have a desire to serve God must know that God is a consuming fire that burns and energizes; when God comes to the earth, fire comes to the earth, and when God enters into man, fire enters into man and burns in him—Heb. 12:29; Luke 12:49.

八 燔祭坛上焚烧的火是从天上降下来的─利九24:

H. The fire that burned on the altar of the burnt offering came down from the heavens—Lev. 9:24:

1 这火从天上降下来之后,就在坛上一直烧着─六13。

1. After coming down from the heavens, this fire burned continually upon the altar—6:13.

2 神圣的火,就是焚烧的三一神,使我们能事奉,甚至牺牲我们的生命─罗十二11,参徒十五26,二十24,二一13。

2. The divine fire, the burning Triune God, enables us to serve and even to sacrifice our lives—Rom. 12:11; cf. Acts 15:26; 20:24; 21:13.

贰 祭司对神的一切事奉,都必须根据于燔祭坛上的火;我们的事奉必须是这火烧出来的─利九24,十六12~13,六13,十1~11:

II. Every priestly service to God must be based on the fire from the altar of burnt offering, and our service must be the issue of the burning of this fire—Lev. 9:24; 16:12-13; 6:13; 10:1-11:

一 神要以色列人根据这火而事奉;烧香就是他们在神面前的事奉,而他们烧香所用的火必须取自祭坛上的火─六13,十六12~13。

A. God wanted the service of the children of Israel to be based on this fire; the burning of incense was their service to God, but the fire used for burning incense had to be taken from the altar—6:13; 16:12-13.

二 我们的事奉必须是神的火烧出来的─出三2~6。

B. Our service must come out of the burning of God's fire—Exo. 3:2-6.

三 火是热力的来源;我们的事奉要有热力,就必须经过祭坛的火烧─利六13:

C. Fire is a source of energy; in order for our service to be full of energy, our service must pass through the fire from the altar—Lev. 6:13:

1 这火该是我们里面的热力,推动力,冲击力;我们若有这火,我们的事奉就是出于神,不是出于我们自己─路十二49。

1. This fire should be the energy, the driving force, the impulse, within us; if we have this fire, our service will be out of God, not out of ourselves—Luke 12:49.

2 新约事奉的热力和动力出自天上的火;这火降下来烧在那些加利利渔夫身上,作了他们里面的热力和动力─徒二3。

2. The energy and the motivating power for the New Testament service began with fire from heaven; the fire that descended upon the Galilean fishermen became the energy and the motivating power within them—Acts 2:3.

3 这火是烧在那些爱神、把自己献给神、肯为神舍弃一切、肯把自己摆在神手里被破碎的人身上─利九24。

3. This fire burns on those who love God, who offer themselves to God, who are willing to forsake everything for God, and who are willing to place themselves in His hands in order to be broken—Lev. 9:24.

四 祭坛的火乃是事奉的真实动力─六13:

D. The fire from the altar is the genuine motivating power of service—6:13:

1 对于我们的事奉,神只作一件事,就是把祂的火烧到我们身上─路十二49,罗十二11。

1. What God does concerning our service is to send His fire to burn within us—Luke 12:49; Rom. 12:11.

2 我们若是诚心地把自己献给神,天上的火就会烧到我们身上;这个烧就变作推动我们的热力,结果就烧出我们的事奉来。

2. If we offer ourselves to God sincerely, fire will descend from heaven and burn us; this burning will become the energy that moves us, and the issue of this burning will be our service.

五 祭坛的火烧出有力的事奉:

E. The fire from the altar produces a powerful service:

1 燔祭坛就是主耶稣的十字架,而火就是那灵─加二20,徒二3~4。

1. The altar of burnt offering is the cross of the Lord Jesus, and the fire is the Spirit—Gal. 2:20; Acts 2:3-4.

2 真实事奉的根据乃是认识十字架,把自己摆在十字架上,让神得着,让神圣的火烧在我们里面,这才产生事奉─利六13,罗十二11。

2. The basis of genuine service is knowing the cross and placing ourselves on the cross in order to be gained by God and to allow the divine fire to burn within us; this produces service—Lev. 6:13; Rom. 12:11.

六 经历祭坛火烧的人,就用金、银、宝石建造─林前三12:

F. Those who experience the fire from the altar build with gold, silver, and precious stones—1 Cor. 3:12:

1 这样的工程满了神的成分,满了十字架的能力,也彰显神─一18,腓一20。

1. Such a work is full of the element of God, has the power of the cross, and expresses God—1:18; Phil. 1:20.

2 只有经过火的工程,才是金、银、宝石的;不是经过火的工程,就是木、草、禾秸的─林前三12。

2. Only the work that is produced through burning is of gold, silver, and precious stones; the work that is not produced through burning is of wood, grass, and stubble—1 Cor. 3:12.

3 有一天,各人的工程要被火试验;如果我们的工程是火烧出来的,就要经得起火烧的试验─13节。

3. The day will come when the work of each will be tested by fire; if our work is the issue of fire, our work will stand the test of fire—v. 13.

叁 我们绝不可用凡火事奉神,乃要用祭坛上的火─利十1~2,九24,六13:

III. We must serve God not with strange fire but with the fire from the altar—Lev. 10:1-2; 9:24; 6:13:

一 根据预表,祭坛以外任何的火都是凡火─十1。

A. According to typology, strange fire is any fire other than that which burns on the altar—10:1.

二 拿答和亚比户的失败在于他们没有用祭坛上的火;他们用的是凡俗的火,不是圣别的火。

B. The failure of Nadab and Abihu lay in their failure to use the fire from the altar; what they used was common fire, not holy fire.

三 凡火表征人所献给神天然的热心、天然的喜爱、天然的力量和天然的才能。

C. Strange fire signifies man's natural enthusiasm, natural affection, natural strength, and natural ability offered to God.

四 凡火就是己的火,就是属魂生命、血气生命和天然生命所发出来的火─太十六24~26,林前二14:

D. Strange fire is fire of the self; it is fire that issues from the soulish life, the fleshly life, and the natural life—Matt. 16:24-26; 1 Cor. 2:14:

1 凡火就是己的生命干涉神的工作。

1. Strange fire means that the self-life interferes with the works of God.

2 工作虽然是神的,可是己的生命要主张这些工作应当怎样作。

2. Although the works are God's, the self-life wants to dictate the way that the works are carried out.

3 献凡火,就是在对神的事奉上用己的方法,借着己的智慧,贯彻己的主张。

3. Offering up strange fire is employing the self 's methods and wisdom and insisting on the self 's proposals in the service of God.

五 拿答和亚比户受审判,不是因他们没有为神作事,乃是因他们照着天然的生命行事,用天然的方法为神作事─利十1~2。

E. Nadab and Abihu were judged not because they did something that was not for God but because they acted according to the natural life and did something for God in a natural way—Lev. 10:1-2.

六 献凡火乃是犯了妄为的罪;拿答和亚比户妄自想要为神作事─诗十九13。

F. The offering of strange fire was a sin of presumption; Nadab and Abihu presumed to do something for God—Psa. 19:13.

七 这是很强的警告,给我们看见,我们接触神圣的事物时,需要将十字架应用于我们天然的生命;否则,我们会遭受属灵的死亡。

G. This is a strong warning showing us that, in touching the divine things, we need to apply the cross to our natural life; otherwise, we will suffer spiritual death.

八 神不只注意有没有火,也注意火的源头和性质;我们的火热必须来自于祭坛─利六13。

H. God pays attention not only to whether there is fire but also to the source and nature of the fire; our zeal must come from the altar—Lev. 6:13.

九 每一个蒙神呼召的人都必须看见,他乃是荆棘,有火在他里面焚烧,而这火就是神自己─出三2~6:

I. Everyone who is called of God must realize that he is a thornbush with a fire burning within him and that this fire is God Himself—Exo. 3:2-6:

1 我们需要学一个功课:为神工作不可用天然的生命及其能力、力量和才能作为燃料,而要让神在我们里面焚烧。

1. We need to learn one lesson: to work for God without using the natural life, with its energy, strength, and ability, as the fuel but by letting God burn within us.

2 我们需要灵里火热,用主生命的火作奴仆服事祂,而不用凡火事奉祂,凡火会带来属灵的死亡─罗十二11,利十1~2。

2. We need to be burning in spirit, serving the Lord as a slave with the fire of His life, not with strange fire, which brings in spiritual death—Rom. 12:11; Lev. 10:1-2.

肆 燔祭坛上的火要一直烧着,不许也不该熄灭─六12~13:

IV. The fire on the altar of burnt offering should be kept burning continually; it must not go out, and it shall not go out—6:12-13:

一 一天过一天,在许多场合里,我们需要将自己在基督里献给神作常献的燔祭,而被神焚烧,使我们能焚烧别人─参罗十二1~2,民二八2~4、9~11、16~19、26~27,二九1~2、7~8、12~13、39~40。

A. Day by day and on many occasions, we need to offer ourselves in Christ to God as a continual burnt offering to be burned by Him so that we may burn others—cf. Rom. 12:1-2; Num. 28:2-4, 9-11, 16-19, 26-27; 29:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 39-40.

二 那灵使我们的灵火热,并使我们的恩赐如火挑旺;所以我们不该销灭那灵─帖前五19,罗十二11,提后一6:

B. The Spirit causes our spirit to be burning and our gifts to be flaming; hence, we should not quench Him—1 Thes. 5:19; Rom. 12:11; 2 Tim. 1:6:

1 我们必须将神所赐我们的灵如火挑旺起来,而让主焚烧我们,并使我们一直地焚烧─6~7节。

1. We must allow the Lord to burn us and to keep us burning continually by fanning our God-given spirit into flame—vv. 6-7.

2 我们必须享受神作为爱的火,好用祂的爱来爱祂,并爱别人─林后五14,歌八6~7,提后一7。

2. We must enjoy God as the fire of love to love Him and others with His love—2 Cor. 5:14; S. S. 8:6-7; 2 Tim. 1:7.

3 我们必须每早晨花时间与主在一起,有一个新的开始,而被祂复兴─利六12,箴四18,哀三22~24,诗一一九147~148。

3. We must have a time with the Lord every morning to have a new beginning and be revived by Him—Lev. 6:12; Prov. 4:18; Lam. 3:22-24; Psa. 119:147-148.

4 我们必须呼求主,激动自己起来抓住祂─罗十12,提后二22,赛六四7上。

4. We must call upon the Lord, stirring ourselves up to lay hold of Him—Rom. 10:12; 2 Tim. 2:22; Isa. 64:7a.

5 我们必须祷读神的话,用我们的灵划擦圣经的灵,以点着神圣的火─耶二三29,弗六17~18,提后三16。

5. We must pray-read God's Word, striking the Spirit of the Scripture with our spirit to catch the divine fire—Jer. 23:29; Eph. 6:17-18; 2 Tim. 3:16.

6 我们必须没有保留地向主敞开,被祂光照、焚烧并灌注,借此被那作为七盏火灯和基督焚烧七眼的七倍加强之灵所充满─启四5,五6,一14,箴二十27,玛三2。

6. We must be filled with the sevenfold intensified Spirit as the seven lamps of fire and the seven flaming eyes of Christ by opening ourselves to the Lord unreservedly in order to be enlightened by Him, burned by Him, and infused with Him—Rev. 4:5; 5:6; 1:14; Prov. 20:27; Mal. 3:2.

7 我们必须常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事谢恩─帖前五16~18。

7. We must always rejoice, pray unceasingly, and give thanks in everything—1 Thes. 5:16-18.

8 我们必须为主说话,将祂分赐到人里面,而在神经纶的行动里享受祂作我们炼净并推动的焚烧能力─徒二3~4,六4。

8. We must speak for the Lord to impart Him into others, enjoying Him as our burning power for purging and motivating in God's economical move—Acts 2:3-4; 6:4.

9 我们必须在众召会里,并在众召会之间彼此配搭,为着神独一的行动,享受祂作那使我们圣别的火─结一4、13,启一20,亚二5。

9. We must coordinate with one another in and among the churches to enjoy God as our sanctifying fire for His one move—Ezek. 1:4, 13; Rev. 1:20; Zech. 2:5.

10 七倍加强之灵如同七盏火灯焚烧,推动我们起来行动,以完成神的经纶─但十一32下。

10. The burning of the sevenfold intensified Spirit as the seven lamps of fire motivates us to rise up and take action for the carrying out of God's economy—Dan. 11:32b.


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